Grace Alive April & May 2024

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at Grace
God & Loving Others APRIL – MAY 2024 VOL 144 YAKIMAGRACE.COM APRIL – MAY 2024 VOL
of Christ Presbyterian Church
Presbiteriana Gracia de Cristo Grace
God & Loving Others


“16 Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols... Now all the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there would spend their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new.

22 So Paul, standing in the midst of the Areopagus, said: ‘Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: “To the unknown god.” What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you.’” – Acts 17

Areopagus, Athens

Interacting with the World

How should we, as Christians, engage those who hold opinions, political preferences, ideas about God, who live in ways, that we do not agree with? It is a challenging question. We hear some counsel us, “it’s all about grace.” This voice encourages us to enter into relationships and conversations with absolute acceptance, not a whiff of judgment, doing all we can to affirm and not cause any uncomfortableness. It is the easier path, the road of least resistance. There is another voice advising the opposite. This one waves the “Truth” flag. They advocate that Christians must point out error, expose sin, confront evil. If you care about their eternal soul you cannot allow their position, opinion, vote, theological deviation, moral offense, to go unchallenged. Your silence conveys approval.

Is There Another Way?

When Paul, the great first century Christian evangelist, arrived in Athens Greece his “spirit was provoked within him.” He saw, all around him, evidence of moral decay and religious emptiness. The city was “full of idols.” What was his approach?

Did He say, “was it all Grace?”

“I saw all your idols. You are very religious. Good for you!”

Or was His response, “all “Truth?”

“I saw all your idols. You are going to Hell. Woe is you!” Few of us would find either of those approaches appealing. Neither seems to be the Jesus way.

Grace AND Truth

What is it I’m suggesting is the Jesus way. Our Lord did not offer Grace and not Truth, He offered both.

• “Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many (Truth), are forgiven.” (Grace) – Luke 8

• “Has no one condemned you?”

She said, “No one, Lord.”

And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you); (Grace) go, and sin no more.” (Truth) – John 8

• “Why does Jesus eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

And when Jesus heard it, He said to them...

“I came not to call the righteous, (Truth) but sinners.” (Grace) – Mark 2

The Jesus Way – Grace and Truth

This Jesus way is how Paul navigated his time in Athens. Paul started his conversation with a compliment. (Grace) “It’s clear to me, seeing all of your idols, that you are very religious people. In fact, you are so religious you even have an idol for “an unknown” god... just in case you’ve forgotten one, (Very Gracious). But that is exactly the One I want to talk to you about.” (Truth)

And, from there, Paul talked about Jesus, resurrected from the dead. (Very Truth) Paul was gracious... and truthful.

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He was respectful... yet uncompromising. He was kind... and clear. He complimented what he could compliment (their religiousness) and proclaimed what was missing (Jesus, the heart of Christian faith).

Opening the Door for Further Conversation

His graciousness did not endorse their “idol” obsession. It opened a door for further conversation, “what you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you.” He did not compromise Truth. The response of those listening was mixed. Some mocked him. Some joined him and believed. Others wanted to hear him again. That’s evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

If we really care about, I will even go so far as to say love, those in our neighborhood’s, in our city, valley, and nation, what will give us the best opportunity to introduce them to Jesus, who is the Truth? Will it be lavishing Grace, avoiding Truth? Will it be hammering away at Truth, and ignoring Grace? I believe, neither of those options.

In a society that is becoming more and more divided can we, as Christians, model a different way? Can we, I think we can, hold both Grace and Truth? Can we, I think we can, care for the other person, respect and love them, without endorsing their views or lifestyle, or compromising our commitment to Truth? We can. He did. Paul did too. It will be difficult, but also beautiful. Working on this, with His help, in my life too.

“… the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”


The work of your Pastor Nominating Committee is about to begin. Recently elected by you, the congregation, this team of nine, plus one non-voting elder, will prepare all the information necessary to communicate who we are, and where we are going, for those considering their next place to serve as pastor.

The PNC will provide regular updates. And they need our regular prayers. Questions can be directed to: or by contacting the church office 509-248-7940 x 107.


How is the Intern program going? The intern’s schedule is from mid-August to mid-May. We are into the last quarter of the year, and our three interns are growing like Apple Inc.® in 1998. Isaac Gambito, Linda Camarillo, and Alex Moran have gotten A’s and B’s at school, given a much-needed boost to the youth group, and have successfully advanced through the School of Ministry & Leadership (SML).

