Payen green gasket

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I mpr ovedseal i ng wi nsi t scol our s

Thel at estadvancesi ngasket t echnol ogycomef r om Payen. Thedi st i nct i vegr eencol our ed Cor i useal ™ mul t i l ayer edst eel gaskethasaPTFEcoat i ngt hat r educesgasketf r et t i ngandmakes i teasi ert or emove.I tal soal l ows f oramor er el i abl eandl onger l ast i ngseal .

Advanced t echnol ogy

I nt r oducedal ongsi def orf i br egasket si sCor i usi m™,aSI M1™ i mpr egnat ed gasketdesi gnedt omi ni mi sebor edi st or t i on,oi lconsumpt i onandopt i mi sespi st on per f or mance.I t scapaci t yt ober eadi l ycur edmeansi tcr eat esanopt i mum sealon r oughsur f aceswher eot hergasket smi ghtnotsealsoef f ect i vel y.

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