MicroPro Grill and Recipes

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MICROPRO GRILL This revolutionary Tupperware product grills meats, fish, vegetables and even_sandwiches right in your microwave, without the grease and with the brown, crispy top that you desire when you grill. Made with nonstick coating on the interior for easy cooking and cleaning, the MicroPro Grill rapidly heats up to 425° F/220°C in just 90-120 seconds. With something this efficient, you'll be able to provide your family with quick, healthy dinners more often than ever.

PRO TIPS Do not overfill. Rest the cover on the meat, fish, veggies or sandwich below the rim of the product in grill position, or rest on the rim in casserole position. When grilling, you may flip your food as you would on a normal grill to evenly cook through and equally brown each side.

HOWTOUSE Grill w hole, or casserole! There are two ways to cook your meats, fish, veggies or sandwiches:



• When you want heat directly on the food. After placing your food in the Grill base, place the cover • When excess water. oil or fats are going to be emitted from the food and enter the

directly on the food so that the cover settles into the sides and does not hang off the top rim. The cover is Lined with the

trench on the sides. (Example: chicken.)

same nonstick as the base, so food is being cooked through on both sides while in the microwave.

• When you want to directly brown the top of your food. GRILL POSITION



• When you are cooking w ith cheese or breadcrumbs on top.

Mix your ingredients and add them to the Grill base. Put the cover on so that it is sitting on the rim of the base and flush with the sides, so it is not touching the food, but instead

• When you are cooking something more Liquid in nature.

Leaves space between the cover and the food. This space ensures that melty cheese or crispy breadcrumb toppings will brown from indirect heat and not stick to the cover.

• When you want to indirectly brown the top. CASSEROLE POSITION TUPPERWARE I MICROPRO GRILL 3






BEEF Beef hot dog

4; pierced

3 minutes

145° F/63° C

Burgers (beef)

2 8-oz/225 g patties

6 minutes; flip V2 way

155° F/66° C

Burgers (beef)

4 4-6 oz/1 15- 175 g patties

8 m inutes; flip 1h way

155° F/66°C

11/z -2"/4- 5 cm thick slices

4 minutes; flip; 1 more minute

1 sandwich

3-4 minutes; flip V2way

BREAD Grilled French bread Panini

POULTRY Chicken breast

2 6-oz/175 breasts

6 m inutes; f lip V2 way

165° F/75°C

Chicken breast

2 10-oz/285 g breasts

14- 18 minutes; flip V2way

165° F/75°C

Burgers (chicken or turkey)

2 8-oz/ 225 g patties

6 minutes; flip V2way


Burgers (chicken or turkey)

4 4- 6 oz/115- 175 g patties

8 m inutes; flip V2way

155° F/66°C

FRUIT & VEGETABLES Asparagus Bell peppers Cherry tomatoes Eggplant

1 bunch; thick spears



4-6 minutes*

1 pint (12 oz/350 g)

3-5 minutes*

4 slices; 11/z -2 cm t hick

4 minutes; flip; 1 m inute 4-6minutes


8 oz/225 g; sliced


2; sliced & pitted

3- 4minutes


1 medium; sliced

5- 8minutes

Red potatoes Zucchini

3- 4; halved

12- 16 minutes

4-5 strips; 11/z -2 cm thick

4 minutes; flip; 1 minute

PORK Bacon Pork chop Pork t enderloin Sausage Links

4 strips

6 m inutes. flip 1h way

2 8 oz/225 g; bone-in

6 m inutes; flip V2way

155° F/66° C

1 lb/455 g

15 minutes; flip 1h way

155° F/66°C

4 Links; pierced

10-15 minutes

155° F/66° C

SEAFOOD Grouper or Mahi

2 6-oz/175 g filets


145° F/63° C


2 8-oz/225 g filets

5 minutes

145° F/63° C


8- 12 oz/ 225-350 g

2-4minutes ·depending on desired doneness


Note: As eve,y m icrowave is differen~ results may vary



CHEESY APPLE PANINI Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 panini

Serves 2 • Serving size: 1 filet

PREP: 5 minutes

PREP: 10 minutes

COOK: 4 minutes

COOK: 5 minutes

2 slices hearty sandwich bread

4 tsp. Dijon mustard 3 tsp. ancho chile powder 2 tsp. Southwest Chipotle Seasoning 6 tbsp. duck sauce 4 tbsp honey 2 8-oz/225 g center-cut salmon filets, wit h skin (optional)

1/2 tsp. coarse kosher salt 1/4 tsp. pepper 1. In Quick Shake®container, combine Dijon mustard, ancho chili powder, Southwest Chipotle seasoning, duck sauce and honey. 2. Seal and shake until glaze is comb ined.

1 tbsp. unsalted butter 3 slices provolone cheese

1/2 Granny Smith apple, sliced thin 1. Butter one side of each piece of sandwich bread. 2. Place one slice, butter side down, in MicroPro Grill base. Lay cheese slices onto bread. 3. Lay apple slices over cheese and bread. Top with remaining slice of bread, butter side up. 4. Rest MicroPro Grill cover on top of bread in grill position and microwave on high power 3 minutes. Remove from microwave, flip Panini, replace cover and m icrowave on high power 1 minute more. Serve warm.

3. Season salmon wit h salt and pepper. 4. Place salmon filets skin side down in base of MicroPro Grill 5. Reserve 1 tbsp. glaze and pour the remaining over salmon. Make sure to completely cover the filets with glaze. 6. Place cover on top of filet in grill position and m icrowave on high power 5 minutes

ROASTED TOMATO BRUSCHETIA Serves 4 • Serving size: V2 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 10 minutes

7. Garnish salmon filets with remaining glaze and serve.

1 pt. cherry tomatoes 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

1/2 tsp. coarse kosher salt 1/2 tsp. Italian Herb Seasoning 1/2 Loaf Italian bread, sliced into 1/,"/1.25 cm pieces 1. Preheat oven to 450° F/230° C. 2. Place bread slices on Silicone Wonder' Mat and toast in oven until brown. 3. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, combine olive oil spices and tomatoes. Mix well 4. Place tomato mixture into base of MicroPro Grill and place cover on top of m ixture in grill position. 5. Microwave on high power 10 minutes. 6. Place roasted tomato mixture into Chop 'N Prep™ Chef. Cover and pull cord until blended 7. Spread mixture on toasted bread and serve 6 TU P PE RWARE I MI CROPRO GR IL L


Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 patty


PREP: 10 minutes

Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 patty

BLACK BEAN BURGERS COOK: 8-10 minutes per 2 patties 115-oz/425 g can black beans 1 red bell pepper, cored and quartered 2 tbsp. cilantro 3f< cup breadcrumbs

1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1 tsp. cumin

PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 6- 8 minutes per 2 patties 1 lb/455 g ground turkey breast 1 tbsp. Italian Herb Seasoning 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 1 egg, lightly beaten

1/4 cup Italian style breadcrumbs or plain

4 tsp. Lime juice Salt and pepper to taste

1. Place all ingredients in medium bowl and combine well

1. Place black beans into base of Power Chef™ System fitted w ith blade attachment Pull cord until coarsely processed. Add 2- 3 tsp. of water if necessary for pulling. Remove to small bowl and set aside. 2. Place red pepper and cilantro in base of Power ChefTM System fitted with blade attachment. Cover and pull cord until finely chopped. Add to black bean mixture. 3. Stir in remaining ingredients. 4. Divide into four equal patties. 5. Place two patties at a time in base of the MicroPro Grill and place the cover on top of patties in grill position 6. Microwave on high power 8 minutes, then flip burgers and microwave on high power an additional 2 minutes. ?. Now that your Grill is hot, additional patties will require less grill time. Microwave remaining patties on high power 6 minutes, then flip and microwave on high power an additional 2 minutes. 8. Top with desired toppings and serve


2. Divide into four equal patties. 3. Place two patties at a time in base of MicroPro Grill and place the cover on top of patties in grill position 4. Microwave on high power 4 minutes, then flip and microwave on high power an additional 4 minutes. 5. Now that your Grill is hot, additional patties will require less grill t ime. Microwave remaining patties on high power 3 minutes, then flip and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 6. Top with desired toppings and serve.




Serving size: 2 2-ozJ57 g tacos

Serves 2

PREP: 10 minutes

Serving size: 1h of butterflied chicken

COOK: 4-5 minutes

PREP: 10 minutes

2 8-ozl225 g Mahi filets

COOK: 10 minutes

2 tsp. Southwest Chipotle seasoning 1-2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil Desired tortillas SUGGESTED TOPPINGS. 1 /,

cup cilantro, chopped using Chop 'N Prep™ Chef

1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1/2 tsp. coarse kosher salt % tsp. ground black pepper 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour 12 ozl340 g chicken breast, butterflied

1/, red onion, chopped using Chop 'N Prep™ Chef

% cup heavy-cream

1 avocado, diced

1/2 tsp. baking soda % cup chicken stock

4- 5 small radishes, chopped finely using Chop 'N Prep™ Chef, or thinly sliced 2 limes, cut into wedges for serving

1. Rub Southwest Chipotle seasoning onto filets and drizzle with olive oil. 2. Place in base of the MicroPro Grill, place cover on top of filets in grill position, and microwave on high power 3- 4 minutes, or until fish is opaque all the way through 3. Break apart filets into bite size pieces and place into tortillas for serving. Top w ith desired ingredients.

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. cornstarch 1 tbsp. fresh sage 1 tbsp. fresh thyme 1 tbsp. fresh rosemary

1. Combine garlic powder, salt, pepper and flour on a plate 2. Dredge the butterflied breast in the seasoned flour, shaking off excess. 3. Place the seasoned chicken breast into the base of the MicroPro Grill 4. Place the cover on top of the chicken in grill position and m icrowave on high power 5 minutes. 5. Stir together heavy cream and baking soda in small bowl and set aside. 6. In a Quick Shake~ container, combine chicken stock, balsamic vinegar and cornstarch. Replace seal and shake to combine. 7. Remove Grill frorn microwave and flip chicken over. Add balsamic mixture and heavy cream mixture to base of MicroPro Grill and stir to combine. 8. Replace cover in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 5 minutes. 9. Using the Chop 'N Prep™ Chef, finely chop the sage, thyme and rosemary 10. Remove Grill from the microwave and stir in chopped herbs. Serve warm. Serving suggestion: Stir cooked pasta into MicroPro


Grill after chicken and sauce are complete.


Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 tostada


PREP: 5 minutes

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza

TOSTADAS COOK: 2- 3 minutes per tostada

PREP: 5 m inutes

4 6"/15 cm tortillas

COOK: 6- 10 m inutes

4 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

TOSTADA TOPPING 1 cup refried beans 1 cup shredded cheese OptionaL cooked chicken or ground beef

1 mini pizza crust (6- 71/,''/15- 19 cm) 2- 3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6-8 mushroom slices 4- 5 sun dried tomatoes 2-3 leaves fresh basiL roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella


salsa. avocado, lettuce


pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc

1. Place one tortilla in base of MicroPro Grill and brush with a teaspoon of olive oil, coating both sides. 2. Place cover on tortilla in grill position. Microwave on high power W, minutes. Flip and microwave on high power again 60- 90 seconds or until crispy. Set aside. 3. Repeat with remaining tortillas. As MicroPro Grill is already warm, only microwave each tortilla on high power 1 minute on each side, or until crispy. 4. Spread refried beans onto each tortilla and sprinkle with cheese and any meat if desired. One at a time, place them in base of MicroPro Grill and put cover on in raised position 5. Microwave on high power 1 minute or until cheese is melted. Repeat with remaining tostadas. 6. Top with remaining desired ingredients and serve warm.