What is the SML? A year ago, the Intern Board was made up of Jake Kupp, Julie Cross, Ken Marble, Kara Brown, Don Stuber, Corday Trick, Steve Hildebrand, Peggy Schaffer and Jay Sentz. They produced a Vision Statement that defined the SML: Equip young adults to further God’s Kingdom in Yakima and to the end of the world.

The Mission Statement: Provide young adults in a missional community the opportunity to:

• Earn a college degree

• Deepen their spiritual growth in Christ

• Develop career skills that will strengthen and expand the church

Mentors & Training Sessions: Each Intern has a mentor to help with the spiritual growth, and the SML provides weekly training sessions on Thursday morning (9-11am) to develop Christ-like leadership skills.

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 3

Wedding Anniversary


On Sunday, February 25th our church family celebrated Leo and Vivian Dormaier’s 80th wedding anniversary – an incredible milestone! They were surrounded by family, friends, and church family. Many gathered to wish them congratulations and I’m sure a few of us asked for tips on making it to 80 years! A beautiful cake made the day even sweeter. Leo and Vivian were overjoyed, grateful for the love and support.

These training sessions have been led by Curt McFarland, Kara Brown, Don & Robin Stuber, Donnie Ide, Larissa Belknap, Gerardo Mendoza, Kathy Bricel, Craig Hooper, and Garrett Gress. Anyone in the congregation is welcome to come and learn.

Weekly sessions included subjects in Leadership, Ministry, Faith, and Life Skills. And some of the subjects have been Serve God, Serve Others; Spiritual Practices; Being the Leader God Wants; Enigram; Reformed Theology; The Culture of Honor; How to Lead a Team; Household Survival-budgets, and Healthy Relationships.

These sessions are not lectures but instead input that requires the students to engage, respond, and think through new thoughts and theologies. The interns are then able to put what they have learned into practice by serving at weekly Wednesday night youth groups and Sunday morning Breakfast Club meetings.

2024-2025 Internships

Do you know someone who is interested in joining our SML intern program this fall? Please have them connect with Don Stuber, Kara Brown or call the church for details.

4 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Leo and Vivian Dormaier’s 80th Wedding Anniversary Celebration Leo and Vivian Dormaier and Family Kara Brown, Larissa Belknap, Jahzeel Garcia, Linda Camarillo, Alex Moran, and Isaac Gambito

Mission Ministry




1606 S. 1ST STREET

OPPORTUNITIES TO HELP... without really trying!

And where to get Help for yourself or someone else

Did you ever use the Amazon Smile program to ensure a small donation went to the charity or cause of your choice? Well, the Yakima Union Gospel Mission has a gift card program that does something similar!

Tell the attendant you are affiliated with Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

When you donate your gently used clothes or household items to one of the YUGM Thrift Stores, tell the attendant you are affiliated with Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church. Each quarter the church will receive thrift gift cards, proportionate to the total amount given to our YUGM Thrift Stores, that can then be given to those in need! Look for a card at the Welcome Center or at your local YUGM thrift store or on their website:

The YUGM thrift store locations are Summit Thrift at 56th & Summitview, Mission Thrift at 20th & Lincoln, and Lighthouse Thrift at 1606 S. 1st St.

Places that Help

For those in need, there are a number of places where you can get help in Yakima. The Yakima Union Gospel Mission (1300 N. 1st St.) and the Salvation Army (310 N. 16th Ave.) are perhaps the best-known places, and both have thrift stores. The Salvation Army’s Family Store & Donation Center is at 9 S. 6th Ave. The YWCA at 818 W. Yakima Avenue offers domestic violence services, crisis shelter and transitional housing, and legal advocacy.

Find Your Mission. Find Your Passion.

Kids grow SO fast! May as well save money and thrift for them. Follow them on Facebook!

YUGM Thrift Stores

Yakima Neighborhood Health (12 S. 8th St.) offers help with insurance, basis needs assistance, and behavioral health services. Yakima County Food Banks are located at 1010 S. Fair Ave., 1419 Hathaway, 221 E. MLKJ Blvd, 9 S.6th Ave., 5 S. Naches Ave., 1211 S. 7th St., 128 N. 2nd St. Room 103, and 703 Central Ave. For hours and restrictions visit their web page: www.yakimarotaryfoodbank. org For more places and information visit: https://www.


