Spirit of the Times May 2015
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 1
Editor-in-Chief: Christopher Specht ‘15 Leaders of Political Awareness Society Presidents: James Mangan ’15 and Wit Geffs ‘14 About the Club In a matter of years, our generation will be the status quo. We will be running the businesses and casting the votes and contributing to the culture that will serve to identify our country for decades to come. As such, it is our duty to cultivate a devotion to political curiosity and vigilance so that we can shape this future in the most well informed manner we possibly can. The Political Awareness Club is a part of that cultivation, providing an environment for students to discuss and debate what is going on in the world and develop their own unique perspective they can carry with them into the adult world. We meet on Thursday afternoons in Mr. Szabs‘s room (B407). All are welcome to attend.
Note: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the contributors and are in no way intended to reflect those of Fairfield Prep as an institution.
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 2
In this issue: Page 4- Affirming the Importance of Affirmative Action by Christopher Specht ‘15 Page 6- The Electoral College: Classic or Outdated? by James Mangan ’15 Page 8- Weekend at Bernie’s by Mark Sheffer ‘17 Page 11- Brand Name Politics by Michael Turk ‘17 Page 13- Can We Trust Iran? by William Stone ‘15 Page 15- Keystone is the Key by Stephen Bosak ‘15 Page 16- Response to the State of the Union Address by William Weishaupt ‘15
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 3
Affirming the Importance of Affirmative Action Christopher Specht ‘15 With the college application process coming to a close for many, the debate about affirmative action, or
currently has a 5-4 conservative majority. The end of affirmative action would have serious negative consequences for the country. Detractors of affirmative action
making an effort to admit minority
believe that it hinders racial equality, but
students, is beginning once again. Every
the opposite is true for a number of
year, there are lawsuits against colleges
reasons. First, ending affirmative action
or universities for practicing affirmative
would prevent minority students living
action, believing they were
in lower socioeconomic tiers from
discriminated against based on their
escaping the cycle of poverty, or at the
race. For example, Abigail Fisher, who
very least, it would make doing so much
sued the University of Texas in 2008,
more difficult. Second, it would greatly
claiming that her race (white) kept her
diminish the number of minorities in
from being admitted, made an appeal
positions of leadership and influence.
earlier this year. The appeal, along with
The combination of these two
pending challenges of affirmative action
circumstances would worsen race
practices at Harvard University and the
relations and keep a disproportionately
University of North Carolina, could
large number of minorities poor. An
potentially spark some controversial
education is a valuable tool, and we must
judicial decisions. Affirmative action
ensure that all of our citizens have
could be in serious jeopardy if its fate is
adequate access to it. Is it completely
left to the Supreme Court, which
fair that, all other factors being equal,
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most colleges would accept a minority
already happens, but this must be
student instead of a white one? No, but
expanded to all other races. Today,
affirmative action chooses the lesser of
students are allowed to “self-report” that
two evils. It is a reality that we should
they are Latino or Hispanic. This
accept, because it paves the way for a
inevitably leads to abuses of the system
brighter future with more racial equality.
that we cannot allow. Documentation
Detractors are correct, however,
proving one’s race or ethnicity already
in saying that affirmative action needs to
exists and is commonly used by U.S.
end eventually. The goal of affirmative
citizens (a birth certificate, for example).
action and programs like it is to promote
DNA testing could do so for anyone
and protect racial equality; affirmative
without sufficient documentation (albeit,
action can only end when this goal is
for a higher cost). We have the means of
accomplished. We have made great
ensuring accountability for people
strides in the last century in promoting
reporting their race, and there’s no
racial equality, but we cannot forget that
reason we should avoid making
we still have considerable steps to take
affirmative action more accountable. By
before we can undo the damage of the
reducing the possibility for abuse of
institutionalized racism of the past.
affirmative action, we can make sure it
So what can we do to reform the system today? We should require documented proof of a student’s race before they start filling out their applications. For Native Americans, this
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works as intended and continue promoting racial equality.
