Grace Alive - March 2023

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Iglesia Presbiteriana Gracia de Cristo

MARCH 2023 VOL 138
“Together at Grace, Loving God and Loving Others”

Listen, Wait, Go, Speak

“And the Spirit said... Philip, ‘Go over and join this chariot.’ So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, ‘Do you understand what you are reading?’ And he said, ‘How can I, unless someone guides me?’ And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.”

– Acts 8:29-31

During my years at Ghormley I attended night school at the University of Washington. I would drive over to the Seattle campus one or two nights a week, leaving around 2pm and returning at midnight or later. The degree took three years. I loved the professors, the study, and the 20 or so fellow students I went through the program with. They knew I was a pastor because I confessed that early on. Most of the students made it clear they were not in favor of Christian faith. Despite their reservations, several became acquaintances and even friends. Several months after graduating, I received a call from one of the other students. She told me she was moving to Yakima to take a job at a local Warehouse. She didn’t know anybody in Yakima and asked if we could we get together. Absolutely. My wife and I invited her over for dinner. After dinner she picked up a newsletter from the church, and asked, “Is this your church?” Kath and I said, “Yes, that’s the church we’re a part of.” She then asked, “Do you think I could go to your church?” We responded, “Absolutely.” She added, “But I’m not a Christian. I’ve only visited a church a couple of times.” We replied, “That’s not a problem.”

She came every Sunday. She sat about six pews back on the South side. Soon a number of wonderful women from the church noticed her and began to sit with her. They invited her over for meals. They got to know her. She listened to the sermons and asked questions. One Sunday she asked where she could serve in the church. She wasn’t a Christian, but she wanted to help. She got connected with the latte stand whipping up coffee drinks, talking and serving.

I don’t know the end of her story. Kath and I moved to Moses Lake and we lost touch, but I trust God knows her story beginning to end. Our goal wasn’t to “get her saved.” Our goal was to genuinely care for her and to speak and act as God directed. I believe several women played a significant role in helping her know Jesus. I believe this church with Sunday services, the teaching and the music, activities offered during the week, our in-between fellowship times, the latte bar volunteers, dinners and conversations with other “First-Pres-ers” all played a part in God’s loving pursuit of her. And when she left Yakima, I trust that God brought others into her life, wherever she landed, to continue the conversation and relationship.

Do you and I know the role God has for us in the lives of those we meet, often casually, in the Garden Room or maybe sitting behind us, or in front of us, on a Sunday morning?

God invites us to listen, to genuinely care for, to ask questions of and to follow His leading. That’s the adventure

2 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church Pastor

we’ve been called to... that’s the adventure Philip was on. That one encounter changed the man’s life, the life of the nation of Ethiopia, and Philip’s life too.

How is God speaking to us here at Grace? Are we ready to head to the highway and wait for further instructions? It’s an unusual way to live, a great way to live, an exciting partnership with the One who loves us and invites us along. “And the Spirit said... go.”

Traveling with you, in God’s grace, – Curt

J.I Packer on Sin and Total Depravity

“The phrase ‘total depravity’ is commonly used to make explicit the implications of original sin. It signifies a corruption of our moral and spiritual nature that is total, not in degree (for no one is as bad as he or she might be) but in extent. It declares that no part of us is untouched by sin, and therefore no action of ours is as good as it should be, and consequently nothing in us or about us ever appears meritorious in God’s eyes. We cannot earn God’s favor, no matter what we do; unless grace saves us, we are lost.

Total depravity entails total inability. That is, the state of not having it in oneself to respond to God and His Word in a sincere and wholehearted way (John 6:44, Romans 8:7-8). Paul calls this unresponsiveness of the fallen heart a state of death (Ephesians 2:1, Colossians 2:13) and the Westminster Confession says, ‘Man by his fall into a state of sin, hath wholly lost all ability of will to any spiritual good accompanying salvation. Natural man being altogether adverse from that good, and dead in sin, is not able by his own strength to convert himself, or to prepare himself thereunto’ (IX.3). (J.I. Packer (1926-2020), Christian Theologian and Author, Professor Regent College Vancouver BC. Concise Theology, 1993)

ECO National Conference

During the last few days of January, Alex and I attended the Annual ECO (Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians) Conference in Newport Beach, CA. The denomination is about a decade old, eager to grow, still figuring itself out. I am thankful there was much to celebrate: the number of younger pastors, theological faithfulness, a focus on mission and rich creativity.

