Finchley Progressive Synagogue
Relaxed Resouled
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
Shalom Alechem
L’cha Dodi
Ahavat Olam
Mi Chamocha
Oseh Shalom
Concluding Blessing
Kiddush and Challah
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
Shalom aleychem malachay ha-shareyt, malachey elyon, mimelech malachey ha-melachim, Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu.
, מַ לְאֲ כֵי הַ שָּׁ ֵרת,שָׁ לוֹם ֲעלֵיכֶם ִמ ֶ ֽמּלֶ� מַ ְלכֵי,מַ לְאֲ כֵי עֶ לְיוֹן . הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ� הוּא,הַ ְמּלָכִ ים
Bo-achem le-shalom, malachay ha-shalom, malachey elyon, mimelech malachey ha-melachim, Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu.
מַ לְאֲ כֵי ,לְשָׁ לוֹם בּוֹאֲ כֶם �ֶ ִמ ֶ ֽמּל, מַ לְאֲ כֵי עֶ לְיוֹן,הַ שָּׁ לוֹם � הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ,מַ ְלכֵי הַ ְמּלָכִ ים .הוּא
Bar’chuni le-shalom, malachey ha-shareyt, malachey elyon, mimelech malachey ha-melachim, Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu.
מַ לְאֲ כֵי ,לְשָׁ לוֹם בָּ ְרכֽ וּנִי �ֶ ִמ ֶ ֽמּל, מַ לְאֲ כֵי עֶ לְיוֹן,הַ שָּׁ לוֹם � הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ,מַ ְלכֵי הַ ְמּלָכִ ים .הוּא
Tseytechem le-shalom, malachaey ha-shalom, malachey elyon, mimelech malachey ha-melachim, Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu.
מַ לְאֲ כֵי,אתכֶם לְשָׁ לוֹם ְ ֵצ �ֶ ִמ ֶ ֽמּל, מַ לְאֲ כֵי עֶ לְיוֹן,הַ שָּׁ לוֹם � הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ,מַ ְלכֵי הַ ְמּלָכִ ים .הוּא
Peace be to you, ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, of the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, ever to be praised; Enter in peace, O messengers of the Most High, of the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, ever to be praised; Bless us with peace, O messengers of the Most High, of the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, ever to be praised; Depart in peace, O messengers of the Most High, of the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, ever to be praised. 3
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
Lecha dodi likrat kallah, peney Shabbat ְקבְּ לָה ַ פְּ נֵי שַׁ בָּ ת נ.דוֹדי ל ְִק ַראת ַכּלָּה ִ ְלכָה nekabbelah Shamor vezachor bedibbur echad, ִה ְש ִמיעָ נוּ ֵאל,שָׁ מוֹר וְ זָכוֹר בְּ ִדבּוּר ֶאחָ ד ְ ְי ָי ֶאחָ ד.הַ ְמּיֻחָ ד hishmiyanu el hammeyuchad. Adonai echad לְשֵׁ ם.וּשמוֹ ֶאחָ ד ushemo echad. [Lesheym u-letiferet וּל ְִתפְ ֶא ֶרת וְ ל ְִת ִהלָּה velithillah – ONE SIGN: GOOD]. Likrat Shabbat lechu veneylchah. Ki hi mekor haberachah. Meyrosh mikkedem nesuchah. Sof ma-aseh bemachashavah techillah.
כִּ י ִהיא ְמקוֹר.ל ְִק ַראת שַׁ בָּ ת לְכוּ וְ ֵנ ְלכָה סוֹף. מֵ ר ֹאשׁ ִמ ֶקּדֶ ם נְסוּכָה.הַ בְּ ָרכָה מַ עֲשֶׂ ה בְּ מַ חֲ שָׁ בָ ה ְתּ ִחלָּה
קוּמי ִ �אוֹר ֵ כִּ י בָ א.עוֹר ִרי ְ עוֹר ִרי ִה ְת ְ ִה ְת Hitoreri hitoreri. Ki va oreych kumi ori. Uri, ִ עוּרי ִ .אוֹרי ִ uri shir dabbeyri. Kevod Adonai alayich �ִ כְּ בוֹד ְי ָי עָ ַלי.עוּרי ִשׁיר דַ בֵּ ִרי נִגְ לָה niglah. Bo-i veshalom ateret ba-alah. Gam גַּם בְּ ִשׂ ְמחָ ה.בּוֹאי בְ שָׁ לוֹם עֲטֶ ֶרת בַּ ֲעלָהּ ִ besimchah u-vetzoholah. Toch emuney am בּוֹאי ִ . תּוֹ� אֱ מוּנֵי עַ ם ְסגֻּלָּה.וּבְ צָ הֳ לָה seggullah. Bo-i challah, bo-i challah.
