Steeple Times, Feb. 2017 (Vol. 12, Issue 2)

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M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 2 , I s s u e 2 : F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 7

The Inner Struggle of Good and Evil by the Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin that dwells within me. —Paul, Epistle to the Romans 7:19-20 I’ve been thinking about Scotland lately. This no doubt in part because of our planned trip. In my musings, I decided to read Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson’s short novel, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson, a native of Edinburgh, was the son of devout Presbyterians, and the maternal grandson of a Church of Scotland minister. Though he became an atheist, it is clear that his Presbyterian roots provided him with an intellectual framework for making sense of the world around him. Early in his career, he wrote an unsuccessful play called, Deacon Brodie, or The Double Life. The play was based on the real life William Brodie, the Deacon (or president) of the cabinet-makers guild in Edinburgh in the latter half of the 18th century. By day, Brodie was a respected member of society. But by night, Brodie was a thief, a gambler, and a serial adulterer. As a cabinet-maker, he was also a

skilled locksmith, and as a respected citizen, he had access to the homes of many wealthy Edinburgh citizens. In short, he copied the keys to the homes of the wealthy and used them to gain entry. After 20-odd years of living this double life, Brodie was caught, tried, and hanged. Though Stevenson’s play about the life of Deacon Brodie was unsuccessful, he apparently kept thinking about the strange duality at work in a man who could be so respectable by day and lead such a different life after dark. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was the result. The story explores the apparent duality at work in all of us, that we are at once both respectable people, yet also filled with sin—perhaps not as dramatically as Deacon Brodie, but filled with sin just the same. The Apostle Paul explores the same duality in his letter to the Romans. Like Dr. Jekyll who recognized the sin and evil lurking deep within himself, Paul says, “I delight in the law of God in my inmost self, but I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind, making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Continued on page 2.

i n t h i s i s s u e | H I G H L I G H T S & F E AT U R E S FA @ FPC: Jazz Brunch | pg 3

2017 Lenten Study | Pg 2

2017 Mardi Gras for Missions | pg 4

Smooth jazz and good eats sponsored by Fine Arts @ FPC.

Learn how we will meet God in Paul this Lenten season.

Gumbo cook-off, parade, silent auction —the whole bit. Won’t you join us?. First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 |

C O N G R E G AT I O N A L N E W S Membership Updates Wedding Congratulations to Anthony Wayne Frazier Harris and Melody Marie Garcia on their January 6 nuptials. Deaths Condolences to the families of our FPC members who entered the Church Triumphant: Gay Lowery, Lella Austin, and Norma Byars.

PRAYERFULLY SPEAKING from the FPC Prayer Team From the Book of Order (PCUSA) on the Content of Prayer: “In prayer we respond to God in many ways. In adoration we praise God for who God is. In thanksgiving we express gratitude for what God has done. In confession we acknowledge repentance for what we as individuals and as a people have done or left undone. In supplication we plead for ourselves and the gathered community. In intercession we plead for others, on behalf of others, and for the whole world. In self-dedication we offer ourselves to the purpose and glory of God.”

Chancel Flowers for 2017 Many dates for 2017 to donate flowers are available! Call now to honor a friend, celebrate a birthday, or memorialize a loved one by donating flowers to the Chancel. Arrangements are $80. Contact: Margaret Hilliard (903-593-1494).

To help remember these very important reasons why we pray, just remember ACTS: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.

Lovefeast Thank You - From Bob & Judy Schmoker To all the Lovefeast volunteers, Janet Burks, Jessica Cox and Ellen Peirce and all the many Lovefeast servers: Thank you for stepping up at short notice to make this year’s Lovefeast a tremendous success. Also, a big thank you to Larry Burks, Cory Schmoker, Andrew Collyer and Roger Peirce for helping with the hot cocoa and Pat Roberts for making the buns.

(If you would like to submit a prayer request, please fill out the form found in the church pew and drop it in the collection plate or into a prayer request box found in the Chapel, Sanctuary, and church office.)

“The Inner Struggle of Good and Evil” continued from page 1.

