Grace Alive - Feb-Mar 2025

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How would our lives be different?

“And Saul eyed David from that day on. The next day a harmful spirit from God rushed upon Saul, and he raved within his house while David was playing the lyre, as he did day by day. Saul had his spear in his hand. And Saul hurled the spear, for he thought, ‘I will pin David to the wall.’ But David evaded him twice. Saul was afraid of David because the Lord was with him but had departed from Saul.”

– 1 Samuel 18: 9-12

Do I trust God? Do you? How would our lives be different, our churches be different, our nation be different, if we listened to, trusted, and submitted to the ongoing work of God?

The people of Israel were chosen by God and set apart by God. They were to be different than all of the other nations of the world. They were to be a living reminder of a people who trusted their life, and their future, to God. From their earliest days they had no human king. God was their king. Their love of God mattered most. God raised up specific leaders (judges) in times of crisis.

These judges rallied the people, led them in battle, helped restore peace and order. But each judge was temporary … they were called to put their trust in God, no one else, nothing else. And then the people of Israel got restless. They wanted to fit in, be like the other nations, and so they asked for a human king. Their trust in God wavered. God gave them what they asked for. Saul was the obvious choice. He came for a respected family, a family of wealth. “There was not a man among the people of Israel more handsome than he. From his shoulders upward he was taller than any of the people.”

Despite outward appearances Saul had an interior deficiency. He was impatient, rash, and he didn’t trust God. So, God chose David to be king. Saul would not let go of his throne, his power. Few do. Saul sent the army of Israel to hunt down and kill David. Saul’s un-trusting heart plunged the people of Israel into decades of grief. Saul would die in disgrace.

But what if things had been different? What if Saul had trusted God? What if Saul had willingly stepped aside? What if, instead of seeking to kill David, Saul had supported him? If Saul had trusted God, submitted to God, would we see him as heroic, humble, an example of a Godly leader?

It has become clear in my time at Grace that God is powerfully at work in our church, in our city, in our world, and I pray in my life and yours too. Some sense God moving here, others there. The beauty, as we grow in our trust of God, is that we celebrate that. God is not narrow in His focus.


God is active in a myriad of ways at Grace of Christ: Young Life, Adams Elementary, Trailseekers, Youth, kids and adults in our church, Ghormley, OnFire, YUGM, Sacred Roads, Davis High School... As I reflect on all of this I am humbled, grateful, and drawn to trust Him more. What excites one person may not excite another... but wherever we see God at work we should celebrate. It is not about protecting our throne, our power, or what we are most passionate about... it is, always has been, about trusting God more. Will I trust God more in the months and years ahead? Will you? Here at Grace of Christ, will we trust God more?

Quotes on leadership from Henri Nouwen

“What makes the temptation of power so seemingly irresistible? Maybe it is that power offers an easy substitute for the hard task of love.”

Quote from Henry Blackaby

“God’s commands are designed to guide you to life’s very best. You will not obey Him, if you do not believe Him and trust Him. You cannot believe Him if you do not love Him. You cannot love Him unless you know Him.”

Quote from Martin Luther King Jr

“I am in Birmingham because injustice is here … I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”


For Grace of Christ, the year ahead will be filled with promise and possibility. The promise comes from God. His promise comes with power. His promise to us in 2025 is the same promise He gave to those who first built this church. That promise... He will not leave us or forsake us. Our possibilities come from God too... This church is not of human origin. Our goal as God’s people is not to improve the human condition. Our work at Grace of Christ is not to eliminate human suffering, help people feel good about themselves, improve our own (or our church’s) reputation. Be-

cause of His unshakable promise, we enter the days, weeks and years ahead desiring, hungering, thirsting, to know Him more, love Him more, serve Him more, trust Him more.

We pray for the pastor search process. We pray for missions and missionaries we are honored to support locally and around the world. We pray for the campers and staff at Ghormley. We pray for the residents of Mabel Swan Manor. We pray for the leaders and volunteers here at Grace.