1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4-5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8- 10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm



Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

2 cups penne noodles

4 cups frozen blueberries Y, cup all-purpose flour

6cups water 1 tsp. coarse kosher salt 2 Italian sausage links

Y, cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice

2 cups marinara sauce 3 cups shredded mozzarella. divided

CRUMBLE TOPPING 1 stick unsalted butter, melted

1. Place noodles in Microwave Pasta Maker with water and salt Microwave on high power 10 minutes or until noodles areal dente. Strain and set aside 2. Remove casings from sausage links and break apart meat in base of MicroPro Grill Place cover on sausage in grill position. 3. Microwave on high power 5 minutes or until sausage is no longer pink in the middle. Once fully cooked, break apart with a spatula. 4. In a medium bowl stir together sausage, cooked noodles, marinara sauce and 1 cup of shredded cheese 5. Place noodle mixture into base of Grill Top with remaining cheese and place cover in casserole position. 6. Microwave on high power 6-8 minutes or until cheese is bubbly and heated through.


cup all-purpose flour

1/2 cup brown sugar

3/4 cup rolled oats 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1. In a medium bowl stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill set aside. 2. In a medium bowl mix together crumble ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over top of berries. 3. Place cover in casserole position and microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.



Tupperware Ultimate MicroPro Grill Cooking Guide Food

Quantity and Basic Instructions


Lid Position

6-8 ounces

8-12 minutes, flip halfway


Beef Hot Dog

4 pierced

3 minutes


Beef Ground with diced onions

1 pound

9 minutes, stir halfway


Beef Fajitas peppers & onions

6-8 ounces

8 minutes, stir halfway


4-6 ounces, serves 2

8 minutes, flip halfway


6-8 ounces, serves 2-3

8 minutes, stir halfway


Corned Beef Sandwich Rueben

1 sandwich

3-4 minutes, flip half way


Hamburgers 8 ounce (2)Fresh

2 8-ounce patties

6 minutes flip half way


Hamburgers 8 ounce Cheese Bacon wrapped

2 8-ounce patties

9 minutes, flip halfway


Hamburgers 4-6 ounce (4) Fresh

4 6-ounce patties

8 minutes flip half way


Hamburgers 4-6 ounce (4) Frozen

4 6-ounce patties

10 minutes, flip halfway



1 pound

8-10 minutes, flip halfway



1 1/2 - 2 pounds

10-12 minutes


Salisbury Steak with Onion

1 pound

8 minutes flip half way


Stuffed Peppers, Beef Ground


10-12 minutes


Beef Beef Braciole or Pinwheel

Beef Kabobs with vegetables Beef Satay

Poultry Burgers 8 ounce (2)

2 8-ounce patties

6 minutes, flip half way


Burgers 4-6 ounce (4)

4 6-ounce patties

8 minutes, flip half way


Chicken Breast 6 ounce (2)

2 6-ounce breast

6 minutes, flip half way


Chicken Breast 10 ounce (2)

2 10-ounce breast

14-18 minutes, flip half way


Chicken Breast, breaded , 6 ounces

2 patties

8 minutes, flip half way


Chicken Breast, butterfly

1 8-ounce

8 minutes, flip halfway


4-6 ounces, serves 2

10 minutes, flip halfway


Chicken Nuggets, frozen

One layer

10 minutes, flip halfway


Chicken Tenders, frozen

One layer

15 minutes, flip halfway


Chicken Tenderloins, raw

One layer

8 minutes, flip halfway


One pound

14-18 minutes, flip half way


6-8 ounces, serves 2-3

8 minutes, stir halfway


One pound

10-12 minutes, flip half way


Chicken Kabobs with vegetables

Chicken Thighs, raw bone-in Chicken Satay

Chicken Wings, frozen

Tupperware Ultimate MicroPro Grill Cooking Guide Food

Quantity and Basic Instructions


Lid Position

1/2 inch slices

10-12 minutes



Cut in half

4-6 minutes



One layer

7-10 minutes



1 bunch, thick spears

3-5 minutes


2 Half lengthwise

3-5 minutes


2 sliced

4-6 minutes


One layer

8-10 minutes, flip half way


Cherry Tomatoes

1 pint

3-5 minutes


Corn on the cob

2 ears

7-10 minutes, flip half way



4 slices

4 minutes, flip, 1 minute


Half lengthwise , one layer

4 minutes, flip, 2 minutes


One layer

8-10 minutes, flip half way


Half lengthwise , one layer

4 minutes, flip, 2 minutes



1/2 inch thick , one layer

3-5 minutes



1/2 inch thick , one layer

5-8 minutes


Mushrooms, sliced

8-ounces, sliced

4-6 minutes


Mushrooms, stuffed

One layer

9 minutes



2 pitted and sliced

3-4 minutes



1 medium , sliced

5-8 minutes, stir half way



cut lengthwise into quarters

3-4 minutes



Cut in half

4-6 minutes



Cut in half

4-6 minutes


1/2 inch thick slices

5-8 minutes


Cut in half

3-4 minutes


Medium, 3-4, halved

12-16 minutes, stir half way


One layer

4 minutes, flip, 2 minutes


Vegetables Mixed, sliced


6 minutes, stir halfway


Vegetables Mixed, chunks


12 minutes, stir halfway


4-5 strips, ½-¾” thick

4 minutes, flip, 1 minute


Fruit & Vegetables Apples

Bananas Bell Peppers

Broccoli, fresh

Fennel Kale, chips Leeks

Pineapple Plums Red Potatoes Summer Squash


Tupperware Ultimate MicroPro Grill Cooking Guide Food

Quantity and Basic Instructions


Lid Position

4 links

6 minutes, flip half way


4-5 strips

6 minutes, flip half way


4 links

6-8 minutes, flip halfway


2 patties

8 minutes, flip half way


One pound

9 minutes, stir halfway



Sliced lengthwise

6-8 minutes, flip half way


Pork Chop

2 8-ounce bone-in

6-8 minutes, flip half way


4-6 ounces Pork, serves 2

10-12 minutes, flip halfway


Pork Steaks


6-8 minutes, flip half way


Pork Tenderloin

1 pound

15 minutes, flip half way


Sausage Links

4-8 links

10-12 minutes, flip half way


4-6 Patties

10-12 minutes, flip half way


Pork Andouille Sausage Bacon Bratwurst Breaded Pork Patties , 6 ounces Italian sausage, ground

Pork Kabobs with vegetables

Sausage Patties

Seafood Crab Dip

2 cups

3-5 minutes



2 6-ounce, ½ to 1 inch thick

3-5 minutes



2 6-ounce, ½ to 1 inch thick

3-5 minutes


6-8 ounces

4-6 minutes



2 6-ounce, ½ to 1 inch thick

3-5 minutes


Red Snapper

2 6-ounce, ½ to 1 inch thick

3-5 minutes


Sea Bass

2 6-ounce, ½ to 1 inch thick

3-5 minutes



2 8-ounce

5 minutes



6 ounces, 1-2 inches diameter

3-5 minutes


Shrimp, fresh

8-12 ounces

2-4 minutes


Shrimp, frozen

8-12 ounces

4-6 minutes



2 6-ounce, ½ to 1 inch thick

3-5 minutes



2 6-ounce, ½ to 1 inch thick

4-5 minutes


Lobster Tails

Tupperware Ultimate MicroPro Grill Cooking Guide Food

Quantity and Basic Instructions


Lid Position

Bread Biscuits, fresh


5-6 minutes


Biscuits, mix


5-6 minutes


Biscuits, refrigerated roll


6 minutes, flip half way


Crescent Rolls, refrigerated roll

One layer

6 minutes, flip half way


Cinnamon Rolls, refrigerated

One layer

4-5 minutes, flip, halfway/1 minute


1½-2” thick

4-5 minutes, flip, halfway


One layer

6-8 minutes, flip half way


Garlic Italian Bread, fresh

1½-2” thick

4-6 minutes, flip half way


Garlic Italian Bread, frozen

1½-2” thick

6-8 minutes, flip half way



1 sandwich

3-4 minutes, flip half way


One Layer

5 minutes


2 English muffins

6 minutes


Pizza, Frozen

One Layer

6 minutes


Pizza, leftover

One Layer

4-6 minutes


Pizza, Flatbread

One Layer

4-6 minutes


Pizza, premade crust

One Layer

6-8 minutes


Pizza, Tortilla

One Layer

6-8 minutes


Pizza, Fresh

One Layer

6-8 minutes


Pizza Rolls

One Layer

6-8 minutes


French Bread French Toast Sticks

Pizza Pizza, Calzone Crescent Roll Pizza, English muffin

Dessert Berry Crumble

Follow Recipe Instructions

15 minutes


Cake, Box Mix

1/2 package, follow box directions

7-8 minutes


Cookies, fresh


4-6 minutes


Cookies, Frozen


5-6 minutes


Follow pouch directions

6-8 minutes


Follow box directions

6-8 minutes


One layer

3-4 minutes


Muffin Mix, pouch Muffin Mix, box


Tupperware Ultimate MicroPro Grill Cooking Guide Food

Quantity and Basic Instructions


Lid Position


3-5 minutes



5-7 minutes


One bag

10-12 minutes


Cheese sticks


5-6 minutes, flip half way


Corn Dogs, full length


6-8 minutes, flip half way


Corn Dogs, nuggets

One layer

5-6 minutes, flip half way


Crab Puff Pastry

One layer

4-6 minutes



4-5 minutes, flip, halfway


Mini Quiches

One layer

6-8 minutes, flip, halfway


French Fries, crinkled

One layer

8-10 minutes, flip half way


French Fries, loaded Bacon cheese

One layer

6-8 minutes


French Fries, steak

One layer

10-12 minutes, flip half way


French Toast Sticks

One layer

6-8 minutes, flip half way


Fish Planks

One layer

10-12 minutes, flip half way


Fish Sticks

One layer

6-8 minutes, flip half way



5-7 minutes, flip half way


One layer, 1�

8-10 minutes, flip half way


Hot Pockets


5-6 minutes, flip half way


Potato Skins


8-10 minutes,


One layer

6-8 minutes, flip half way



6-8 minutes, flip half way


1 sandwich

5-6 minutes, flip half way


Tacos, Mini

One layer

5-6 minutes, flip half way



One layer

6-8 minutes, flip half way


Taquitos, rolled

One layer

6-8 minutes, flip half way


Toaster Strudels


6-8 minutes




4-6 minutes, flip half way


White Castle Burgers


5-7 minutes


Frozen, Ready Made Bagel Bites Burritos Bertolli Meals in a bag

Egg Rolls

Hash browns, patties Hash browns, shredded

Toasted Ravioli Quesadillas Spanakopita Puff pastry

Competitive Study MicroPro™ Grill

Micro Hearth


Grilling AND Casserole Functions

Grilling Only

Heat Control

Smart Technology – heats to 425°/220°C in just 90-120 seconds & maintains temp

No temperature control, runaway heat

Nonstick Coating

Premium nonstick coating, lasts 26 times longer

Cheap nonstick coating, easy to scratch

Susceptor Technology

2 susceptors, one on top, one on bottom

1 susceptor, always have to flip


Easy to clean by hand. Can submerge into water.