Who will rescue me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:22-24)

father’s contradictions, but also to find reassurance of his father’s salvation.

I recently spoke to a man whose father just died. In our conversations, he reflected on that fact that his father was both a highly respected figure in the community, yet also led a life in which he left a wake of broken relationships. With five marriages to four different women, estrangement was every bit as much a part of his life as the many charities he worked to support. The son struggled to make sense of his

But that’s where grace comes in. We all have a little bit of both Jekyll and Hyde within us. But in the words of Paul as he concludes his musings on the struggle between good and evil within, “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:25) So when sin seems to cling just a little too close, ponder these things and take comfort that you are not alone.

2017 Lenten Study...Meeting God in Paul Lent is the perfect time to join a small group where you can meet new – and old – friends and dig into God’s word in a casual setting. Step back into Paul’s world in this year’s study, and discover why his message is relevant today. As is our tradition at FPC, small groups will gather to discuss Meeting God in Paul: Reflections for the Season of Lent weekly during the Lenten season. Consider participating in this Lenten discipline of study. Look for group options on FPC’s website, the bulletin, and around the church campus. Books are available for $6 in the church office or purchase them at the Lenten Study sign-up table, starting Sunday, February 5. Groups begin meeting after Ash Wednesday, March 1. If you plan to host a group or would like information, please contact Jennifer Bennett, 2017 Lenten Study Coordinator ( or 903-714-6426). 2

M O N T H LY E V E N T H I G H L I G H T S SAM’s Club: History of the Jews of Smith County

Fine Arts @ FPC: Elissa Lee, Violin

Wednesday, February 8 | 11 am | Anderson Room, F 101-102 Rabbi Neil Katz will give a brief history of Jewish migrations to the US and to Tyler and the development of the Jewish community in Tyler. Catered lunch is provided by Traditions and is $10, payable at the door. RSVP by 10 a.m. on Monday, February 6 to Cynthia Welch (903-561-3028/ For more information, visit

Saturday, February 19 | 4 pm | Sanctuary free admission

Canadian violinist Elissa Lee has an international concert career as soloist as well as chamber musician. She will be accompanied by Angela Park, one of Canada’s most sought-after pianists, both as a collaborative musician and as a soloist. They will play a one-hour concert consisting of three varied, sweet and spirited sonatas: Mozart Sonata in E Minor, Grieg Sonata in F Major, and the Ravel Sonata for Violin and Piano. For more information, visit

2017 Mardi Gras For Missions

Tuesday, February 28 | 5:30–8 pm | Fellowship Hall free admission

/ silent auction

Fill up on gumbo then celebrate Mardi Gras with face painting, a cake walk, silent auction, and more—including a parade for all to participate in. RSVP at events/mardi-gras.

Fine Arts @ FPC: Jazz Brunch Sunday, February 26 | 12 pm | Fellowship Hall free admission (suggested donation


That unique rhythmic language of jazz encapsulates something essentially human, at once championing the individual and the collective. Celebrate this rich musical history with us at a special jazz brunch featuring The George Faber Trio. The catered brunch will feature music from Gershwin, Berlin, Ellington, Strayhorn, and more. Don’t miss this feast for the senses. To RSVP, visit our website at

Ash Wednesday Wednesday, March 1 | 12 & 6 pm | Chapel

The Lenten season begins with this service, which includes a corporate confession of sin and the imposition of ashes. Childcare will be available for infants through grade 3. For more information,

Smokin’ Hot Jazz by the very cool George Faber Trio Get down at the FPC Jazz Brunch Sunday, February 26 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall FREE (Suggested donation $10) Brunch catered by Sadler’s Catering Don’t be square. Let us know you’re coming. RSVP at or 903-597-6317 3

THE MISSION STORE Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s

PATH (People Attempting To Help)

Knit Wits - Knitters Unite for Camp Ministry

Throughout the month of February, in addition to the soup drive, PATH is taking donations of oatmeal as a hot, nutritious breakfast option for their pantry! Bring your donations to the PATH crates in the foyer of Fellowship Hall and near the elevator in the main building. Monetary support is always appreciated. Visit

Monday, February 6 | 1:30 pm | Panera Bread Restaurant | 5755 S Broadway Ave | Tyler Calling all knitters and knitter wannabes - we have a place for you with the Knit Wits! Our current project involves knitting items to send to Camp Gilmont in Gilmer, TX, where they’ll be available for purchase with sales directly benefiting the camp. Members are encouraged to work on personal projects, too! Each meeting comes with patterns, personal instructions, and knitting yarn. Contact: Pat Cryer (903-561-5242).