We pray for each other and those in our city and valley. We pray that we would heed what Jesus called the greatest of all commandments, that “the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And (that we would), “love the Lord (our) God with all (our) heart and with all (our) soul and with all (our) mind and with all (our) strength.’ The second is this: ‘(We) shall love (our) neighbor as (ourself).’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12) That’s why this year, every year, is full of promise and possibility.



Join us as we celebrate God’s faithfulness in 2024 and look ahead to discuss plans and a vision for Grace in 2025. We will gather together for One Worship Service on Sunday, February 16 at 10am. The Annual Meeting will be held directly after service. If you are unable to join us in person, you are invited to livestream:



“Jesus has come and called us friends. Today He tells us, “Go and do likewise.” – Luke 10:37

After Christmas, during a game of Quirkle, my daughter and I began to talk about New Years Resolutions. Eat better, exercise more, spend money wisely, get organized, drink more water... all of which we had made time and time again over the years. These common self-serving resolutions led to a deeper decision. “This year I want to be a better friend.”

Being a friend is the calling of a deacon. In 2025 there are 25 Deacons who will be the kind of friend who chats with you on the phone, through texts or emails. Drops a note in the mail. Visits over coffee or while riding in a car. Shares a meal with you. Sits with you in the living room, bedroom or the room of a care facility. Prays with you and for you. Deacons are being friends. Going and doing likewise. Being like Jesus. Taking everything to God in prayer.

As we begin our study of the book of 1 Samuel, I encourage you to listen again to the four messages in the “Walk Across the Room” series from the fall of 2023. You can find past sermon series on our church website under “Series Archives.” Pray. Listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings. Walk Across Rooms.

What a friend we have in Jesus

All our sins and griefs to bear

What a privilege to carry

Everything to God in prayer

Can we find a friend so faithful

Who will all our sorrows share?

Jesus knows our every weakness

Take it to the Lord in prayer.


Heavenly Father, Thank you for the rich life-changing friendship you have provided, modeled and called us to offer. Help the Deacons of Grace to be better friends. Be more like you. In the precious name of Jesus.



MARCH 7 & 8 | FRI 5:30PM–7:30PM (AND) SAT 9AM–12N

Want to learn more about Grace? What we believe? Why is church important? How do we make a difference in our community & the world? We will have a Next Steps class on Friday, March 7 (5:30pm-7:30pm) and Saturday, March 8 (9am-12pm). During the class you’ll have an opportunity to make the decision to become a member (Covenant Partner) of Grace of Christ.

Let us know if you’re interested in attending and if you’ll need childcare. Email or call the church office M-F at 509-248-7940 ext. 107.

Mission Ministry


A channel of blessings to give hope and a better future to poor Filipino children and youth)

Operates under the umbrella of Philippine Navigators’ Ministries

Right Start with God’s Word

Pastora Adela Bersamera kept the students encouraged with Word of God basing from Jeremiah 29:11

Blessings of Hope Philippines Jeremiah 29:11

Encouragement from John 10

Pastor Derio warned the students to be wise in resisting how the devil steals, kills and destroys because we have the Good Shepherd.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11 NLT

Find Your Mission. Find Your Passion.


Reading, Writing, and Speech. And Earth Science. Conducted last November 27-28, 2024.

Integration of English Language Proficiency

Basic English grammar, speaking and writing.

Reading Diagnostic Leaders listened as students took turns to read.

Writing Diagnostic

Students were made to write a 3-paragraph essay “What are my dreams in life?”

Mission Ministry

Integration of English Language Proficiency Basic English grammar, speaking and writing.

Basic Earth and Space Science Appreciating God’s Creation Improvised Model of Solar System

“ “ “ “ “ “

Tutorial Campers share feedback

I learned about God’s Word. As to English, I need to take time when I read and when I pronounce words. I learned how to speak English properly. I also learned from Science. I want to improve in English because that is very important in school and especially if one wants to go abroad.

