M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 1 , I s s u e 6 : J u n e 2 0 1 6
Celebrating our Graduates by Dana Durman As May came to a close, we saw some of our youth marking a milestone in their life - high school graduation. While this can be a bittersweet transition, it is also a time that the congregation celebrates their achievements and accomplishments. On Sunday, May 22, the congregation celebrated Senior Recognition Day in Fellowship Hall with a reception in their honor. The seniors and their families created displays that chronicled their achievements, honors, interests and future plans. Members of the congregation had the opportunity to view the displays and were encouraged to jot a note of congratulations and best wishes in the students’ notebooks. In congratulating our graduates, we also pray for their continued success. Completing high school is an achievement that they should be proud of and we wish them more great journeys in their college life! The First Presbyterian Church graduates for 2016 include: Emma Collyer, daughter of Robert
and Lynn Collyer, is a graduate of Robert E. Lee High School in Tyler. Emma was active in theater, where she won numerous district and school awards. A 16-year member of FPC, she has held various leadership positions within the church youth group and in Grace Presbytery, as well as attending conferences and mission trips. Emma has chosen to attend Tyler Junior College, where she hopes to transfer to a Presbyterian college to get her degree in either psychology or sociology and enter into ministry. Madeline Stanford, the daughter of Jim and Janet Stanford, is a graduate of Robert E. Lee High School in Tyler. Ranked number 10 in her class, Madeline was active in National Honor Society, marching band, Texas Bank & Trust student board and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. She won numerous awards for her academic and community service. Madeline plans to attend the University of Texas at Austin, studying biology. Best of luck to Emma and Madeline! As they begin this next phase of their life, we know they will continue to be successful in the future endeavors with which they are involved.
i n t h i s i s s u e | h i g h l i g h t s & f e at u r e s Send Cards to Mission Team| Pg 3
PW Confer Lifetime Award | Pg 3
Mission Co-workers in Zambia | Pg 4
Your short note of encouragement or cards to students will help keep spirits high as they serve in Austin, TX.
Read more about the recipient who was recognized because of their faithful service to the church.
Learn about the Johnsons, our Global Mission Partners supported by FPC . First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 | www.fpctyler.com