Steeple Times, September 2015 (Vol. 10, Issue 9)

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M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 0 , I s s u e : S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 5

Spotlight on Fine Arts@FPC By Donald Duncan While you’ve not heard much about it recently, Fine Arts@FPC is still rolling along. Plans are underway for another exciting season of fine music making and fellowship. Last season the series hosted 27 different concerts in the sanctuary, with a total attendance of approximately 7,100 persons. This year the plans will include a slightly smaller number of concerts that will hopefully impact as many, or more, attendees. Over the last few years, I’ve worked to hone in on the types and styles of concerts that appeal to the broadest audience base. I’m hopeful that this season will further that goal of reaching people in our community who would not otherwise know about FPC or come through our doors. The 2015/2016 season will include a fall choral concert with chamber orchestra featuring the music of Bach,

Brahms, and Beethoven, the ever-popular Christmas Spectacular, a Jazz Brunch, a special performance by the Boston Brass, the Emerald Piano Trio and much more! The brochure is in production, and plans are underway for the Fine Arts Garden Party. Be sure to find us, like us, and share us on Facebook ( and check the church website for more updates on the Fine Arts page. Children and the Power of Music For centuries the beautiful voices of children have adorned the worship of Almighty God. This venerable tradition continues at First Presbyterian Church. Our goal and aim of children’s choirs in worship is to assist our youngest Christians in their faith formation, musical education, and to give them a positive, fun way to participate and help lead worship. Children’s Continued on page 2.

i n t h i s i s s u e | H I G H L I G H T S & F E AT U R E S Spotlight on Fine Arts@FPC | pg 1-2

Rally Day Fiesta! | pg 3

East TX Youth Conference | pg 3

Join a choir or attend a concert. Learn what’s happening in Music Ministry at FPC Tyler.

Breakfast with your church community in a festive setting to kick off the new program year.

A conference for students set in the Piney Woods of East Texas at Camp Gilmont. For students grades 6-12.

First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 |

“Spotlight on Fine Arts@FPC,� continued from page 1.

choir rehearsal at First Presbyterian Church is not merely a pedantic rehearsal of hymns and anthems for performance in worship. The time spent in rehearsal is filled with creative methods of engaging children with music, each other, and God. They learn about our Reformed heritage of liturgy and music, as well as the texts that connect us to our identity as the children of God.

Wednesday, September 16. Ring & Sing is a hand-chime choir for children in grades 3-6. They meet on Sundays September through April from 9:15-9:55 a.m. in the Music Suite Handbell Room. These budding musicians learn the basics of music reading, handchime reading, and some singing as well. They present music in worship once or twice each semester. Ring & Sing is conducted by Laura Swartz and assisted by Rose Moranda. They will resume rehearsals on Sunday, September 20.

The Carol Choir (Pre-K through 2nd grade) rehearses most Wednesdays September through April from 5:00-5:45 p.m. in M105, and sing in the worship service approximately once a month. All children, regardless of musical ability, are welcome to attend. Margaret Bjork and Ruth Hardy are the directors of the choir. This choir will resume rehearsals on

Contact Donald Duncan, Director of Music & Organist (, if you are interested in enrolling your child in choir.

Music Opportunities for Adults and Youth By Donald Duncan Our congregation has (for quite literally more than a century) always placed a high value on the use of high quality music in worship. This continues today with opportunities for various expressions of musical offerings to the glory of Almighty God. All of our ensembles are open to members and non-members alike, although some require more musical skill and training than others. Below is an overview of what we have to offer. These ensembles stand ready to welcome new members into their ranks! Please contact Donald Duncan for more information about any of these ministries.

from the University of Texas at Tyler and Tyler Junior College. The choir prepares a wide repertoire drawn from nearly 900 years of the Western sacred music tradition, from Gregorian chants to modern compositions, with an emphasis on literature that enhances the liturgy of the Reformed tradition. Advanced voice training is not required, only a love of choral music, an ability to commit to weekly rehearsals, and a pleasant singing voice that is able to blend with others. This ensemble assists in leading worship at FPC most Sundays and rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Music Suite.

The Chancel Choir

The Carillon Handbell Choir

The Chancel Choir is an adult choral ensemble comprised of talented volunteers, as well as choral scholars

The gifted adult handbell ensemble assists in leading Sunday worship approximately once a month at the 11:00

a.m. worship service. This ensemble utilizes a five-octave set of Malmark handbells in addition to handchimes and other percussion instruments. Basic music reading ability is required for participation in this ensemble. The Carillon Choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in the Music Suite Handbell Room. Youth Praise Band The youth praise band, under the direction of Andy Martinez, prepares students to help lead worship for youth events, youth Sunday worship, and weekly gatherings. The ensemble consists of keyboard, percussion, strings, guitar, and winds. They rehearse each Sunday morning before Sunday school.

Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Lynn Collyer by the 15th of the month prior to publication: lmcollyer@, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at


EVENT HIGHLIGHTS together in the Fellowship Hall. Special activities for the children and youth add to the celebration. Help us recognize teachers and other Christian Education leaders for the important role they play in ministry at FPC Tyler. More info at

Sewing for Haitian Children September 2 & 16, 10 am | F101/102 Won’t you join the Sewing Bees and help them meet their goal of sewing 50 dresses and shorts for the children of St. Etienne, Haiti this month! Simple patterns and guidance provided. Visit or contact Mollie Bobo (903-530-2772/

Men’s Social & Hamburger Dinner Sunday, September 20, at 4-7 p.m. / 17636 East Side Dr. Join the Men of the Church for fellowship and hamburgers at the Tyler Yacht Club. Beverages will be provided. Bring a friend! Cost is $10 per person, payable at the event. Please RSVP at or contact Curtis Cooper (curtiscooper@suddenlink/903-312-0632).

SAM’s Club: Sing-Along Wednesday, September 9, 11 am | Fellowship Hall Join Senior Adult Ministries for a musical sing-along program led by Raymond Smith and Ruth Hardy. Rumor has it that our musical guests have a surprise in store—but you’ll have to stay ‘til the end of the program! RSVP required. Lunch is catered by Traditions. Meal tickets are $10 and payable at the door. RSVP by noon on Monday, September 7 at or call Bettie Clancy (903-521-1383).

Presbyterian Women’s Gathering September 21, 6 pm | F101/102 Join the women of the church for fellowship and a fall program. Look for more information in the weekly enews and the service bulletin. Contact Priscilla Maxfield (972-9659703).

Rally Day Fiesta! September 13, 9:30 am / Fellowship Hall Plan now to attend the Rally Day festivities on Sunday, September 13. The whole church family will breakfast

THE MISSION STORE Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s

Join the FPC Hard Hats

Happy Birthday, PATH!

Your Mission Committee needs a core group of members– men and women from teen to older adults–who are willing to grab hammers, paint brushes, garden tools, or cleaning supplies, to assist in short-term refurbishing or repair projects in the community. Please consider becoming a part of this ministry to others by simply sending your name, best times available (i.e. weekends only), and contact information to Mitch Adams (903-285-7996/mitch.adams@yahoo. com) or Ginny Mattox, (903-504-5016/virginiamattox1@

PATH (People Attempting to Help) is celebrating 30 years of continuous service to the economically disadvantaged of Smith County. Join PATH on Thursday, September 10 for a community luncheon at the Green Acres Baptist Church, Crosswalk Conference Center, at 11:30 am-1:00 pm. This year’s guest speaker will be Larry James, CEO of CitySquare in Dallas. Dallas CitySquare, a faith-based, human and community development corporation, battles the causes and effects of poverty through service, advocacy, and friendship. For more information on sponsorship or individual tickets, visit or contact Mila Hightower, PATH Development Director (903) 617-2825.

PATH: People Attempting to Help September’s pantry drive: toilet paper. Bring donations to the crates in the Fellowship Hall and first floor in the main building. 3

Plarning + Fleece = Mats and Blankets By Phyllis Kidwell Are you interested in the environment as well as helping Children’s Ministry? Then we invite you to join us in crocheting with plarn! Plarn is plastic yarn made by cutting strips of plastic bags (grocery, dry-cleaning, etc.) and looping them together to crochet bag mats about 3 x 6 feet.

This fall, Children’s Ministry will be using mats and blankets made by several members of our church, and our youth. Alice Stjernstrom took the lead in getting others to create the mats and to cut and tie fleece blankets. She completed many of them herself. The children at First Friday Fun will enjoy them month after month as we close

our evenings. THANKS, Alice and teams! If you are interested in any aspect of this project, we invite you to join us in Fellowship Hall (F 104) each Wednesday at 1 p.m. For additional information and/or training, contact Alice Stjernstrom (903-509-2236).

C O N G R E G AT I O N A L N E W S Membership Updates

Thank you from Children’s Ministry!

Join us in extending a warm welcome to our newest members: Joan Mayfield and Ben Pitts (joined July 26)

A big thank you to our congregation for all the prayers and work that went into this year’s Vacation Bible School, Clean Water for All God’s Children! from Living Waters for the World. We averaged 40 children each day, and had almost as many volunteers! The cookout was well attended and the breeze blowing through the shade was enjoyable. Teaching the children about clean water—and the living water, was time well spent.