Difficult to clean. Insert warns NEVER submerge the pan – will lose its cooking function.

Design & Quality

Elegant, premium design with Stainless Steel

Low quality, cheap construction


Limited Lifetime Warranty

One Year Warranty (from purchase date)

MicroPro™ Grill vs. Micro Hearth

Cover Top Susceptor Base

Bottom Susceptor

MicroPro Grill

Why it’s revolutionary:

The less time, less mess, less stress MicroPro Grill grills meats, fish, vegetables

and even sandwiches right in your microwave in under 20 minutes!

susceptor nonstick interior coating

stainliess steel exterior microwave-safe

Grilling position

Casserole position

Two cooking positions:

• Grilling position for grilling paninis, grilled cheese, burgers, chicken, fish • Casserole position for making casseroles, cobblers, enchiladas, and more


What it’s made of:

• Smart technology susceptors heat up to 425° F/220°C in just 90–120 seconds and are programed to stop at that temperature to avoid inconsistent heat • Easy to clean nonstick interior coating • Silicone-protected curved design makes stainless steel exterior microwave-safe

Tips for a Great Demo: • When creating your demo, start with an appetizer like ciabatta bread or a small pizza, then grill your meat—this preheats the grill and seals in flavor.

• Always pat meat dry prior to grilling. Higher water content may cause an unwanted steaming effect. • Do not salt the meat prior to grilling to avoid steaming effect.

• For thinner cuts (like chicken cutlets), frozen meat grills better. For thicker cuts, grill fresh or thawed.

Serves: 2 • Serving size: 1½ cups



PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 3 minutes

Bacon Beer


(from Cheddar Spread)

1 cup (leftover) Bacon Beer Cheddar Spread (see recipe) 3 dashes hot sauce 3 tbsp. heavy cream 2 tbsp. salted butter, melted 3 cups cooked elbow macaroni 1. In a medium bowl, stir together Bacon Beer Cheddar Spread, hot sauce, cream, butter and macaroni. Transfer mixture to the base of the MicroPro™ Grill. 2. Place cover on grill in casserole position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. Remove from microwave, let stand 3 minutes. Serve warm.

©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2017-0330-30 EN



Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories: 880 Total Fat: 30g Saturated Fat: 16g Cholesterol: 75mg Carbohydrate: 125g Sugar: 6g Fiber: 6g Protein: 29g Sodium: 305mg Vitamin A: 19% Vitamin C: 0% Calcium: 16% Iron: 26%

MicroPro™ Grill

Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons

Silicone Spatula



2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced

2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced

1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.

1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.

Serves 1 Serving size: 1 sandwich PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

Serves 1 Serving size: 1 sandwich PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

2016-1653-164 CA




2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced

2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced

1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.

1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.

Serves 1 Serving size: 1 sandwich PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

Serves 1 Serving size: 1 sandwich PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

2016-1653-164 CA

2016-1653-164 CA



1 bag 28-oz./800 g petit red potatoes 1 bunch asparagus 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

1 bag 28-oz./800 g petit red potatoes 1 bunch asparagus 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

Serves 4 Serving size: 7 oz./200 g PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

Serves 4 Serving size: 7 oz./200 g PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

½ tsp. Italian Seasoning Blend ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt ⅛ tsp. black pepper

1. Place potatoes in Thatsa® Medium Bowl, add olive oil and Italian Seasoning Blend. Toss to season. 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. 3. Microwave on high power 12 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, using the same bowl to season the potatoes, place asparagus in bowl and toss around to season with remaining oil and blend. 5. Remove MicroPro Grill from microwave with oven gloves. Add the asparagus on top of potatoes. 6. Place cover back on in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 7. Serve immediately.

½ tsp. Italian Seasoning Blend ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt ⅛ tsp. black pepper

1. Place potatoes in Thatsa® Medium Bowl, add olive oil and Italian Seasoning Blend. Toss to season. 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. 3. Microwave on high power 12 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, using the same bowl to season the potatoes, place asparagus in bowl and toss around to season with remaining oil and blend. 5. Remove MicroPro Grill from microwave with oven gloves. Add the asparagus on top of potatoes. 6. Place cover back on in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 7. Serve immediately.

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2016-1653-164 CA



1 bag 28-oz./800 g petit red potatoes 1 bunch asparagus 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

1 bag 28-oz./800 g petit red potatoes 1 bunch asparagus 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

Serves 4 Serving size: 7 oz./200 g PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

Serves 4 Serving size: 7 oz./200 g PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

½ tsp. Italian Seasoning Blend ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt ⅛ tsp. black pepper

1. Place potatoes in Thatsa® Medium Bowl, add olive oil and Italian Seasoning Blend. Toss to season. 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. 3. Microwave on high power 12 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, using the same bowl to season the potatoes, place asparagus in bowl and toss around to season with remaining oil and blend. 5. Remove MicroPro Grill from microwave with oven gloves. Add the asparagus on top of potatoes. 6. Place cover back on in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 7. Serve immediately.

2016-1653-164 CA

½ tsp. Italian Seasoning Blend ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt ⅛ tsp. black pepper

1. Place potatoes in Thatsa® Medium Bowl, add olive oil and Italian Seasoning Blend. Toss to season. 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. 3. Microwave on high power 12 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, using the same bowl to season the potatoes, place asparagus in bowl and toss around to season with remaining oil and blend. 5. Remove MicroPro Grill from microwave with oven gloves. Add the asparagus on top of potatoes. 6. Place cover back on in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 7. Serve immediately.

2016-1653-164 CA



Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes 1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

2016-1653-164 CA



Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

2016-1653-164 CA

Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes 1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

2016-1653-164 CA

2016-1653-164 CA



½ tsp. garlic powder ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. ground black pepper 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour 12 oz./340 g chicken breast, butterflied ¼ cup heavy cream ½ tsp. baking soda ¼ cup chicken stock 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. cornstarch 1 tbsp. fresh sage 1 tbsp. fresh thyme 1 tbsp. fresh rosemary

½ tsp. garlic powder ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. ground black pepper 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour 12 oz./340 g chicken breast, butterflied ¼ cup heavy cream ½ tsp. baking soda ¼ cup chicken stock 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. cornstarch 1 tbsp. fresh sage 1 tbsp. fresh thyme 1 tbsp. fresh rosemary

1. Combine garlic powder, salt, pepper and flour on a plate.

1. Combine garlic powder, salt, pepper and flour on a plate.

3. Place the seasoned chicken breast into the base of the MicroPro Grill.

3. Place the seasoned chicken breast into the base of the MicroPro Grill.

Serves 2 Serving size: ½ of butterflied chicken PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 10 minutes

Serves 2 Serving size: ½ of butterflied chicken PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 10 minutes

2. Dredge the butterflied breast in the seasoned flour, shaking off excess.

2. Dredge the butterflied breast in the seasoned flour, shaking off excess.

4. P lace the cover on top of the chicken in grill position and microwave on high power 5 minutes.

4. Place the cover on top of the chicken in grill position and microwave on high power 5 minutes.

5. Stir together heavy cream and baking soda in small bowl and set aside.

5. Stir together heavy cream and baking soda in small bowl and set aside.

6. In a Quick Shake® container, combine chicken stock, balsamic vinegar and cornstarch. Replace seal and shake to combine.

7. Remove Grill from microwave and flip chicken over. Add balsamic mixture and heavy cream mixture to base of MicroPro Grill and stir to combine.

8. Replace cover in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 5 minutes. 9. Using the Chop ’N Prep™ Chef, finely chop the sage, thyme and rosemary.

10. Remove Grill from the microwave and stir in chopped herbs. Serve warm.

6. In a Quick Shake® container, combine chicken stock, balsamic vinegar and cornstarch. Replace seal and shake to combine.

7. Remove Grill from microwave and flip chicken over. Add balsamic mixture and heavy cream mixture to base of MicroPro Grill and stir to combine.

8. Replace cover in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 5 minutes. 9. Using the Chop ’N Prep™ Chef, finely chop the sage, thyme and rosemary.

10. R emove Grill from the microwave and stir in chopped herbs. Serve warm.

Serving suggestion: Stir cooked pasta into MicroPro Grill after chicken and sauce are complete.

2016-1653-164 CA

Serving suggestion: Stir cooked pasta into MicroPro Grill after chicken and sauce are complete.

2016-1653-164 CA



1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

2016-1653-164 CA

2016-1653-164 CA



1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

2016-1653-164 CA

2016-1653-164 CA



Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice


1 stick unsalted butter, melted ¾ cup all-purpose flour ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. I n a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over

4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice

top of berries.


microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool

¾ cup all-purpose flour

3. P lace cover in casserole position and

for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 stick unsalted butter, melted ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over top of berries.

3. Place cover in casserole position and

microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2016-1653-164 CA



Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice


1 stick unsalted butter, melted ¾ cup all-purpose flour ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

2016-1653-164 CA

Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. I n a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over

4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice

top of berries.


microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool

¾ cup all-purpose flour

3. P lace cover in casserole position and

for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 stick unsalted butter, melted ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over top of berries.

3. Place cover in casserole position and

microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract 2016-1653-164 CA

2016-1653-164 CA

Serves 4 • Serving size: about 5 kabobs

20+ minutes

PREP: 20 minutes COOK: varies


KABOBS 16 medium shrimp, peeled and deveined 3 (4-oz./115 g) chicken breasts, cut into 1"/2.5 cm pieces 2 tbsp. Southwest Chipotle Seasoning* 2 tbsp. Steak & Chop Seasoning* 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, divided 20 (4"/10 cm) wooden skewers

*Find the seasoning recipe on your Sales Force Website. Nutritional Information (per serving, shrimp only): Calories: 35 Total Fat: 2.5g Saturated Fat: 0g Cholesterol: 30mg Carbohydrate: 0g Sugar: 0g Fiber: 0g Protein: 3g Sodium: 440mg Vitamin A: 2% Vitamin C: 0% Calcium: 2% Iron: 0% ©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2017-0141-37 EN


1. Soak skewers in water 20 minutes; set aside. 2. Stir together shrimp, Southwest Chipotle Seasoning and 1 tbsp. olive oil in a medium bowl until well coated. 3. Stir together chicken, Steak & Chop Seasoning and 1 tbsp. olive oil in a second medium bowl, until well coated. 4. Remove skewers from water. Slide a piece of seasoned shrimp onto the skewer, followed by a fruit or vegetable. Repeat until skewer is full. Repeat with chicken. 5. Place four kabobs of the same meat type in the base of the MicroPro™ Grill. Place cover in the grill position. Microwave on high power for shrimp: 3 minutes, turn, 2 minutes more for chicken: 4 minutes, turn, 3 minutes more.


