Booklet Instagram: Phph | Pinterest: GraphicWow | Issuu: Francesca Ph
what i've learned in part 2? Here we are, I'm excited. I don't partecipate in any Certified Path, but I want to create a record booklet with notes and images for sharing my point of view with the community. After few months I have tons of suggestions, eight books I really want to finish, numberless quotes are flying in my mind, not
counting the new digital tools that I need to experiment and also a bunch of conversations I want to continue.This
50 #BeholdHuman
is Architecture? I don't know. This is only a "place" to start.
§ In part 2, we deal
with the concept of “place” and our conceptual journey goes on towards “space”.
Places to stay, to move, to eat, to cook, to love.
34 #weallshineon
57 #Alltherivers
Place to live. Place to die.
Places for our bodies, places on our bodies. Places to clean and remember. We went all over the place... Different places for doing so many different things. Different places and different positions, all weaven to
different states of mind. § We started our journey with a video tour through Stonehenge
and other fascinating places. The interesting part is that you have to choose only one frame.
In the Digital Era we have everything in every moment and we don't have nothing: too
information = no information at all. § “How directly or not the two ambassadors were involved in the first colonizing ventures is not particularly important, for what we are concerned with here is a stance towards the world; and this was general to a whole.
The two ambassadors belonged to a class who were convinced that the world was there to furnish their residence in it. In its extreme form this 45 #AdversityIs
40 #TheSimplestWay
conviction was confirmed by the relations being set up between colonial conqueror and the colonized.These
relations between conqueror and colonized tended to be self-perpetuating. The sight of the other confirmed each in his inhuman estimate of himself.
The circularity of the relationship can be seen in the following diagram - as also the mutual solitude*. The way in which each sees the other confirms his own view of himself.” —John Berger, Ways of Seeing {*I used this concept in #37, page 5}
39 #theprimaryfactor
46 #OurLifeIs
37 #YouGetUp
50 #Thevalueof
52 #YabbaDabba
48 #IllPaintYou
36 #nocowontheice
Digital tools, links and other useful resources.
First stage for my digital journey in the Space is (obviously) Nasa web site
If you want to visit Sweden you can look at Spaces without leaving Planet Earth. But this is not a travel agency ;)
In the second part of this course I tended to use Photoshop and Pixelmator with images taken from Old Stock Photo or similar websites. Somewhere I still used Procreate with
my iPad. I played hours with the Infinite String Quartet website.
53 #WhoWouldBelieve
Probably the best part of this adventure is to discover new tools and digital technique used by others. I am impressed (again, and again).
"Some people say they feel very small when they think about space. I felt more expansive, very connected to the universe."
In part 2 we are making a lot of physical (analog) stuff. In week 4 we carved cheese (52, #yabbadabba). In week 5 we played with paper (next page).
—Astronaut Mae Jemison
§ And finally the last week was dedicated to digital construction.
58 #IfItHadBeen
57 #WhatsThatScreaming
Base and roof, walls and columns. In the final week we start to build something “structured”. § Every wall is a door. —Ralph Waldo Emerson
61 #IWouldRather
§ Week 6: how to build a digital world made out of cubes without getting lost in Minecraft world... I want to quote this: #togatherhoney
“The free building apps we have been using the
59 #MarbleIsNot
last week are driving me insane in their random behavior. Instead
60 #RetainYour
of submitting me to another exposure, and saving a lot of time there is no picture today." —@Han_tro
§ I used Toca Boca Builder, Lego Builder and Build for Chrome. I hated Minecraft, iLand.
63 #ToGatherHoney See you in part 3!
what i've learned in from others?
In this part of the booklet I collected interesting visuals from others students.
OH MY... mental space?!
Final thoughts
When I try to visualize my
Mental Space
I make a transparent overlapping of two images: one taken from the e the other one from the . The
inside outside
result is a frame without boundaries.
Maybe this is too easy, but I want to stay simple ;) If you want to dig deeper the reference is "The Poetics of Space" by Gaston Bachelard (Chapter 9
The dialectics of Outside and Inside) Thank you for reading. 窶認rancesca