What is a Missions-Minded Church?

Missions is about Vision, the same vision which empowered Jesus to live His life with joy, hope and single-hearted passion. What was Jesus’ vision? To bring about God’s glory on earth...

“I glorified You on earth, having accomplished the work that You gave me to do.” – John:17:4

Throughout His life, Jesus kept the vision of God’s greater glory before Him. It focused His life choices and filled daily affairs with immense significance, as He believed God’s Word and the prophetic certainty that God desires worship from every people.

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 5

Mission Ministry

“I glorified You on earth, having accomplished the work that You gave me to do.”

Passion for God’s glory so energized and integrated and satisfied His life that He said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.” His life became a daily feast of purpose. Our goal as a Missions-Minded Church is to help us live strategically toward that same hope.

The Biblical Basis of Missions –God is a Missionary God

“Missions” is a loaded word for most Christians; many people are exposed to missions in the context of appeals for volunteers or funds. Missions has often been reduced to a limited question of whether you will be a missionary or not. Most Christians would admit that they don’t really know enough about what missions is to know what they would do or be if they were to aspire to be a missionary. Even less clear is how someone can live for God’s global purpose without being a missionary.

The point is not to persuade anyone to become a missionary. Nor is it to train people in skills they would need to serve as a missionary. Rather, it is to set us all on a path of ongoing learning to play our part wisely and well.

Living a Life of Purpose

God will fulfill His purposes. He invites us to join Him in His mission to bring Him glory through our worship. We believe God has a “world-sized” role for every believer in His global purpose. Whether people go to distant countries or stay home is a secondary issue. The primary issue is what most people are hungry to discover: vision to live a life of purpose. Discovering that vision makes missions valuable, and perhaps crucial, for any and every Christian.


Even for missionaries, life is filled with unpredictability. The Mission Ministry Team recently received an update from David and Noni Graves that accentuates this point. Their update starts off with their gratitude to God for providing support for 100% of their ministry budget which allowed them to return to the mission field in Indonesia.

They were able to spend several days in Jakarta visiting Noni’s family before their arrival in Sentani on February 5th. As they were unpacking and settling back into their home, David and Noni received some unsettling news. After some quick deliberations and deep prayer, David and Noni decided to return to the US to deal with an emerging familial situation. They left Sentani, Indonesia on February 8th and arrived in the US on February 9th. They had believed that their trip would be of short duration with a quick return to the mission field. However, things have remained unpredictable. After “much prayer” and “wise counsel from friends”, David and Noni have made the decision to relocate to JAARS (in Waxhaw, NC) for a year.

“So, last week, we relocated to North Carolina, moved into a JAARS apartment, and purchased a used car”, wrote David and Noni. From JAARS headquarters, David will be able to work remotely for their Indonesian mission organization, Yajasi, helping write new manuals for the Aviation Department.

With this unexpected change, David and Noni are asking for our prayers. Please pray that David will continue to be effective in his ministry with Yajasi, even though working remotely. Pray for wisdom and guidance for Noni as to what she should do while she is here this year. The ministries that she was planning to be involved with in Indonesia have been put on hold for now. Please pray for their daughters who are in school; one is at Perdue, in Indiana and the other is at Capernwray Bible School in England. And please pray that God would provide for the extra expenses involved with moving back to the USA suddenly

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David and Noni Graves


Welcome to Care Notes

Now on the Kiosk in the Garden Room next to the Welcome Center!


Grief and Loss, Spirit Care, Mental Wellness, Healthcare, Aging Care, Veteran Care, Teen Notes, Care Notes for Kids, and Spanish Notes

These colorful pamphlets cover an array of subjects specifically written for not only adults but for teenagers, young children, and preschool children. The categories include Grief and Loss, Spirit Care, Mental Wellness, Healthcare, Aging Care, Veteran Care, Teen Notes, Care Notes for Kids, and Spanish Notes. The booklets are easy to read and written for people dealing with intense emotional situations. And as life goes on, there are times when we need a little extra help. I know at any time we have God’s Word, His advice, and His promises but there may be times when we need more understanding and information on a certain subject.

In 1988 one day sitting in a Dr’s office dealing with my divorce at the time, I spotted a Care Note display. It addressed my situation perfectly and gave me comfort and hope. I later passed this same booklet on to another friend who was going through a difficult time. Is not our Father a Father of perfect timing, miracles and promises? Most of all-His LOVE for us. I was one of the first recipients of their publications!