The Electoral College: Classic or Outdated? James Mangan ‘15 The election of an American president is unlike the election of any other elected official anywhere. We
staunch defenders of the Electoral College, there are those who argue it is an outdated concept that must be replaced. There are several different
don’t have a parliamentary system where
arguments in favor of the Electoral
a head of government is chosen by rank-
College. The first argument in favor of
and-file members from a ruling party.
the Electoral College is that it protects
We also don’t have a uniform vote
the rights of smaller states by giving
across America, where one day every
them a larger voice when they are often
four years, we tally the votes, count
ignored. Take, for example, the state of
them up, and figure out the winner from
Wyoming. The state holds a mere one-
there. Instead, our founding fathers
sixth of a percent of the nation’s
instituted the Electoral College to pick
population, but it’s 3 electoral votes out
our president. On the Tuesday after the
of 538 give it one-half of a percent of
first Monday in November every four
electoral colleges. Although in the long
years, residents from every state across
run this may not be all that significant, it
the nation vote for their candidate, and
ensures that small states like Wyoming,
the candidate who wins the plurality in
Alaska, Vermont, etc. are not ignored.
that state gets all of that state’s electoral
As well, defenders of the
votes. The candidate who wins 270 votes
Electoral College assert that it is a
or more becomes President of the United
safeguard against candidates nothing
States. While there are people who are
else beyond regional support. With a
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popular vote-driven system, a candidate
choose the President? Detractors believe
with incredible support in the South and
that this institution is inherently flawed
tepid support everywhere else can pull
when a candidate can get a slim plurality
off a victory with a slim majority, or at
of supporters in enough states to get that
least a plurality of the vote. The
candidate to 270 votes and totally
Electoral College ensures that candidates
ignoring what a majority of voters might
cannot win in just one particular region
want and what policies they might
and must have national appeal, as a
support. This argument has quite some
regional candidate will most likely not
merit to it.
make a great president. The electoral
Opponents of the Electoral
votes from a few Southern states will not
College often point to the elections of
lead a candidate to victory. In fact, as
George W. Bush in 2000 and the
this system has created a handful of
controversy that caused to argue that our
swing states, candidates must vie for
system is flawed. They also cite the 1992
support in very different states like
election where Bill Clinton won with
Colorado, Ohio, Florida and Virginia,
370 electoral votes, a decisive victory,
thus backing up the “national� appeal.
but only mustered 43% of the popular
While the Electoral College has
vote, hardly expressing a national
its defenders, there are also people who
consensus. On the flip side, candidates
argue that it is outdated and in many
with greater national appeal can get
ways ignores the will of the voters. How
blown out in the Electoral College. In
can you promote democracy when 538
1936, Kansas Governor Alf Landon
electors appointed by political parties
received 36% of the popular vote against
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FDR. Despite this, he did not do well at
Weekend at Bernie's Mark Sheffer ‘17
all in the election; he only clinched 8 electoral votes out of 531, which
America's “grumpy-grandfather�,
translates to under 4% of the electoral
Bernie Sanders, the self-avowed
votes. This is hardly representative of
"democratic socialist" senator from
the support he had for his candidacy.
Vermont and longest-serving
I am a strong proponent of the
independent in the history of Congress,
Electoral College. I believe this
has announced that he is seeking the
institution, as old as our republic,
Democratic nomination for president.
reflects a fundamental understanding of
Sanders caucuses with the Democrats in
the way our country operates. We are not
the Senate, and he's preparing to go into
just one autonomous nation, but rather a
the 2016 race as a Democrat, despite the
collection of several semi-autonomous
fact that he's not officially a member of
states with a centralized government. I
the Democratic Party.
think the Electoral Colleges respects this
In contrast to Hillary Clinton's
reality and grants power to the states
scripted and overly produced "Everyday
over who will be leading our country for
Americans" campaign video, Sanders
four years. As well, I want the smaller
announced his candidacy on Thursday,
states to have a say and not just get
April 30, first by email, and then by
tossed aside. The president must have
holding a no frills, 10-minute press
appeal across our nation and while the
conference on the lawn of the U.S.
