M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 0 , I s s u e 1 1 : N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 5
Who Is God Calling Us To Be? By Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin In October, I preached a series of four sermons on one of the big questions of faith: who are we and what are we called to do? It is so easy to fall into comfortable habits as a congregation without ever reflecting on why we do what we do. Don’t get me wrong: habits are important; they are a vital means of turning ideas into long-term practices. But unless we reexamine our habits occasionally, they can become a prison that keeps us from doing what God is calling us to do. My first sermon centered on the question, “who are we?” Using the story of Jesus casting out the unclean spirit in Mark 3:7-19, I suggested that our fundamental identity in life is that we are children of God. This identity marks us more deeply than our race, our socio-economic class, our national origin, or even our family. And if we are children of God, if the image of God in us is clear, the powers of darkness should be able to recognize it and
shout at us, even as the unclean spirit shouted at Jesus: “You are the son of God!” How will the powers of darkness recognize us? They will recognize us by our way of life, that we treat others the way God has treated us: not with hatred, but with love; not with judgment, but with mercy; not with punishment, but with forgiveness; acting not out of fear, but out of hope. My second sermon centered on the question, “what are we trying to do?” Using the beloved verse, Micah 6:8—“The Lord has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”—I suggested that the shape of our life should include three elements. First, we need to be about the work of social justice. It is not enough to speak words of compassion and sympathy, and not enough to pray for the poor. Surely prayer and words of sympathy are important, but we are called to seek to set things right for Continued on page 2.
i n t h i s i s s u e | H I G H L I G H T S & F E AT U R E S Blue Christmas Service | pg 2
Jazz Brunch | pg 3
Haiti Mission Trip a Success! | pg 5
Learn more about this service of rememberance and hope.
Smooth Jazz and good eats sponsored by Fine Arts @ FPC.
Read about the team’s establishment of a water purification system in Lavallee. First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 | www.fpctyler.com
“Who Is God Calling Us To Be?” continued from page 1.
the poor. Second, we are called to treat one another kindly. We live in a culture in which sarcasm and cynicism are too often the ways we speak and think. As children of God, we are called to be counter-cultural by treating one another with kindness. Third, we are called to be humble before God. These three elements ought to be our guiding star as we work out what we intend to do as a congregation. My third sermon centered on the question, “what difference does it make?” Using the story in Luke 4:19-31 of Jesus healing a number of people, I suggested that what Jesus did was to lift people out of their diseases and despair. We have all experienced the power of uplifting words or music. We have all been down and in low places, and we have experienced the relief of being lifted up from our condition. It provides renewed hope. As a congregation, we lift people up in a variety of ways and it makes a profound difference in their lives. My final sermon centered on the question, “why does it matter what we do?” This is the question of the ultimate
meaning and purpose behind everything we say and do as children of God. Using a passage from Paul’s letter to the Romans (15:7-13), I suggested that it matters what we do because it matters to God. As Calvinists, we believe that all things take their ultimate meaning and purpose from God. What we do matters in the lives of people, yes, but ultimately what we do matters because it matters to God. Our words, our actions, our thoughts, and our prayers find their ultimate meaning in God. So what’s the point of this series? The point is that we have a unique identity as a congregation. We have a common faith with all other churches in Tyler, and indeed around the world. But we also have a unique identity as First Presbyterian Church of Tyler. I believe one of the most important tasks facing us at this stage in our common life is to begin talking about who we are and what we need to be doing. My prayer is that out of these conversations, both formal and informal, we can develop a renewed vision of exactly what God is calling us to be and to do now.
Blue Christmas: A Service of Remembrance and Hope By The Rev. Pamela Leach Do you know someone who may have a blue Christmas this year? Every December, many of us find ourselves in this situation - a loved one has died, a relationship is irrevocably broken, a change in circumstance makes the life we once enjoyed no longer possible. And, as city sidewalks are dressed in holiday style and carols declare, “tis the season to be jolly,” someone having a blue Christmas stands quietly aside, unable to join in the joyful refrains and often feeling utterly alone.