These pamphlets were started in 1988 by the monks of St. Meinrad Archabbey in St. Meinrad, Indiana. They own and operate and distribute Care Notes around the globe. All proceeds support their prayers and work.

Back in the late 90’s and early 2000, I had the opportunity to be the Parish Nurse for our church (then First Presbyterian) and another church here in Yakima. This program was called Providence Healthy Communities Alliance and was directed by Mely Davenport. This program provided several churches in the valley with parish nurses. During this time, I obtained these pamphlets for education and support for our church parishioners while serving as parish nurse. The feedback was very positive.

Zeigler Pictured with Care Notes, A New Resource Available in the Garden Room

As I read the prayer letter each week from our congregation, I thought bringing this back would be a wonderful way to serve our church and community.

What we have available now on the kiosk can change. There are many booklets under each category I mentioned in the beginning, but we will start with our current pamphlets and would like to hear your comments about the offerings.

I want to thank our deacon moderator, Peggy Steere and Curt, our pastor, for supporting this endeavor which is funded by our Deacon Ministry. I want to also thank deacons Jeannie Breeding and Janet Doty who with much love, thought, and care helped choose these pamphlets.

Gratefully, Kathy Zeigler

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church



“Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” – 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Encouragement for the Caregiver

“When selecting the Care Notes for our congregation, I gravitated toward the ones dealing with aging and illness of a loved one. The last couple of years I have been in Spokane caring for my parents. The numerous doctor’s appointments, lengthy hospital stays, outrageous prescription drug costs, and navigating their long-term care insurance was overwhelming. At times I was so exhausted that all I could do was pray “Help me Lord.” And the Lord responded by giving me just enough strength, patience, and wisdom to get me through another day. I hope these brochures are a blessing to anyone going through tough times.”

Encouragement for those who Grieve

“Twenty years ago, Ken and I lost our 26-year-old son, Christopher. What followed was a long period of grief. Intellectually we knew God was in control of our son’s life but emotionally we were feeling profound grief, and it didn’t feel like He was in control. As I read the variety of Care Notes those that ministered to me dealt with grief and depression. The encouragement and hope in Care Notes would greatly comfort those experiencing similar grief and depression. Even after all these years my faith was encouraged by reading them.”


SATURDAY | MAY 3 | GARDEN ROOM | MORNING (Time to be announced!)

A prayer workshop open to everyone! Join us to learn more about Praying with Others, Intercessory Prayer, and Listening to God. This workshop is perfect for church leaders & staff, our Hospitality volunteers, Deacons, Youth & Children Volunteers, and anyone interested in being on one of our two Sunday prayer teams (Interceding for the church / Praying with others after service).

For more information, contact Carla Kupp, Keith Mathews, or Jim & Donna Fuhlman. We’d love to see you there!

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Janet Doty Jeanne Breeding


Before Spring Break we were able to celebrate Easter with our students and declare “He is risen! Jesus is alive!” by peering in the empty tomb and hearing the Gospel Story all week long! Students also participated in an egg hunt with their friends and made so many fun and beautiful art projects.


Our final program of the year is Spring Tea. We invite family and friends to see how much we have grown and what we have learned.


Our students will get to run the bases and meet the mascot when we take our field trip in May. Kyle Krustangel is a preschool parent and dedicated volunteer this year. We can’t wait to see our local baseball team up close!


After Spring Break we do a lot of outdoor learning. We raise butterflies, play with bubbles, write and draw with chalk, and learn about how the world is being made new with spring flowers and baby animals. God’s creation is good! We celebrate the gift of spring.


At the end of May we say “see you later!” to our friends returning in the fall and give an extra hug to our friends heading off to Kindergarten. A short program and celebration in the Garden Room are great fun for families.


We are still looking for a few friends to join us in the fall for our PreK and Preschool programs! If you know a friend or neighbor with a preschool-aged child, send them our way to take a tour and get registered for fall!

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Grace of Christ Preschool


Entering 2nd-4th Grade


Entering 6th-8th Grade

JULY 15-20


Entering 8th-13th/Grads


Entering 4th-6th Grade


Entering 4th-6th Grade

Our Mission: Lives transformed by Jesus through exceptional camping experiences.