Electoral College may be imperfect, it is
Capitol. His first statements as a
the best we have.
presidential candidate focused on how,
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 8
even in an age of technology and
regulation of Wall Street banks, and
increased productivity, people are
national security (Sanders voted against
working longer hours and being paid
the Iraq War, while Clinton voted for it).
lower wages. Sanders also criticized the
Sanders, though a proven vote getter in
fact that the top one percent of wage
Vermont, is clearly a major underdog to
earners owns as much wealth as the
the better financed and more well known
bottom 90 percent. Sanders said he
Clinton. However, Sanders is highly
would work to create an economy that
influential with progressives in the
works for all people, not just a few
Democratic Party and, as of this writing,
millionaires. He also identified climate
is the only announced challenger to
change and the influence of money in
elections as two of the top issues he will address in his campaign. Sanders's campaign has started off
Sanders and Clinton share similar views on some major progressive issues, but consistency in fighting for those
better than most, raising more than $1.5
issues is becoming more important when
million in the first 24 hours after his
it comes to presidential campaigns. Take
announcement, more than any GOP
for example Clinton’s support of the
presidential candidate. Some have anti-gay marriage Defense of Marriage speculated that while Sanders may not Act (DOMA), which was proposed be able to defeat Clinton in the during her husband's presidency. Today, primaries, he could force her to move Clinton featured an engaged gay couple further left on progressive issues such as in her campaign video to demonstrate gay marriage, corporate tax reform, her support for gay marriage. Clinton
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 9
should be praised for her progressive
corporations. Sanders believes corporate
stance on an important social issue like
money has corrupted the U.S. political
this, but let's not forget that Sanders has
system, and he wants to prove that an
been fighting for gay marriage long
American can become president without
before Clinton. In fact, Sanders was one
major corporate backing. Sanders said in
of the few congressmen to vote against
front of the Capitol that he would only
take small individual donations from
Given the slim chances for his
average Americans, adding, “I wonder
candidacy, what is Sanders seeking to now, in this day and age, if it is possible, accomplish with his campaign? What for any candidate who is not a billionaire would a “win” would look like for
or beholden to the billionaire class, to be
Sanders, beyond finishing first in the
able to run successful campaigns and, if
primary in his home state?
that is not the case, I want you all to
One would be advancing some of the issues mentioned above that he cares
recognize what a sad state of affairs that is for American democracy.”
about, including gay marriage. At his The issue of excessive money in press conference, Sanders asked the politics is where Sanders seems most media to help him drive a fact-based determined to make reforms. If he is national conversation on the issues successful on raising awareness resulting facing the country. in changes that limit corporate funding Another win for Sanders would of elections, the senator from the Green be forcing Clinton to rethink her alleged alliance with and sponsorship from large
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 10
Mountain state will likely consider his
anytime soon. Political dynasties have
campaign a “win.”
made their way into American politics, and they now threaten everything that
Brand Name Politics Michael Turk ‘17
our country stands for. These two are not the only
What do Rand Paul, George W. politicians who wish to follow in their Bush, and Mitt Romney have in parents’ footsteps. In general, children of common? All of their parents were successful parents are more likely to be politicians, just like they are. This may successful themselves. This trend is even seem unusual, but it is actually very more common in the world of politics. In common. Families in which two or more an article in the New York Times, Seth members become politicians are often Stephens-Davidowitz stated, “I went deemed “political dynasties”. Oddly through a wide range of fields and found enough, the two front-runners for the a consistent pattern: greater success for 2016 Presidential race, Jeb Bush and the sons, but nothing like the edge a Hillary Clinton, are both members of winning politician provides.” In this political dynasties, which could lead to study, Stephens-Davidowitz determined an election full of déjà vu. Now, the that children are far more likely to candidates are different, yet the families become politicians if one of their parents are the same: Bush vs. Clinton. These was a politician. families have been two of the most Being a presidential candidate prominent families in politics for over who is a part of a prominent political two decades, and it doesn't look like they family has its perks. First of all, voters want to give up their spots at the top
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often favor candidates who are members
Adams, the second and sixth presidents
of political dynasties, especially if their
of the United States. Since then, many
parents were liked. Many of these
more dynasties have made their mark on
candidates may have been elected with
the world of politics. According to a
less experience than their parents, too.