בּוֹאי ַכלָּה ִ ,ַכלָּה
COME, MY FRIEND, the bride to meet, The Shabbat day in joy to greet. Come, my friend... Observe!”, “Remember!”, one command, God taught us both in single phrase. Our God is One, and One, God’s name, In fame, in glory[good], and in praise Come, my friend... To greet the Shabbat, let us go, For from her endless blessings pour: Conceived before Creation’s dawn, The final act, thought long before. 4
Arouse yourself, arouse yourself! Your light has come! Rise, shine anew! Awake, awake, break out in song! God’s glory is revealed to you. Come, my friend... O come in peace, Creation’s crown! Let joy and gladden now abide. Refresh God’s people and its faith! Come in, O bride, Come in, O bride! Come, my friend...
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
Bar echu et Adonai hamevor ach
:�בָּ ְרכוּ ֶאת ְי ָי הַ ְמב ָֹר
Bar uch Adonai hamevor ach leolam va- ed
:בָּ רוּ� ְי ָי הַ ְמּב ָֹר� לְעוֹלָם וָעֶ ד
PRAISED be the One to whom our praise is due WE PRAISE the Eternal One to whom our praise is due for ever
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
AHAVAT olam beyt Yisr ael amcha ahavta, Torah u-mitzvot, chukkim umishpatim, otanu limadeta al keyn Adonai Eloheynu, beshochveynu uvekumeynu nasi-ach bechukkecha, venismach bedivrey toratecha uvemitzvotecha le- olam va-ed. Ki heym chayyenu ve-orech yameynu, u-vahem neheggeh yomam valaylah, veahavatecha al tasur mimmenu leolamim. Bar uch atah Adonai, oheyv ammo Yisr ael.
�ִשׁ ָר ֵאל עַ ְמּ ְ ַאהֲ בַ ת עוֹלָם בֵּ ית י חֻ ִקּים,וּמצְ וֹת ִ תּוֹרה ָ ,ָאהָ בְ ָתּ אוֹתנוּ לִמַ ְד ָתּ עַ ל כֵּן ְי ָי ָ ,וּמ ְשׁפּ ִָטים ִ ַָשׂיח ִ בְּ שָׁ כְ בֵ נוּ וּבְ קוּמֵ נוּ נ, אֱ �הֵ ינוּ �תוֹר ֶת ָ וְ נ ְִשׂמַ ח בְּ ִדבְ ֵרי,�בְּ חֻ ֶקּי כִּ י הֵ ם חַ יֵּינוּ.וֹתי� לְעוֹלָם וָעֶ ד ֶ ְוּבְ ִמצ וּבָ הֶ ם נ ְֶהגֶּה יוֹמָ ם,וְ א ֶֹר� יָמֵ ינו וְ ַאהֲ בָ ְת� ַאל ָתּסוּר ִממֶּ נּוּ,ָו ָל ְילָה .לְעוֹל ִָמים .ִשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ אוֹהֵ ב עַ מּוֹ י,בָּ רוּ� ַא ָתּה ְי ָי
NEVER ENDING is Your love for the community of Israel, Your people. You have inspired us with teachings and commandments, laws and rules. Therefore, our ever present God, our last words at night and first in the morning should always be of Your teachings. They give our life meaning and bring us joy. May Your love never leave us. We praise You, our God: You love Your people, Israel.
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
: ְי ָי ֶא ָ ֽחד, ְי ָי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ,ִשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ ְשׁמַ ע י SHEMA Yisrael Adonai Eloheynu Adonai Echad
HEAR, O Israel: the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal God is One.
.בָּ רוּ� שֵׁ ם כְּ בוֹד מַ לְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶ ד BARUCH shem kevod malchuto le-olam va-ed. PRAISED for ever be God’s glorious majesty.
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
MI CHAMOCHA ba-eylim Adonai? Mi kamocha nedar bakodesh, nora tehilot osey feleh?
מכָה ֹ ֽ מכָה בָּ ֵאלִם ְייָ? ִמי ָכּ ֹ ֽ ִמי ָכ נוֹרא ְת ִה�ת ֹֽעשֵׂ ה ָ ,קּדֶ שׁ ֹ ֽ ַנ ְֶאדָּ ר בּ ?ֶ ֽפלֶא
WHO IS LIKE YOU, Eternal One, among the gods people worship? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, awesome in splendour, doing wonders?
ADONAI yimloch le-olam va-ed! THE ETERNAL GOD shall reign for ever and ever!