Sewing Bees - Sewing with a Mission Wednesday, February 15 | 10 am | F 104 Connect with sewing buffs of all ages and levels of expertise. Simple patterns and guidance provided. Help us continue the mission. For more information, visit Group contact is Mollie Bobo (903-530-2772).

2017 MARDI GRAS FOR MISSIONS Date: Tuesday, February 28 Time: 5:30 – 8:00 pm Place: Fellowship Hall

FPC’s Mission Committee invites you and your family to celebrate Mardi Gras and help raise funds and awareness for our chosen mission partners. Guests of all ages are invited to join in the opening parade - line up will begin at 5:15 p.m. Afterwards, FPC’s own gumbo chefs will again provide their “award-winning” seafood, chicken and vegetarian gumbos. Side dishes will include rice, chicken strips, salad, a member-baked dessert station and king cakes. During the evening, children will be entertained with face painting, a cake walk, a balloon artist and crafts. A nursery will be provided (children under 3). This year’s Auction will include dinners, legal services, a wine tasting, a Fiesta party and more. Bring your checkbooks! Benefactors: Locally - PATH, Habitat for Humanity, Gateway to Hope, Bethesda Health Clinic, the Literacy Council, Meals on Wheels and the Good Samaritan Counseling Center; Globally - Solar under the Sun/Living Waters for the World, Presbyterian Education Board Pakistan Schools, and mission co-workers in Zambia, Charles and Melissa Johnson. Volunteers are needed! Provide a gumbo dish, make a home-made dessert, or help with decorating or clean up. For more information or to volunteer, contact Ginny Mattox, (903) 504-5016 or

Analysis of Revenues & Expenses December 2016 Summary

MTD Actual YTD Actual YTD Budget









Net Total




Planned Giving Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help, contact Nanci Pollard (903-5976317) to request information, or visit the Texas Presbyterian Foundation at Assistance is confidential and 4 free of charge.

Stay in the Know Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online. Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at Stay in touch with us on social media, too: /fpctyler



PULSE (Praise. Unite. Lead. Serve. Energize.) #4

Youth Sunday

Saturday, February 4 | 7:30 am | meet at FPC PULSE will be held at the Presbyterian Mission Center in Irving. For youth from grades 9-12. RSVP ASAP to Neil McKown (

Sunday, February 26 | youth to arrive at 7:15 am | Sanctuary This is the exciting time of the year where the youth of FPC Tyler lead our congregation in worship. After the 11 a.m. service, the youth will go out to lunch and it’s our treat - you won’t need money. Come in jeans and an FPC-Tyler t-shirt (if you need a shirt, talk to Neil). Breakfast provided following the 8:30 a.m. service. Questions? Neil at nmkown@ (

Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday, February 5 | 8:30 am | Campus-wide Canned goods still needed! Be part of this movement that is sharing God’s love with those in need. Look for a youth with a soup pot by any church entrance. Every dollar and can of food donated goes to a local charity in Tyler ( events/souper-bowl). Help FPC win the honor of being the inaugural “Grace Presbytery Souper Bowl” Champion and fight hunger in our communities!