2014 PBS article, out of the 44
Voters sometimes think of candidates as
presidents that the U.S. has seen in the
extensions of their parents. This includes
White House, eight of them have come
candidates sharing their parents’ beliefs.
from four families (Adams, Harrison,
Both Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton have
Roosevelt, and Bush). Ironically, when
immense name recognition.
we initially broke away from our English
Additionally, both candidates have
rulers, our first president, George
access to a great deal of money because
Washington, took extensive measures to
of their family names. All of this and
make sure we did not seem like a
more provide these two candidates with
a head start in the race for the presidency. This is not the first time America
Still, political dynasties have been more present than ever in the past few decades. According to the PBS
has seen a member of a political dynasty
article, “Americans under the age of 38
attempt to become president; political
have experienced only one national
dynasties have been around for hundreds
election — 2012 — in which there has
of years. One of the first political
been no Bush or Clinton running for
dynasties in this country consisted of
president or vice president.” This is
John Adams and his son, John Quincy
intolerable, given that other experienced
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 12
politicians should have the chance to
throats, several ongoing jihads, and the
run. Political dynasties drain the
attention and outside influence of every
integrity from America’s political
major power on the globe interfering
system. When Americans vote, they
with the task of stabilizing the region.
often do so partially based on how much
One of the United States’ major
name recognition a candidate has. When
concerns is Iran’s nuclear weapons
this occurs, voters sometimes overlook
program, a concern that has earned Iran
some of the more important aspects of
numerous sanctions from the United
democracy. When we vote for
Nations. Recently, diplomats from Iran,
candidates, we should judge them by
the United States, China, Russia, and the
their achievements, experience, and
European Union met to discuss terms of
belief, not by their family’s political
a solution to Iran’s ambitions to possess
influence. Even Jeb Bush’s own mother
nuclear weapons.
is uncertain of his candidacy. Last year
As of April 2nd, 2015 the parties
she told NBC: “There are a lot of great
involved have come to an unofficial
families. It’s not just four families, or
agreement about the future of Iranian
whatever. There are other people out
nuclear arms. Iran has agreed to stop
there that are very qualified. We’ve had
developing its nuclear weapons program,
enough Bushes.”
and also agreed to several other
Can We Trust Iran? By Billy Stone
stipulations including: halting the usage of their Arak heavy-water facility,
The situation in the Middle East diluting its enriched uranium, and is volatile; there are numerous countries allowing inspectors to visit its nuclear and religious groups at each other’s
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 13
plants as often as once a day. In return,
sincere the Iranians are. Two of their
Iran will be granted some freedom from
facilities were concealed by dirt and soil
the sanctions placed on it and $4.2
and would have been very difficult to
billion in oil revenue, among other
discover, had their existence not been
things. While everything appears to be in
revealed before construction was
order for a smooth end to hostilities,
complete. The ease with which Iran
Iran’s intentions in this negotiation
would have been able to dupe the world
remain somewhat clouded.
is startling, and if IAEA are only visiting
In 2002 and for several years
some sites once a month, how exactly
afterward, Iran was embroiled in
are they supposed to regulate said
controversy over its nuclear program.
facility for the other 30 days? With
The International Atomic Energy
loosened sanctions, Iran will have some
Agency (IAEA) was unable to determine
more economic power back, perhaps
whether Iran’s nuclear program was
enough to convince another country to
entirely peaceful after a series of Iranian
help them develop nuclear arms. The
failures to follow IAEA procedures and
whole situation hinges on the Iranians
some duplicitous experiment reports. By
being completely honest in their desire
2006, Iran had successfully enriched
to terminate their nuclear weapons deal.
