Steeple Times, March 2016 (Vol. 11, Issue 3)

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M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 1 , I s s u e 3 : M a r c h 2 0 1 6

March Activities Abound at FPC By The Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin March will be a big month at FPC. Lent comes to its climax with Holy Week and the splendor of Easter. If you’re new to the church, let me say that the Holy Week services - Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter - are spectacular. I can brag because I did not invent the traditions we observe! Also in March, Veda Gill (formerly Veeda Javaid), Executive Director of Presbyterian Education Board (PEB) in Pakistan, will visit. She is truly inspiring. In case you don’t know its work, PEB operates Christian schools in Pakistan under the joint auspices of the Presbyterian Church of Pakistan and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). These schools have operated for over 100 years. Most of its students are Muslims, yet Muslim families, particularly in poor, rural communities, value the work of PEB very highly. PEB provides a quality education at a low price to children regardless of religion. Veda will be here from March 13 through March 20, and she’ll preach at both services on March 13. Make it a point to come hear her stories of what God is doing in Pakistan.

Finally, we’ll say goodbye to Donald Duncan. In case you haven’t heard, Donald has accepted the position of Organist/Choirmaster at Christ Episcopal Church in Greenville, South Carolina. Christ Church is a 4,200-member congregation, one of the largest in the entire Episcopal Church. This is a wonderful opportunity for Donald. It goes without saying that his departure will leave a mighty big hole in our church. To say that Donald has been a good colleague in ministry is an enormous understatement. He has served not only as organist and choirmaster, but as director of our fine arts program, and as director of the Tyler Civic Chorale. In addition to these duties, he has been a true team player on our staff. He has never been a person who only looked out for his program’s interests, but he has worked collaboratively with and supported the work of the whole staff. Sunday, March 13, will be Donald’s last Sunday with us, and to mark the occasion we’ll have a reception for Donald following the 11 a.m. service. Please mark your calendar and come celebrate his nine years of service with us.

i n t h i s i s s u e | h i g h l i g h t s & f e at u r e s Palm Sunday | March 20

Eggstravaganza | March 27

Soulfood | March 6

Commemorate the Lord’s triumphal entry to Jerusalem with a palm processional led by bagpipes.

All are welcome to join in fellowship and celebrate Easter with brunch.

In a Quiet Cathedral...enjoy a unique worship event offered during Lent. First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 |

A Look Back at Mardi Gras 2016! Beautiful decorations (left) filled Fellowship Hall making for a very festive event!

Our very own, Buck Files (left), gets into the Mardi Gras spirit! Many FPC members (below) enjoyed gumbo and all the fixings!

It was a full house for FPC’s Mardi Gras 2016! (below)

FAREWELL AND THANKS! Dear Friends In Christ: During a recent service, Stuart admonished us to meditate on the mercies of God during this Lenten season. He reminded us that if we will take a close look at our lives, we will see the many ways in which God has blessed us. As I sat there in my seat in the chancel, I couldn’t help but look out into the nave and give thanks to God for all the ways in which you have been a blessing to my life over the past 8 ½ years. My time here as your Director of Music Ministries and Organist has been one of the greatest joys of my personal and professional life. Throughout the years, you have supported, loved, encouraged, and in-

spired me in my work. You have given generously of your time, talent, and treasure to support a thriving music ministry. Your enthusiasm for our mission and ministry in Tyler have inspired me to do some of my most creative work as a church musician. I have a few very close church musician colleagues who have, on multiple occasions, said to me, “You have the best situation a church musician could hope for – a supportive pastor, a loving congregation, a talented choir, a fabulous staff, a beautiful sanctuary, and a magnificent organ. Why would you even think of going elsewhere?” And my colleagues are absolutely correct - why would I think of going elsewhere? But, the Holy Spirit has a way of surpris-

ing us at times when we least expect it. I believe that God is calling me to a place where I can do again what I’ve worked to accomplish here with you, and I have responded to that call with confidence in the providential care of our loving God. While I am confident in this call, it doesn’t make the transition any easier. For me, Tyler has become my home, not just where I live and work, and you have become family to me. I will sincerely miss you all. I am deeply grateful and I will forever cherish my time here with you. Affectionately, Donald W. Duncan Director of Music & Organist

save the d at e | April 2016 Crawfish Boil | April 23

Youthquake | April 1

Kirkin’ of the Tartans | April 17

Gather with the men of FPC Tyler for a crawfish boil and fellowship.

Middle school youth bond at a retreat at Camp Gilmont.

A procession of tartan plaid and bagpipes celebrating our church’s Scottish heritage.