Yet, we are not alone. In fact, the very message of the Advent season is to claim that God comes to dwell with us. This year at FPC we begin what we hope will become a tradition of offering a Blue Christmas service for those who find themselves standing on the sidelines of the season.
our lives once more. Those who attend will have tangible evidence that they are not alone as we gather, not in celebration but in contemplation, to sit quietly before the One who is with us in the darkness of our sorrow and will see us through to the morning when joy shall return.
At this service, we will acknowledge that we are people, like those mentioned in Isaiah, Chapter 9, who walk in darkness and long for the light of Christ, and we will claim the promise that God will come and illuminate
Who do you know who might have a blue Christmas this year? Join me and the staff in praying about whom you might want to invite to attend this service on Monday, December 14 at 6 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
s a v e t h e d a t e | DECEMBER 2015 SAMs | Dec. 2
Santa’s WorkSHOP | Dec. 12
Kid’s Christmas Pagent | Dec. 20
TJC’s Pop Choir, Harmony and Understanding will start our Christmas season.
Calling all kids: Help create gifts to put under the tree for family members. 2
Join us during the 11 a.m. service in the Sanctuary.
M O N T H LY E V E N T H I G H L I G H T S All Saints’ Day Sunday, November 1 | 8:30 & 11 am worship services
Presbyterian Women Thank Offering Monday, November 16 | 2 pm | Chapel This annual celebration of God’s blessings in our lives is an opportunity to demonstrate our appreciation by sharing those blessings with others. Over the past twenty-four years, the Thank Offering has become a hallmark of our group, raising over $24 million to fund nearly 2,000 national and international project grants. The worship service of thanksgiving will be followed by high tea. Contact: Priscilla Maxfield (972-965-9703).
Join the congregation in commemorating the saints who have gone before us at this special worship service.
Gilmont’s 75th Anniversary Celebration Saturday, November 7-8 | Gilmont, TX You and your family are invited to Camp Gilmont’s 75th Anniversary. Activities include ziplining, fishing, hiking, and more with a dedication on Sunday. Overnight accommodations available. Contact: campgilmont.org.
Voices of Faith
Stewardship Dedication Sunday
Friday, November 20 | 7 pm | Sanctuary Since 2008, Voices of Faith has sought to give young musicians a space to explore their artistic discipline through a God-honoring repertoire. The choir gathers over seventy-five talented vocalists from the East Texas area—including middle school, high school and college students—in a Christ-centered, community choral program under the direction of Pam Eikner, with accompanist Dana Bertino.
Sunday, November 8 | 8:30 and 11 am services Join the congregation in dedicating your pledge for 2016. Pledge cards will arrive in your mailbox and will be available in the pews.
SAMs Club: A Veteran of Three Wars Wednesday, November 11 |11 am | F 101-102, Fellowship Hall Retired Colonel Bill Halbert, Air Force pilot and veteran of WW II, Korea and Vietnam with over 4,000 hours of flight time will be the guest speaker. Lunch is $10 per person. RSVP by November 9, to Cynthia Welch (jmccwelch@aol. com/903-561-3028) or at fpctyler.com/events/sams.
Advent Artfest Sunday, November 29 | 9:30–10:30 am | Fellowship Hall All are invited to the second annual Advent Artfest, a morning of crafts, brunch, and fun for all ages during the Sunday school hour. Supplies will be available to craft Christmas cards, make study care packages for our college friends, and create Advent ornaments. You’ll also have the chance to help decorate the Christmas trees in the Fellowship Hall. Friends invited—let’s get ready for Christmas! FYI: Sunday school classes are canceled.
Jazz Brunch Sunday, November 15 | 12 pm | Fellowship Hall Celebrate at a jazz brunch featuring talented musicians from FPC’s own membership. The brunch will feature music from Gershwin, Berlin, and more. Don’t miss this feast for the senses. Contact: fpctyler.com/events/jazzbrunch.
Stay in the Know
Analysis of Revenues & Expenses September 2015 Summary MTD ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL REVENUES
Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online.
Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at fpctyler.com.
Planned Giving Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help, contact Nanci Pollard (903-597-6317) to request information, or visit the Texas Presbyterian Foundation at tpf.org. Assistance is confidential and free of charge.