I believe one of the greatest new resources is Flourish Institute which offers affordable, on-line, high quality theological seminary courses that are available to all. It was also clear there is much left to do: strengthening relationships among pastors and churches, helping churches that are struggling, how to lead nationally while remaining close to the local church. I’m encouraged. Here at Grace, we will need to find ways to put time and energy into our new denominational connections. If you have more questions, Alex and I would be delighted to meet and talk further.

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DON’T BE AFRAID – Let God Work in Your Calendar

Everyone helps his neighbor and says to his brother, “Be strong!” The craftsman strengthens the goldsmith, and he who smooths with the hammer him who strikes the anvil, saying of the soldering, “It is good”; and they strengthen it with nails so that it cannot be moved. But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham, my friend; you whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, “You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off”; fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. – Isaiah 41:6-10

Thank God we have begun a year full of His blessings, thank you all for your faithfulness to God and His church. I believe that many of you have already begun to fill the pages of your calendar with many activities, events, commitments, vacations, etc. I also believe that you have left room for things that are going to come our way unexpectedly; but we must never forget that the most important thing in life is to put God and prayer first. We have a great opportunity to pause and use our time to pray with faith, to look forward with the hope that things will be better in the coming days and months. It is time to invest in our families, ministries and in the future. Every morning is an opportunity to give our time to Jesus, and trust in Him entirely all the way, day by day, month by month, and every day of our lives in this material and physical world. There is still a lot of work waiting for us because work never stops and is as constant as our responsibilities, but we must understand that we can never do everything by

NO TENGAS MIEDO –Deja Que Dios Trabaje En Tu Calendario

“Cada cual ayudó a su vecino, y a su hermano dijo: Esfuérzate. El carpintero animó al platero, y el que alisaba con martillo al que batía en el yunque, diciendo: Buena está la soldadura; y lo afirmó con clavos, para que no se moviese. Pero tú, Israel, siervo mío eres; tú, Jacob, a quien yo escogí, descendencia de Abraham mi amigo. Porque te tomé de los confines de la tierra, y de tierras lejanas te llamé, y te dije: Mi siervo eres tú; te escogí, y no te deseché. No temas, porque yo estoy contigo; no desmayes, porque yo soy tu Dios que te esfuerzo; siempre te ayudaré, siempre te sustentaré con la diestra de mi justicia.” – Isaías 41:6-10

Gracias a Dios hemos comenzado un año lleno de Sus bendiciones, gracias a todos por su fidelidad a Dios y a Su iglesia. Creo que muchos de ustedes ya han comenzado a llenar las páginas de su calendario con muchas actividades, eventos, compromisos, vacaciones, etc., etc. También creo que han dejado espacio para cosas que se nos van a presentar inesperadamente; pero nunca debemos olvidar que lo más importante en la vida es poner primero a Dios y la oración. Tenemos una gran oportunidad para hacer una pausa y usar nuestro tiempo para orar con fe, mirar hacia adelante con la esperanza de que las cosas mejorarán en los próximos días y meses. Es tiempo de invertir en nuestras familias, ministerios y en el futuro; cada mañana es una oportunidad para dar nuestro tiempo a Jesús, y confiar en Él enteramente todo el camino, día a día, mes a mes, y todos los días de nuestra vida en este mundo físico material. Todavía nos queda mucho trabajo por hacer, porque el trabajo nunca se detiene, y es constante al igual que nuestras responsabili-


You may remember, pre- pandemic when we had 20+ volunteers reading with students at Adams Elementary each week. We are slowly getting back to reading with the students on a regular basis. If you are interested in this growing program, please contact Tom Oliva to find out how and when you can get plugged in. We hope to have a regular schedule with Adams for their next school year.

