November 2017 Young Living Essential Oils Newsletter

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MESSAGE Oke so many Of you since hurricanes hit the South and the Car.bbean, earthquakes shook Mexico. and fires burned in Californta, we at Young Living have been concerned for the wen-betng of those affected. You have read reports, watched videos of rescues. and viewed photographs of the devastation. Perhaps you or someone you love has been affected and knows firsthand the experiences we have watched from afar, All of us at Young Living extend our sympathyand love. Please know that our prayers are With you. The record-break'ng rainfall. deadly

Our o Our holiday. cultural, and family traditions make our festivities spec•af. Whatever holiday you celebrate.

long-term challenges feel a little easier to overcome. Just opposite of this message, you can read more about the amazing efforts of the Foundation. members, and staff in the South. We haven •tforgotten our friends in Mextco, the Caribbean, and California however; and as of 90'ng to print, we are launching relief efforts. We know that disasters will inevitably strike

again. Watching the generous responses to these heartbreaking situations has been so uplifting. We are truly stronger when we come together, which is why I hope you will join us

'n praying for people in these situations, as well as giving what you can—whetherthat's throughrounding up your Essential Rewards orders or donating directly to the Foundation. Thank you for your generosity, prayers, and

dedicationto easing the suffering of others.


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Getting active with a sibling is a fun way to reconnect

we want to be a part of it' Our Hohday Catalog With those childhood afternoons spent runntng is filled With tasteful gifts, thoughtful accessories. Our h.ghly anticipated around the and tasty treats that will add to your merrymaking. Yoga Kit is a great way to get movtng together again' For Vour partner

Between school part'es. family events, and everyday undertakings Of home and career. our winds. earthquakes, fires. fatalities, and partners deserve time to recharge and care for damage to homes and businesses are themselves. Our Bath Bomb Relaxation Set is the perfect excuse to relax, while the Fitness Set— overwhelming; so, too. has been the response. I feel privileged to have Our Young L 'Ving featuring Chocolate Deluxe or Vanilla Spice Pure -can support their healthy efforts. Foundation take care ot members wherever Protein disaster strikes. am proud of the disaster For Parents No gift could repay Mom and Dad for everything response work we have done across the world done, but giving them the best from Mother they've and am deep'y •rnpressed by those who have Nature is a good start. Our Essential Blends Set to stepped up help with these huge efforts. If you have been on the recetving end, know gets them going on their own essential oil journey with some of our favorite blends, including Thieves' that we feet honored to help wherever we can. If we have learned anything from these and Deep Reiief•. Plus. Our Gentle Mist'* Personal Diffuser Set is one more way for them to experience tragedies, It's that these cities, towns, and essential oils. This bundle is the perfect way to get our communities will need help in the corning newest addition to our diffuser line for a great value! months and years. Peop'e will have to mourn, rebuild, throw away treasures, find new transportation,and navigate changes in their lives. With our work through the Foundation,

we are attempting to make some of these



She's the foend they write films about and the most beautiful person you know. Pamper her With makeup as sophisticated as she 's WithOur Savvy Minerals by Young

Living—Holiday Collection or Sawy Minerals Brushes. With everything she needs to get ready for night out, these sets are the perfect gift for your favorite friend. Far

Among the toys and other delights, give the kids the gift of essential oils! Our KidScents' Morning and Nighttime Set features our reformulatedMightyVites• multivitamin. and our AromaSpinner—diffuses oil as it keeps hands busy. Get the AromaSpinner in the set or on its own from our permanent product offerings. Don't think we've forgotten about your fur babies! Our new Animal Scents' Cat Treats and Dental Pet Chews sets are formulated just for them. Conttnued on page 2

YOUNG LIVING EMPLOYEES RUSH TO AID OF TEXAS 28 FL employeesjoin reliefefforts for Hurricane Harvey victims

could save, but there was nothing to save. It was total devastation.

Before Young Living employees arrived at Ann's home,

two other service groups had already knocked on her door. However, the damage was too overwhelming: and not knowing how to help. they walked away.

