Francesco Zambon architect CV
Curriculum vitae Europass
Curriculum vitae Europass
Personal informations Personal data Name/Surname Residence address Place and date of birth Gender Civil status Nationality Professional register
Francesco Zambon P.zza XXV Aprile, 20/A - 35030 - Baone [PD], Italy Monselice - 06/12/1986 Male Single Italian Registered in the Register of Architects of the Province of Padua, in the Section A - Sector Architecture - with the title of Architect, from 05/07/2016 Freshman n° 3534
Contacts Mobile phone/Landline phone +39 329 9342034 / 0429 57182 E-mail PEC
Professional experiences Date 06/2017 - 01/2018 Employer Arch. Massimiliano Valdinoci, Via Montorio, 29e, 37131 Verona, Italy. Work and position held Freelance architect: contributor to the design activities, added in a team of professionals, for two competitions related to sacred architecture. Date 25/01 - 17/06/2016 Employer Arch. Emiliano Magarotto, Via Pescheria vecchia 4, Este [PD], Italy. Work and position held Freelance architect: contributor to the studio’s activities: project, design, drawings. Date 09/2013 - 06/2015 Employer Francesco Gostoli Studio, Venezia and Vicenza, Italy. Work and position held Freelance architect: contributor to the studio’s activities: project, design, drawings. Date 06 - 07/2013 Employer Arch. G. V. Consuegra and Prof. Arch. S. Pittini, IUAV University of Venice, Venezia, Italy. Work and position held Teaching assistant in the context of the summer workshop organized by IUAV University of Architecture of Venice. Date 01 - 04/2013 Employer Associated study Ar.Pi. Di S. Pittini e D. Cazzaro, Strada Terraglio, 10 Preganziol [TV] Italy. Work and position held Freelance architect: contributor to the design activities during a competition. Date 02 - 06/2013 Employer Regional park institution of the Euganean Hills, Via Rana Ca’ Mori 8, Este [PD], Italy. Work and position held University internship.
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Education and formation Date 30/09/2015 - 22/01/2016 Title of the qualification Professional training course: “Expert designer in sustainable architecture, emergent achieved tecnologies and construction process managment”. Organized by AGORÀ FORMAZIONE S.R.L. - Corso Milano, 29 - 35139 - Padova [PD], Italia. Date 17.09.2013 Title of the qualification Professional qualification. [88/100] achieved IUAV University of Venice - Venezia, Italia. Date 29.10.2012 Title of the qualification Master’s Degree of Architecture - Landscape Architecture. [110/110] achieved Thesis title: “Architcture for the liturgy: a new church for Santa Maria delle Rose parish in Rovigo.” Supervisors: Prof. Arch. Sandro Pittini, Prof. Don Roberto Tagliaferri. IUAV University of Venice - Venice, Italy. Date 26.03.2009 Title of the qualification Bachelor’s Degree of Architecture. [103/110] achieved IUAV University of Venice - Venice, Italy. Date 12.07.2005 Title of the qualification High school scentific diploma. [77/100] achieved Liceo Statale G.B. Ferrari - Este [PD], Italy.
Other personal experinces Design competitions, seminaries, publications Date and object of - 10/2017-01/2018: “Liturgical adaptation and design of the sacred space of the Maria SS. the competition Assunta in cielo e S. Giovanni Battista Chatedral in Pescia (IT)”. Design competition in two phases. Date and title of - 26/07/2017: “Cappelle e paesaggio naturale, l’estetica dello straordinario”. the publication Article published in the web magazine “Giornale dell’Architettura” inside the investigation intitled “Le chiese di quest’ultimo lustro” edited by prof. Luigi Bartolomei. Date and object of - 06-09/2017: “Design of the new parish complex S. Andrea Avellino, located in Francavilla in the competition Sinni (PZ), Italy”. Design competition in unique phase. Date and object of - 24/02 - 26/02/2017: CLI-LAB: preparatory seminary to the “XV International liturgical conthe seminary vention” for young scholars and professionals under 35. Monastero di Bose - Ufficio Nazionale Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici (CEI). Cascina Bose, 6 Magnano [BI] - 13887 - Italy. Date and object of - 07-08/2016: “Dei-sign 2016: Liturgical adaptation and design of the sacred space of the the competition Santa Maria del Bosco Chatedral in Cuneo (IT)”. Design competition in two phases. Date and object of - 05/2016: PA Design Award 2016: “Accendiamo l’idea”. the competition Design of a sofa with wooden structure. Date and title of - 02/2016: “Progetto per la nuova chiesa di S. M. delle Rose a Rovigo. Studi e analisi critiche the publication del progetto di Carlo Scarpa del 1977”. Publication of the first part of the Master’s Degree of Architecture thesis, inside the volume “La Chiesa nella città a 50 anni dal Concilio Vaticano II”, 2016 - Bononia University Press, Bologna (IT), edited by Claudia Manenti, manageress of Dies Domini - Centro studi per l’architettura sacra e la città, Card. Giacomo Lercaro foundation, Bologna (IT). Date and object of - 02/2014: 1° Design Award “Accendi la tua idea”. the competition Design of a solid wood table.
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Personal skills and competences Native language
Other languages (Self evaluation)
English COMPREHENSION Listening B1
Oral production
Levels: A1/2 Basic level - B1/2 Intermediate level - C1/2 Advanced level. (Common european reference framework of Languages).
Communication and social capacities and competences
Organizational skills
IT skills
Driver’s license Other skills and competences
Ability to work in team and lead the group towards the goal if necessary, acquired during the studies in architecture and participation in competitions. Empathic and relational skills in multicultural environments; easy to fit and to develop group strategies. Good communication skills both written and verbal. Good relationship skill with an audience, even heterogeneous, acquired through collaboration in the family business. Excellent skills in analysis and critical thinking; leadership skills and work organisation, especially in design; logistics experience and ability to manage meetings and brainstorming acquired during participation in seminars, conferences, workshops, thesis period, study experiences and participation in competitions. Operating systems: Windows 95/2000/xp/Vista/7/8/10; fair knowledge of MAC OS-X. Office automation: good knowledge of Microsoft Office programs. CAD: excellent knowledge of Autodesk AutoCAD 2D and basic knowledge of AutoCAD 3D; basic knowledge of Autodesk 3ds MAX and Artlantis Studio 5. MODELING: good knowledge of Google SketchUP. Desktop publishing: good knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and fair knowledge of Adobe Illustrator. Editorial graphics: fair knowledge of Adobe InDesign. Good ability to use the web. Driving license B (automotive). Excellent manual dexterity and good artistic skills studied in deep during university courses, in particular hand drawing and plastic models making. Excellent skills in music: singing skills and knowledge of a musical instrument (drums) acquired over the years thanks to the sharing within choirs and bands. Good acting abilities acquired within theater companies. Excellent ability to perform and conduct group activities acquired during a long experience as an educator and trainer within voluntary associations, especially addressed to the care of adolescents and young people.
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Francesco Zambon