Call Tom: 509-571-4543

4 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church Outreach
READING FOR ADAMS ELEMENTARY Call 509-571-4543 George &
at Adams

ourselves. We need God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We also need help from our families, friends and our brothers and sisters in Christ to do the work in total unification and for God’s Kingdom. Our call is to love and serve God and others. Our calling is to love and serve our church, community, neighbors, nation and world. We must love and serve them together and well as Jesus teaches us and asks us to do. When you begin the path of service, do not be afraid because God will be with you always! Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9


Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw Him, they worshiped Him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Please ask God to help you plan your calendar, trust in Jesus always, put Him first on the top of your to do list, and He will help you do His will which is good and a blessing! We are working on the next outreach events. We ask for your prayers and help so God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

May God our Heavenly Father, fill you with His beautiful blessings, always!

Working for The Kingdom of God

dades, pero debemos entender que nunca podremos hacer todo por nosotros mismos, necesitamos a Dios, a Jesús y al Espíritu Santo, nosotros también necesitamos la ayuda de nuestras familias y amigos, nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo para hacer el trabajo en total unificación y para el Reino de Dios. Nuestro llamado es amar y servir a Dios y a los demás; nuestro llamado es amar y servir a nuestra iglesia, comunidad y a nuestro prójimo, a nuestra nación y el mundo entero, pero debemos amarlos y servirlos juntos y muy bien como Jesús nos enseña y nos pide que lo hagamos, y cuando vayas por el camino no tengas miedo, ¡Porque Dios estará contigo siempre!

Mira que te mando que te esfuerces y seas valiente; no temas ni desmayes, porque Jehová tu Dios estará contigo en dondequiera que vayas. –Josué 1:9


Pero los once discípulos se fueron a Galilea, al monte donde Jesús les había ordenado. Y cuando le vieron, le adoraron; pero algunos dudaban. Y Jesús se acercó y les habló diciendo: Toda potestad me es dada en el cielo y en la tierra. Por tanto, id, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo; enseñándoles que guarden todas las cosas que os he mandado; y he aquí yo estoy con vosotros todos los días, hasta el fin del mundo. Amén. – Mateo 28:16-20

Por favor, pídele a Dios que te ayude a planificar tu calendario, y confía siempre en Jesús, ponlo primero en la parte superior de tu lista de cosas por hacer, ¡y Él te ayudará a hacer Su hermosa voluntad, que es buena y es una bendición! Estamos trabajando en los próximos eventos de alcance. Les pedimos sus oraciones y ayuda también para que se haga la voluntad de Dios en la tierra como en el cielo. ¡Que Dios nuestro padre celestial, los colme de sus hermosas bendiciones, siempre!

Trabajando para El Reino de Dios – Pastor Alex Rule


Thursdays | 3:45pm – 5:15pm | Choir Room

Gospel Kids are back! Rehearsals resume March 16 on Thursdays from 3:45pm – 5:15pm in the church choir room. (Park near the playground.) Sonny Salsbury welcomes kids from all over Yakima Valley, grades 3rd through 7th. (No formal training required) They are putting on an original Sonny Salsbury production Sunday, May 14 at 2pm in the Sanctuary. All are invited to attend! Please contact Sonny for information: 805-709-6605

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 5 Outreach

Prayerfully Seeking God’s Guidance

Women’s Ministry has a lot planned this year, and I encourage you to ask the Lord which classes, events, and opportunities are His invitations to you. Where does He want to meet you – for fellowship, fun, growth, or transformation? Why ask Him? Because we all only have so much time, and we can fill it with good things, yet miss out on the Lord’s best for us. We don’t want to live a BUSY (Burdened Under Satan’s Yoke) life, but a purposeful, abundant life.

I am passionate about Jesus, yes. But what I am most passionate about is introducing people to a lifestyle. A lifestyle that is not based on religion, doctrine, or theology, but on a relationship. I want people to be able to experience Jesus on a personal level. To converse with Him. The Bible says His voice is like many waters, always moving. He is always talking. But are we listening?

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

I want to encourage women to sit down with your kids, grandkids, nephews, nieces, friends’ kids – whomever is in your sphere of influence – and share about the Jesus who loves to talk. Who loves to listen. Who loves to be in constant contact with us. No matter how big, small, important, or mundane the matter. He is interested in our lives. Are we interested in His?

And I invite you to join us, Grace of Christ women, in growing our faith and relationships, not only with God, but with one another. Look at the opportunities available to you this year. Bring them before the Lord and ask Him which invitations have your name on them. You will not only be blessed, but your presence and participation will bless others.