Our employees didn't back down from the challenge. A Suburbanfull of Young Living employeesshowed up on Ann's doorstepand immediatelybegan gutting her home from top to bottom. rtnployeesjoined hands togve hope to Hot.ßtonme'nben. "l really didn't expect them to come. They worked It's hard to know what it would feel like to have your so hard and did such an amazing job," Ann told Young home destroyed within minutes, Just imagine the debris Living after employees completely gutted her home. in the garage crushing your cars windshield,spraying And while the volunteers may have emptied her home of glass on the garage floor, or every special item of damaged possessions, they also filed it with hope. memorabilia and collectible you've saved in your attic "When they left. I was like, 'Oh. my gosh! There is crashing down. landing with a distressing splash in eight hope,'" Ann said. "l can't believe what they did and the feet of water that was already destroying all of your amount of hope they gave to mefurniture. This nightmare was a reality for people like Ann Over the course of two weeks. 28 Young Living O'Bannion after Hurricane Harvey raged in Houston. employees traveled to Texas to help impacted members "Everything was destroyed," describes Ann. "l started on their road to recovery The employees spent their looking around and wondering if there was anything I Continued on page 2 THE ESSENTIAL EDGE




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Make your life tnorefulfilling it'ith self-carc

Along with the regular classroom donations, give teachers a treat that will indulge their senses Our Chocolessence Bars corne in three refined flavor profiles that Willplease any taste' Or, help them get a good start to their day of runningthe c'assroorn (and after kids) with the Einkorn Breakfast See



Instead of sharing sugary treats, spread holiday cheer with our Northern Lights Black Spruce Scent Set. For those coworkers who are always going the extra mile, the Vitality Tea Gift Set will keep them warm on those cold winter mornings (or ch.lly days in the Office). [or good

Give a gift with an impact! Proceeds from our Foundation Ornaments and Holiday Cards go to The D. Gary Young,



With dozens of different disvactions us 'n Utrectjon. have we forgotten how to take care o' ourselves and "sten to what 00' bod•es spit Its needl Intent'onal doesn't need to be and gorna to fancy spa".over the We"€• *bout easy. stmple steps .rnprove our day*o-day living. ane rto exception -m,ndfullyor deliberatelydotng

of those around us. -Self-care not se'f•sh. vital.- says Haley Jensen. Global Trmnangand Education Content Manager. The best part about is how flexible 't can be You can schedule an evening at home once •.•.eekor set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to breathe deeply for one rwnute every hour Some ideas to get you started might include creating a gratitude hst.d0'ng yoga, unplugging act,V't'i to take care of yourself.- says Br•ttany for an hour. taking a nap, or soak'ng in a bath Jaccs;on. Global Trö'mng and Educat.on With your favorite essential oils! Make sure to Whether it a mormna routine to schedule these se"-care mcrnents into your your day rtght or feveminutes med'tation calendar, so you can ensure that they happen. your desk. cons.stentiy yourse'f Sometimes, though. life really does just get that you are important and that your health is too busy That's why hstentng to a podcast essent•a' cruoal to personal wel'-beang_ while dr.vtng or working around the house can affects be a great way to engage your mind without emotional. mental, sp.f'tual. and intellectual taking too much "me out of your schedule. Areas are properly taken of. t'stf•n to our recent episcoe on seii-care over they can cnr'ch the quality of Our Ond the a' Youngc.'ungxom/pcåcast.




Spend time with frucnds and tell them all about FL!

Young Living Foundation. which committed to empowering individuals by providing opportunittes in underserved communities. ItS a gift everyone will feel good about. Shop the full Holiday Catalog at

pue• I YL GOES TO HOUSTON time in the Lumberton and Beaumont areas that were heavily impacted by the floods that followed Hurncane Harvey, "There are no words to describe the impact this trip had on me." said 8ntney Whitehead, an employee from the Lehi, Utah Will Call team. am so humbled My heart goes out to everyone who was impacted by Hurricane Harvey They are true survivors, and I am amazed at the strength they have after enduring such a hornble disaster " Alison Moore, a copywriter on the Marketing Communications team, found beauty jn the aftermath. -In the middle of

heartbreakand grief, I was blown away by the courage and kindness saw from the people of Texas, e she explained. - We wanted to take care of those we met. but they ended up taking too was boauti€u';eminder that Happiness not only by helpmg others but also by accepting the love and kindness others want to share. We're so grateful to the employees who worked so tirelessly on behalf of others. The people of Texas always remember their sacrifice, work ethic, smiles. and generosity If you would like more information about The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation or would like to know how to get