!ְי ָי י ְִמ�� לְעוֹלָם וָעֶ ד
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
HASHKIVEYNU Adonai eloheynu leshalom, veha-amideynu malkeynu lechayyim. U-shemor tzeyteynu u-vo-eynu, lechayyim uleshalom, meyatah ve-ad olam. BARUCH atah Adonai, haporeys sukkat shalom aleynu ve-al kol yoshvey teyveyl.
,הַ ְשׁכִּ יבֵ נוּ ְי ָי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ לְשָׁ לוֹם .וְ הַ ע ֲִמידֵ נוּ מַ ְלכֵּנוּ לְחַ יִּים לְחַ יִּים,וּבוֹאנוּ ֵ אתנוּ ֵ ֵוּשׁמוֹר צ ְ . מֵ עַ ָתּה וְ עַ ד עוֹלָם,וּלְשָׁ לוֹם פּוֹרשׂ סֻ כַּת ֵ ַ ה,ָבָּ רוּ� ַא ָתּה ְיי ָל־יוֹשׁבֵ י־ ְ שָׁ לוֹם עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל־כּ .ֵתבֵ ל
LAY us down, our ever present God, for peaceful sleep, and reawaken us, our Ruler, full of life. Guard our journey towards life and peace, [go out and come back] now and always. We praise You, our God: You spread a shelter of wellbeing over us and all who live on earth.
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
:�ָת ֽ ֶ אֲ ֹדנָי ְשׂפ ַָתי ִתּפְ ָתּח וּפִ י יַגִּ יד ְתּ ִהלּ ADONAI sefatai tiftach u-fi yagid tehilatecha. ETERNAL GOD, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
VESHAMRU veney Yisra-el et hashabbat, la-asot et hashabbat ledorotam berit olam. Beyni u-veyn beney Yisra-el ot hi le-olam. Ki sheyshet yamim asah Adonai et hashamayim ve-et ha-aretz, u-vayyom hashevi-i shavat vayinnafash.
,וְ שָׁ ְמרוּ בְ נֵי י ְִשׂ ָר ֵאל ֶאת הַ שַּׁ בָּ ת ַלעֲשׂוֹת ֶאת הַ שַּׁ בָּ ת ְל ֹדר ָֹתם בֵּ ינִי וּבֵ ין בְּ נֵי.בְּ ִרית עוֹלָם כִּ י.י ְִשׂ ָר ֵאל אוֹת ִהיא לְעוֹלָם שֵׁ שֶׁ ת י ִָמים עָ שָׂ ה ְי ָי ֶאת הַ שָּׁ מַ יִם וּבַ יּוֹם הַ ְשּׁבִ יעִ י שָׁ בַ ת,וְ ֶאת הָ ָא ֶרץ .ַו ִי ָנּפַשׁ
THE PEOPLE of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing the Sabbath in every generation as a covenant for all time. It is a sign between Me and the People of Israel for ever. For in six days, I, the Eternal One, made heaven and earth, but on the seventh day I ceased from work, and rested.
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
OSEH shalom bimromav, hu yaaseh shalom aleynu, ve-al kol yisrael ve-al kol beney adam, veimru Amen.
הוּא,עֹשֶׂ ה שָׁ לוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו ַיעֲשֶׂ ה שָׁ לוֹם עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל כָּל י ְִשׂ ָר ֵאל וְ עַ ל כָּל בְּ נֵי ָאדָ ם .וְ ִא ְמרוּ ָאמֵ ן
MAY the Most High, Source of perfect peace, grant peace to us, to all Israel, and to all the world. And let us say Amen.