Stay in touch with us on social media, too: /fpctyler 3
THE MISSION STORE Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s shorts for the children of St. Etienne, Haiti. Simple patterns and guidance provided. We also take donations: • 100% cotton fabrics, woven or knit ½ -3-yds, girl & boy prints • cotton knit fabrics, boy prints & solids • cotton scraps min. 5” square for pockets • ¾” elastic; ribbons, 3-yd lengths • packaged folded bias tape • trims, laces, rickrack, braid, buttons, cute appliques thread Drop donations in the Sewing Bees bin located in the church office. Help us continue the mission. Group contact: Mollie Bobo (903-530-2772).
PATH (People Attempting To Help) As the Coats for Kids drive comes to a close, remember the daily pantry items that are always needed, including canned goods (soup, fruit, vegetables), personal care items (soap, deodorant, shampoo, toilet paper) and baby items (diapers, food, formula). Bring your donations to the PATH crates in the foyer of the Fellowship Hall and near the elevator in the main building. PATH is always appreciative of additional monetary support and volunteers to assist in delivering services. Visit TylerPATH.org to learn more.
Knit Wits - Knitters Unite for Camp Ministry Monday, November 2 | 1:30 pm | 1028 Shepherd Lane, Tyler
Calling all knitters and knitter wannabes - we have a place for you with the Knit Wits! Our current project involves knitting items to send to Camp Gilmont in Gilmer, TX, where they’ll be available for purchase with sales directly benefiting the camp. Members are encouraged to work on personal projects, too! Each meeting comes with patterns, personal instructions, and knitting yarn. Join the group at at the home of Martha Jo Hutchins. Contact: Pat Cryer (903-561-5242).
Andrews Center/Goodwill Christmas Party Items Needed We have sponsored a Christmas party for the past several years for adults with special needs in training at the Andrews Center Adult Day Training and the Goodwill Commercial Services (formerly Opportunities in Tyler). Members of the congregation have generously purchased gifts, baked cookies and served as hosts for the 100 guests attending. Sign up to help by visiting the table in the Fellowship Hall and in Main Building (first floor) near the elevator. Save the date for this event - Thursday, December 10 from 1-3 p.m. Contact: Jim Novy (903-581-1809) or Bettie Clancy (903-581-9552).
Sewing Bees - Sewing With a Mission November 18 | 10:00 am | F 101-102, Fellowship Hall Connect with sewing buffs of all ages and levels of expertise while helping us meet our goal of sewing 50 dresses and
C O N G R E G AT I O N A L N E W S Membership Updates
Presbyterian Giving Catalog
Join us in welcoming our newest members: James, Lisa, David & Daniel Chambless (joined September 13), Elizabeth Sills (joined September 27), Kenneth & Carole Cook (joined September 27), Gunnel Sundelin (joined October 4) and Patricia Kirkpatrick (joined October 11). Additionally, we celebrate the marriage of Jonathan Rawlins and Molly O’Farrell, daughter of Steve and Jill O’Farrell and granddaughter of Lynne Wagoner (October 10).
This holiday season, consider making charitable gifts in lieu of physical gifts for those on your holiday list. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is embarking on its third year of using the catalog to encourage making a difference in the world through gifts that exemplify the work carried out by ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. For more information: presbyteriangifts.org.
Join the Bobos in a 50th Wedding Celebration
The office and campus will be closed on Thursday, November 26, and Friday, November 27, in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
All are welcome as Mollie and Carroll Bobo renew their wedding vows on Saturday, November 21 at 2 p.m. in the Sanctuary. A reception follows in the Fellowship Hall.
Office Closed
ble study, fellowship, games, and some tasty food. Bring a friend! RSVP by November 11 at fpctyler.com/events/middleschool.
Youth Dinner and Bowling Night Sunday, November 8 | 4 pm | Green Acres Bowling Alley Come ready to knock around some pins and then eat some pizza! Hint: ready means with socks in hand and $2 in your pocket for bowling shoes (the cost of bowling and dinner is covered by FPC). Friends are welcome to come, too. Parents, please pick up your youth at Cici’s Pizza (near Green Acres) by 7 pm. Register online by November 4 at fpctyler. com/youthgroup.