involved.go to YoungLivingFoundation_Org. KIT YOU NC,

Build vour businessand fun nth friend.' tosttngo Kit port)! Looking for a new. fun way to introduce Young As the holidays approach, coordinating a L tv,ng Essential Oils to your friends and family? party can be challenging. However, everyone Put out some simple snacks and drinks. play loves a heartfelt gift—especially one that allows your favorite tunes. and invite your friends over them to get some much-neededTLC dut•ing for a D' Y K't party' It's one of the best ways to the holiday season. The Kit comes show off the arnanng benefits of essential oils, everythingyou need to give these pampering The DIY Kit comes with everything you and essentials as a beautiful and thoughtful gift, five fr.ends need to create your own EO-infused including six purple organza bags and three hand cream, spritzing spray, and lip bairns instruction cards Combine your favorite Alf you need to contribute are your favor•te holiday scents such as Peppermint, Spearmint, essential Oils! The DIY Kit comes with cards that and Northern Lights Black Spruce or Orange, offer great ideas for essential oil combos, and Lemon. and Clove: and don't be surprised yoy can a'so exper•ment with your own Ideas when your friends call you to ask about the Because you choose which essential oils to use, arnaz;ng scent of the gifts you gave them. The each person can custom•zehis or her lotion, secret? Young essential oils, of course spr•tzer.and "p bairn to be the perfect fit. Order your DIY Kit in Virtual Office today! THE ESSENTIAL EDGE

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Get to know November's product of the month!

YOUNG LIVING MEXICO Club Fed port', cur


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ith Chief Supply Chain Officer Lauren Walker

CRANBERRIES, AND PECANS 'h cup pecans.chopped 2 virginOliveOil medium stalksOfcelery.finelysliced pound mixed mushrooms(likeeremini and shitake).stems removedand thinly sliced I teaspoon fine sea salt

Freshlyground black cup mushroom or vegetable stoa

cup golden raisins 2 drops Celery Seed Vitality•• essential oil I drop Sage Vitality essential oil

2 tablespoons flat-leaf parsley, chopped 2 green onions. finely chopped Coarse salt and freshlyground pepper to taste

INSTRUCTIONS Y'eld: semngs Cook rice according to package Instructions,untitjust tender.Drainanyexcess liquid Transfer to a bowi and set aside. Wh'le rice cooks, preheat oven to 35007 Place pecans on bak•ng sheet and toast until browned

and fragrant, minutes,Set aside and let cool. Heat half the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the sliced ce:ery and sauté, minutes. Add remaining oil along with sliced mushrooms,salt. and a stirring constantly for generous p.nch Of pepper Cook, Stirringfrequently,untilmushroomshave softened,about 5 minutes.Add the cooked rice, stock, cranberries.golden raisins.and essentialoils. Cover and minutes.Stir in parsley. s•mmeruntilliquid has evaporated.about Add toasted pecans and green onions. Season mth add'tionalsalt and pepper, if desired. Serve warm or at room temperature. THE ESSENTIALEDGE S E WS

story Of Young Living's quality commitment- Standing firm with our

other pillars, Science and Standards.Sourcing is foundat.onalto providing the high-quahty products our members count on: This includes the botan'cals we source from Young Living-owned farms, partner farms. and Seed to Seal-certified suppliers. Lauren noted. spend time with every (company that) Supplges us oil„.les what keeps •ntegritystrong. We ho'd them to high standards, They meet those expectations because of our relationshipswith them,

cup dried cranberries


Pure, authentic o•is have been a hallmark of Young L'V1ng.As we cont.nue to grow. the need for greater access to'ty botantcals Increases.We spoke with Chief Supply Cha.n Officer Lauren Walker about the Importance of in the three pillars of our Seed to Seal' program.our partnerfarm 'n Taiwan, and how Young Living's growth affects our soutang, The updated Seed to Seal program we announced at the 2017 International Grand Convention lets us share a more complete


One example of Young Living's exemplary sourcing comes from our partner farm in Taiwan. Providing the botanicals for some of our favorite oils and blends. including Jade Lemon—and Valor'. the Taiwan farm gives us an advantage as demand continues to grow for our premium products. "Young Living has grown tremendouslyover the last several years. and there is no end •nsight." said Lauren. - It's truly exciting. The scary part ts the amount oi oil it's going to take to make sure that we have products avadabie. .lt•sup to us to be very disciplined and think strategically about where the industrylisl growing.Dedicated foresight from Lauren and her team and their ongoing efforts within the Sourcing pillar allow Young Living to cultivate and maintain the important relationships necessary to innovate new oils and keep up with increasing demand for our products.

To learn more about the Sourcing pillar and to hear the




Lauren. check



Drop of Inspiration podcast episode at bit./y/2xgRmTK.

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