What I learned is that I can now understand English better and I know now how to pronounce. Also, I am not ashamed to talk in front. I need to improve in reading English because it is very important for one to go abroad or to have a pretty American girlfriend We need to read the Bible and have faith in God. I learned to love God and family. I also learned that reading is important. I would know how to pronounce. What I learned is that we need to pronounce words properly. I’m thankful that God uses people for us to acquire more knowledge. Hopefully, we will not forget this because these learnings are very useful to us, and that the facilitators did their best for us to learn. We need to also apply all these lessons in life.

Confidence is much needed to speak in front of many people. I learned how to pronounce different kinds of words. I also learned about the cycle of life, oxygen, water and electricity. I understand now the place we live in (earth) and the solar system.

After Camp we had a Thanksgiving Celebration and went swimming!

Mission Ministry

Christmas Get-Togethers with ministries we partner with: CHAI, TDJCC, FGC, MBBC, PBBC and in our own neighborhood.

Prayer Request:

Manpower support for the monthly operations of the newly opened Student Center and financial support for the students who will be living there. It is a 15-minute walk to College.

Would you like more info?

Please contact our church Mission Team or Tammy in the church office for more information and how to donate. You can also visit this website to learn more:

The Johnsons - Our Contact Information: 0969-410-0970

Thank you for your support and partnership. – Michael and Lani Johnson

The Great Commission Fund Continues to Make a Difference

Go Make


– Matthew 28:19-20

Drawing upon Grace of Christ’s rich history and legacy of supporting missionaries—both locally and globally—the Mission Ministry Team established The Great Commission Fund (GCF) in November of 2020. Since then, thousands of dollars have been awarded both locally and worldwide to assist missions in their vital work of sharing both the love of Christ and the Gospel and to develop future missionaries by helping young believers to get their “feet wet” and experience a taste of what it means to be a missionary. The hope is that by experiencing a short-term mission, the young missionaries will eventually become long-term missionaries.

Functioning under the umbrella of Grace’s Foundation, the Great Commission Fund uses the interest gained from the principal endowment fund to send and support missionaries, thereby continuing to grow the GCF into the future. You can help the GCF to continue to make an impact by considering a financial gift (whether small or large), offering prayer, or by helping to get the word out to potential recipients. Watch for application forms that will soon be available.

If you have questions,

Si tienes preguntas, habla con Mariana Giles o Rebecca Whitmore.
ask Mariana Giles or Rebecca Whitmore.

Cold Months... Warm Classroom!

January and February can be dark and dreary. It seems like each day is a countdown to spring. But before the weather warms up, we make the most of each icy day with plenty of fun and learning!

Here are a few highlights of our winter:

PJ Days: Students get cozy and bring a stuffy friend for fun at preschool

MLK Jr Day: We celebrate our diversity and uniqueness and thank God we can learn from each other together in this preschool

• Valentine’s Day: We make cards, have a party, and show love to our teachers

Field Trips: Several parents help us organize trips to the library, D-Bat, and the fire station

Registration Coming Soon!

February 24 is the start of our Open Enrollment for new students. Our child-centered curriculum integrates literacy, math, social studies, science, the arts, motor development, social skills and Christian values into all parts of the child’s day.

We tailor our program to fit the individual child: developing skills to mastery while challenging them to try new tasks. In all aspects of our program, God is at the center. We start the day in prayer, have weekly chapel, and teach our students that they are wonderfully made and loved by God!


We have 3 Day and 5 Day programs available from 9am to noon for students who are:

1. 3, 4, or 5 years old

2. Fully potty trained

3. Ready to spend time with their friends learning and playing in a high-quality, early childhood education program!

Visit our website: or call and schedule a tour!

