Portfolio FSorli

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Francesca Sorli architect

fra.sorli@gmail.com +39 3334850475

help me! “I’m a young gratuated architect, I’m 24 years old and I am looking for the perfect studio to starting my career!”

EDUCATION double degree program Alta Scuola Politecnica

Politecnico di Milano - Politecnico di Torino, Italy (2012-2014)

thesis “Waterways for Territory Transformation” tutors_Laura Daglio, Orio De Paoli, Giulia Gerosa, Carlo Ravagnati

master of science

Architecture (Building and City) Politecnico di Torino, Italy (2012-2014) +

Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo FAU Universidade de Brasilia UNB, Brazil (2013-2014)

thesis “MEMORY | REGENERATION. Disused Areas and Urban Requalification in China” tutors_Pierre-Alain Croset, Michele Bonino, Mauro Berta, Gustavo Ambrosini, Anna Barbara, Jian Liu, Li Zhang in parternship with Tsinghua University, Beijing, China evaluation_110/110+right of publication and mention

master degree

Architecture and Building Engeneering Politecnico di Torino, Italy (2009-2012) +

Escuela Superior de Arquitectura ESARQ Universidad Internacional de Catalunya UIC, Barcelona, Spain (2011-2012)

thesis “Botanic Garden of Barcelona. Geometry and Landscape” tutors_Michele Bonino

Tools italian



oral + written


oral + written


oral + written

portuguese oral + written


Microsoft + Mac


Autocad + 3ds Max

adobe creative suite Photoshop + Illustrator Premiere + InDesign

3d modeling

Rhinoceros + Autodesk Revit

skills architecture design&urban planning

What I tried to improve during my academic studies has been the attitude to a social and responsible design. In my opinion an architectural project has to interact with the context nearby and in particular with the people living there. I think that the public participation is a desirable goal for a well-designed project, that should be integrated at different scales with the city and the context

multidisciplinary design

I used to work in team composed by architects, designers and engineers. During my final thesis I had the opportunity to work with Chinese students comparing different cultures and habits, while at Alta Scuola Politecnica we used to work in mixed groups, improving our multidisciplinary skills.


I worked for a while in EDT-Lonely Planet publishing and that work fascinated me. I know well adobe creative suite and above all InDesign.

team working

Architect’s job is based on team working: we have to take into account lot of needs and issues, keeping a global view on the project. Futhermore we need to interact with other important figures as designers and engineers. Thanks to the double degree program ASP and to my academic studies I improved my skills working with other students, coming from different countries and fields.


In groups where I worked I used to act as a leader, in particular if I perceive a lack of the team in problem solving and developing ideas.

languages&international attitude

Until now I exploited all the possibilities to do experiences abroad: studing and living in another countries enrich as a person and as an architect. I participated to two Erasmus program, in Barcelona (Spain) and Brasilia (Brazil). I spent some summer periods in Rotterdam and London working and I did my final thesis in parternship with Tsinghua University in Beijing (China). I love to trip and to meet new cultures and I would have no problem to move abroad if necessary.

working experience

assistant to ArchMarathon event for Publicomm Milan, Italy (november 2014)

occasional service for EDT-Lonely Planet publishing Torino, Italy (2005-2014)


London, Great Britain (summer 2012)


Rotterdam, Netherlands (summer 2010)

project summary master degree

architecture and restoration Torino, Italy (2011) +

architecture and urban planning Barcelona, Spain (2012)

master of science

architecture and urban governance Skopje, Macedonia (2012) +

architecture and territory management BogotĂ , Colombia (2013)

msc final thesis

architecture and urban planning Beijing, China (2014)

double degree thesis

urban planning and water management Milan, Italy (2013-2014)


industrialized architecture Barcelona, Spain (2011)


master degree (2009-2012)

Torino and Barcelona

architecture&restoration project_social housing year_march -july 2011 location_corso giulio cesare, Torino, Italy surface_25723 sqm professors_Alessandro Armando, Giovanni Durbiano, Stephane Garnero This project was a huge intervention in a consolidated part of Torino, with the important presence of an historic building. For this residential project many studies were made to analyze ancient facades and pre-existent context. This design creates several spaces and lots of apartament, so I integrated residences with the context providing facilities for the community like a library, a gym, a swimmingpool and commerce areas in the ground floor.

metric survey of the ancient facade and section

architecture&urban planning project_social housing and aparthotel year_february-april 2012 location_tres creus, Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain surface_2862 sqm professors_Borja Ferrater, Maria Barcina The area is situated between the ancient centre and a new developed zone of a little town near to Barcelone named Sabadell. That was an industrial city and there are lot of ancient factories hidden in the urban tissue. The huge building for the apartaments closes the block, and the aparthotel is made by several little houses spread in the area, creating a clear division between public and private space.

west elevation

edited maquette section

first floor plan

master of science (2012-2014)

Torino and Brasilia

architecture&urban governance project_housing and public space year_october 2012-february 2013 location_boulevard racin, Skopje, Macedonia surface_58760 sqm professors_Massimo Crotti, Giovanni Ferrero The project is situated in a particular area of the Macedonian capital, Skopje, involved by urban transformation. Due to ground’s inclination, ten platforms were created, distributing residential areas in the north and public spaces in the south. These terraces give the main character to the public space which has a considerable extension. To controle this huge green space some facilities were planned as two cafes, a restaurant and a children playground area.


ground floor plan

plan of pavements

quality of the public space - land use

architecture&territory management project_social housing year_march-july 2013 location_funza, Bogotà , Colombia surface_12228 sqm professors_Giancarlo Motta, Luca Caneparo This project develops the theme of social housing for a particular context as the funza one, a little town near to Bogota’, Colombian capital city, crossed by a system of waterways and marshes. The three groups of houses are articulated along a system of footbridges that link all the neighbourhood. This area faces a huge public space that aims to create a urban park along a waterway bank.