M o n t h ly e v e n t h i g h l i g h t s Maundy Thursday

Soulfood - In a Quiet Cathedral

Thursday, March 24 | 7:30 pm | Sanctuary Also known as the Thursday of Mysteries, this worship service commemorates the Lord’s Last Supper. Read more at

Sunday, March 6 | 5 pm | Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall free admission

Music drives the praise and meditation at Soulfood, a unique worship event series offered during Lent. These services reflect the belief that music feeds our souls, and are followed by a community meal of Southern soul food. Visit our website at

Good Friday

Friday, March 25 | 7:37 pm | Sanctuary Good Friday marks the beginning of tenebrae, the somber period of darkness between the Lord’s crucifixion and his resurrection. Visit

SAM’s Club: Book Review “In the Sanctuary of Outcasts” by Neil White Wednesday, March 9 | 11 am | Fellowship Hall This is the true story of a man’s loss of everything he deemed important and his discovery that redemption can be taught by society’s most dreaded outcasts. Sharing this gripping narrative will be Sharon Hudspeth, a member of the East Texas Storytellers Guild. Meal tickets are $10 and payable at the door. Questions? Cynthia Welch, 903-561-3028. RSVP by Monday, March 7 to

Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 27 | 8:30 & 11 am | Sanctuary Celebrate the Lord’s resurrection with us! More information at

Easter Eggstravaganza

Sunday, March 27 | 9:30 am | Front Lawn Enjoy a church-wide brunch in celebration of the resurrection, complete with Easter egg hunts and family games. Invite your friends and neighbors! For more information,

Soulfood - Evensong for Holy Week Sunday, March 20 | 5 pm | Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall free admission

Evensong comes from a long tradition of sung evening prayers meant to evoke praise, penitence, and prayer. Offered as part of the Soulfood Concert Series, this service features a traditional Lenten choral repertoire, proclaiming acts in history and in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Visit

Veda Gill Preaches on March 13 Join us at both services on March 13 as Veda Gill, Executive Director of the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan, shares the mission, success, and concerns of her organization. To find out more about this mission, there will be a gathering at 6 p.m. that same evening at the home of Jim and Sally Smith-Garmon located at 4375 Lazy Creek Drive in Tyler.

All are invited to a Farewell Reception honoring Donald Duncan When: Sunday, March 13 Where: Fellowship Hall Time: 12 p.m. Save the Date! More information to follow...

Tab l e s o f E i g h t - R e g i s t e r N o w ! Tables of Eight, FPC’s supper club fellowship program, is about to launch into the new program year, and we want you on board! Each year, participants are shuffled into groups of eight, with four couples each (singles are welcome too!). The groups meet for dinner either in homes or restaurants throughout the year in order to get to know each other, building friendships that reach beyond Sunday morning.

We will begin meeting shortly after Easter. Each group will have a “leader” to start things off. Registration forms are due by Sunday, March 13, either in the collection plate, at the office, to Lynn Heines or Jane Watson. Questions? Contact Lynn Heines (903-597-3074/lheines@ or Jane Watson (903-825-1102). 3

the mission store Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s

PATH (People Attempting To Help)

Knit Wits - Knitters Unite for Camp Ministry

March is PATH’s Personal Care drive month, starting with toilet paper. These items are needed to stay healthy and clean but not covered by food stamps. Purchasing food or paying a bill overrides buying soap and shampoo. Help by donating personal care items! Bring your donations to the PATH crates in the foyer of the Fellowship Hall and near the elevator in the main building. Additional monetary support and volunteers are always welcome. Visit

Monday, March 7 | 1:30 pm | 106 Marina Dr. | Bullard, TX Calling all knitters and knitter wannabes - our current project involves knitting items to send to Camp Gilmont in Gilmer, TX, where they’ll be available for purchase with sales directly benefiting the camp. Join the group at the home of Jane Watson. Contact: Pat Cryer (903-561-5242).

Merci Beaucoup!

A big thank you all around for your support of Mardi Gras 2016! The Mission Committee estimates that over $5,500 was raised for the missions supported by FPC. Thank you to all who cooked gumbo, donated silent auction items, volunteered, gave generously and participated in the fun! Special gratitude goes to the decorating crew of Susan Davis, Libby Shoup, Ellen Peirce, Jo Ann Grooms, Peggy Smith and Frances Jackson. Save the Date for 2017 - Tuesday, February 28!

Sewing Bees - Sewing with a Mission Wednesday, March 16 | 10 am | F 101-102, Fellowship Hall Connect with sewing buffs of all ages and levels of expertise. Simple patterns and guidance provided. Help us continue the mission. For more information on the sewing bees, visit Group contact is Mollie Bobo (903-530-2772).

