CV Francesco Mitolo | BI | EN

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CURRICULUM VITAE |FRANCESCO MITOLO f . mi t ol o@out l ook. com | l i nkedi n. com/ i n/ f r ancescomi t ol o Mygoali st obepar tofat eam wi t h whi ch t oshar emyski l l s,devel oped i nt hef i el d ofur ban pl anni ng,ofanal ysi sand vi sual i zat i on ofdat af ordeci si on maki ng.



Course ofBusi nessInt el l i gence,dat a processi ng and vi sual i zat i on IT Academy Ci bernàri um

Busi nessInt el l i gence consul t ant Freel ance

Dur at i on 09/ 2019 -12/ 2019 ( 220 h) Modul es:SQLdat abases( dat amodel i ng, DSLDMLDDLTCLDCLoper at i ons,user s,t r i gger s, event s,st or ed pr ocedur es) ,ETL( dat a t r ansf or mat i on,pr ocessaut omat i on,API ,web scr appi ng,bot s,encr ypt i on,mul t i di mensi onal anal ysi swi t h OLAPcubes)vi sual i zat i on ( r epor t desi gn and dashboar d) ,i nt r oduct i on t omachi ne l ear ni ng

Mast er' sdegree i n Advanced urban st udi es Uni versi t atde Barcel ona Dur at i on 10/ 2018 -09/ 2019

Mast er' sdegree i n Archi t ect ure and Bui l di ng engi neeri ng Pol i t ecni co diBari

Fr om 12/ 2019 Cl eani ng and ver i f i cat i on ofdat ai nt egr i t yf or anal ysi s Dat abasemodel i ng and management Cr eat i on ofdashboar dsf ordeci si on maki ng ( sal es anal ysi s,ur ban i ndexes) Const r uct i on ofmachi nel ear ni ng pr edi ct i vemodel s f orur ban mobi l i t ysol ut i ons

Urban pl anni ng t echni ci an Agènci a d' Ecol ogi a Urbana de Barcel ona Dur at i on 06/ 2018 -07/ 2019 St at i st i calanal ysi s

Dur at i on 09/ 2011 -04/ 2018,mar k110/ 110

Anal ysi sofur ban dat af ort hecr eat i on of dashboar ds

Degree Archi t ect ure,Bui l di ng engi neeri ng Uni versi dade da Coruña

Di r ect i on oft heal gor i t hmi cpl anni ng pr oj ectoft he R&D t eam

Dur at i on 0107/ 2015 |0207/ 2017.Er asmus+ SMS



Dat a anal ysi scourse wi t h Googl e Dat a ber nàr i um,12/ 2019 St udi o Ci Int roduct i on course t o R,graphi c ber nàr i um,09/ 2019 vi sual i zat i on,Bi g Dat a Ci Int roduct i on course t o Pyt hon and PyQGIS Ci ber nàr i um,08/ 2019

Of f i ce


Pent aho


Ar cGI S


Geomedi a

CCompar e

Dat abase managementcourse wi t h MySql Ci ber nàr i um,07/ 2019

Aut oCAD

Rhi nocer os Gr asshopper Ar chi CAD

adapt abi l i t y

c ur i os i t y r ef l ex i v i t y i nβet ateamwork v i t y c r i t i c al t hi nk i ngcreati qui c k l ear ner empat hy

Phot oshop

I l l ust r at or

I ndesi gn

Pyt hon

R sof t war e

Ar dui no

I t al i ano


Engl i sh

Pr emi er e

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