Registration is now open for Summer 2024. Camps fill up fast! Register now for an amazing summer filled with worship, games, friends, laughter, and a lifetime of memories. Visit for details, prices and to register.

*Off-site Adventure Camp Program


Entering 8th-13th/Grads


Entering 6th-13th/Grads

10 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
JULY 1-4 JUNE 24-28
JULY 21-25
JULY 28 - AUGUST 3 JUNE 24-29 JULY 15 - 20 JULY 28 - AUGUST 2
JULY 21-25

Camp Ghormley


It’s been a wonderful winter season here at Ghormley! God has blessed us with winter snow, great guests, and we’ve had some great Ghormley events for youth and young adults in the month of February.

On the weekend of February 9-11, we hosted approximately 30 high school students for our High School Winter Retreat. The theme was on Forgiveness, exploring what the Bible has to say about it, and why it is so important for our relationship with God and with others. A variety of speakers throughout the weekend spoke to the students. In addition, there were tons of fun games and events, sledding, crafts, and great discussions with friends!

The weekend of February 16-18, we hosted our third annual Young Adult Retreat, in partnership with Great Commandments Ministries (located in Tieton, WA). We were thrilled to have 45 young adults join us for a weekend of worship, teaching from God’s Word, and lots of fun games and recreation. Attendees raved about the fun they had, and the encouragement that this weekend was to their faith in Christ. This event is quickly becoming a staple in our yearly calendar, and we are already looking forward to next year! We have also had several attendees apply to serve on our summer camp staff, which is a huge answer to prayer!


We are so blessed by those who support the ministry of Ghormley financially! Regular donor support is a key lifeline to the Lord’s work continuing here at camp. If you’d like to see what support opportunities we currently have, please visit Thank you!


Mother Daughter Weekend – April 26-28, 2024

Join us for Ghormley’s Annual Mother Daughter Retreat, coming the weekend of April 26-28! This is a weekend for mothers and daughters to spend intentional time with each other to have fun, learn, make friends, and further develop their relationships with God and each other.

There will be a speaker and worship time, crafts and games, good food, and other fun activities! For more information, or to register, please visit our website:


Summer 2024 is coming soon! Register now for an amazing summer filled with worship, games, friends, laughter, and a lifetime of memories! Register now at

509 - 672 - 4311

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 11
Young Adult Retreat at Camp Ghormley, February 2024 Ghormley’s Mother Daughter Weekend is April 26-28 Registration for Summer Camp at

Community Building

Unlike previous years where we had time off during holidays, we started right away at the beginning of this year. That way we didn’t lose any traction in the community we are building here at Grace. That also gave us plenty of time to invite high schoolers to the High School retreat in February. We had a few new camp faces attend this year which was super exciting! Coming back from the weekend retreat, we noticed some of the students had a need to get deeper in God’s Word – praise Jesus!

Student Ministries Service Squad

We want to give a space for those that want to serve more too. So now Student Ministries has a Service Squad. The Service Squad’s first assignment was providing dinner for our Weds@Grace event in March. Three of our core adult volunteers have taken the lead on providing meals for Weds@Grace each quarter. We are grateful they are stepping up and taking that on! And not only have we formed a Service Squad, but there is also Grace Ambassadors.

Grace Ambassadors

Grace Ambassadors are our kids whom our leadership have gauged as FATT; Faithful, Available, Teachable, & Trustworthy. These students get to have the opportunity to attend outside talks, discussions, Bible studies, etc. These outings give them a greater perspective of the bigger picture and a way to get deeper into the Word and build their faith. These outings happen every month. They have already at-

tended a talk at Stone Church & a Bible study at On Fire Ministries. And we are seeing positive results! Bible studies of their own are forming. Currently there are two high school Bible studies. Praise God!

Summer Mission Trip

The team of students going on our Summer Mission Trip are participating in one if not both of the new extensions of our program. Preparations are under way for the mission trip. Between March 10th and June 26th there will be six planning meetings. With the first meeting comes the planning of fundraising, so please keep an eye out for that! We’d really appreciate it.

