2 minute read
Prayerfully Seeking God’s Guidance
Women’s Ministry has a lot planned this year, and I encourage you to ask the Lord which classes, events, and opportunities are His invitations to you. Where does He want to meet you – for fellowship, fun, growth, or transformation? Why ask Him? Because we all only have so much time, and we can fill it with good things, yet miss out on the Lord’s best for us. We don’t want to live a BUSY (Burdened Under Satan’s Yoke) life, but a purposeful, abundant life.
I am passionate about Jesus, yes. But what I am most passionate about is introducing people to a lifestyle. A lifestyle that is not based on religion, doctrine, or theology, but on a relationship. I want people to be able to experience Jesus on a personal level. To converse with Him. The Bible says His voice is like many waters, always moving. He is always talking. But are we listening?
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
– Winston Churchill
I want to encourage women to sit down with your kids, grandkids, nephews, nieces, friends’ kids – whomever is in your sphere of influence – and share about the Jesus who loves to talk. Who loves to listen. Who loves to be in constant contact with us. No matter how big, small, important, or mundane the matter. He is interested in our lives. Are we interested in His?
And I invite you to join us, Grace of Christ women, in growing our faith and relationships, not only with God, but with one another. Look at the opportunities available to you this year. Bring them before the Lord and ask Him which invitations have your name on them. You will not only be blessed, but your presence and participation will bless others.

I remember when I first began having a daily dialogue with the Lord. When I started asking Him for wisdom and His perspective on things. It was nine years ago, in November. I was in a bad situation and found myself in the most desperate place I had ever been. I guess the phrase “She came to the end of herself” would be appropriate. I had. That day, through a conversation with the Lord, everything changed. I talked with Jesus as if He were right next to me. I’m not bragging, like look at me, I’m so spiritual. On the contrary, I am saying how much I need the Master’s guidance and direction. That day I began a daily prayer practice, because I am absolutely dependent on the Lord. For everything.
Spiritual Conversations
Mondays | 9:30am | Fireside Room | Robin Stuber
Do you have questions? I have questions! Big questions! Like “Where is God when it hurts?” and “Why am I so angry or alone or afraid?” My goal with this four-week study is to gather women around a table and talk about life’s questions. I believe by studying God’s character through the names given to Him in the Bible, we will find an answer to some of our biggest worries. Come and join me as we encounter “El Shaddai”! The Lord God Almighty!