Optional ingredients: cut into approximately 2"/5 cm pieces, seasoned with salt Fresh pineapple chunks Fresh mango chunks Fresh avocado chunks Cherry tomatoes Peaches Red onion Red bell pepper

MicroPro™ Grill

Measuring Spoons

Silicone Spatula

Serves 3 • Serving size: 1 patty

20 minutes

PREP: 15 minutes COOK: 5 minutes

All American Grilled Stuffed


1 lb./455 g lean ground beef ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ½ cup shredded cheddar cheese ¼ cup cream cheese, room temperature 2 tbsp. Steak & Chop Seasoning* 1 garlic clove, peeled and minced 1. Combine ground beef and salt in medium bowl. Divide ground beef into 6 portions, press into thin patties and set aside. 2. Stir together cheddar, cream cheese, seasoning and garlic in small bowl. 3. Place two tablespoons of the cheese mixture on top of three of the patties. Top with remaining patties, gently pressing edges to form a pocket around the cheese. 4. Place the three patties into the base of the MicroPro™ Grill. Place cover in the grill position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. Remove from microwave, drain any liquid. Flip burgers, microwave on high power an additional 2 minutes or until desired temperature. 5. Serve with a variety of fresh vegetables, pickles and condiments. *Find the seasoning recipe on your Sales Force Website.

©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2017-0141-37 EN



Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories: 200 Total Fat: 13g Saturated Fat: 7g Cholesterol: 75mg Carbohydrate: 1g Sugar: 0g Fiber: 0g Protein: 22g Sodium: 430mg Vitamin A: 6% Vitamin C: 0% Calcium: 10% Iron: 10%

MicroPro™ Grill

Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons

Silicone Spatula

Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 brat

28 minutes

PREP: 15 minutes COOK: 13 minutes


BEER BRATS 1 small green bell pepper, seeded and diced 1 small red bell pepper, seeded and diced 1 small onion, peeled and diced 1 tbsp. salted butter 4 brat sausage links ½ cup beer 1 garlic clove, peeled and minced 2 tbsp. cornstarch ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt 1. Place peppers and onion in base of the MicroPro™ Grill. Place cover in casserole position. Microwave on high power 4 minutes. Stir in butter. 2. Place cover in grill position. Microwave on high power 2 minutes more. 3. Push vegetables to the sides of the grill. Place brats in the base of the grill. Place cover in grill position. Microwave on high power 4 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl stir together beer, garlic, corn starch and salt; set aside. 5. Remove grill from microwave and pour beer mixture over brats. Place cover in grill position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes more. Remove from microwave. Serve warm over rice, noodles or on rolls.

©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2017-0141-37 EN



Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories: 270 Total Fat: 19g Saturated Fat: 8g Cholesterol: 45mg Carbohydrate: 12g Sugar: 6g Fiber: 3g Protein: 10g Sodium: 300mg Vitamin A: 15% Vitamin C: 100% Calcium: 6% Iron: 6%

MicroPro™ Grill

Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons

Silicone Spatula

Serves 4 • Serving size: about ¾ cup



PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 10 minutes

GRILLED CORN off the Cobb

4 large ears fresh corn, shucked 3 tbsp. salted butter, melted 2 tbsp. Southwest Chipotle Seasoning* Optional toppings: Black beans Butter beans Parmesan cheese Queso fresco crumbles Minced red onion Green onion, thinly sliced Cilantro or basil Pimentos 1. Cut fresh kernels off cobs, transfer to a medium bowl. Stir together corn, butter and seasoning. 2. Place corn mixture in the base of the MicroPro™ Grill. Place cover in casserole position. Microwave on high power 6 minutes. Remove from microwave, stir corn to redistribute. 3. Place cover in the grill position. Microwave on high power 4 minutes more or until slightly charred. 4. Top with favorite cheese, vegetable or herb. Serve warm. *Find the seasoning recipe on your Sales Force Website.

©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2017-0141-37 EN



Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories: 140 Total Fat: 9g Saturated Fat: 5g Cholesterol: 20mg Carbohydrate: 14g Sugar: 2g Fiber: 0g Protein: 2g Sodium: 90mg Vitamin A: 6% Vitamin C: 8% Calcium: 0% Iron: 2%

MicroPro™ Grill

Measuring Spoons

Silicone Spatula

Serves 2 • Serving size: 4 summer rolls

23 minutes

PREP: 20 minutes COOK: 3 minutes

Asian Summer


24 small fresh shrimp, peeled and tails removed ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt, divided ¼ cup shredded carrot ¼ cup shredded kale ¼ cup shredded red cabbage ¼ cup red onion, minced 1 tbsp. sesame oil 2 tsp. rice wine or apple cider vinegar ¼ tsp. freshly grated ginger 8 rice paper wrappers 1 bunch cilantro leaves

©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2017-0141-37 EN


Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories: 260 Total Fat: 8g Saturated Fat: 1g Cholesterol: 65mg Carbohydrate: 35g Sugar: 4g Fiber: 2g Protein: 13g Sodium: 670mg Vitamin A: 140% Vitamin C: 40% Calcium: 8% Iron: 6%


1. Place shrimp in Tupperware® SmartSteamer colander tray and sprinkle with ¼ tsp. salt. 2. Fill water tray to minimum fill line. Place colander tray over steamer base and place steamer base over water tray. Cover and microwave on high power 3 minutes. Remove from microwave; set aside. 3. Meanwhile, toss together carrot, kale, cabbage, onion, sesame oil, vinegar, ginger and remaining salt in a medium bowl. Set aside. 4. Add warm water to a second medium bowl. Dip 1 rice paper wrapper in water to moisten and transfer to clean cutting board. 5. When pliable, place three shrimp in a single row in the center of the rice paper. Place about 1–2 tbsp. cabbage mixture on top of shrimp. Top with 3–4 cilantro leaves. 6. Fold the right and left sides of the wrapper inward. Starting from the end closest to you, roll into a tight cigar shape; set aside. Repeat with remaining wrappers. 7. Serve cold or at room temperature.

Tupperware® SmartSteamer

Power Chef® System

Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons

Silicone Spatula

Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup

25 minutes

PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes


CRUMBLE 4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour ¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice

Crumble Topping

1 stick unsalted butter, melted ¾ cup all-purpose flour ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro™ Grill, set aside. 2. In a medium bowl, mix together crumble ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over top of berries. 3. Place cover in casserole position and microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2016-1799-37 EN



Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories: 390 Total Fat: 17g Saturated Fat: 10g Cholesterol: 40mg Carbohydrate: 59g Sugar: 33g Fiber: 4g Protein: 5g Sodium: 0mg Vitamin A: 10% Vitamin C: 4% Calcium: 2% Iron: 4%

MicroPro™ Grill

Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons

Silicone Spatula

Serves 2 • Serving size: 10 wontons

23 minutes

PREP: 15 minutes COOK: 8 minutes


POT STICKERS ½ lb/227 g ground pork or chicken 1 tbsp. freshly grated ginger 1 garlic clove, crushed 2 green onions, sliced thin ¼ tsp. kosher salt 20 prepared wonton wrappers ½ cup water, divided, plus more for wontons

Dipping Sauce

Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories: 410 Total Fat: 22g Saturated Fat: 7g Cholesterol: 35mg Carbohydrate: 40g Sugar: 2g Fiber: 1g Protein: 14g Sodium: 500mg Vitamin A: 2% Vitamin C: 15% Calcium: 4% Iron: 15% ©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2016-1799-37 EN


1. In a large bowl stir together ground pork, ginger, garlic, green onion and salt. 2. Arrange 10 wonton wrappers on a cutting board or clean counter. Place ½ tbsp. of the pork mixture in the middle of each wonton. 3. Moisten edges of wontons and fold in half to form a triangle shape. Crimp edges to secure. Repeat, filling all wonton wrappers. 4. In a medium bowl, whisk sesame oil, broth, honey, garlic, crushed red pepper flakes and cilantro. Set aside; whisk before serving. 5. Place 10 wontons in the base of the MicroPro™ Grill with cover in the grill position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 6. Remove cover, add ¼ cup of the water. Immediately replace cover in the grill position and let stand 1 minute. 7. Transfer wontons to a platter, cover, keep warm. Repeat with remaining wontons. 8. Serve with dipping sauce and Asian-style vegetables.


¼ cup toasted sesame oil ¼ cup beef, chicken, or vegetable broth 1 tsp. honey 1 garlic clove, crushed ¼ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes ¼ cup fresh cilantro, minced

MicroPro™ Grill

Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons

Silicone Spatula

Serves 4 • Serving size: about 8 oz./225 g piece

26 minutes

PREP: 15 minutes COOK: 11 minutes

Quick MicroBaked


Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories: 550 Total Fat: 20g Saturated Fat: 9g Cholesterol: 115mg Carbohydrate: 54g Sugar: 6g Fiber: 4g Protein: 42g Sodium: 510mg Vitamin A: 25% Vitamin C: 15% Calcium: 50% Iron: 20% ©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2016-1799-37 EN


1. In a large bowl, combine olive oil, ground beef, minced vegetables, garlic, cornstarch and ½ tsp. salt. Transfer mixture to the base of the MicroPro™ Grill with cover in the grill position. Microwave on high power 6 minutes. Transfer mixture back to bowl and stir in 1 cup tomato sauce; set aside. 2. In a medium bowl, combine ricotta, egg and remaining salt until well mixed. Set aside. 3. In the base of the MicroPro™ Grill pour ¼ cup of the tomato sauce. Place three of the lasagna noodles on top of the sauce, overlapping as needed. 4. Spread half of the ricotta cheese mixture onto the noodles. Spoon half of the ground beef mixture over the ricotta mixture. Sprinkle ¾ cup of the mozzarella over the ground beef mixture. Top with a layer of noodles, overlapping as needed. Repeat. 5. Top with the remaining sauce. Microwave on high power 5 minutes with the cover in the casserole position. Remove from microwave; add remaining mozzarella cheese, return lid to the casserole position and let stand 10 minutes before slicing. Serve warm.


1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil ½ lb./595 g ground beef ½ cup each, minced carrot, eggplant, onion, green bell pepper 3 garlic cloves, crushed 1½ tsp. cornstarch ¾ tsp. coarse kosher salt, divided 1½ cups prepared tomato sauce, divided 1 cup ricotta cheese 1 egg, lightly beaten 9 no-boil lasagna noodles 2 cups shredded mozzarella; divided

MicroPro™ Grill

Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons

Silicone Spatula

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 sandwich



PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

Raspberry & Chocolate

GRILLED CHEESE 2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced 1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro™ Grill base and place cover in grill position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of MicroPr™ Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grill position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.



Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories: 580 Total Fat: 37g Saturated Fat: 22g Cholesterol: 60mg Carbohydrate: 60g Sugar: 35g Fiber: 5g Protein: 12g Sodium: 330mg Vitamin A: 10% Vitamin C: 35% Calcium: 10% Iron: 20%

©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2016-1799-37 EN

MicroPro™ Grill

Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons

Silicone Spatula

Serves 2 • Serving size: about 3 cups



PREP: 15 minutes COOK: 16 minutes

Green Goddess Tossed

COBB SALAD 4 slices uncooked bacon 2 (4 oz./115 g) skinless chicken breasts 3 cups chopped romaine ½ cup shredded kale 2 cups loosely packed arugula 1 avocado, diced 1 large tomato, diced ¼ cup thinly sliced red onion 2 hard cooked eggs, diced 4 artichoke hearts, diced 2 cups cooked green beans, chopped

©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2016-1799-37 EN


Nutritional Information (per serving, doesn’t include dessing): Calories: 430 Total Fat: 23g Saturated Fat: 5g Cholesterol: 205mg Carbohydrate: 32g Sugar: 7g Fiber: 15g Protein: 28g Sodium: 450mg Vitamin A: 250% Vitamin C: 110% Calcium: 30% Iron: 25%


1. Place bacon into the base of the MicroPro™ Grill. Place cover on top of bacon in the grill position. Microwave on high 3 minutes. Remove from microwave, flip bacon. Place cover on top of bacon in the grill position. Microwave 3 minutes more. Remove bacon, place on paper towels, let cool; crumble. 2. Place chicken breasts into base of the MicroPro™ Grill. Place cover on top of chicken in the grill position. Microwave on high 5 minutes. Remove from microwave, flip chicken, place cover on chicken and microwave an additional 5 minutes. Remove chicken, sprinkle with coarse kosher salt and pepper to taste; cut into ½-inch pieces. 3. In a large bowl toss together romaine, kale, arugula, avocado, tomato, onion, eggs, artichokes, green beans, bacon and chicken. Serve dressing on the side.

MicroPro™ Grill

Measuring Cups

Silicone Spatula

Serves 2 • Serving size: about 2 cups

30 minutes

PREP: 15 minutes COOK: 20 minutes

Grilled Chicken and Vegetable


Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories: 560 Total Fat: 23g Saturated Fat: 0g Cholesterol: 140mg Carbohydrate: 38g Sugar: 9g Fiber: 5g Protein: 48g Sodium: 600mg Vitamin A: 110% Vitamin C: 230% Calcium: 20% Iron: 15% ©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2016-1799-37 EN


1. Butter each side of the bread. Place bread in the base of the MicroPro™ Grill. Place cover on the bread in the grill position. Microwave on high power 2 minutes. 2. Remove, flip bread and microwave on high power 1 minute. 3. Remove and rub bread with whole garlic clove, set aside. 4. Place chicken in base of the MicroPro™ Grill. Place cover on the chicken in the grill position. Microwave on high power 6 minutes. 5. Remove, flip chicken and microwave on high power 3 minutes or until internal temperature of chicken reaches 165° F/75° C. 6. Remove chicken, sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste, set aside 2 minutes. Cut chicken into ½"/1.25 cm cubes. 7. Place peppers, onion and tomato in base of the MicroPro™ Grill. Place cover on the vegetables in the grill position. Microwave on high power 8 minutes. 8. In a large bowl, combine Romaine, parsley, bread cubes, grilled vegetables and dressing. Garnish with shaved Parmesan. Serve at room temperature.


4 (1"/2.5 cm) slices Italian or sourdough bread 4 tbsp. unsalted butter 1 garlic clove, peeled 2 (4-oz./115 g) boneless, skinless chicken breasts Salt and pepper, to taste 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped 1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped 1 yellow onion, roughly chopped 1 large tomato, chopped 2 cups chopped Romaine or mixed greens 1 bunch Italian flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped Shaved Parmesan cheese ½ cup favorite Italian dressing

MicroPro™ Grill

Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons

Silicone Spatula

Serves: 2 • Serving size: 2 slices



PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 12 minutes

Loaded Potato

PLANKS 2 slices bacon 1 large russet potato, scrubbed ¼ tsp. kosher salt ¼ cup sour cream ½ cup shredded Cheddar 2 tbsp. thinly sliced green onion

1. Set Mandoline round knob to #2, triangular knob to “lock” and select the straight v-shaped blade insert. 2. Using a knife, cut potato in half lengthwise, discard ends and attach one half to food guider and push guider down Mandoline to create 4 (¼"/5 cm) planks. Set aside. 3. Place bacon in the base of the MicroPro™ Grill. Place cover on bacon in the grilling position. 4. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. Flip bacon and microwave on high power 3 minutes. Remove bacon, set aside. Crumble when cool. 5. Place potatoes in the base of the MicroPro™ Grill. Sprinkle with salt. Place cover on potatoes in the casserole position. 6. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. Flip potatoes, place cover on potatoes in the grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes or until the desired doneness. 7. Top potatoes with sour cream, crumbled bacon, Cheddar and green onion. Serve warm or at room temperature.

©2017 Tupperware. All rights reserved. 2016-1799-37 EN



Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories: 240 Total Fat: 15g Saturated Fat: 9g Cholesterol: 50mg Carbohydrate: 16g Sugar: 3g Fiber: 1g Protein: 11g Sodium: 530mg Vitamin A: 10% Vitamin C: 25% Calcium: 20% Iron: 6%


MicroPro™ Grill

Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons



Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice


1 stick unsalted butter, melted ¾ cup all-purpose flour ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. I n a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over

4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice

top of berries.


microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool

¾ cup all-purpose flour

3. P lace cover in casserole position and

for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 stick unsalted butter, melted ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over top of berries.

3. Place cover in casserole position and

microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

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Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice


1 stick unsalted butter, melted ¾ cup all-purpose flour ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

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Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. I n a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over

4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice

top of berries.


microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool

¾ cup all-purpose flour

3. P lace cover in casserole position and

for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 stick unsalted butter, melted ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over top of berries.

3. Place cover in casserole position and

microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract 2016-1653-164 CA

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2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced

2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced

1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.

1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.

Serves 1 Serving size: 1 sandwich PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

Serves 1 Serving size: 1 sandwich PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

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2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced

2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced

1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.

1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.

Serves 1 Serving size: 1 sandwich PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

Serves 1 Serving size: 1 sandwich PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

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1 bag 28-oz./800 g petit red potatoes 1 bunch asparagus 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

1 bag 28-oz./800 g petit red potatoes 1 bunch asparagus 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

Serves 4 Serving size: 7 oz./200 g PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

Serves 4 Serving size: 7 oz./200 g PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

½ tsp. Italian Seasoning Blend ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt ⅛ tsp. black pepper

1. Place potatoes in Thatsa® Medium Bowl, add olive oil and Italian Seasoning Blend. Toss to season. 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. 3. Microwave on high power 12 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, using the same bowl to season the potatoes, place asparagus in bowl and toss around to season with remaining oil and blend. 5. Remove MicroPro Grill from microwave with oven gloves. Add the asparagus on top of potatoes. 6. Place cover back on in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 7. Serve immediately.

½ tsp. Italian Seasoning Blend ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt ⅛ tsp. black pepper

1. Place potatoes in Thatsa® Medium Bowl, add olive oil and Italian Seasoning Blend. Toss to season. 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. 3. Microwave on high power 12 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, using the same bowl to season the potatoes, place asparagus in bowl and toss around to season with remaining oil and blend. 5. Remove MicroPro Grill from microwave with oven gloves. Add the asparagus on top of potatoes. 6. Place cover back on in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 7. Serve immediately.

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2016-1653-164 CA



1 bag 28-oz./800 g petit red potatoes 1 bunch asparagus 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

1 bag 28-oz./800 g petit red potatoes 1 bunch asparagus 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

Serves 4 Serving size: 7 oz./200 g PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

Serves 4 Serving size: 7 oz./200 g PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

½ tsp. Italian Seasoning Blend ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt ⅛ tsp. black pepper

1. Place potatoes in Thatsa® Medium Bowl, add olive oil and Italian Seasoning Blend. Toss to season. 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. 3. Microwave on high power 12 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, using the same bowl to season the potatoes, place asparagus in bowl and toss around to season with remaining oil and blend. 5. Remove MicroPro Grill from microwave with oven gloves. Add the asparagus on top of potatoes. 6. Place cover back on in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 7. Serve immediately.

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½ tsp. Italian Seasoning Blend ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt ⅛ tsp. black pepper

1. Place potatoes in Thatsa® Medium Bowl, add olive oil and Italian Seasoning Blend. Toss to season. 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. 3. Microwave on high power 12 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, using the same bowl to season the potatoes, place asparagus in bowl and toss around to season with remaining oil and blend. 5. Remove MicroPro Grill from microwave with oven gloves. Add the asparagus on top of potatoes. 6. Place cover back on in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 7. Serve immediately.

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Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes 1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

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Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

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Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes 1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

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2016-1653-164 CA



½ tsp. garlic powder ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. ground black pepper 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour 12 oz./340 g chicken breast, butterflied ¼ cup heavy cream ½ tsp. baking soda ¼ cup chicken stock 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. cornstarch 1 tbsp. fresh sage 1 tbsp. fresh thyme 1 tbsp. fresh rosemary

½ tsp. garlic powder ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. ground black pepper 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour 12 oz./340 g chicken breast, butterflied ¼ cup heavy cream ½ tsp. baking soda ¼ cup chicken stock 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. cornstarch 1 tbsp. fresh sage 1 tbsp. fresh thyme 1 tbsp. fresh rosemary

1. Combine garlic powder, salt, pepper and flour on a plate.

1. Combine garlic powder, salt, pepper and flour on a plate.

3. Place the seasoned chicken breast into the base of the MicroPro Grill.

3. Place the seasoned chicken breast into the base of the MicroPro Grill.

Serves 2 Serving size: ½ of butterflied chicken PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 10 minutes

Serves 2 Serving size: ½ of butterflied chicken PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 10 minutes

2. Dredge the butterflied breast in the seasoned flour, shaking off excess.

2. Dredge the butterflied breast in the seasoned flour, shaking off excess.

4. P lace the cover on top of the chicken in grill position and microwave on high power 5 minutes.

4. Place the cover on top of the chicken in grill position and microwave on high power 5 minutes.

5. Stir together heavy cream and baking soda in small bowl and set aside.

5. Stir together heavy cream and baking soda in small bowl and set aside.

6. In a Quick Shake® container, combine chicken stock, balsamic vinegar and cornstarch. Replace seal and shake to combine.

7. Remove Grill from microwave and flip chicken over. Add balsamic mixture and heavy cream mixture to base of MicroPro Grill and stir to combine.

8. Replace cover in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 5 minutes. 9. Using the Chop ’N Prep™ Chef, finely chop the sage, thyme and rosemary.

10. Remove Grill from the microwave and stir in chopped herbs. Serve warm.

6. In a Quick Shake® container, combine chicken stock, balsamic vinegar and cornstarch. Replace seal and shake to combine.

7. Remove Grill from microwave and flip chicken over. Add balsamic mixture and heavy cream mixture to base of MicroPro Grill and stir to combine.

8. Replace cover in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 5 minutes. 9. Using the Chop ’N Prep™ Chef, finely chop the sage, thyme and rosemary.