Bullet Points from January’s Session Meeting Minutes recorded by Robyn Files The Session met on January 19 and conducted the following business: • The consent agenda was approved. • Dr. Baskin gave an overview of the financial report. He also noted that the installation of security cameras is ongoing.

Stay in the Know

Analysis of Revenues & Expenses January 2016 Summary

TX, at Austin College. The motion passed. • Session noted that future requests for money from the Gibson Fund go first through the Budget and Finance Committee. Full minutes are available from the church office upon request.

At the request of Neil McKown, Director of Student Ministries, $910 from the Francis Cowan Gibson Fund be used to cover the cost of 6 hotel rooms for our students and adults going to Senior High Youth Connection at the end of January in Sherman,

Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online.

MTD Actual YTD Actual YTD Budget









Net Total




Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at

Planned Giving Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help, contact Nanci Pollard (903-5976317) to request information, or visit the Texas Presbyterian Foundation at Assistance is confidential and free of charge.

Stay in touch with us on social media, too: /fpctyler 4



Youth Group

Spring Youthquake

Sunday, March 6 | 5 pm | The Well We will be working on Youth Sunday, and then have fun. So come ready to plan and then play. Let Neil McKown (903-2796818) know if you are or are not going to be able to make it.

April 1-3 | Camp Gilmont | Gilmer, TX | Registration open! Attention Middle School youth! It’s time to sign up for the Spring Youthquake! Come for fun, keynotes, a mission project, and more. The theme this year is “Unexpected Friend,” and is being led by our PULSE leadership group which our high school youth are a part of. To register, visit

Confirmation Class Sunday, March 13 | 9:30 am | The Well We are getting closer to Easter and Confirmation Sunday. Come ready to learn, discuss, and have fun! Contact: Neil (903-279-6818).

Junior High Jubilee July 3-7 | Mo-Ranch | Hunt, TX | Registration open! It’s time to start thinking summer, middle school youth. Junior High Jubilee registration is open now. This is THE middle school youth conference to attend! There will be amazing keynotes, small groups, songs and games, and so much more. For more information and to register, go to

Confirmation Sunday Sunday, March 27 | 11 am | Sanctuary Confirmands and mentors will be a part of the 11 a.m. service. More information will be given during confirmation class. Non-confirmation youth - come celebrate with the Confirmands during the Easter Eggstravaganza!

Synod Youth Workshop July 19-25 | U of Tulsa | Tulsa, OK | Registration open!

High school youth - are you interested in an amazing week of deep conversations, lots of fun, making new friends, and strengthening your relationship with God? Then, visit and register at Questions? Contact: Neil McKown (903-279-6818).

Mark your calender: Planning it YOUR Way If you remember Frank Sinatra singing, “I’ll Do It My Way,” then this seminar is for you! In case you haven’t noticed, the years are slipping by. Just as a young couple plans for the new era of a baby, we need to plan for the new era of our aging. Too often, a sudden death event requires changes that we don’t know how to handle. Decisions for us are made by uninformed adult children or others. It is much better to plan ahead as much as possible. Come hear a professional panel address issues of legal, life/ health and spiritual needs. You can ask questions and leave with a better

Aging Luncheon Date: Sunday, April 10 Time: 12:15 – 1:30 pm Place: Fellowship Hall Box lunches by FRESH (no charge, donations accepted!) RSVP: Guest Speakers: Mike Allen, attorney at law FPC’s Rev. Pamela Leach Connie Moore, social worker, Prebyterian Hospital in Dallas

idea of how to handle these changes that eventually all of us will face. And what you do, will be planned by you, for you; not done without you having a say in it. The deadline to register is Monday, April 4. Register today by visiting the website For more information or questions on this seminar, contact Alice Stjernstrom (903-780-0639), Gene Archer (830-330-0369) or the church office (903-5976317).

Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Dana Durman by the 15th of the month prior to publication: ddurman@, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at


Children & Youth Calendar










5 PM | Children's


Choir (Pre-K-gr. 2) 6 PM | Senior High Small Group





Friday Fun (Infant-gr. 2)






5 10 AM | ETX

Mission Trip Planning Team Meeting









8:30 AM | Worship 9:15 AM | Ring &

Sing (Gr. 3-6)

9:45 AM | Sunday School



11 AM | Worship 5 PM | Youth Group



8:30 AM | Worship

15 5 PM | CM

Team Meeting

9:15 AM | Ring &

Sing (Gr. 3-6) 9:30 AM | Confirmation Class 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship


5 PM |

Confirmation Class at Session


Sing (Gr. 3-6) 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship


11 AM | Worship and

7:30 PM |

Choir (Pre-K-gr. 2) 6 PM | Senior High Small Group

9:15 AM | Ring &

9:30 AM | Eggstravaganza

23 5 PM | Children's

8:30 AM | Worship


Choir (Pre-K-gr. 2) 6 PM | Senior High Small Group



8:30 AM | Worship

16 5 PM | Children's



30 5 PM | Children's

Choir (Pre-K-gr. 2) 6 PM | Senior High Small Group

Confirmation Sunday


7:37 PM | Good

Maundy Thursday Service

Friday Service


Children’s Ministry News & Events First Friday Fun!