I remember when I first began having a daily dialogue with the Lord. When I started asking Him for wisdom and His perspective on things. It was nine years ago, in November. I was in a bad situation and found myself in the most desperate place I had ever been. I guess the phrase “She came to the end of herself” would be appropriate. I had. That day, through a conversation with the Lord, everything changed. I talked with Jesus as if He were right next to me. I’m not bragging, like look at me, I’m so spiritual. On the contrary, I am saying how much I need the Master’s guidance and direction. That day I began a daily prayer practice, because I am absolutely dependent on the Lord. For everything.


Mondays | 9:30am | Fireside Room | Robin Stuber

Do you have questions? I have questions! Big questions! Like “Where is God when it hurts?” and “Why am I so angry or alone or afraid?” My goal with this four-week study is to gather women around a table and talk about life’s questions. I believe by studying God’s character through the names given to Him in the Bible, we will find an answer to some of our biggest worries. Come and join me as we encounter “El Shaddai”! The Lord God Almighty!

6 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church Women's Ministry
Women’s Ministry Class

Student Ministry

the theme of “Identity” and are grateful for the opportunities students have to find their place in the church.



Our new year has begun, and things are just ramping up. You may have noticed a little difference in how we are doing things this quarter. For example, this year we have started a weekly worship time for children, youth, parents and families on Wednesday nights, called Jacob’s Well, led by Sarah and Kara. We have also created a group just for middle school students and a separate group for high school students because we have grown so much in size! Our high school group has almost doubled in size this last quarter. We had an average of ten high school students attending during fall quarter and by winter quarter the number of students had grown to an average of 20 each night. The middle school and high school groups are currently alternating every other week between doing small groups/ activities downstairs and having their talk in the chapel. We are so excited with how many new students we have seen in these last couple of weeks. God is really working among the youth in our community.


Not only is God working within our youth on Wednesday nights, but we are also are seeing a good group of kids that are consistently attending service and Breakfast Club on Sunday mornings. Students are also participating in monthly communion and a few of our student have helped lead music during worship on Sundays. We are working through

Speaking of opportunities, several students have expressed the desire for a deeper study of God’s Word, so we have developed two cadres that each offer a distinct focus: A high school girl’s daily devotional cadre meeting on Mondays and a music skills cadre meeting on Tuesday nights. We definitely have more students that desire these spaces for more personal study and encouragement in their faith; especially our young men. If you find that God is calling you to be that place for them, especially any male leaders, please reach out and let us know. We can connect you with eager youth, and if need be, give you the tools to help you create a space for their growth.


The annual winter high school retreat at Ghormley was a fantastic weekend. The theme, “Toxic: What is in Your Water” was challenging and got the kids (and leaders!) to really think about our daily lives and how we spend our time. We had a good group of kids, and we know that they had so much fun. Thank you to all the volunteer leaders that joined us that weekend!


As it’s getting warmer, we hope that you will be able to join us for the following exciting events! On Friday, March 3rd, we’ll have a favorite, Nerf War Night. On April 5-6 we will have a high school lock-in! And in May we’ll be celebrating our graduating Seniors! Please let us know if you have a graduating Senior to add to the roster.

Contact us through our emails: or, or through social media: yakima_grace_youth.

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Wednesday Night Youth Group High School Retreat at
You See the Bird?
Kara Brown Student Ministry Director Jahzeel Garcia Student Ministry Assistant

Grace of Christ Preschool


Leprechaun Hunts – To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, classes hunt for gold throughout our church. What they don’t realize is all the mischief the leprechauns make while the students are wandering the halls!


This is our last big program of the year for families to see how much their children have grown!

Easter Chapel – Each child gets to declare “He is risen! Jesus is alive!”

Easter Egg Hunts – We’re hoping we don’t have snow this year and can enjoy our egg hunt outside.


Our spring preschool fundraiser is ready to bloom! We’ll be selling beautiful hanging until April 9 at the Connection Center on Sundays or in the office during the week.

Baskets are $40 each and will be delivered to the preschool May 4th, just in time for Mother’s Day! They make excellent gifts or added decoration to your porch or patio.

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Come meet the teachers, visit the classrooms and learn more about our fabulous preschool!