We celebrate the baptism of Miles Parker Nelson, son of Mandy and Kyle Nelson (baptized August 9.) Congratulations to Jody Lake and Joanna Thiele (wed August 1)

Office Closed September 7 The church office will close on Monday, September 7, in observance of Labour Day. Normal business hours will resume on Tuesday, September 8.

Top photo: Children sing songs taught by music leaders for the cookout guests.

Stay in the Know Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online.

Bottom photo: Water play was a favorite during the final day of VBS.

Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at Stay in touch with us on social media, too: /fpctyler


@fpctyler 4



in learning more about confirmation should contact Neil McKown, (

Senior High Small Group Resumes Wednesday, September 9, 6-7:30 pm / 215 W 1st St Small group for senior high school students returns to the Gabriel’s house for the fall session. Dinner will always be provided, so come hungry and bring a friend! We look forward to another year of challenging Bible study and great fellowship. Neil McKown, (

Parent Forum & Dinner Sunday, September 27, 5:30 pm / The Well Meet other parents of students in grades 6-12 active in Student Ministries at FPC Tyler, during this meeting where you can bring your questions, concerns, and ideas to strengthen our ministry to both students and their families. Be prepared for open and honest discussion including the following: How can we support you as parents? What can we do better? What situations might you as parents be dealing with at home? Meet in the youth area, (lower floor, Fellowship Hall). Dinner provided. RSVP at events/parentforum.

Parent and Student Meeting Sunday, September 13, 9 am / The Well Save the date for our annual informational meeting with students and their parents in the youth area, (lower floor, Fellowship Hall). Receive calendars and important information about 2015/2016 opportunities. Please make sure you and your child attend this meeting. RSVP at fpctyler. com/events/parentmeeting.

Youth Group: Game Night Sunday, September 27, 5:30 pm / The Well Come for our first official youth group back from summer! Enjoy some games and fellowship activities–and bring some friends! Dinner provided. For students in grades 6-12. RSVP at

East Texas Youth Conference September 18-20 / Camp Gilmont (Gilmer, TX) Join East Texas Presbyterian youth for a weekend in the woods, exploring the 2015 conference theme, Handmade based on Isaiah 64:8. The Rev. Caressa Murray, Covenant Presbyterian in College Station, TX, will be the keynote speaker. Youth will engage in a mission project, explore issues of faith in small groups, and take part in characteristic Gilmont fun—zip line, swimming, biking, and more. For students grades 6–12. Register online by Tuesday, September 1, at

Church Under the Bridge October 10-11 // Waco, Texas Church Under the Bridge is exactly that: a church under IH-35 in Waco, Texas. Their call is to be a church to the unchurched, who recognize and minister with the “unreached people” outside their own culture. Last year we had the opportunity to serve and worship with CUB in Waco and had an amazing experience! This overnight service opportunity gives you a chance to connect with other Presby youth! RSVP by September 30 at events/cub.

Confirmation Class Update Students in grades 8 and 9 are invited to attend Confirmation class this year. Class begins in the fall, and culminates with the students making their public profession of faith on Easter Sunday. Parents of students and students interested

s a v e t h e d a t e | OC TOBER 2015 First Friday Fun | Oct. 2

Music Dedication Sunday | Oct. 18

Youth Lock In | Oct. 30-31

Kids’ night out fun with crafts, games and a meal, from 6-9 p.m. for kids from nursery through grade 2.

Bring the whole family—and the neighbors, too—to celebrate our congregation’s music ministry during the 11 a.m. worship service.

An overnight trip to Group Dynamix in Carrollton, TX where we’ll meet up with other Presby students for a group lock in. For students grades 6-12.


Children & Youth Calendar

September Â













First Friday Fun (Infant-gr. 2) 6 PM |

East TX Youth Conference registration closes 6 Worship 9:30 AM | Youth Fellowship 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | Worship










6 PM |

Office closed



NO SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:30 AM | Worship 9 AM | Parent & Student Meeting (Gr. 6-12) 9:30 AM | Rally Day Fiesta! 11 AM | Worship


Children's Choir (Pre-K-gr. 2) 6 PM | Senior High Small Group 5 PM |




Worship 9:15 AM | Ring & Sing (Gr. 3-6) 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | Worship

27 Worship 9:15 AM | Ring & Sing (Gr. 3-6) 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | Worship 12:15 AM | Confirmation Mentor Lunch 5:30 PM | Parent Forum & Dinner 5:30 PM | Youth Group (Gr. 612)

23 Children's Choir (Pre-K-gr. 2) 6 PM | Senior High Small Group

8:30 AM |

8:30 AM |

9 Senior High Small Group

8:30 AM |

5 PM |



East Texas Youth Conference Sep 18-20 (Gr. 6-12/Camp Gilmont) 24

Youth Group RSVP due

30 Children's Choir (Pre-K-gr. 2) 6 PM | Senior High Small Group 5 PM |

Church Under the Bridge registration closes Sept. 30



Parent Meeting RSVP due



promises fun for all ages. More info at rallyday.