Spring Events

Starting off the Spring quarter events is a LOCK-IN! Instead of our regular Youth Group during spring break, students are welcome to attend the Lock-in from 7pm–10am that Wednesday/Thursday. Then we jump into spring weather, so we are hoping to bring out our outdoor games again. And as a Spring treat, we are having our annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon April 20th. On April 27th we are having a paint night at the Merrill’s. On May 24th there will be a Mystery Party, also at the Merrill’s. And we are having our Senior Sunday Brunch Celebration on June 9th. Let us know if you have a graduating senior, you’d like us to recognize. To keep yourself informed on updates and any other events connect to our socials, Instagram & Facebook.

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Student Ministry
High School Retreat at Ghormley Student Ministry Paint Night


solivagant so·liv·a·gant sōˈlivəgənt

It seems the weather cannot decide what to do, and I find it extremely annoying. One day I leave my house wearing a t-shirt and Birks, and the next morning, it is snowing. It’s as if the weather is mirroring my emotions. One day I am OK, and the next day I am grieving. One day I find joy and laughter in the simple things; the next day I am throwing a burrito at my microwave.

I used to talk a lot about seasons, as in this is a season for this or a season for that. I can hear myself saying, “I am just in a season of swirling emotions.” But I’m looking at it differently now –all because I stumbled across a word I’d never heard before.

I feel as if there needs to be a proper introduction to this word, or perhaps a drum roll. So here you go: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls: I’d like to introduce you to Solivagant! Rat-a-tat-tat!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

When I read the word solivagant, my heart leapt. I quickly looked up the definition and was shocked to discover it means to wander alone. WOW! And then of course, I had to YouTube how to pronounce it, and as I listened, the word made music inside me. It is beautiful. Solivagant. In my spirit, I sensed that for me, it meant to journey alone.

It is hard to capture how this word set me free, or perhaps how the Holy Spirit touched my whole being through the word solivagant. Suddenly I had a beautiful term to describe my life at the moment. I am a solivagant. I had felt immobilized, hopeless, and like I just had to let life happen to me. But this word empowered me, in a healthy way. I can choose to journey alone. I can choose to live my life in a way where solitary is not a bad or uncomfortable thing. Alone can be a good and even celebrated thing.

I am not saying that solitary is how we should always live, but rather that sometimes there are journeys we are invited to go on alone. It is our mindsets that determine how we respond and act on our journeys, and how we look at new opportunities.

Yes, I have family, friends, and a supportive church, but there are places in my life’s journey where solitary is okay. I do know I am not alone. And neither are you. We have the God of the universe as our Captain, the Holy Spirit as our tour guide, and Jesus as our companion and forever friend.

Although our journeys will not look the same, we are headed towards the same destination. Landscapes will change, the paths we take might surprise us, opportunities and spiritual growth may catapult us into different places, but towards eternity with God we all go.

Through the word solivagant, I felt released from a certain stigma that surrounds the word alone, and instead, felt empowered to choose alone rather than let lonely control me. I am comforted knowing the body of Christ is just a phone call, text, email, hug, handshake, smile, coffee, or step away. And I choose to be comfortable and expectant in the season I am in.

What about you? Is there a place you feel alone? Why not ask the Lord where He is and what He has for you? You, too, might have your heart leap as you are reminded that the God of the universe sees you and has beautiful plans for you.

For I know the plans have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

– Jeremiah 29:11

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Family & Children’s Ministry

Family & Children’s Ministry


Bring your family, your grandchildren, the neighboring kids and come enjoy an evening of silly poems, story poems, and limericks read by author Susan Blair. Susan enjoys visiting libraries and schools in costume as Perri the Poetry Fairy where in her whimsical way she engages children (and adults!) through her love of poetry and storytelling. Susan will also have her children’s poetry books available for purchase.


We are to worship God alone! The kids were learning that people used tools to make idols that held no power. Isaiah told the people that the Lord is their one true God. We are to love and worship Him alone.

Sunday Morning Seekers Class

Painting their Bible Lesson

Sunday Morning Cubbies

Listening Intently to a Bible Story



Attention Parents of Preschoolers through 5th grade... Children will be dismissed from 9am worship to join the annual Grace Kids Easter Egg Hunt. We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday!

of Christ Presbyterian Church

Family & Children’s Ministry



Help with snacks , or in the classroom , with prayer team , with registration , or on the security team .

Please email today!


A New 3-Week Class for Men and Women

Join us on the following Tuesdays for a deep dive into the never-ending ocean of God’s love and find the wonder of life. Tues, April 16, 23, & May 7 from 9:30am – 11am in the Fireside Room. Led by Robin Stuber

What drives you? What gets you up in the morning? In this busy harried world do you know the “why” of your work and worth? Saint Paul in 1 Corinthians 5:14 states that for him “The love of Christ compels us...”, motivates us, gives us the reason and the courage to be all we have been called to be. In this three-week study on the magnanimous love of God we will be challenged to once again encounter His love, build our life in His love, and forever rest in His love. Please join us.


A look back on a very special evening...

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’” – Matthew 25:40


After reading Sarah Huck’s newsletter in February Grace Alive, I started thinking about her “word for the year.” I’ve never had a word for the year. So, I decided to have some quiet time and pray for my word. I didn’t have much quiet time before I heard the word ‘help.’ It came so quickly, I decided that probably wasn’t it, so I sat quietly for a bit longer. When no other word came to me, I decided not to question it and to go with ‘help.’ I looked up verses about help and realized it had nothing to do with helping me, but, rather, about helping others. Jesus talked of multiple ways we can help others: we can give food, water, clothing, money and/or visit the sick, lonely and the imprisoned. We can also pray, call, or send a card. There are also multiple ways right here in our church that we can help others. One way is to get involved with a Ministry. In the Hospitality Ministry, we welcome those who want to help with Greeting, at the Welcome Center, Ushering, with Baptisms or with Refreshments between services. There are also opportunities during special occasions, such as decorating or preparing food for an event. We can always use more help. For me, I find it to be an opportunity, not only to serve the Lord, but to do an activity that is needed, to meet new people and participate in conversation with others. I find this to be refreshing and fun. God calls on us to be good stewards of our lives, to love one another and to help one another. I hope you will consider joining us.


“What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you say to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” – James 2:14-17

We are looking at ways we can help those who enter our church with monetary or other needs. This might include gas, clothing, coats, hats, gloves or perhaps something else. We are also looking at ways of educating the congregation and those who volunteer for our committees on how to handle these situations. Please stay tuned for further information.


We are excited and looking forward to warmer and sunnier days. April and May have us busy thinking about our annual Next Steps (Membership) class (4/26 and 27), celebrating Mother’s Day and baptisms on May 12th, and our monthly men’s breakfasts on April 13th and May 4th.

The Greatest Commandment “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

16 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Sharing Life Together at Grace



6:00pm: Dinner in the Gym

6:45pm – 8:00pm: Classes For All Ages

• Childcare Available

• Children’s Program – 2nd Floor Classrooms

• Youth Group – Mezzanine Classroom

• Adults (6:45pm – 8:00pm)


APRIL 26 | 5:30PM–7:30PM (AND) APRIL 27 | 9AM – 12PM

Want to learn more about Grace? What we believe? Why is church important? How do we make a difference in our community & the world? We will have a Next Steps class on Fri, April 26 (5:30pm-7:30pm) and Sat, April 27 (9am-12pm). During the class you’ll have an opportunity to make the decision to become a member (Covenant Partner) of Grace of Christ. Let us know if you’re interested in attending and if you’ll need childcare. Email or call Ericka at 509-248-7940 ext. 107 during the week.


This amazing camp has been going on for over 40 years! This year, local elementary students will have an opportunity to spend a weekend at Ghormley, playing in the great outdoors, hearing about God, and experiencing the love of Jesus. There will be plenty of excellent food, pool time, and lots of activities! This weekend can’t happen without your help! We need adult & teen volunteers who want to hang out with the kiddos. Contact Jeff Arkills or Kathaleen McFarland for more information.



Please join us for an evening of singing! On Wednesday, May 22 at 7pm, we will gather together in the sanctuary to lift our hearts in worship. This time will be filled with many beloved, familiar hymns. Please submit your favorite hymns via connect card by May 12th.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 17

Sunday Services

Join Us For Worship Sunday Mornings!