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
YITGADAL לְמא ָ ָיִת ַק ַדּשׁ ְשׁ ֵמהּ ַרבָּ א ְבּע ְ ְיִתגּ ַַדּל ו ְ veyitkadash לְכוּתהּ ֵ וְ י ְַמלִי� ַמ,עוּתהּ ֵ ִדּי ְב ָרא כִ ְר shemey raba. Beוּב ַחיֵּי ְדכָל בֵּ ית ְ יוֹמיכוֹן ֵ וּב ְ ְבּ ַחיֵּיכוֹן alma di vera ,וּבזְ ַמן ָק ִריב ִ בַּ ֲעגָלָא,יִשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ chirutey veyamlich malchutey bechayeychon u-veyomeychon u. ָא ֵמן:וְ ִא ְמרוּ vechayey dechol beyt yisrael, baיְהא ְשׁ ֵמהּ ַרבָּ א ְמבָ ַר� לְעָ לַם ֵ agala u-vizman kariv ve-imru: .לְמיָּא ַ ָלְמי ע ֵ ָוּלְע ameyn. רוֹמם ַ יִת ְ ְפָּאר ו ַ יִת ְ ְ ו,יִשׁ ַתּבַּ ח ְ ְיִתבָּ ַר� ו ְ Yehey shemey raba mevarach le-alam u-le-almey almaya. יִת ַהלָּל ְ ְיִתעַ לֶּה ו ְ ְיִת ַה ָדּר ו ְ ְ ו,יִתנ ֵַשּׂא ְ ְו Yitbarach veyishtabach, veyitpa-ar , ְבּ ִרי� הוּא,ְשׁ ֵמהּ ְדּ ֻק ְד ָשׁא veyitromam veyitnasey, veyithadar ,כָתא וְ ִשׁ ָיר ָתא ָ לְעֽלָּא ִמן כָּל ִבּ ְר ֵ veyitaleh veyithalal shemey ַדּאֲ ִמ ָירן תֻּ ְשׁ ְבּ ָח ָתא וְ נֶחֱ ָמ ָתא dekudsha, berich hu, . ָא ֵמן: וְ ִא ְמרוּ,לְמא ָ ְָבּע le-eyla min kol birchata veshirata, tushbachata venechemata da-amiran לָמא ַרבָּ א ִמן ְשׁ ַמיָּא וְ ַחיִּים ָ יְהא ְשׁ ֵ be-alma ve-imru: ameyn. . ָא ֵמן: וְ ִא ְמרוּ,יִשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל כָּל Yehey shelama raba min shemaya הוּא ַיע ֲֶשׂה,רוֹמיו ָ ע ֶֹשׂה ָשׁלוֹם ִבּ ְמ vechayyim aleynu ve-al kol yisrael, יִשׂ ָר ֵאל וְ עַ ל כָּל ְ ָשּׁלוֹם עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל כָּל ve-imru: ameyn. . ָא ֵמן: וְ ִא ְמרוּ,ְבּנֵי ָא ָדם Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya-aseh shalom aleynu ve-al kol yisrael ve-al kol beney adam, ve-imru: ameyn. MAGNIFIED and sanctified be the great name of the One by whose will the world was created. May God’s rule become effective in your lives, and in the life of the whole House of Israel. May it be so soon and let us say: Amen. May God’s great name be praised to all eternity. Blessed and praised; glorified, exalted and extolled; lauded, honoured and acclaimed be the name of the Holy One, who is ever to be praised, though far above the eulogies and songs of praise and consolation that human lips can utter; and let us say: Amen. May great peace descend from heaven, and abundant life be granted, to us and all Israel; and let us say: Amen.May the Most High, Source of perfect peace, grant peace to us to all Israel, and to all humanity, and let us say: Amen. 13
Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush
Y’simcha Elohim k’Ephraim v’hi’menasheh Y’simech Elohim v’Sarah rivka rachel v’leah
.�יְבָ ֶרכְ � ְי ָי וְ י ְִשׁ ְמ ֶ ֽר
YIVARECHA Adonai veyishmerecha. Ya-eyr Adonai panav eleycha viychuneycha. Yisa Adonai panav vayasem lecha shalom.
להים ִ יְשֲׁ מֵ ך ֶא כּ ֶֶאפְ ַריִם וְ כִ ְמנָשֶׁ ה להים ִ יְשֲׁ ֱֳמך ֶא כְּ שָׁ ָרה ִרבְ ָקה ָרחֵ ל וְ ל ֱָאה
.ָי ֵָאר ְי ָי ָפּנָיו ֵא ֶ ֽלי� וִ יחֻ נֶּ ֽ ךּ �ְיִשָּׂ א ְי ָי ָפּנָיו ֵא ֶ ֽלי� וְ יָשֵׂ ם ל .שָׁ לוֹם
MAY God make you like Ephraim and Menasseh May God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah God bless us and keep us. May God look kindly upon us and be gracious to us. May God reach out to us in tenderness and give us peace.
KIDDUSH – קידוש
Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheynu melech ha-olam, borey peri ha-gafen (Amen).
�ֶ�הינוּ ֶ ֽמל ֽ ֵ ֱבָּ רוּ� ַא ָתּה ְי ָי א .בּוֹרא פְּ ִרי הַ גָּ ֽ פֶן ֵ ,הָ עוֹלָם .
Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheynu melech ha-olam, ha-motzi lechem min ha-aretz.
�ֶ�הינוּ ֶ ֽמל ֽ ֵ ֱ א,ָבָּ רוּ� ַא ָתּה ְיי הַ ֽמּוֹצִ יא ֶ ֽלחֶ ם ִמן,הָ עוֹלָם .הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ
We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe, by whose will bread comes forth out of the earth.