Wed, April 12 6pm - 7:30pm


Wednesday | April 12 | 6pm –7:30pm

Current AND prospective families are invited to attend! Come see what our students have been up to, meet our teachers, and register for preschool!


Health for our teachers, students, and families! Families who WILL register for next year – we don’t know who they are yet, but we still like to pray for those that God will send our way!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 Preschool

Family & Children’s Ministry

Hello Grace families,

As I write this, Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. It’s never been a big celebration for my husband and me. Some years we get a card for each other. Nevertheless, it’s on my mind, probably because I just got done counting my kids’ Valentines to make sure they have enough for their classmates. Remember those days? Or maybe you are in those days right now. In my experience, there always seems to be that one mother who goes above and beyond. Her kids bring not just the little paper Valentine, but the sucker attached plus the pencil and maybe the cheesy little Oriental Trading toy. And I feel like the worst mom ever. I just got the Walgreens’ on-sale sports Valentines – without even asking if those were “ok” first.

I was talking with a friend about the spirit of comparison. I’m not the only one comparing myself with all the super moms out there. It is everywhere. Thank you social media. Comparison seems to be an epidemic, and it is infecting the Church and affecting the Church. Now I am not calling out GOC, I am saying “the Church,” as in the body of Christ – the whole body. We compare services, sermons, Bible studies, speakers, worship sets, websites, kids’, youth, and women’s ministries – in fact ALL ministries and giftings. Especially giftings. And, yes, I am guilty of all of these. I am guilty of comparing myself to other women who are in leadership or have been, and not only do I come up short, in my estimation, I am not even on the measuring stick. I know this makes our Lord sad.

Recently, I watched a teacher lead a class, and I was mesmerized by her total confidence and ability to teach despite a thousand interruptions and kids’ disruptive behaviors. I wish I could be like that; I wish I spoke better kid language; I wish I was as creative as she is; I wish I could communicate a

lesson as well as she does. I wish I had a degree in teaching, then I could be a better teacher like she is. Sadly, those were some of my thoughts.

As I write this, I can hear the voice of my friend, Jamal Zakhary. We would meet for coffee when she lived here, and after listening to what was going on in my life or what I was thinking about, her famous line to me was, “Sarah, all I hear right now is ‘I, I, I, I.’” Ouch! She never was gentle; she just ripped the Band-Aid off, skin and all. It was what I needed. When are we going to be content with how God made us? And not just content, but grateful? What’s it going to take for us to value who we are and the place we have in God’s kingdom on earth? When I focus on how much better someone is in a role than I am, I don’t really treasure and appreciate who they are. I don’t thank God for their giftings and that I get to learn from them and be served by them. When will we stop comparing ourselves to others and modeling that for our children? Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” He is right. When I look at who I’m not instead of who I am, it steals joy about how God made me as well as my joy in others.

“Each of you must examine your own actions. Then you can be proud of your own accomplishments without comparing yourself to others. Assume your own responsibility.” – Galatians 6:4-5

“For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.” – James 3:16

A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot. – Proverbs 14:30

Disorder? Vile practices? Rotten bones? Who wants those? Let us starve out, crowd out, cast out the spirit of comparison. Let this be our Valentine (or Easter gift!) to our Lord, that we love ourselves well and praise Him for how He made us all different – so that the body of Christ is able to reflect the fullness of Christ.

Maybe I’ll get cards for each one of my family members this Valentine’s and tell them one way that they make a difference in God’s kingdom on earth. And that I’m grateful for it.

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Family & Children’s Ministry

PALM SUNDAY – All Because of Jesus

Sunday | April 2 | Both Services | Sanctuary


GraceKids on Wednesday nights is growing, and we are excited to have our very own Preschool Director, Becca Mailand, helping out! The kids begin every Wednesday at Jacob’s Well in the Chapel for family worship, followed by a Bible lesson, craft, and game. Well, full disclosure here: also Hot Cheetos and Takis. Oh, and sometimes Mt. Dew. Sorry (kinda), parents.


Families, mark your calendars for July 1st and join GOC for a Pippens’ baseball game! One ticket gets you into the game, a hot dog, and soda! AND there will be fireworks right after the game.

K2 (Kindergarten – 2nd grade)

Our K2 class continues to grow, almost weekly, and we are having so much fun! The kids are loving being in a new classroom with more one-on-one time with our fabulous teachers.