10. R emove Grill from the microwave and stir in chopped herbs. Serve warm.

Serving suggestion: Stir cooked pasta into MicroPro Grill after chicken and sauce are complete.

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Serving suggestion: Stir cooked pasta into MicroPro Grill after chicken and sauce are complete.

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1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

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1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

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Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice


1 stick unsalted butter, melted ¾ cup all-purpose flour ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. I n a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over

4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice

top of berries.


microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool

¾ cup all-purpose flour

3. P lace cover in casserole position and

for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 stick unsalted butter, melted ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over top of berries.

3. Place cover in casserole position and

microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2016-1653-164 CA



Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice


1 stick unsalted butter, melted ¾ cup all-purpose flour ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

2016-1653-164 CA

Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. I n a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over

4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice

top of berries.


microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool

¾ cup all-purpose flour

3. P lace cover in casserole position and

for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 stick unsalted butter, melted ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over top of berries.

3. Place cover in casserole position and

microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract 2016-1653-164 CA

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½ tsp. garlic powder ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. ground black pepper 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour 12 oz./340 g chicken breast, butterflied ¼ cup heavy cream ½ tsp. baking soda ¼ cup chicken stock 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. cornstarch 1 tbsp. fresh sage 1 tbsp. fresh thyme 1 tbsp. fresh rosemary

½ tsp. garlic powder ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. ground black pepper 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour 12 oz./340 g chicken breast, butterflied ¼ cup heavy cream ½ tsp. baking soda ¼ cup chicken stock 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. cornstarch 1 tbsp. fresh sage 1 tbsp. fresh thyme 1 tbsp. fresh rosemary

1. Combine garlic powder, salt, pepper and flour on a plate.

1. Combine garlic powder, salt, pepper and flour on a plate.

3. Place the seasoned chicken breast into the base of the MicroPro Grill.

3. Place the seasoned chicken breast into the base of the MicroPro Grill.

Serves 2 Serving size: ½ of butterflied chicken PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 10 minutes

Serves 2 Serving size: ½ of butterflied chicken PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 10 minutes

2. Dredge the butterflied breast in the seasoned flour, shaking off excess.

2. Dredge the butterflied breast in the seasoned flour, shaking off excess.

4. P lace the cover on top of the chicken in grill position and microwave on high power 5 minutes.

4. Place the cover on top of the chicken in grill position and microwave on high power 5 minutes.

5. Stir together heavy cream and baking soda in small bowl and set aside.

5. Stir together heavy cream and baking soda in small bowl and set aside.

6. In a Quick Shake® container, combine chicken stock, balsamic vinegar and cornstarch. Replace seal and shake to combine.

7. Remove Grill from microwave and flip chicken over. Add balsamic mixture and heavy cream mixture to base of MicroPro Grill and stir to combine.

8. Replace cover in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 5 minutes. 9. Using the Chop ’N Prep™ Chef, finely chop the sage, thyme and rosemary.

10. Remove Grill from the microwave and stir in chopped herbs. Serve warm.

6. In a Quick Shake® container, combine chicken stock, balsamic vinegar and cornstarch. Replace seal and shake to combine.

7. Remove Grill from microwave and flip chicken over. Add balsamic mixture and heavy cream mixture to base of MicroPro Grill and stir to combine.

8. Replace cover in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 5 minutes. 9. Using the Chop ’N Prep™ Chef, finely chop the sage, thyme and rosemary.

10. R emove Grill from the microwave and stir in chopped herbs. Serve warm.

Serving suggestion: Stir cooked pasta into MicroPro Grill after chicken and sauce are complete.

2016-1653-164 CA

Serving suggestion: Stir cooked pasta into MicroPro Grill after chicken and sauce are complete.

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1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

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1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

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2016-1653-164 CA



Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes 1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

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Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

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Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes 1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

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2016-1653-164 CA



Serves 2 PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 6 minutes

1 large apple, cored and stem removed 3 tbsp. quick cook oats 1 tbsp. finely chopped walnuts or sunflower seeds 3 tbsp. minced dried dates

Serves 2 PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 6 minutes

¼ tsp. ground cinnamon 1/8 tsp. kosher salt 1 tbsp. brown sugar 2 tbsp. melted butter

1 large apple, cored and stem removed 3 tbsp. quick cook oats 1 tbsp. finely chopped walnuts or sunflower seeds 3 tbsp. minced dried dates

¼ tsp. ground cinnamon 1/8 tsp. kosher salt 1 tbsp. brown sugar 2 tbsp. melted butter

1. Slice apple into 4 equal sized rings. Place apple rings in a single layer in the base of the MicroPro Grill; place cover on apples in the grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. Remove from microwave; set aside. 2. In a small bowl, stir together oats, walnuts, dates, cinnamon, salt, brown sugar and butter until well combined. Spoon mixture into the center of each apple ring and gently press filling with the back of spoon. Spoon remaining mixture evenly over each apple. 3. Place MicroPro Grill cover on top of apples in the grilling position; microwave on high power 3 minutes more. Remove from microwave, serve warm.

1. Slice apple into 4 equal sized rings. Place apple rings in a single layer in the base of the MicroPro Grill; place cover on apples in the grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. Remove from microwave; set aside. 2. In a small bowl, stir together oats, walnuts, dates, cinnamon, salt, brown sugar and butter until well combined. Spoon mixture into the center of each apple ring and gently press filling with the back of spoon. Spoon remaining mixture evenly over each apple. 3. Place MicroPro Grill cover on top of apples in the grilling position; microwave on high power 3 minutes more. Remove from microwave, serve warm.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with ice cream and caramel sauce.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with ice cream and caramel sauce.

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Serves 2 PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 6 minutes

1 large apple, cored and stem removed 3 tbsp. quick cook oats 1 tbsp. finely chopped walnuts or sunflower seeds 3 tbsp. minced dried dates

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Serves 2 PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 6 minutes

¼ tsp. ground cinnamon 1/8 tsp. kosher salt 1 tbsp. brown sugar 2 tbsp. melted butter

1 large apple, cored and stem removed 3 tbsp. quick cook oats 1 tbsp. finely chopped walnuts or sunflower seeds 3 tbsp. minced dried dates

¼ tsp. ground cinnamon 1/8 tsp. kosher salt 1 tbsp. brown sugar 2 tbsp. melted butter

1. Slice apple into 4 equal sized rings. Place apple rings in a single layer in the base of the MicroPro Grill; place cover on apples in the grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. Remove from microwave; set aside. 2. In a small bowl, stir together oats, walnuts, dates, cinnamon, salt, brown sugar and butter until well combined. Spoon mixture into the center of each apple ring and gently press filling with the back of spoon. Spoon remaining mixture evenly over each apple. 3. Place MicroPro Grill cover on top of apples in the grilling position; microwave on high power 3 minutes more. Remove from microwave, serve warm.

1. Slice apple into 4 equal sized rings. Place apple rings in a single layer in the base of the MicroPro Grill; place cover on apples in the grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. Remove from microwave; set aside. 2. In a small bowl, stir together oats, walnuts, dates, cinnamon, salt, brown sugar and butter until well combined. Spoon mixture into the center of each apple ring and gently press filling with the back of spoon. Spoon remaining mixture evenly over each apple. 3. Place MicroPro Grill cover on top of apples in the grilling position; microwave on high power 3 minutes more. Remove from microwave, serve warm.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with ice cream and caramel sauce.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with ice cream and caramel sauce.

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2016-1746-45 CA



Serves 2 PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 3 minutes

Serves 2 PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 3 minutes

2 tbsp. brown sugar 2 tbsp. butter, melted 1/8 tsp. kosher salt 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon 2 bananas, peeled

2 tbsp. brown sugar 2 tbsp. butter, melted 1/8 tsp. kosher salt 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon 2 bananas, peeled

1. In a medium bowl, stir together brown sugar, butter, salt and cinnamon until well combined. 2. Slice bananas into ¼-inch/.6 cm rounds. Fold into brown sugar mixture until bananas are coated. 3. Transfer bananas into the base of the MicroPro Grill. Place cover in the grilling position and microwave on high power 3 minutes. Serve warm over granola or oatmeal.

1. In a medium bowl, stir together brown sugar, butter, salt and cinnamon until well combined. 2. Slice bananas into ¼-inch/.6 cm rounds. Fold into brown sugar mixture until bananas are coated. 3. Transfer bananas into the base of the MicroPro Grill. Place cover in the grilling position and microwave on high power 3 minutes. Serve warm over granola or oatmeal.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with ice cream.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with ice cream.

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2016-1746-45 CA


Serves 2 PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 3 minutes

Serves 2 PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 3 minutes

2 tbsp. brown sugar 2 tbsp. butter, melted 1/8 tsp. kosher salt 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon 2 bananas, peeled

2 tbsp. brown sugar 2 tbsp. butter, melted 1/8 tsp. kosher salt 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon 2 bananas, peeled

1. In a medium bowl, stir together brown sugar, butter, salt and cinnamon until well combined. 2. Slice bananas into ¼-inch/.6 cm rounds. Fold into brown sugar mixture until bananas are coated. 3. Transfer bananas into the base of the MicroPro Grill. Place cover in the grilling position and microwave on high power 3 minutes. Serve warm over granola or oatmeal.

1. In a medium bowl, stir together brown sugar, butter, salt and cinnamon until well combined. 2. Slice bananas into ¼-inch/.6 cm rounds. Fold into brown sugar mixture until bananas are coated. 3. Transfer bananas into the base of the MicroPro Grill. Place cover in the grilling position and microwave on high power 3 minutes. Serve warm over granola or oatmeal.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with ice cream.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with ice cream.

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2016-1746-45 CA



Serves 2 PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 5 minutes

Serves 2 PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 5 minutes

4 fresh pineapple rings, ½-inch/1.25 cm thick ½ cup toasted coconut

4 fresh pineapple rings, ½-inch/1.25 cm thick ½ cup toasted coconut

1. Roll edges of pineapple in toasted coconut. 2. Transfer pineapple to the base of the MicroPro Grill. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. Remove from microwave; flip pineapple slices. Microwave on high power 2 minutes more. Remove from microwave. Serve warm or at room temperature.

1. Roll edges of pineapple in toasted coconut. 2. Transfer pineapple to the base of the MicroPro Grill. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. Remove from microwave; flip pineapple slices. Microwave on high power 2 minutes more. Remove from microwave. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with chocolate sauce.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with chocolate sauce.

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2016-1746-45 CA


Serves 2 PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 5 minutes

Serves 2 PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 5 minutes

4 fresh pineapple rings, ½-inch/1.25 cm thick ½ cup toasted coconut

4 fresh pineapple rings, ½-inch/1.25 cm thick ½ cup toasted coconut

1. Roll edges of pineapple in toasted coconut. 2. Transfer pineapple to the base of the MicroPro Grill. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. Remove from microwave; flip pineapple slices. Microwave on high power 2 minutes more. Remove from microwave. Serve warm or at room temperature.

1. Roll edges of pineapple in toasted coconut. 2. Transfer pineapple to the base of the MicroPro Grill. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. Remove from microwave; flip pineapple slices. Microwave on high power 2 minutes more. Remove from microwave. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with chocolate sauce.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with chocolate sauce.