“Live Out Your Imagination

Not Your Past ” – Stephen R. Covey


Greetings Grace Family,

Every January 1st, upon waking, I make coffee, grab my Bible and pen, and sit by the fire. Then I ask the Lord what His word for the year is for me. I have not always been fond of the word I hear. Nevertheless, I take it in and chew on it until I am able to digest it easily.

This year the word I heard was imagination. Imagination?! Really? How about hope? Or peace? Or prosperity? While I was pondering the word imagination and what it meant to me, I realized I don’t consider myself an imaginative person. The more I sat with this word, the more I realized I am more comfortable reflecting on the past and carrying it into the present than I am imagining a different future.

In January, I began reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. He writes, “Being proactive comes down to two things. First, take responsibility for your life; and second, take initiative. It’s that simple. Be an agent, not a victim. Don’t wait for life to happen to you; happen to it. Be the driver of your life, not just a passenger. Live out of your imagination, not your past.” Imagine my surprise when I read this after hearing my word from the Lord.

Continued on page 10

Family & Children’s Ministry

Imagination page 9

If my life were a puzzle, this might be the missing piece. And the Lord simply handed it to me! As I become more honest with myself, I have to admit, I have trouble not living out of my past. I contemplate the past a lot. I react to present situations because of my past. I try to solve current problems relying on what worked in the past, and I realize this is not helping me.

But I do not have to follow the script my past wrote. I can change my paradigm. And isn’t this what Jesus invites us to do? We all have patterns that need to be changed. We are so comfortable with what we know or what has been ingrained or inherited—behaviors, patterns and beliefs we perpetuate. And usually, they are not producing the results we need or want.

This year, let us use our imaginations to write new scripts. I often hear people say, “Well, that’s just the way I am”—as if to justify to themselves and others the reason their behavior should be excused. I have many scripts that were written during my childhood and my unhealthy marriage. I make decisions based on those old scripts that need to be rewritten. And in order to rewrite, I must first imagine.

What if I didn’t feel abandoned every time a friend let me down in a crisis, but instead realized her lack of perceptiveness was not all about me, but instead about her life circumstances? Game changer.



Join us anytime! Wednesdays Jan 22 – March 19

Childcare: 6 – 8pm

Dinner in the Gym: 6pm ($4/pp or $12/family)

Youth Group: 6pm – 8:15pm

Grace Kids: 6:45pm – 8pm

Adult Classes: 6:45pm – 8pm

Imagine if I didn’t use anger and yelling every time my kids are fighting because I am afraid it will get out of control, but instead realize I am a powerful person who can choose to control myself and be a proactive mom instead of a reactive one. Game changer.

Regarding reactive people, Stephen Covey writes, “If our feelings control our actions, it is because we have abdicated our responsibility and empowered them to do so.” I know my feelings carry a lot of weight, and it is challenging to not let them have the final say. My invitation from the Lord this year is to imagine, to shift my paradigms, and to stop living out of the past. Imagination is my tool, my weapon, and my plan for a healthier 2025.

Why not ask the Lord for your word for the year? It can be a fun family experience. When we did this, my daughter, Ella, heard “Cat” and my son, Si, heard “Nothing.” There is no wrong word. We gain clarity and understanding when we ask God more questions. “God, what do you want Ella to know about ‘Cat?’” It turns out Si’s word “nothing” was really “nothing.” We are still having conversations at my house about our words, knowing the purpose is always to lead us closer to God through our thoughts, actions, language, and heart. Our God is an invitational God. May the word you hear be an invitation to grow closer to our very imaginative and life-giving Creator. New Year’s blessings to you and your family.



Student Ministry

First, we just want to wish you all a belated Happy New Year! May God bring forth many blessings for this coming year. We took it pretty slow after returning from our winter break on the 8th of January. We are just jumping into our new curriculum, “Take a Bow” with the High Schoolers and “Be Humble” with the Middle schoolers.