Easter Eggstravaganza

Friday, March 4 | 6:30 - 9:30pm | Children’s Wing We will continue learning the Fruits of the Spirit. This month we learn about kindness. We will share a meal, make crafts and create dessert before movie time. Friends are welcome, but please ask their parents to RSVP so we will have enought food and supplies. Notice our new time! Visit

Sunday, March 27 | 9:30 am | Front Lawn Enjoy a church-wide brunch in celebration of the resurrection, complete with Easter egg hunts, flowering the cross and family games. Invite your friends and neighbors! Read more at

Save the Date! Vacation Bible School

Soulfood and Holy Week Childcare

August 4-5 | 5:30 - 7:30 pm | Campus-wide August 6 | 10 am - 1 pm | Campus-wide Mark your calender ( More information to follow...

Childcare will be offered for nursery-age through grade 2 during the Soulfood series, the Maundy Thursday service and Good Friday service. RSVP is not necessary.

c o n g r e g at i o n a l n e w s Births Welcome into our congregation: • Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Clayton & Amanda Peirce • Avery Grace, daughter of Ryan & Megan Morgan

Membership Updates New Members Join us in welcoming our newest members: • Joe and Katie Hewitt • Martha Kelly • Patrick Matthews • Curtis and Shaunelius Sterns Deaths Condolences to the family of FPC members who have entered the Church Trimphant: Dolores Cobb and Theresa Reilly.

s u n day s c h o o l Sunday School @ 9:45 am

| Lenten Study
 M202 | Living into Lent
| Contact: Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 faith builders

the forum | Lecture & discussion
 M102 | The book of Leviticus
| Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535

| Bible study & discussion
 M205 | Old & New Testament
Traditions | Contact: Judith Guthrie (903) 530-3668 genesis

209ers | Lenten Study
 M209 | Living into Lent
| Contact: Debbie Pitts ( the

FPC Office Closed The office and campus will be closed on Monday, March 28 in observance of the Easter holiday. We will reopen Tuesday.

/ s ma l l g r o u p l i s t i n g westminster | Lenten Study 
 M 207 | Living into Lent | Contact: Linda Pirtle (903) 881-9000

| Lenten Study
 Tuesdays 6:30 am, Premier Flexipac | Living Into Lent
| Contact: Skip Womack (903) 533-9433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746


| Lenten Study
 Thursdays 9:30 am, Conference Room
| Living Into Lent | Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533


Small Group Schedule

| Sermon texts
 2nd/4th Mondays 10 am in homes
| Contact: Lynn Holliman (903) 5349190


midweek oasis for moms

Wednesday, March 2, 5 pm | M107 | Contact: Pam Leach (903) 520-9138 7

A special “thank you” to Azalea Academy For Exceptional Adults for assembling our weekly worship bulletin.

Meadow Lake Bible Study. 11:45 am, Meadow Lake. First Friday Fun. 6:30 - 9:30 pm, Children’s Wing. Youth Group/Youth Sunday. 5 pm, The Well. SAM’s Club: Book Review. 11 am, Fellowship Hall. Confirmands Meet with Session. 7 pm, M 207. Steeple Times Submission Deadline. PW Project Day and Luncheon. 10 am, F 101-102. Palm Sunday Services. 8:30 & 11 am, Chapel/Sanctuary. Soulfood: Evensong for Holy Week. 5 pm, Sanctuary/Fellowship Hall. Maundy Thursday Service. 7:30 pm, Sanctuary. Good Friday Service. 7:37 pm, Sanctuary. Easter Sunday Services. 8:30 & 11 am, Sanctuary. Easter Eggstravaganza. 9:30 am, FPC Front Lawn.

Budget & Finance. March 10 @ 12 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Building & Grounds. March 14 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Children’s Ministry Team. March 15 @ 5 pm — Library | A 111 Governance. March 7 @ 5:30 — Conference Room | A 110 Mission. March 14 @ 5:30 pm — Library | A 111 Risk Management. March 23 @ 12 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Session. March 15 @ 7 pm — M 207

c o mm i t t e e m e e t i n g s

3 4 6 9 15 15 19 20 20 24 25 27 27

March highlights

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