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2016-1746-45 CA



Serves 2 PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6 minutes

Serves 2 PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6 minutes

2 pears, peeled and cored 1 cup apple cider 3 orange slices 2 tbsp. mulling spices

2 pears, peeled and cored 1 cup apple cider 3 orange slices 2 tbsp. mulling spices

1. Cut pears in half, lengthwise. 2. Place each half, cut side down, in the base of the MicroPro Grill; add apple cider, orange slices and mulling spices. 3. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 6 minutes. Remove from microwave. Serve warm or at room temperature.

1. Cut pears in half, lengthwise. 2. Place each half, cut side down, in the base of the MicroPro Grill; add apple cider, orange slices and mulling spices. 3. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 6 minutes. Remove from microwave. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with ice cream and crepes.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with ice cream and crepes.

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2016-1746-45 CA


Serves 2 PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6 minutes

Serves 2 PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6 minutes

2 pears, peeled and cored 1 cup apple cider 3 orange slices 2 tbsp. mulling spices

2 pears, peeled and cored 1 cup apple cider 3 orange slices 2 tbsp. mulling spices

1. Cut pears in half, lengthwise. 2. Place each half, cut side down, in the base of the MicroPro Grill; add apple cider, orange slices and mulling spices. 3. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 6 minutes. Remove from microwave. Serve warm or at room temperature.

1. Cut pears in half, lengthwise. 2. Place each half, cut side down, in the base of the MicroPro Grill; add apple cider, orange slices and mulling spices. 3. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 6 minutes. Remove from microwave. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with ice cream and crepes.

Note: Make it decadent! Serve with ice cream and crepes.

2016-1746-45 CA

2016-1746-45 CA



2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced

2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced

1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.

1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.

Serves 1 Serving size: 1 sandwich PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

Serves 1 Serving size: 1 sandwich PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

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2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced

2 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp. butter, softened 3 slices Brie cheese 2 chocolate squares 4–5 raspberries, sliced

1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.

1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. Microwave on high power 3 minutes. 3. At the end of cooking time, carefully remove from microwave using oven mitts and remove cover. Place cheese and chocolate on bread in base of Grill. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice of bread on top, butter side up. 4. Place cover in grilling position and microwave on high power 1 additional minute.

Serves 1 Serving size: 1 sandwich PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

Serves 1 Serving size: 1 sandwich PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 4 minutes

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2016-1653-164 CA



1 bag 28-oz./800 g petit red potatoes 1 bunch asparagus 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

1 bag 28-oz./800 g petit red potatoes 1 bunch asparagus 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

Serves 4 Serving size: 7 oz./200 g PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

Serves 4 Serving size: 7 oz./200 g PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

½ tsp. Italian Seasoning Blend ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt ⅛ tsp. black pepper

1. Place potatoes in Thatsa® Medium Bowl, add olive oil and Italian Seasoning Blend. Toss to season. 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. 3. Microwave on high power 12 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, using the same bowl to season the potatoes, place asparagus in bowl and toss around to season with remaining oil and blend. 5. Remove MicroPro Grill from microwave with oven gloves. Add the asparagus on top of potatoes. 6. Place cover back on in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 7. Serve immediately.

½ tsp. Italian Seasoning Blend ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt ⅛ tsp. black pepper

1. Place potatoes in Thatsa® Medium Bowl, add olive oil and Italian Seasoning Blend. Toss to season. 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. 3. Microwave on high power 12 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, using the same bowl to season the potatoes, place asparagus in bowl and toss around to season with remaining oil and blend. 5. Remove MicroPro Grill from microwave with oven gloves. Add the asparagus on top of potatoes. 6. Place cover back on in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 7. Serve immediately.

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2016-1653-164 CA



1 bag 28-oz./800 g petit red potatoes 1 bunch asparagus 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

1 bag 28-oz./800 g petit red potatoes 1 bunch asparagus 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

Serves 4 Serving size: 7 oz./200 g PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

Serves 4 Serving size: 7 oz./200 g PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 15 minutes

½ tsp. Italian Seasoning Blend ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt ⅛ tsp. black pepper

1. Place potatoes in Thatsa® Medium Bowl, add olive oil and Italian Seasoning Blend. Toss to season. 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. 3. Microwave on high power 12 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, using the same bowl to season the potatoes, place asparagus in bowl and toss around to season with remaining oil and blend. 5. Remove MicroPro Grill from microwave with oven gloves. Add the asparagus on top of potatoes. 6. Place cover back on in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 7. Serve immediately.

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½ tsp. Italian Seasoning Blend ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt ⅛ tsp. black pepper

1. Place potatoes in Thatsa® Medium Bowl, add olive oil and Italian Seasoning Blend. Toss to season. 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill base and place cover in grilling position. 3. Microwave on high power 12 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, using the same bowl to season the potatoes, place asparagus in bowl and toss around to season with remaining oil and blend. 5. Remove MicroPro Grill from microwave with oven gloves. Add the asparagus on top of potatoes. 6. Place cover back on in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 3 minutes. 7. Serve immediately.

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Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes 1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

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Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

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Serves 2 Serving size: 2 quesadillas PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 11 minutes 1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1 chorizo sausage, sliced in 10 pieces 1 chicken breast, sliced ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

1 sweet bell pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 cup shredded cheese 4 6˝/15 cm tortillas

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper and arrange in center of MicroPro Grill base along with chorizo and sweet bell pepper. 2. Place cover in grilling position and microwave at 70% power 7 minutes* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. At the end of cooking time, remove the MicroPro Grill from microwave using oven mitts and drain excess liquid by placing cover in casserole position and holding it tightly while pouring it from the side. 3. Fill each tortilla with chicken and cheese. Fold tortillas in half and place two at a time in MicroPro Grill base. Microwave with cover in casserole position on high power 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and tortilla has browned on top.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

*This recipe was tested in a 900W microwave. Due to varying microwave wattages, adjust accordingly.

2016-1653-164 CA

2016-1653-164 CA



½ tsp. garlic powder ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. ground black pepper 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour 12 oz./340 g chicken breast, butterflied ¼ cup heavy cream ½ tsp. baking soda ¼ cup chicken stock 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. cornstarch 1 tbsp. fresh sage 1 tbsp. fresh thyme 1 tbsp. fresh rosemary

½ tsp. garlic powder ½ tsp. coarse kosher salt ¼ tsp. ground black pepper 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour 12 oz./340 g chicken breast, butterflied ¼ cup heavy cream ½ tsp. baking soda ¼ cup chicken stock 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. cornstarch 1 tbsp. fresh sage 1 tbsp. fresh thyme 1 tbsp. fresh rosemary

1. Combine garlic powder, salt, pepper and flour on a plate.

1. Combine garlic powder, salt, pepper and flour on a plate.

3. Place the seasoned chicken breast into the base of the MicroPro Grill.

3. Place the seasoned chicken breast into the base of the MicroPro Grill.

Serves 2 Serving size: ½ of butterflied chicken PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 10 minutes

Serves 2 Serving size: ½ of butterflied chicken PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 10 minutes

2. Dredge the butterflied breast in the seasoned flour, shaking off excess.

2. Dredge the butterflied breast in the seasoned flour, shaking off excess.

4. P lace the cover on top of the chicken in grill position and microwave on high power 5 minutes.

4. Place the cover on top of the chicken in grill position and microwave on high power 5 minutes.

5. Stir together heavy cream and baking soda in small bowl and set aside.

5. Stir together heavy cream and baking soda in small bowl and set aside.

6. In a Quick Shake® container, combine chicken stock, balsamic vinegar and cornstarch. Replace seal and shake to combine.

7. Remove Grill from microwave and flip chicken over. Add balsamic mixture and heavy cream mixture to base of MicroPro Grill and stir to combine.

8. Replace cover in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 5 minutes. 9. Using the Chop ’N Prep™ Chef, finely chop the sage, thyme and rosemary.

10. Remove Grill from the microwave and stir in chopped herbs. Serve warm.

6. In a Quick Shake® container, combine chicken stock, balsamic vinegar and cornstarch. Replace seal and shake to combine.

7. Remove Grill from microwave and flip chicken over. Add balsamic mixture and heavy cream mixture to base of MicroPro Grill and stir to combine.

8. Replace cover in casserole position and microwave on high power an additional 5 minutes. 9. Using the Chop ’N Prep™ Chef, finely chop the sage, thyme and rosemary.

10. R emove Grill from the microwave and stir in chopped herbs. Serve warm.

Serving suggestion: Stir cooked pasta into MicroPro Grill after chicken and sauce are complete.

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Serving suggestion: Stir cooked pasta into MicroPro Grill after chicken and sauce are complete.

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1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

2016-1653-164 CA

2016-1653-164 CA



1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”/15–19 cm) 2–3 tbsp. pizza sauce 6–8 mushroom slices

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

Serves 1 • Serving size: 1 pizza PREP: 5 minutes COOK: 6–10 minutes

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

4–5 sun dried tomatoes 2–3 leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 cup shredded mozzarella

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

SUGGESTED TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

1. Place mushroom slices in base of MicroPro Grill. Place cover directly on mushrooms in grill position and microwave on high power for 4–5 minutes or until brown. Remove from Grill. 2. Place prepared pizza crust in base of MicroPro Grill and spread on sauce. Add cooked mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. 3. Add any additional toppings and place cover on rim in casserole position. Microwave on high power 8–10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 minutes before removing from pan and cutting. Serve warm.

2016-1653-164 CA

2016-1653-164 CA



Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice


1 stick unsalted butter, melted ¾ cup all-purpose flour ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. I n a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over

4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice

top of berries.


microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool

¾ cup all-purpose flour

3. P lace cover in casserole position and

for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 stick unsalted butter, melted ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over top of berries.

3. Place cover in casserole position and

microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2016-1653-164 CA



Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice


1 stick unsalted butter, melted ¾ cup all-purpose flour ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

2016-1653-164 CA

Serves 4 • Serving size: 1 cup PREP: 10 minutes COOK: 15 minutes 1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. I n a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over

4 cups frozen blueberries ¼ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice

top of berries.


microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool

¾ cup all-purpose flour

3. P lace cover in casserole position and

for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 stick unsalted butter, melted ½ cup brown sugar ¾ cup rolled oats

1. In a medium bowl, stir together berries, flour, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into base of MicroPro Grill, set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, mix together crumble

ingredients. Once combined, sprinkle over top of berries.