While they have different titles, both groups studied the contrast of having both humility and confidence in Christ Jesus. Their memory verses being 1 Peter 5:6 “So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time He will lift you up in honor.”

We had a slow start with a small number of students attending, but these kid that are attending have been here for a while. We have had fluctuating numbers since Covid, but there has been a small group of kids that have been very consistent. The Lord is doing something here. We may not know what it is exactly but we put trust in His will and preach the Gospel to the youth of our church. To us who volunteer, it is a gentle reminder that what we are doing is no small feat. We thank God that He has given us the passion and patience to hang out with these kids to both teach and maybe learn a thing or two from them as well.

What’s coming – Jacob’s Well – Feb 5

On the subject of deeper connection, there will be a few opportunities to get that in the coming month. There will be a Jacob’s Well on February 5th, in case you have not had the chance to attend one, Jacob’s Well is a time of worship and testimony. At the last one, we had several parents show up alongside their children in worship.

High School Retreat

Unfortunately, the High school Retreat has been canceled this year. If you are a High School Senior there is still a chance to attend a weekend retreat. Ghormley is hosting a young adults discipleship weekend for those that are 18-29yrs. Contact us for more information or go to the Ghormley website.

Studies on Forgiveness and Relationships

As for our lessons in the coming weeks, we will be doing a Sunday exclusive study on forgiveness in February and a study on relationships in March.

Mission Trip Applications

With spring approaching, we have our applications ready for the mission trip, which is set for July 7th – 12th. Keep your eyes on our monthly newsletter or Instagram to not miss any other announcements or just to keep up to date on things we’ve done.

- Kara & Jahzeel



“For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” – Matthew 25: 35-36

This is what we are called to do. On Sunday morning, it looks a little different because different circumstances call for different actions. On Sunday morning it may look like seeing a stranger and introducing yourself, offering refreshments, information or something to snack on. It may also look like greeting someone at the door or getting help for someone who is in need. Serving our Lord takes on different qualities at different times. We are here to help and to serve, whatever that looks like in the moment.


It has been exciting asking those who are on the Hospitality Team roster to help on Sunday mornings. The response has been so spontaneous and positive that it caught me by surprise. For that I am grateful. It is also exciting to see those of you who come to the Welcome Center to sign-up. The new sign-up sheet for the ushers is being noticed and we hope it will soon begin to fill up, as well. We can’t say “thank you” enough!

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” – Genesis 8:22

These cold, dreary days of winter are finally coming to an end. This means new activities and sunshine are on their way!



Palm Sunday - April 13 | Easter Sunday - April 20

Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, once again brings images of the donkey, the spreading of palm branches and Jesus as He enters Jerusalem. We will see children in our church celebrating with palm branches. We will see Jesus in His suffering as He died for our salvation. Easter Sunday will be a joyous occasion, as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, as He has risen for us. Stay tuned for more information as we prepare for these very special celebrations.



Soup Dinner | 5:15pm | Garden Room

Ash Wednesday Service | 6:30pm | Sanctuary

The Hospitality Team will host a soup dinner on Ash Wednesday, March 5th, at 5:15pm in the Garden Room. There is a sign-up sheet in the Garden Room for those of you who would like to help. Whether you are volunteering to help or participating in the meal, we would love to see you there. Ash Wednesday service begins at 6:30PM in the sanctuary.


Tuesday | February 11 | 4pm | Garden Room

The Hospitality Team will meet Tuesday, February 11th at 4pm in the Garden Room. For any of you who are interested in knowing more about what we are asking our volunteers to sign-up for, please attend this informational meeting. We will do our best to answer any questions you might have.

“Then King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” – Matthew 25:40

Camp Ghormley


FEBRUARY 14-16 / President’s Day Weekend

Camp Ghormley invites you to our Young Adult Discipleship Retreat, in partnership with Great Commandments Ministries!