uranium and triggered an international
I cannot see Iran voluntarily giving up
backlash that has lasted to this day.
its ambitions to make the most powerful
When one looks at the current agreement
weapon in the world: nuclear bombs.
that appears nearly ready to become official, it is not to hard to wonder how
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most definitely a large infrastructure and congress is working very cohesively Keystone is the Key Stephen Bosak ‘15
together. Also President Obama told a crowd in Louisiana that improving
The Keystone XL Pipeline is a infrastructure needs to be a national proposed 1,179-mile pipeline which priority, saying “America is relying on would carry 800,000 barrels of oil a day old stuff, we need new stuff.” The from Alberta, Canada to the refineries on pipeline is projected to create 9,000 jobs the Gulf Coast. The big issue with this is for the construction and building this that President Obama is partial to infrastructure will stimulate the rejecting and vetoing this project. economy. Also to support Obama's idea Congress is expected to pass the to focus on infrastructure, TransCanada Keystone bill after another several has invested an average of more than weeks of debate and send it to Obama, $900 million in our pipeline integrity who has the final say and almost and maintenance programs. The taxes certainly veto it. While researching this TransCanada pays helps counties afford topic and the pros and cons of building infrastructure improvements to roads, the pipeline, I have still yet to find a bridges and schools without taxpayers single reason to agree with Obama on being responsible for the burden of vetoing the pipeline. During the State of increased taxes. For example Nebraska the Union speech he gave last week, will generate $134.6 million in revenue Obama mentioned that the U.S. needs to for the state. Another pro of creating the build infrastructure and be more pipeline is that it will lower energy bipartisan. This Keystone Pipeline is
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 15
prices and support U.S. Manufacturing.
between the U.S. and the growing
This is a total win-win situation. It also
production of Canadian oil and the U.S.
enhances energy security because
Gulf Coast, the Keystone XL will be
the supply from Canada allows the
critical in helping the United States
United States to reduce its dependence
decrease its dependence on oil from
on more distant supplies of oil by ships,
other less trustworthy and stable
often from regions that are susceptible to
change. Pipeline links between the United States and Canada constitute a
Response to the State of the Union Address William Weishaupt ‘15
physical link of Canadian oil to the US Upon listening to President market which is very different than
Obama’s State of the Union Address, I
being delivered by a tanker. North have lost all confidence in his ability to American energy independence is a goal lead. President Obama said that his plans that is realistic and attainable. The for America are working and have International Energy Association created growth in the American predicts two very interesting facts. One economy. He is now proposing tax cuts being that The United States will be the of up to $3000 per child per year for the world’s largest oil producer for much of middle class. However, these tax cuts the period to 2035. The second is that must be offered only to middle class the net North American requirement for families; if they are offered to the imported crude oil not only disappears wealthy, the middle class will not by 2035, but instead becomes a large economically benefit. They will not be exporter of oil. By creating this pipeline better off because nothing will have
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 16
changed. President Obama is afraid of
protecting Americans with new trade
resistance to his plans and announced
agreements that help to benefit
that he will veto any bill that challenges
American manufacturing. Keeping jobs
his passed legislation. President Obama
in America is crucial to helping rebuild
is preventing growth with his dictator-
our economy. Increasing the flow of
like plan to veto legislation from his
money into the American economy will
help to jumpstart spending from
In a message that was supported by a standing ovation on both sides of
American consumers. However, these propositions are
the congressional aisle, the President
the only things that the President has
lauded the recent movement to hire
done correctly. On the issue of terrorism,
veterans. This may be the President’s
the President states that Americans stand
smartest move. President Obama called
united with victims of terrorist attacks
upon Congress to ensure that the
and will continue to hunt and prosecute
veterans who are returning from Iraq,
those who commit terrorist acts.