SAVE THE DATE: Youthquake - Registration open! March 24-26 | Camp Gilmont | Gilmer, TX Attention middle school youth! This is fun-filled and spirit-filled weekend led by the PULSE program of Grace Presbytery. There will be small groups, a service project, great keynotes, and lots of fun and games! Cost is $60, scholarships are available. Visit

Youth Group: Youth Sunday Preparation #1 Sunday, February 12 | 5:30 pm | The Well As we grow closer to Youth Sunday, we will be meeting together to run through our youth Sunday service. We will eat, run through our service, and spend some time playing games. Dinner is provided. Contact Neil if you are able to come(

Junior High Jubilee - Registration opens March 1 July 2-6 | Mo-Ranch | Hunt, TX Attention middle school youth: join other Presbyterians from across the state at Mo-Ranch for a week of small groups, amazing keynotes, and games—did we mention the Mo-slide?! This year’s theme is Be-Unique focusing on the story of Saul on the Road to Damascus. Visit events/jhj. Cost is $200 and registration ends on March 27.

Youth Group: Youth Sunday Preparation #2 Sunday, February 19 | 5:30 pm | The Well Youth Sunday is right around the corner! Dinner is provided, and we will rehearse until we feel comfortable with our service. Let Neil know if you are coming (

A “home for the holidays” gathering for college-age youth and some adult sponsors of this group, was held at the Garmon residence over the Christmas holidays.

Drop In and Rest In God’s Word with Lectio Divina Not sure where to land on Sunday mornings? Need a place that allows you to drop in and rest in God’s word? This March, you’re invited to introduce—or reintroduce— yourself to the spiritual discipline of classical lectio divina. Practiced by leaders of the church and ordinary Christians for over 1,500 years, this sacred reading of biblical texts meets with meditation, prayer, and contemplation to give life to spiritual growth. Try on something new to you but old to the church through lectio divina—no experience necessary! Contact Lynn Collyer ( /903-5976317 x 102) to register for this 4-week mini course which begins Sunday, March 5 at 9:45 a.m. in room M 204.


Children & Youth Calendar







KEY CM: Children's Ministry (6 weeks-5th grade) SM: Student Ministries (6th-12th grade) SHSG: Senior High Small Group (9th-12th grade)

SOUPER BOWL OF CARING 8:30 AM | Worship 9:10 AM | Ring & Sing 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church Sunday School Showdown Ends!



5 PM | Carol








3 6:30 PM | CM:

Choir 5 PM | Faith Conversations 5:45 PM | VBS Meeting 6 PM | SHSG

First Friday Fun!


PULSE Gathering #4




11 6:30 PM | SM:

College-Age Gathering



4 7:30 AM | SM:

5 PM | Carol

8:30 AM | Worship 9:10 AM | Ring &










5 PM | Carol




9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church 5:30 PM | SM: Youth Group



8:30 AM | Worship

21 5:30 PM | CM

Team Meeting

9:10 AM | Ring &

Sing 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church 5:30 PM | SM: Youth Group

26 YOUTH SUNDAY 7:15 AM | Youth Sunday practice 8:30 AM | Worship 9:10 AM | Ring & Sing 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church 12 PM | FA@FPC: Jazz Brunch 12 PM | SM: Luncheon

27 6:30 PM | SM

Team Meeting

5 PM | Carol



28 5:30 PM | Mardi

Gras 2017

Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Dana Durman by the 15th of the month prior to publication: ddurman@, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at


Children’s Ministry News & Events Souper Bowl of Caring


Sunday, February 5 | Campus wide Children’s ministry is invited to compete with other Sunday morning classes to donate canned and non-perishable food items. The prize is a breakfast provided and served by our youth. We already have 44 cans! This mission project started many years ago when a Presbyterian youth minister encouraged donations to assist the hungry in local towns, using the “Souper Bowl” theme.

April 21-23 | Camp Gilmont | Gilmer, TX KidQuake is for students in 1-5 grade. If your student is interested, please contact Phyllis Kidwell (903-681-5504 / so the parents can meet together and make a plan for the participants and adult sponsors who provide supervision. It is a fun time to get to know more about summer camp and meet children from other churches! The cost per participant is $125/each which includes 4 meals, housing, programming and a T-shirt.