Date: February 14-16, 2025

Ages: High School Seniors to 28 years old

Note: You will be housed with individuals who are closest to you in age.

What’s the weekend about?

• Refresh in your faith walk through fellowship, worship, and speaker sessions

• Learn what camp ministry is all about – We’ll share summer ministry opportunities that you can be part of!

• Learn about the GCM ACTS program – We’ll be partnering with a local discipleship ministry to host this event!

Enjoy God’s good creation through activities like:

• Zipline

• Snow Tubing

• Beautiful Hikes

• Campfires

• Excellent meals

• Free Merch

• Win prizes

• Paintball

We hope to see you (and your friends!) here soon!

Register online at

We are looking forward to 2025 summer camps!




• Please pray for our future summer staff team that the right staff will apply and that our Program Director has guidance from the Holy Spirit to hire the staff that needs to be here.

• Please pray for an ideal spring where construction of the new office and an expanded walk-in fridge and freezer for the kitchen get completed on time and without complications.

• Please pray that God will prepare all the campers that will be here in the summer and that they will meet Him on a deeper level thus enlarging their relationship with Jesus.

Registration is open for summer camp 2025! Camp activities include worship, singing, arts/crafts, fun games, swimming, horseback riding, and so much more! Register today to sign up for the best week of your summer! Enjoy a weekend of worship, games, tubing, great food and lasting memories.

Sharing Life Together at Grace


Soup Dinner | 5:15pm | Garden Room

Ash Wednesday Service | 6:30pm | Sanctuary

The Hospitality Team will host a soup dinner on Ash Wednesday, March 5th, at 5:15pm in the Garden Room. The service will begin at 6:30PM in the sanctuary. We would love to see you there.



TUESDAYS | 9:45-11AM | FEB 11 – APRIL 8 | LOUNGE

The spring WOW (Women Of the Word) Bible study begins on February 11th and meets weekly through April 8th. We’ll be digging into chapters 16-21 of I Kings and chapters 1 & 2 of II Kings looking at how Elijah navigated through his world of challenging changes, uncertainty, and fear. Our LifeGuide Study is titled “Elijah: Living Securely in an Insecure World.” Join us February 11th, 9:45-11:00am in the Lounge for this nine-week study. All Grace women and friends are welcome.



Ring in the new year by trying Bells of Grace. Basic music reading ability is appreciated. All ages (teens and up) welcome! If you played piano or were in the school band, this may be a perfect fit for you. Come try a few sessions and see what the excitement is all about!

Questions? Call Julie Hunziker (530) 209-4329.



– MARCH 13

The 8-week winter session will be Wednesdays, January 22nd through March 19th (Ash Wednesday, March 5th)

Dinner in the Gym at 6pm & Classes For All Ages at 6:45pm. Childcare (main floor), Children’s class (KidZone 2nd floor), Youth Group (Mezzanine classroom) and a class option for adults (see below.)

Adult Class 6:45pm in the Lounge:

First four weeks, Dennis Whitcher will finish his “Christianity in America” class. (See description below.) Even if you didn’t take part in this class last fall, you are welcome to attend this vibrant discussion. Curt McFarland will continue his Chosen video & discussion series (ongoing) the last 4 weeks of the winter session.


A choice confronts Christians in every generation: Will we stray from the truth to gain the world’s approval or stay the course at all costs? Here, the story of the American church can help us. Dennis Whitcher will lead a video teaching series, from Ligonier Ministries that surveys the history of American Christianity, examining the lives of people who accommodated to the spirit of the age and those who maintained their commitment to God’s Word. By relying on the Lord and learning from the tragedies and triumphs of those who have gone before, we can be better prepared to be faithful disciples in today’s culture.

Sunday Services


9am Contemporary style worship, classes for children of all ages. Childcare available.