Youth Christmas Party Sunday, December 6 | 12–6 pm | The Well Help us decorate The Well for Christmas, and try to come up with the most outlandish gift ever for Student Ministries’ annual white elephant gift exchange (don’t spend more than $5). Come for fun and Christmas cheer! Guys bring a two-liter soda and girls bring a snack; dinner will be provided. If you throw on your holiday cheer, and come in a tacky Christmas sweater, you’ll get a prize! RSVP at fpctyler.com/events/youthchristmas by December 2.
Middle School Lunch Sunday, November 15 | 12 pm | Lower Level, Fellowship Hall Middle Earth is upon us, middle schoolers! Come for a Bi-
Bullet Points from September’s Session Meeting Minutes recorded by Robyn Files The Session met on October 20 and conducted the following business: •
The consent agenda was approved, including the reception into active membership of James, Lisa, David, & Daniel Chambless; Kenneth & Carole Cook; Elizabeth Sills; Gunnel Sundelin; and Patricia Kirkpatrick.
As Session moderator, Stuart Baskin reported The Newcomer Team is functioning well. Their focus is on welcoming perspective visiting members and turning them to active church participants.
New business included the approval to use funding from The Frances Cowan Gibson Estate Fund to assist with the choir tour
for 2016, and to approve funding from the same source to assist in the production of a public access cable television commercial as well as a number of large billboards advertising our Fine Arts program. Both proposals were approved. Full minutes are available from the church office upon request.
Haiti Mission Trip A Success! FPC’s mission team recently returned from a safe and rewarding visit with our Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ. Their work involved helping establish a water purification system at a school in Muzak, Lavallee. Teaming up with several groups, they constructed a water purification system that takes raw water from an adjacent storage tank and pumps it through a series of filters and UV light to a 400 gallon clean water tank on the rooftop. Three solar panels mounted atop a 25-foot pole provides electricity to run the pump, UV light, and electric lights inside the building. The system can fill the 400 gallon clean water tank in one hour. Left: Jim Post and Dan Daniel with the LaVallee team. Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Dana Durman by the 15th of the month prior to publication: ddurman@ fpctyler.com, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at www.fpctyler.com/archive.
Children & Youth Calendar
november Sunday
8:30 AM | Worship
6 PM | First
Choir (Pre-K-gr. 2)
Friday Fun (Infant-gr. 2)
6 PM | Senior High
9:30 AM | Confirmation Class
5 PM | Children's
9:15 AM | Ring & Sing (Gr. 3-6)
Small Group
9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship
Bowling & Pizza night RSVP due!
First Friday Fun RSVP due!
8:30 AM | Worship
Choir (Pre-K-gr. 2)
9:15 AM | Ring & Sing (Gr. 3-6)
14 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM | PULSE
5 PM | Children's
6 PM | Senior High
9:30 AM | Confirmation Class
Small Group
9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 4-7 PM | Youth Group Bowling
Middle school lunch RSVP due
8:30 AM | Worship
5 PM | Children's
9:15 AM | Ring & Sing (Gr. 3-6) 9:30 AM | Confirmation Class 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 12 -2 PM | Middle School Lunch
Choir (Pre-K-gr. 2) 6 PM | Senior High Small Group
Last day to order your Advent
Resource Book!
8:30 AM | Worship
FPC ofďŹ ce closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday
9:15 AM | Ring & Sing (Gr. 3-6) 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship
8:30 AM | Worship 9:30 AM | Advent Artfest 9:30 AM | No Sunday School 11 AM | Worship
Children’s Ministry News & Events nental breakfast (fpctyler.com/events/adventartfest).
First Friday Fun: Kids’ Night Out! Friday, November 6 | 6–9 pm | Children’s Wing Our Fruit of the Spirit for November is generosity. As we prepare for Thanksgiving, we will focus on using our gifts and talents to share with those in need. We will share dinner, play games, learn our scripture reference - 2 Corinthians 9:7 and end our evening with a short movie. For infants through grade 2. Contact: Phyllis Kidwell (pkidwell@fpctyler.com or fpctyler.com/events/firstfriday).