Afghanistan, and all forward combat
However, the President is in favor of
zones across the world are granted the
pulling all American troops out of the
rights that they deserve, not because they
Middle-East, the place where major
need them, but because they have earned
terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda and
them. These American heroes deserve to
ISIS operate. The President also pushed
live the American Dream that they made
his plan to close the prison at the
sacrifices to protect. The President also
Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, where
supported keeping jobs in America and
detainees accused of terrorism and those
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 17
accused of crimes against the United
ISIS threat, we must go to war, and we
States and its citizens are housed. The
must win.
President has also announced that he
In addition to his weak plan
intends to end the practice of drone
against ISIS, the President announced
warfare and the use of government
that he will veto any plan that calls for
surveillance. As an American citizen
sanctions against Iran. This is a disaster
concerned with my safety in a world
waiting to happen. Without sanctions,
ravaged by terrorism, I feel that the
the Iranians will be free to develop
President is putting the country in a
nuclear programs that could eventually
position of weakness. He is backing
lead to another nation with atomic
down; he is not fighting back against the
weapons. The last thing the world needs
enemy. Although the President asked
is a nuclear war. The fallout from the
Congress for permission to use force
Cold War was bad enough. It pitted two
against ISIS and wants to lead a
nuclear weapon stockpiles against each
coalition of armies against ISIS, it is
other, and the fate of the world was in
expected that he will not call for
the hands of the Soviet Union and the
American boots on the ground. A war
United States. Iran has proven
without soldiers on the ground is
throughout history that they are not to be
impossible and pointless. The President
trusted with any sort of power. It appears
should be appalled by the lack of action
that the President has forgotten that Iran
that he has taken against ISIS. ISIS will
was in support of Al-Qaeda, and in
not go away; they must be fought in the
1979, they put American lives into
air and on the ground. To eliminate the
danger by storming the American
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 18
embassy in Tehran and holding 52
we are free to believe what we want.
hostages for 444 days. President Obama
The values of America are decided by its
is failing to protect the citizens of his
citizens, not by the President. President
country. Iran is not to be trusted;
Obama implied that America’s values
sanctions must be passed to derail the
are accepting of gay marriage. The
Iranian nuclear program. Anything less
President has the right to believe in that
is an invitation for disaster.
philosophy; however, by stating that all
In the realm of social
Americans support it, he violates the
commentary, the President crosses the
very principles on which this country
line. The office of the President of the
was founded.
United States of America does not entitle
The President also crossed the
a person to force a set of beliefs upon an
line when discussing the recent issues of
entire nation. In the world of LGBT
police confrontations in Missouri and
rights, the President of the United States
New York. The President only expressed
stated that as Americans, we are required
support for Michael Brown; he never
to support gay marriage and rights.
once mentioned Darren Wilson. The
However, he could not be further from
President failed to be impartial in his
the truth. As Americans, we are entitled
statements about police brutality.
to believe what we want; we are not to
President Obama also announced that
be bullied into believing that one way of
the refusal to indict the NYPD in the
life is better than another or that it is the
death of Eric Garner was a tragedy. It is
way of the future. One of the major
not the President’s place to support only
cornerstones of this great country is that
the African American community in
Zeitgeist May 2015, Page 19
these situations. The President clearly
experience in fighting crime, nor was he
allowed race to play a role in his views.
ever a police officer. He is not an expert
The President is a third party in both of
in criminal justice. The President should
these situations; he was not present at
be ashamed of his actions in regard to
either of these incidents and thus cannot
law enforcement. The call of Obama’s 2008
and should not comment on the validity or appropriateness of the actions of law
campaign was "Change". The time for
enforcement. Police officers are humans;
change has come. Obama has failed as a
they have a right to defend themselves to
President and his replacement in 2016
ensure they get home safely. The
can’t come soon enough. Change we
President cannot speak with authority on
the tactics of law enforcement; he has no
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