9am Grace Kids (K – 5th grade) in KidZone 2nd Floor

9am Middle School and High School Clubs (6th–12th grade) Mezzanine and Lower Level Classrooms

9:45am Deeper Roots Adult Bible Study (Adult Ed Room)

10:20am YAM Young Adult Meet Up (Library)


Preschool 9:00am

Trailseekers 2:45pm Gym

Men’s BSF 7:00pm



Preschool 9am

WOW Bible Study 9:45am Lounge

Men’s BSF (Satellite) 7pm Lounge


11am Traditional style worship with choir and pipe organ. Childcare available. 12:30pm Pastor Nominating Committee meets weekly.

Sunday Prayer Available at the front of the sanctuary after each service.

Sunday Served the First Sunday of each month Communion at both services, unless otherwise noted.


Preschool 9:00am Youth Group 6:00pm Weds@Grace 6:00pm

Bells Rehearsals 5:30pm Mezzanine

Calendar of Events February – March


Preschool 9:00am

Women’s BSF 9:15am

Worship Team Rehearsal 6pm

Temple Choir Rehearsal 7pm

Sat, Feb 1 Men’s Breakfast 7:30am Gym

Sat, Feb 1 Communion Set-Up 10:00am Fireside / Sanctuary

Sun, Feb 2 Communion Sunday Both Services Sanctuary

Tue, Feb 4 Staff Bible Study / Calendars 10:00am Adult Ed Room

Wed, Feb 5 Jacob’s Well: Worship Evening (Bring the family!) 6:45pm Chapel

Sun, Feb 9 Deacons Meeting 12:30pm Lounge

Tue, Feb 11 WOW Bible Study Kick Off 9:45am Lounge

Tue, Feb 11 Hospitality Team Meeting 4:00pm Garden Room

Tue, Feb 11 Mission Team Meeting 4:00pm Adult Ed Room

Wed Feb 12 Business Ministry Meeting 4:00pm Library

Thur, Feb 13 Starry Starry Night! 7:00pm Sanctuary

Sun, Feb 16 Annual Meeting / One Service 10:00am Sanctuary

Mon, Feb 17 Closed for President’s Day

Feb 17 - 21 Preschool Mid-Winter Break

Tue, Feb 25 Session Meeting 6:30pm Adult Ed Room

Sun, March 1 Communion Set-Up 10:00am Fireside / Sanctuary

Sun, March 2 Communion Sunday Both Services Sanctuary

Sun, March 2 Hanging Baskets for Sale (Preschool Fundraiser) Deadline: March 23 P/U: Before Mother’s Day

Tue, March 4 Staff Calendar Meeting 10:00am Adult Ed Room

Tue, March 4 Worship Team Meeting 4:30pm Garden Room

Wed, March 5 A sh Wednesday Dinner and Service 5:15 / 6:30pm Garden Rm / Sanctuary

March 7 & 8 Next Steps Class: New Members: F 5:30pm-7:30pm & Sat 9am-12 noon Fireside Room

Sun, March 9 Deacons Meeting 12:30pm Lounge

Tue, March 11 Mission Team Meeting 4:00pm Adult Ed Room

Wed, March 12 Business Ministry Meeting 4:00pm Library

Sun, March 16 Chat with Pastor After Each Service Fireside Room

Sun, March 16 Baptism Sunday

Sun, March 16 Trailseeker Auction 2:00pm Gym

Tue, March 18 Staff Bible Study 10:00am Adult Ed Room

Wed, March 19 Last Weds@Grace (Resumes 4/23) 6:00pm / 6:45pm Gym / Classrooms

Wed, March 25 Session Meeting 6:30pm Adult Ed Room

April 7 - 11 Preschool Spring Break

Sun, April 13 Palm Sunday

Thur April 17 Maundy Thursday Service with Communion 7:00pm Sanctuary

Fri, April 18 Good Friday Service Noon Sanctuary

Sun, April 20 Easter Sunday (Sunrise 9am & 11am Services) 9am & 11am Lawn/Sanctuary

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