Volunteers Your gifts and talents are always needed, and will be put to use in serving the kids and families in Children’s Ministry. If you have time to give in prayer, teach a Sunday school class, become a shepherd, or help provide and/or serve meals for First Friday, give Phyllis a call, and she will plug you into our ministry. Contact: Phyllis Kidwell (903-6815504/

First Friday Fun Returns! Friday, September 4, from 6–9 pm / Children’s Wing Reserve the first Friday of each month for your little ones to have fun with their friends at FPC Tyler! This year kids meet different spiritual gifts each week during the evening’s activities through art work, by acting out the Bible story, and in playing games together—spiritual gifts may even show up in the movie we watch as the evening winds down. A meal is provided. For infants through grade 2. Questions? Contact Phyllis Kidwell, Director of Children’s Ministry ( Register your kids at

It’s a Rally Day Fiesta! September 13, 9:30 am / Fellowship Hall We’re having a fiesta, and the whole church family gets a Sunday school holiday! With special activities for the children and youth–and a taco bar breakfast, too!–this event



Sunday School @ 9:45 am

Pitts (

faith builders | Lecture & discussion


M 202 / Study: The book of Acts
/ Contact: Susan Bennett (903) 343-7025 the forum | Lecture & discussion

M 102 / Study: A Study of Judaism
/ Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535 genesis | Bible study & discussion

M 205 / Study: The Present Word
/ Contact: Judith Guthrie (903) 5303668 209ers | Young adults
 M 209 / Study: TBA
/ Contact: Debbie the

| Book & discussion
 M 207 / Study: The Teacher and The Preacher: a dialogue / Contact: Linda Pirtle (903) 881-9000

Small Group Schedule knit wits | Knitting Ministry

Tuesday, September 8, at 1:30 pm at 14721 NW Rd., Whitehouse. Contact: Pat Cryer (903) 561-5242 men | Sermon texts

2nd/4th Mondays 10 am in homes
/ Contact: Bill Myers (903) 825-7323

Revenues Expenses Net Total

mtd actual

ytd actual

ytd budget

$66,391 $76,762 ($10,371)

$66,391 $76,762 ($10,371)

$97,186 $110,744 ($13,558)

midweek oasis for moms

Wednesday, September 16, 5 pm / M 102 / Contact: Pam Leach (903) 5209138 men | Lectionary

Tuesdays 6:30 am at Premier Flexipac / Contact: Skip Womack (903) 5339433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 women | Book & discussion

Thursdays 9:30 am in Conf. Room
/ Study: Jewish Foundations: Sacrifice, Worship, and the Messiah / Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533

Planned Giving

Analysis of Revenues & Expenses July 2015 Summary


Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help, contact Nanci Pollard (903-597-6317) to request information, or visit the Texas Presbyterian Foundation at Assistance is confidential and free of charge.


2 2 4 7 7-11 8 9 9 13 13 13 15 16 16 16 18-20 20 21 27 27

Sewing Bees. 10 am, F 101/102 Adult Chancel Choir Resumes. 7 pm, Music Suite First Friday Fun: Kids’ Night Out. 6 pm, Children’s Wing Church office & buildings closed. Labor Day observed. PATH Week. City-wide. Presbyterian Women Weekday Circle. 2 pm, F 101/102 Senior Adult Ministry (SAMs Club). 10:30 am, F 101/102 Senior High Small Group Resumes. 6 pm. 215 W 1st St Student Ministry Parent & Student Meeting. 9 am, The Well Rally Day. 9:30 am, Fellowship Hall Presbyterian Women Sunday Circle. 9:30 am, M 204 Steeple Times Deadline Sewing Bees. 10 am, F 101/102 Children’s Choir Resumes. 5 pm, M105 Midweek Oasis for Moms. 5 pm, M 102 East Texas Youth Conference. Camp Gilmont, TX Men of the Church. 4 pm, 17636 East Side Dr. Presbyterian Women’s Fall Gathering. 4 pm, F 101/102 Student Ministry Parent Forum. 5:30 pm, The Well Youth Group: Games Night. 5:30 pm, The Well return service requested

risk management. September 23 @ 12 pm — Conference Room

230 W. Rusk Street, Tyler, TX 75701

session. September 15 @ 7 pm — M 207



& finance. September 10 @ 12 pm — Conference Room & grounds. September 14 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room mission. September 14 @ 5:30 pm — Library

diaconate. September 8 @ 6:30 pm — Library

children’s ministry. September 8 @ 5:00 pm — Library

governance. September 2 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room



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