Seekers (1st – 5th grade)

Our Seekers class enjoys listening to teachers Joseph and Madie share the 10 Commandments. Teacher Joseph is very animated, and the kids are captivated by his energetic and commanding presence. The boys are loving having another man in the class!


WHEN: March 18th, 2023, from 9am to 4:30pm

Lunch provided

WHERE: Grace of Christ Gym (9 S 8th Ave, Yakima, WA)

$65: Until March 1st, $75: March 2 – 14


Registration includes training, lunch, and the book

“Trauma, Sexual Exploitation, and Addictive Self-Harm”

BRING: Notebook & Pen

RECOMMENDED: No children under age 18

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 11

“Find your mission, find

Grace of Christ is a mission focused church, sharing DROPS OF GRACE locally, nationally and internationally having a global reach. Loving in the name and power of Christ, Grace of Christ truly has a world-wide impact, changing lives for His Kingdom. The Mission Ministry Team (MMT) maintains interaction with and oversees distribution of funds to more than twenty mission partners and organizations.

PROJECT MERCY – A Rich History with Grace It All Began with a Meal

Grace of Christ holds deep roots and a faith-centered relationship with Project Mercy, beginning this connection at a “chance” encounter at an early 90’s President’s Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC. Believing that this introduction was a divine appointment and a calling to join into the ministry of Project Mercy, hearts were knit together and miracles began. The Yakima connections multiplied and continue to grow today.

A Look at the Past and Future

Project Mercy is a Christian, non-profit organization located in rural Yetebon, Ethiopia. Founded in 1977 by Ethiopian refugees Marta Gabre-Tsadick and Demeke Tekle-Wold (Deme), the married couple originally focused upon offering aid and relief to displaced refugees in Africa. The second and current phase began in 1993 when communism fell in Ethiopia and Project Mercy grew with the vision to “renew the heart of a nation by rooting out spiritual and systemic poverty at the roots.” Currently, this ministry has expanded and targets education, healthcare, food security, adult skills and infrastructure. It was Deme whom Grace of Christ church goers Jake and Carla Kupp and Frank and Suzanne met at that fateful President’s Breakfast. According to Jake Kupp, the Northwest group (those participants who resided in the Northwest part of the country) was having a meal, when Frank noticed Deme standing by himself facing a wall – making no eye contact with others. This was when Frank walked up to him and invited Deme to sit at their table. It turned out that Deme was praying to the Lord about where He wanted him to sit and wanted to be directed only by the Lord, thus the “no eye contact.” This meeting was key to what would follow. Over the years, the Grace of Christ bond has cemented and much has been accomplished by Project Mercy. Here’s a snippet of a few examples: a school whereby children are educated and have nutritional needs met is thriving; a water project that distributes safe/clean water (Yakima Downtown Rotary) has been developed; a state-of-the-art hospital (designed by Yakima architect Rod Knipper) has become a reality and serves thousands yearly; and life-changing mission trips to Yetebon by Grace of Christ congregants. Moreover, the hearts of Grace of Christ members continue to offer prayer and financial support.

Now into their golden years, Marta and Deme – who have returned to their beloved Ethiopia – remain on the board of Project Mercy serving the Lord. And once again, ties to Yakima and Grace of Christ are evident as presently there are two Yakima residents who are a part of the Project Mercy Board and one Yakima resident who is on the Development Committee. Miraculously, the Lord protected Marta and Deme’s entire family – who were marked for death – as they fled Ethiopia in 1974 when the communists overthrew the government, executing Emperor Hailie Selassie and massacring most government officials. And remarkably, son Bete Demeke is following in his parent’s footsteps. After much education and a successful international business career, Bete Demeke has taken on the role as President of Project Mercy. Bete attended Taylor University and then he went on to earn his masters in management from Northwestern’s Kellogg Business School. He was employed at IBM for over 30 years, finishing his career with the company as Vice President of International sales and was based in China. He managed over 5,000 employees in 140 countries. Bete has also joined the ranks of becoming a highly sought after speaker for the Downtown Yakima Rotary club, just as his parents did before him.