Volunteer Opportunities
Children’s Sunday school has a unique situation. We will be creating another class and need volunteers to teach and serve as shepherds. If you are interested in working with the children in K, 1st and 2nd grades, please contact Phyllis. The current age groupings are not conducive to the children’s reading abilities. This change will make this Christian education time more meaningful for all the children. Please prayerfully consider ways you can enrich this ministry. Contact: Phyllis Kidwell (pkidwell@ fpctyler.com/903-681-5504).
An Advent Resource for Families It’s time to order this season’s Advent resource, The Advent Jesse Tree - Devotions for Children and Adults to prepare for the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas. Help your family focus on Jesus during this Advent season. The cost per book is $15.00. Order your copy by Nov. 16 at fpctyler. com/events/jessetree or by calling the church office.
Save the Date for December Events! Santa’s WorkSHOP Saturday, December 12 | 1 pm | Children’s Wing
Advent Artfest Sunday, November 29 | 9:30–10:30 am | Fellowship Hall All are invited to the second annual Advent Artfest, a morning of crafts, brunch, and fun for all ages during the Sunday school hour. We will be making cards and goodie packages for the college students; cards for our members who can no longer come in to worship; ornaments to use with our Advent resource; and share treats for a conti-
S U N D AY S C H O O L Sunday School @ 9:45 am FAITH BUILDERS | Lecture & discussion
M 202 / Study: The book of Acts / Contact: Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 THE FORUM | Lecture & discussion
M 102 / Study: The book of Genesis / Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535
GENESIS | Bible study & discussion M 205 / Study: The book of Acts / Contact: Judith Guthrie (903) 530-3668
209ERS | Young adults M 209 / Study: TBA / Contact: Debbie Pitts (debbiepitts@gmail.com)
Christmas Pagent Sunday, December 20 | 11 am | Sanctuary Christmas Eve Family Service Thursday, December 24 | 3 pm | Sanctuary Christmas Eve Lovefeast Thursday, December 24 | 5:30 pm | Sanctuary
/ SMALL GROUP LISTING | Book & discussion M 207 / Study: The Teacher and The Preacher: a dialogue / Contact: Linda Pirtle (903) 881-9000
Small Group Schedule MEN | Sermon texts
2nd/4th Mondays 10 am in homes / Contact: Bill Myers (903) 825-7323 MIDWEEK OASIS FOR MOMS
Wednesday, November 4, 5 pm / M 107 / Contact: Pam Leach (903) 5209138 7
MEN | Lectionary Tuesdays 6:30 am, Premier Flexipac / Contact: Skip Womack (903) 5339433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 WOMEN | Book & discussion
Thursdays 9:30 am, Conf. Room / Study: Advent Study, When God Comes Down / Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533 A special “thank you” to Azalea Academy For Exceptional Adults for assembling our weekly worship bulletin.
All Saints’ Day. 8:30 & 11 am worship services Meadow Lake Bible Study. 11:45 am, Meadow Lake First Friday Fun. 6 pm, Children’s Wing Pledge Dedication. 8:30 & 11 am worship services Youth Bowling & Pizza. 4 pm, Green Acres Bowling Alley SAM’s Club. 11 am, Fellowship Hall Student Ministries’ PULSE Training. 7:30 am-5 pm, Irving, TX Fine Arts: Jazz Brunch. 12 pm, Fellowship Hall Middle School Lunch & Fellowship. 12 pm, Lower Level, Fellowship Hall Steeple Times Submission Deadline. Presbyterian Women Thank Offering & Tea. 2 pm, Chapel Fine Arts: Voices of Faith. 7 pm, Sanctuary Office & buildings closed for Thanksgiving Advent Artfest. 9:30 am, Fellowship Hall
BUDGET & FINANCE. November 12 @ 12 pm — Conference Room BUILDING & GROUNDS. November 9 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room DIACONATE. November 10 @ 6:30 pm — Library GOVERNANCE. November 2 @ 5:30 — Conference Room OFFICER TRAINING. November 1 @ 4:30 pm — Conference Room OFFICER TRAINING. November 8 @ 4:30 pm — Conference Room SESSION. November 17 @ 7 pm — M 207
1 5 6 8 8 11 14 15 15 15 16 20 26–27 29
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To everyone at the home of: