2 minute read
Reflecting On The Cross
“For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” – 1 Corinthians 2:2
As I reflect upon the wonder of Easter, I stand in awe of the love of God the Father’s self-giving and costly sacrifice on our behalf. I scarcely can take it in as I think about the passages, “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,” Romans 5:8, and Jesus’ prophetic words testifying, “Greater love has no man but to lay down his life for another,” John 15:13. The mercy (unmerited kindness) of God goes beyond our comprehension!
It is so easy to be self-deceived by pride and arrogance, thinking we have something to offer in exchange for our souls. We might think the consequences of irreverence and disobedience towards a Righteous and Holy God can be mitigated by some good work, or that we can negotiate with the very One who authors and sustains life. In Psalms 49:8 we read “the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough.” The truth is, apart from the blood of Christ, we have absolutely no hope! (Ephesians 1:7, 2:8-10, 2:12-13, Romans 4:9, and many other verses.) The whole text of the Bible points to the atoning blood of Jesus! Brothers and sisters, can I get an Amen or a Hallelujah!
To call oneself a Christian is to resolve to know nothing but Jesus and Him crucified as foundational to a purposed life and core to our interactions and treatment of others. Acts of hospitality can open the door and extend the welcome of Jesus to others to come see and to hear the Good News of the free gift of SALVATION to all who desire to live in perfect love and union with the Author and Creator of life.
What is your testimony to others when you worship on Sundays, mingle, and chat after the service, or pass others in the church hallways and parking lot? What is your witness to those in your neighborhood, community, or workplace? Are you extending the hospitality of Jesus to those around you on a daily basis, born out of the joy of His salvation and your redeemed life? (Psalms 51:12)
As you reflect on the miracle and wonder of Easter, may the Holy Spirit reignite in you a fire that burns brightly of the Gospel Truth in your life and strengthens you as a living sacrifice of worship and devotion! It is the LORD, GOD ALMIGHTY and His Messiah, JESUS, whom we worship! Our salvation is of Him, by Him, and for Him. It is He who has made us, not we ourselves.
We are the sheep of His hand. As our Good Shepherd, He is faithful to bring to completion the good work began in us. (Phil. 1:6) Press into the LORD that the life of His Son, Jesus, be manifested through you! It is the only hope for a broken and lost world, which we are called to serve and love in the Name of Jesus. (Matthew 25:31-46)
Sunday Services & Calendar of Events
Join Us For Worship Sunday Mornings
9:00am Contemporary style worship, classes for children of all ages, childcare available
9:00am Grace Kids (Kidzone 2nd Floor)
Youth Youth Breakfast Club (Chapel Main Floor)
10:00am Renew Your Mind – Pilgrim’s Progress
11:00am Traditional style worship with choir and pipe organ, childcare available
Communion Served the First Sunday of each month at both services (9:00am & 11:00am)
Prayer Available at the front of the sanctuary af ter each service