9:00am Contemporary style worship, classes for children of all ages, childcare available

9:00am Grace Kids (KidZone-2nd Floor)

9:00am Youth Breakfast Club (Chapel-Main Floor)

9:00am Deeper Roots Adult Bible Study (Adult Ed)

10:10am Renew Your Mind Adult Bible Study (Lounge)

Calendar of Events March / April

Prayer Available at the front of the sanctuary af ter each service

Communion Served the First Sunday of each month at both services unless otherwise noted

of Christ Presbyterian
Thur, March 28 Maundy Thursday Communion & Tenebrae Service 7:00pm Sanctuary Fri, March 29 Good Friday Service of Reflection Noon Sanctuary Sun, March 31 Easter Sunday Services 6:30am, 9am, 11am North Lawn / Sanctuary April 1 - 5 Preschool Spring Break Tue, April 2 Personnel Meeting 9:00am Wed, April 3 Youth Lock-in 7:00pm Gym Sat, April 6 Communion Set Up 10:00am Fireside Kitchen Sun, April 7 Communion Sunday Both services Sanctuary Mon, April 8 Preschool Board Meeting 12:00pm Adult Ed Room Tue, April 9 Staff Calendar Meeting 10:00am Adult Ed Room Tue, April 9 Mission Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Adult Ed Room Wed, April 10 Weds@Grace Dinner & Classes Kick Off 6:00pm / 6:45pm Gym / Classrooms Sat, April 13 Men’s Breakfast 7:30am Gym Sun, April 14 Info Meeting - Learn more about Intern Program 1:00pm Garden Room Sun, April 14 Deacon Monthly Meeting 12:30pm Lounge Tue, April 16 Staff Bible Study 10:00am Adult Ed Room Sat, April 20 Youth Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon 12:00pm Garden Room Sun, April 21 Pastor Chat after each service Fireside Room Tue, April 23 Session Meeting 6:30pm Adult Ed Room Fri, April 26 Next Steps Part 1 (Dinner Provided) 5:30pm - 7:30pm Fireside Room Fri, April 26 Memorial Service for Adam Berger 2:00pm Sanctuary Sat, April 27 Next Steps Part 2 (Meet with Elders) 9:00am- 12:00pm Fireside Room WHERE DATE EVENT WHEN WHERE APRIL MARCH 11 AM SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00am Traditional style worship
childcare available 11:00am Young Adult Gathering (Chapel-Main Floor)
with choir and

Weekly Meetings & Classes

Men’s Bible Study Fellowship

Calendar of Events May / June

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 19 MONDAYS
WEDNESDAYS 6:00pm Weds@Grace Dinner
Classes 6:00pm
Rehearsal THURSDAYS 9:15am Women’s Bible Study Fellowship 6:00pm Worship Band Rehearsal
Afternoon Trailseekers
Bells Rehearsal
Youth Group
Temple Choir
Fri, May 3 PreschoolFundraiser:KidsNightOut 5:30pm Gym Sat, May 4 Men’s Breakfast 7:30am Gym Sat, May 4 Communion Set Up 10:00am Fireside Kitchen Sat, May 4 Prayer Workshop TBA Garden Room Sun, May 5 Communion Sunday At Each Service Sanctuary Mon, May 6 Hanging Baskets Arrive (Preschool Fundraiser) Tue, May 7 Personnel Meeting 9:00am Tue, May 7 Staff Calendar Meeting 10:00am Adult Ed Room Wed, May 8 Business Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Library Sun, May 12 Happy Mother’s Day! Sun, May 12 Baptisms / Welcome New Partners At Each Service Sanctuary Mon, May 13 Preschool Board Meeting 12:00pm Adult Ed Room Tue, May 14 Mission Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Adult Ed Room Sun, May 19 Pastor Chat After Each Service Fireside Room Tue, May 21 Staff Bible Study 10:00am Adult Ed Room Wed, May 22 Last Weds@Grace Dinner 6:00pm Gym Wed, May 22 Festival of Hymns 7:00pm Sanctuary Fri, May 24 Preschool Graduations 10:00am Garden Room Mon, May 27 Memorial Day / Church Closed Tue, May 28 Session Meeting 6:30pm Adult Ed Room Sat, June 1 Men’s Breakfast 7:30am Gym Sat, June 1 Communion Set Up 10:00am Fireside Kitchen Sun, June 2 Communion Sunday at each service Sanctuary Tue, June 4 Staff Calendar Meeting 10:00am Adult Ed Room Sun, June 9 Senior Brunch Sun, June 9 Deacon Monthly Meeting 12:30pm Lounge Sun, June 9 Davis Baccalaureate 3:00pm Sanctuary Tue, June 11 Mission Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Adult Ed Room Wed, June 12 Business Ministry Team Meeting 4:00p Library June 14-16 Outreach Camp all weekend Camp Ghormley Sun, June 16 Happy Father’s Day WHERE DATE EVENT WHEN WHERE MAY

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