Most Recently

Once again following the path that his parents forged, on Thursday, February 23rd, Bete Demeke, President and ViceChairman of the Board of Project Mercy traveled from rural Yetebon, Ethiopia to share an update on Project Mercy with the Downtown Yakima Rotary. Crossing oceans and time zones, Demeke brought a message of a hope and future for the people of Ethiopia and gave a first-hand account of the miracles that are still ongoing in Ethiopia.

12 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Mission Ministry
your passion”
Bete Demeke, President of Project Mercy

Mission Ministry


One January 1st, 2023, Eric and Nancy Gustafson lead a group of seven people to Cambodia to see the updates in ministries at the YWAM base in Battambang. Thanks to the hospitality and commitment to the people of Cambodia, Garth and Caroline Gustafson, led us in participating in the missions of the YWAM campus. We received a VIP tour of all the operations of the base and opportunities to serve the community. The women (Jean Schiewe, Nancy Gustafson, Debbi Baldwin and Cathy Simons) went with staff to visit families in the slums. We listened to their life stories, prayed with them and loved on them. The following day these same women from the slums came to the base to receive rice for their needy families. Our Grace women were blessed by the experience of being with these woman for two days in a row. We attended their Bible study, met in small groups to pray, and showed our silliness in joining in a game with the struggling women. We were humbled of hearing of the struggles of everyday life for the people in the slums.

The group visited an Orphanage called, “Home of Love Orphanage.” Several groups on previous mission trips from First Pres, now GOC, have visited this orphanage. In the past mission trips, they have provided Vacation Bible School to the children in that community. This year the mission team had their hearts turn to compassion for a seven year old girl named Rachel. She was born with skeletal defects that do not let her walk efficiently. Our team is committed to provide finances to get a diagnosis and a treatment plan for the services she needs. It has been more than amazing to see God providing a way to help Rachael. With the communication between the orphanage director, Garth and Eric Gustafson, and a physical therapist from Canada, we are seeing progress is helping this little angel.

The men (Eric Gustafson, Mark Baldwin, and Jerry Simons) went with staff to assist in putting in pit toilets. These families had no bathroom facilities other than the surround fields. The cost to YWAM for supplies of these toilets is a mere $200. A small price to pay to allow a big change in the hygiene practices in that area.

The team looks forward to sharing more of what is going on at the YWAM base and other areas of need in Cambodia at some time in the future.

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Cathy & Jerry Simons, Jean Schiewe, Nancy Gustafson, Debbi & Mark Baldwin Two Children in Battambang, Cambodia YWAM, Cambodia (Garth & Caroline Gustafson) Installing Pit Toilets Children in Battambang

Reflecting On The Cross

“For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” – 1 Corinthians 2:2

As I reflect upon the wonder of Easter, I stand in awe of the love of God the Father’s self-giving and costly sacrifice on our behalf. I scarcely can take it in as I think about the passages, “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,” Romans 5:8, and Jesus’ prophetic words testifying, “Greater love has no man but to lay down his life for another,” John 15:13. The mercy (unmerited kindness) of God goes beyond our comprehension!

It is so easy to be self-deceived by pride and arrogance, thinking we have something to offer in exchange for our souls. We might think the consequences of irreverence and disobedience towards a Righteous and Holy God can be mitigated by some good work, or that we can negotiate with the very One who authors and sustains life. In Psalms 49:8 we read “the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough.” The truth is, apart from the blood of Christ, we have absolutely no hope! (Ephesians 1:7, 2:8-10, 2:12-13, Romans 4:9, and many other verses.) The whole text of the Bible points to the atoning blood of Jesus! Brothers and sisters, can I get an Amen or a Hallelujah!

To call oneself a Christian is to resolve to know nothing but Jesus and Him crucified as foundational to a purposed life and core to our interactions and treatment of others. Acts of hospitality can open the door and extend the welcome of Jesus to others to come see and to hear the Good News of

the free gift of SALVATION to all who desire to live in perfect love and union with the Author and Creator of life.

What is your testimony to others when you worship on Sundays, mingle, and chat after the service, or pass others in the church hallways and parking lot? What is your witness to those in your neighborhood, community, or workplace? Are you extending the hospitality of Jesus to those around you on a daily basis, born out of the joy of His salvation and your redeemed life? (Psalms 51:12)

As you reflect on the miracle and wonder of Easter, may the Holy Spirit reignite in you a fire that burns brightly of the Gospel Truth in your life and strengthens you as a living sacrifice of worship and devotion! It is the LORD, GOD ALMIGHTY and His Messiah, JESUS, whom we worship! Our salvation is of Him, by Him, and for Him. It is He who has made us, not we ourselves.