territorial section

territorial plan

msc final thesis (2014)

Torino and Beijing

architecture&urban planning “MEMORY | REGENERATION. Disused Areas and Urban Requalification in China� project_antique market year_february-september 2014 location_Beijing, China surface_49200 sqm professors_Pierre-Alain Croset, Michele Bonino, Mauro Berta, Gustavo Ambrosini, Anna Barbara, Jian Liu, Li Zhang in parternship with Tsinghua University, Beijing, China evaluation_110/110+right of publication and mention The project presented started in February 2014, when we left from Turin for our trip in China to take part to the Joint Studio Experience in Beijing. The theme of the fourth edition of the Joint Studio is the transformation of the Panjiayuan Antique Market in Beijing, one of the largest and most famous antique and handicraft market in China. The idea was to design a trading space that aims to become an active and living part of the city. The main function of the retail market is supported by public buildings attracting visitors, and private spaces for trading and administration.


prefabricated xlam module shop

ground floor plan

chinese garden drawing

view of the inner market and scheme of chinese garden

general first floor plan

dd thesis (2012-2014)

Torino and Milano

urban planning&water management “Waterways for Territory Transformation” project_integrated system year_2012-2014 location_Milan, Italy surface_about 400000 sqm professors_Laura Daglio, Orio De Paoli, Giulia Gerosa, Carlo Ravagnati in parternship with Expo 2015 The Alta Scuola Politecnica (ASP) is a school, a double degree program for young talents, with a passion for innovation, who wish to develop their potential in a multidisciplinary community. The work presented here has been conceived in a team composed by engineers, architects and designers. WATT (Waterways for Territory Transformation) is a system based on Via d’Acqua project for Milano Expo 2015, linking a complex territory along a linear urban park, providing facilities and new spaces of interaction.

workshops (2012-2014)

Torino and Barcelona

intensive workshop 1:1 “Taller Vertical 2011” project_industry+housing year_September 2011 location_ESARQ (Universidad Internacional de Catalunya), Barcelona, Spain surface_ √40 sqm professors_Borja Ferrater, Jordi Roviras, Vincenç Sarrablo, Juan Trias de Bes in parternship with Gabarrò and UNIFUST This experience trained me a lot as architect: the design and construction of a model in a 1:1 scale in competitive teams composed by professors and students. Initial requirements were surface and height of the space to occupy with the project of a furniture that could include all the facilities for a house and that can be easily produced industrially. Our idea was to design a box containing three movable walls to create the different spaces of an apartament: bathroom and kitchen, bedroom, livingroom and diningroom. The project of my group won the Critics Award for the great result reached.


Photography of architecture “Gli sguardi e i luoghi dell’Architettura” year_March-July 2014 location_Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy professors_Alfredo Ronchetta, Alberto Alpozzi tools_Nikon 3100, lens 18-55 mm As my last course of academic curriculum I decided to enrich my skills attending a workshop on photography of Architecture. Due to my interest for photography I found very attracting to study it on the perspective of the architectural space. In this course I had the opportunity to practice an interest and at the same time to change my view of architect on places and environments.

scala dei turchi, sicilia, italy

traditional bridge, guilin, china

itamaraty palace (oscar niemeyer), brasilia, brazil

olympic stadium (alvar aalto), helsinki, finland

exhibitions & drawings (2012-2014)

Torino and Barcelona

maquettes “Secuencias Extremas” year_December 2012- January2013 location_Collegi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya COAC Barcelona, Spain professors_Jordi Roviras, Joan Vitòria publication_ Secuencias Extremas, Jordi Roviras, Joan Vitòria, Departamento de Cultura y Publicaciones, 2013. in parternship with Universidad Internacional de Catalunya UIC This exhibition organized by the Universidad Internacional de Catalunya had as main goal to present the path followed by a student of Architecture, from the first to the last year. Therefore here there were presented the works of a first year course “Analisis de las formas”, on maqueting and shapes’ research and the final projects of “Proyecto final de carrera”. I participated with some maquettes made by plaster, wood sticks and metallic bars. Consequently to the exhibition the university decided to publish a book with the results of the research made in the faculty.

plan of the exhibition

final thesis “Joint Studio 2014� year_July 2014 location_Sala delle Colonne, Politecnico di Torino, Italy professors_Pierre-Alain Croset, Li Zhang in parternship with Tsinghua University, Beijing (China) The projects developed in collaboration between Tsinghua University and Politecnico di Torino have been presented as example of a positive goal coming from a team working in cultural and architectural fields. My final thesis was one of the projects exposed and discussed with both Italian and Chinese professors.

drawings In this section I collected some handworks made along the entire academic career. In my opinion hand drawing is fundamental for an architect to understand a space and to express an idea. I always try to improve my drawing skills, adding new techniques.

pavement analysis, barcelona, spain

library of unb university (oscar niemeyer), brasilia, brazil

robie house (frank lloyd wright), chicago, usa

nike of samothrace, musĂŠe du louvre, paris, france

beatrice (julia margaret cameron), musĂŠe du louvre, paris, france

get in touch! “I hope you enjoyed my works. I will be glad to hear from you! Feel free to contact me!�

fra.sorli@gmail.com francesca.sorli@asp-poli.it +39 3334850475 Via Lunga 64, 10099 San Mauro Torinese (TO), Italy francesca.sorli it.linkedin.com/pub/francesca-sorli/59/392/4a9/ http://issuu.com/francesca.sorli

Francesca Sorli Thank you!

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