Francesco Scarpati
Curriculum Vitae
Francesco Scarpati Italian Licensed ArchitectLindenstrasse 1B - 20099
Hamburg (DE)
t +39 3939094214
Architectural Designer - Grimshaw Architects, London (GB)
Born in Naples (IT), 8th October 1991
Architect - Freelance

Nationality: Italian Italian Native language
Full professional proficiency
German Professional working proficiency
Architect and BIM specialist for the project Shenzhen Airport East Integrated Transport Hub, Shenzhen CN.
Working as freelance for the architecture office Archivio Atelier, Rome (IT)
- Private residential project of Palazzo del Lago, Foggia IT (design phase: from concept to schematic design)
- Preliminary design for the tender of GLF masterplan, Foggia (IT)
Architect - Hadi Teherani Architects, Hamburg (DE)
Hired as an architect and BIM specialist, manly focused on the development of schematic design and architectural detail solutions in the BIM environment Autodesk Revit.
- Architect and BIM specialist in the following projects:
• Baakenhafen Residential Buildings, Hamburg DE (deign phase: concept design);
• Spreebogen Residetial Tower, Berlin DE (design phase: schematic design);
• Rheinblick Residential Buildings, Krefeld DE (design phase: from feasibility study to concept design);
• Albertussee Residential Buildings, Düsseldorf DE (design phase: schematic design).
- Multifuntional building NeckarParc Quarter, Stuttgart DE (design phase: construction design)
- Competition Karstadt am Nordbad, Munich DE.
Architect - gmp Architects, Hamburg (DE)
Hired as an architect with different duties, manly focusing on the development of schematic designs and architectural detail solutions.
- Involved in the following projects for the new Bologna Technology Centre, Bologna IT:
• ECMWF’s Computer Centre (design phase: construction design);
• CINECA-INFN’s Data Centre (design phases: feasibility study, concept design, schematic design, guiding details);
• Technology Centre’s office building for scientists (design phase: feasibility study, concept design, schematic design, guiding details).
- New Vicenza Fair Trade (design phase: from schematic to construction design).
- Involved in the following competitions:
• Neues Kombibad Kehl, Kehl DE;
• Campus Glashütte, Norderstedt DE: 1st Prize.
Architect - Studio Fuksas, Rome (IT)
Hired as an architect with different duties, spacing from 3D modelling to 2D drawings, architectural diagrams and presentations production.
- Involved in the following international competition projects:
• Longhua Cultural and Sport Center, Shenzhen CN;
• Hochhaus Viertel Zwei, Vienna AT. Responsible for all the German documentation related to the Competition;
• Tushino Residential Complex, Moskau RU;
• Dubai Global Connect (2nd phase competition), Dubai AE;
• Navi Mumbai International Airport, Mumbai IN;
• Chengdu Natural History Museum, Chengdu CN;
• Dubai Chamber of Commerce Extension, Dubai AE.
- Foshan Red Star Macalline Exhibition Center, Forshan CN (design phase: concept design).
- ICC Jerusalem, IL (design phase: from concept to schematic design).
Internship - Studio Razavi Architecture, Paris (FR)
Hired as an architectural intern with different duties, from 3D modelling to 2D drawings.
- Involved in the following private residential projects:
• Oughourlian Residence, London UK (design phase: schematic design)-
• August Debouzy cabinet d’avocat extension, Paris FR (design phase: concept design)
- International competition Seoul Yeoui-Naru Ferry Terminal, Seoul KR. Research Assistant, Project Assistant - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples (IT)
- Research assistant in the research project SNECS - Social Networks of Historical District Entity.
- Project assistant in the reconstruction project of secondary school G. Carducci, Foligno IT (design phase: schematic design).
- Environmental designer and project assistant in the project of the square of Anish Kapoor’s Monte Sant’Angelo Subway Station, Naples IT.
Internship - Co.Res. Italian Building Refurbishments, Naples (IT) Architectural intern with different duties, from the production of drawings to the construction management.
Licensed as Architect in Italy/ARB Equivalent
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II - Department of Architecture, Naples (IT)
Architecture - Five Years Master Degree. 110/100 with honours
Thesis title: “Design on the Edge: IT tools and Environmental Design for the climate adaptive design of public spaces. The Duchesca district and Porta Capuana”.
Supervisor: Prof. Arch. Mario Losasso.
Recommended for publication by the graduation committee.
Technische Universität München, Munich (DE) Erasmus+ Exchange Program; Research work related to the Master Thesis.
Beuth Hochschule für Technik, Berlin (DE) Erasmus+ Exchange Program.
Liceo Ginnasio Statale Umberto I, Naples (IT) Humanistic Studies.
DesignMorphine Webinars
Elaborate Sinuosity V1.0. Biomorphic Networks V2.0
Revit Architecture course
Osnap - Autodesk Authorized Academic Partner.
VRay for 3D Studio Max course
Chaos Group - Ciro Sannino, V-Ray licensed instructor, 5SRW® founder.
Arturo Tedeschi’s Authorized Rhinoceros Instructor Grasshopper Workshops, Milan (IT) Form Finding Strategies_advanced form finding and structural optimization workshop; Ecologic Patterns_advanced environmental form finding workshop; Plug-It2_Grasshopper basic workshop.
L. Ambrosini, E. Bassolino, F. Scarpati, From the Outdoor space to the indoor effects: a parametric simultaneous simulation methodology for the definition of climate adaptive design solutions, in Perception-Driven Approaches to Urban Assessment and Design, The liveability of urban spaces, IGI Global, Hershey PA, USA, 2017.
E. Bassolino, F. Scarpati, An integrated methodology for the simulation of buildings and open spaces interaction to define climate adaptive strategies: the case study of the Duchesca district in Naples, Italy, URBANCEQ-2017, International Conference on Urban Comfort and Environmental Quality, Genoa, Italy 2017.
Proficient knowledge and experience in the following programs: AutoCAD, MicroStation Revit
- 2D drawing - BIM - 3D modelling
Rhinoceros 3D, 3D Studio Max, Blender, Maya
- Parametric modelling
- Graphic design
- Rendering
Grasshopper 3D Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign VRay