We are the sheep of His hand. As our Good Shepherd, He is faithful to bring to completion the good work began in us. (Phil. 1:6) Press into the LORD that the life of His Son, Jesus, be manifested through you! It is the only hope for a broken and lost world, which we are called to serve and love in the Name of Jesus. (Matthew 25:31-46)

14 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church Hospitality

Sunday Services & Calendar of Events


9:00am Contemporary style worship, classes for children of all ages, childcare available

9:00am Grace Kids (Kidzone 2nd Floor)

Youth Youth Breakfast Club (Chapel Main Floor)

10:00am Renew Your Mind – Pilgrim’s Progress

11:00am Traditional style worship with choir and pipe organ, childcare available

Communion Served the First Sunday of each month at both services (9:00am & 11:00am)

Prayer Available at the front of the sanctuary af ter each service




Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 15
6:30pm Divorce Care 7:00pm Men’s BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) Trailseekers
9:45am WOW - Women’s Bible Study
6:00pm Wed@Grace Dinner & Classes 6:00pm Choir Rehearsal
9:15am Women’s BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) 3:45pm Gospel Kids Rehearsal 6:00pm Worship Band Rehearsal MON–FRIDAY 9:00am Preschool
Tue’s in March WOW Women of the Word “Fruit of the Spirit” 9:45am Fireside Room Wed, March 1 Hospitality Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Lounge Preschool Hanging Flower Basket Fundraiser All Month Church Office Thur, March 2 Personnel Meeting 9:00am Young Lives Dinner and Gathering 6:00pm Garden Room Fri, March 3 Camp Hope Meal Prep 3:30pm K itchen Students Nerf War 7:00pm Gym Sun, March 5 Communion Sunday B oth Services Sanctuary Tue, March 7 Worship Ministry Team Meeting 4:30pm Garden Room Sat, March 11 Men’s Breakfast 7:30am Gym Sun, March 12 Fireside Chat with Pastors A fter Each Service Fireside Room Women’s Ministry Meeting 10:30am Adult Ed Room Deacon Meeting 12:30pm - 2:00pm Lounge M AG Meeting with Naches & Eburg Pres 1:30pm - 3:00pm Garden Room Mon, March 13 Preschool Board Meeting 12:00pm Adult Ed Room Tue, March 14 Business Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Library Mission Ministry Team Meeting 4:30pm Adult Ed Room Thur, March 16 Gospel Kids Resume Rehearsals (Sonny Salsbury) 3:45pm Choir Room Young Lives Dinner and Gathering 6:00pm Garden Room Sat, March 18 Healing Trauma & Betrayal Conference 9:00am – 4:30pm Gym (Register online Sun, March 19 Wilma Scheibner 90th Birthday Party A fter 11:00 Service Garden Room Trailseekers Auction 2:00pm Gym Wed, March 22 Women’s Spring Lunch 12:00pm Garden Room Sat, March 25 Women’s Coffee Connection 10:00am Starbucks 59th & Summitview Sun, March 26 Communion Sunday B oth Services A dult Ed Room Tue, March 28 S ession Meeting 6:30pm Adult Ed Room Sat, April 1 Men’s Breakfast 7:30am Gym Sun, April 2 Palm Sunday - Kids Sing B oth Services Sanctuary A pril 3rd - 7th Preschool Spring Break Mon’s April 3-24 Women’s Class: “Spiritual Conversations” 9:30am - 11:00am Fireside Room Thur, April 6 Maundy Thursday Communion & Tenebrae Service 7:00pm Sanctuary Fri, April 7 Good Friday Prayer and Service 12:00pm Sanctuary Sun, April 9 Easter Sunday Services 9:00am & 11:00am Sanctuary Sonrise Service 6:30am North Lawn April 27– June 15 Jewish Roots in Christianity - Rabbi Jay Shupack 6:00pm – 7:30pm Chapel A pril 28 – 30th Ghormley Mother/Daughter Weekend All Weekend Camp Ghormley WHEN DATE WHERE EVENT

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