Vacation Bible School 2017 Meeting Wednesday, February 1 | 5:45 pm | Conference Room If you are interested in volunteering for VBS this summer, or just want to learn more about it, please plan to attend the gathering meeting. We will discuss the theme, outline the jobs we need to fill, based on your availability, interest and time for those needs. Please prayerfully consider volunteering for this important ministry of our church.

Vacation Bible School 2017 June 14-17 | FPC Campus As you begin to think about warm weather days, mark your summer calendars for VBS - Wednesday, June 14 through Friday, June 16 in the evening. We will conclude on Saturday, June 17, during the day, by presenting our program, sharing lunch and having a play day!

First Friday Fun: Kids Night Out Friday, February 3 | 6:30 pm | Children’s Wing | RSVP by Jan. 31 Dinner will be served, crafts will be created and we will have a mission-focused activity - the canned food drive. Our older students will learn about programs that assist hungry people in Smith County and complete an activity using the donated items to “plan meals.” Please register as it helps us plan to have enough food and craft supplies, and ensure our caregiver-to-child ratio is met. Friends are welcome, but ask their parents to RSVP (


FPC’s Sewing Bees have had a very busy fall, sending approximately 100 dresses and 50 boxer shorts to Haiti in December. These were hand-delivered by Sally Smith-Garmon to the children in the villages that our mission team serves.


Sunday School @ 9:45 am

Small Group Schedule

faith builders


| Lecture & discussion
 M202 | The book of Revelation | Contact: Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 | Lecture & discussion M 205 | The Reformation | Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535 the forum

209ers | Young Adults M209 | The Son of Laughter | Contact: Debbie Pitts ( the

| Book & discussion M 207 | John’s Gospel: Wisdom from Ephesus | Contact: Linda Pirtle (903) 881-9000 westminster

| Lectionary Tuesdays | 6:30 am | Premier Flexipac
| Contact: Skip Womack (903) 533-9433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 | Fellowship 1st Wednesday | 5 pm | M 102 | Contact: Shannon Franzen (903) 576-4781 faith conversations

| Book/DVD and Discussion Thursdays | 9:30 am | Conference Room
| Fresh Air: The Holy Spirit for an Inspired Life | Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533 women


Thank you to Azalea Academy For Exceptional Adults for assembling our weekly bulletin and Marshall Ewing and his crew for assembling our “Steeple Times” monthly newsletter.

Faith Conversations. 5 pm, M 102. VBS Meeting. 5:45 pm, Conference room. Meadow Lake Bible Study. 11:45 am, Meadow Lake. First Friday Fun: Kids Nigh Out. 6:30 pm, Children’s Wing. PULSE. 7:30 am departure, Irving, TX. Souper Bowl of Caring. Campus-wide Knit Wits. 1:30 pm, Panera Bread Restaurant. SAM’s Club. 11 am, Anderson Room, F 101-102. Presbyterian Women Sunday Circle. 9:30 am, M 204. Youth Sunday: Youth Group Preparation. 5:30pm, The Well Presbyterian Women Weekday Circle. 10 am, F 101-102. Steeple Times Submission Deadline. Sewing Bees. 10 am, F 104. Youth Sunday: Youth Group Preparation. 5:30pm, The Well Fine Arts @ FPC: Elissa Lee, Violinist. 4 pm, Sanctuary Youth Sunday. 8:30 and 11 am, Sanctuary Fine Arts @ FPC: Jazz Brunch. 12 pm, Fellowship Hall. 2017 Mardi Gras For Missions. 5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall. Ash Wednesday Services. 12 & 6 pm, Chapel.

230 W. Rusk Street, Tyler, TX 75701

return service requested

Budget & Finance. February 9 @ 12 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Building & Grounds. February 13 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Children’s Ministry Team. February 21 @ 5:30 pm — Library | A 111 Diaconate. February 14 @ 6:30 pm — Library | A 111 Governance. February 6 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Grace Presbytery. February 25 — First Presbyterian Church | Ft. Worth, TX Mission. February 13 @ 5:30 pm — Library Risk Management. February 22 @ 12 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Student Ministry. February 27 @ 6:30 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Session. February 21 @ 7 pm — M 207


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