3. Place cover in casserole position and

microwave on high power 15 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

1 tsp. vanilla extract 2016-1653-164 CA

2016-1653-164 CA

Tupperware MicroPro Grill Cooking Guide Food

Qty, Instructions




1 pkg or bundle

5-6 min


Bacon Bacon, Center Cut Bacon, Turkey Bacon-Wrapped Cheeseburger Beef, ground with onions Bell Peppers Biscuits from frozen Biscuits from mix Biscuits, refrigerated Brats Brats from Frozen Bread, Frozen Garlic Cheese Broccoli, fresh Brussel Sprouts, raw Brussel Sprouts, whole raw

Single layer 4-5 strips Single layer Single layer 1 burger 1 lb 2, sliced 4-6 7-8 5-8 Single layer Single layer Single layer Florets in single layer Cut in half, single layer Single layer, oil, seasonings

5-6 min, flip halfway 8 min, flip halfway 6 min, flip halfway 5 min, flip, 4 min 8-9 min, stir halfway 4-6 min 5- 7 1/2 min 6 min 6 min, flip at 4 min 6 min, flip halfway 11 min, flip every 3-4 min 3 min 10 min flip halfway 5 min 12min, flip every 3-4 min

grill grill casserole grill grill grill casserole casserole casserole grill grill grill grill grill grill

Cake, box mix 1/2 mix, made per directions 7-8 min Cauliflower, raw Single layer 5 min Cherry Tomatoes 1 pint 3-5 min Chicken Breast Full size 10 min, flip halfway Chicken Breast, breaded Cut in half, egg & crumbs 8-9 min, flip halfway Chicken Breast, butterfly Hand-breaded, single layer 8 min, flip halfway Chicken Nuggets, frozen Single layer 5 min, flip, 4-5 min Chicken Tenders, frozen 10 pcs single layer 15 min, flip halfway Chicken Tenderloins, raw Single layer 5 min, flip, 2-3 min Chicken Thighs, raw bone-in Single layer 17 min, flip halfway Cinnamon Rolls, refrigerated* Single layer 5-6 min * some people did 5-6 min casserole position then 1 min grill position Cookies, fresh or refrigerated 4 4-5 min Crescent Rolls Single layer 6-7 min, flip halfway Crispy Crowns, frozen Single layer 6 min, flip halfway

casserole grill grill grill grill grill grill grill grill grill casserole

Eggplant Egg Rolls, frozen

4 slices 2

4 min, flip, 1 min 5 min, flip halfway

grill grill

Fajitas Fish Sticks, frozen French Bread French Fries, frozen French Fries, loaded, frozen French Toast Sticks, frozen

With peppers and onions Single layer, preheated 1 1/2-2� thick slices Single layer Add cheese, bacon bits, onion Single layer

8 min, stir halfway 6 min, flip halfway 4 min, flip, 1 min 14 min, flip occasionally 6 min 8 min, flip halfway

grill grill grill grill casserole grill

Garlic Toast, Texas, frozen

Single layer

5 min, flip after 3 min


Hamburger Patties, fresh Hamburger Patties, frozen Hashbrowns, frozen Hot Dogs Hot Dogs, Pigs in a Blanket

Single layer Single layer, preheated Drain when flipped halfway 4, pierced Flattened biscuit dough

4 min, flip, drain,4 min 6-7 min, flip after 4 min 8 min, flip halfway 3 min 6 min, flip after 4min

grill grill grill grill casserole

JalapeĂąo Poppers, homemade

Bacon-wrapped, single layer

15 min, flip occasionally


casserole casserole grill

NOTE: Grill is NOT preheated unless otherwise noted. Cooking times are approximate.


Qty, Instructions



Kale Chips

Single layer

8 min, flip halfway


Mahi, fresh Meatballs, freshly made Meatloaf, freshly made Mozzarella Sticks, frozen Muffin Mix, Apple Cinnamon Mushrooms, grilled sliced Mushroom, Portobello Burger Mushrooms, Stuffed

2 6-oz filets Single layer, drain at halfway 1 1/2 - 2 lbs Single layer Box mix Small amount coconut oil Baste lightly with BBQ sauce Single layer

3-5 min 8-10 min, flip halfway 10-12 min 4 1/2 min 8 min 6-7 min, stir halfway 7 min, flip/baste at 4 min 9 min

grill grill casserole casserole casserole grill grill casserole

Onions, grilled

1 medium, sliced

5-8 min


Panini Pizza, calzone, homemade Pizza, English muffin crust Pizza, frozen Pizza, leftover Pizza, Naan (flatbread) crust Pizza, premade crust Pizza, tortilla crust Pizza, with Fresh Dough Pizza Rolls/Bites, frozen Pork Chops, thin or butterfly Pork Chops, thick bone-in Pork Tenderloin Potatoes, red Potatoes, sliced Pot Stickers, frozen Pumpkin Seeds, fresh

1 sandwich Crescent dough crust 2 Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer (thawed) Single layer (thawed) 1 pound 3-4, halved With other veggies Single layer Single layer, oil, seasonings Casserole 10-15 min, grill last

3-4 min, flip halfway 5 min preheated 6 min 6 min 4-6 min 4-6 min 6-8 min 6-8 min 6-8 min 6-7 min 7 min, flip midway 10-12 min, flip once or twice 15 min, flip halfway 12-16 min 8-10 min, flip occasionally 4 min, flip halfway 20 min, stir every 5 min

grill casserole casserole casserole casserole casserole casserole casserole casserole grill grill grill grill grill grill grill cass/grill

Ravioli, frozen

Single layer

7 min


Salmon Sausage Breakfast Links, frozen Sausage Breakfast Patties, froze Sausage Links Sausage, Smoked like kielbasa Shrimp, thawed S’Mores Squash, Butternut Steak, thin, no bone Sweet Potatoes, bite-size cubes

2 8-oz filets Single layer Single layer 4, pierced Split, lay out halved Remove moisture, single layer Single layer Cubes, single layer Single layer Single layer

5 min 10 min, flip halfway 8 min, flip halfway 15 min, flip halfway 8 min, flip halfway 3-5 min 3-4 min 12 min, stir halfway 2-4 min each side 12 min, stir halfway

grill grill grill grill grill grill casserole grill grill grill

Tater Tots, frozen Tuna, fresh

Single layer Single layer

15-20 min, flip halfway 4 min

grill grill

Vegetables, various, grilled

Cut same size, single layer

Strips, 6 min. Bites, 13 min


Wings, frozen

Single layer

10 min



4-5 strips, 1/2-3/4� thick

4 min, flip, 1 min


NOTE: Grill is NOT preheated unless otherwise noted. Cooking times are approximate.

Tupperware MicroPro Grill Cooking Guide

2016 MicroPro Grill Recipe Cards *

NEW! 1 Vol 1 2 Vol 2 From Jubilee Booklet: Record-Brkr-2016 Winter-Spring 2017

2 15-Minute Lasagna

* 1 1

*2 *1 2 2

*1 1 *2 2 1 1 1

* 1

30 Minute Chicken and Dumplings Apple Crisp Asian Orange Chicken Bacon Grilled by the Pound Bacon-Wrapped Cheeseburgers Baked Fruit-Filled Pears Baked Oatmeal Baked Ziti Balsamic Herb Chicken Balsamic Potatoes Black Bean Burgers Blueberry Crumble Blueberry Crumble Breakfast Tater Tot Casserole Buffalo Chicken Dip Buffalo Chicken Grilled Cheese Cajun Chicken Pita Pockets Caramel Snickerdoodle Bombs Cheddar Biscuits Copycat Cheesy Apple Panini Chef Mike’s Currried Pumpkin Chef Mike’s Pumpkin Souffle Chicken Quesadillas Chicken Tortilla Soup Chile Honey-Glazed Salmon Chili / Taco Dip

1 Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars 1 Chocolate Croissant Bread Pudding

2 Cinnamon Cream Cheese 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

* 2

*1 2 1

Rollups Corn Chip Taco Casserole Creamy Southwest Chipotle Dip Crispy Glazed Tofu Dessert Taquitos Easy BBQ Chicken Sliders Easy Tater Tot Hot Dish Egg in a Hole Fajitas in 7 Minutes Fall Veggie Seasoning Mix Favorite Buffalo Wings Fish Tacos Fluffy S’Mores Dip French Toast Sausage Roll Ups Ginger-Coriander Pot Stickers Gluten-Free Apple Crumble Green Goddess Tossed Cobb Salad Grilled Bananas Foster Grilled Cheese French Toast with Bacon Grilled Cheese Rollups Grilled Chicken and Vegetable Panzanella Grilled Country Style Pork Ribs Grilled Orange Chicken Grilled Pineapple With Toasted Coconut Grilled Potatoes and Asparagus Grilled Stuffed Apple Rings Grilled Stuffed Apple Rings Grilled Stuffed Jalapeños

1 Grilled Taquitos 2 Hash Brown Casserole Copycat 2 Hawaiian Meatballs

* 1 2

* * * *2 * 2 2 2

*2 1

*2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2

Healthy Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches Homemade Crunchwraps Homemade Tortillas Honey Garlic Chicken Hot Crab Dip Impossible Taco Pie Italian Turkey Burgers Jalapeno Popper Dip Jalapeño Popper Stuffed Bacon Chicken Jalapeno Tater Popper Casserole Leftover Pot Roast Patty Melt Loaded Baked Potato Rounds Loaded Potato Planks Low Carb (Keto) Pizza & Crust Meat Tenderizer Meatloaf in the Grill MicroPro Grill Meatballs Mulled Cider Poached Pears Newfie Salsa Dip No Oil Fried Eggplant Nutella Marshmallow Grill Onion Cilantro Nachos Parmesan Crisps Parmesan Roasted Potatoes Peanut Butter Jam Fr Toast Rollups Perfect Personal Pizza Pesto Cheese Bombs Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich Pizza Crust in a Bowl

2 Pizza Crust Yeast Dough 2 Quick ‘N Easy Chicken Pot Pie Quick MicroBaked Lasagna

2 Quick Pizza Methods

& Chile Chicken * Ranch Enchiladas


* * *1 1 1 1

*1 2 2

*1 *2 *

Raspberry & Chocolate Grilled Cheese Roasted Tomato Bruschetta Salsa Chicken Sausage Balls Sausage Crescent Cheese Balls Scalloped Potatoes Sliders BBQ Chicken Sliders Breakfast Sliders Cheeseburger Sliders Chicken Parmesan Sloppy Joe Grilled Cheese Smoky Chipotle Mayo Spaghetti Squash Lasagna Stuffed Green Pepper Rings Sweet Potato Biscuits Tater Tot Hotdish Tex-Mex Dip Thai Sweet Chili Stir Fry Toasted Breadcrumbs Tostadas

ADDITIONAL CARDS Tupperware Seasonings Expanded Cooking Guide Blank Cards Reminders

Print on Card Stock. Cut along lines

2016 Recipe Card Index A A Ap pp peettiizzeerrss Assiiaann

Buffalo Chicken Dip Chili / Taco Dip Cinnamon Cream Cheese Rollups Creamy Southwest Chipotle Dip Fluffy S’Mores Dip Grilled Stuffed Jalapeños Hot Crab Dip Jalapeno Popper Dip Newfie Salsa Dip Onion Cilantro Nachos Parmesan Crisps Pesto Cheese Bombs Sausage Balls Sausage Crescent Cheese Balls Roasted Tomato Bruschetta Tex-Mex Dip

Asian Orange Chicken Ginger-Coriander Pot Stickers Grilled Orange Chicken Thai Sweet Chili Stir Fry


Bacon-Wrapped Cheeseburgers Hawaiian Meatballs Meat Tenderizer Meatloaf in the Grill MicroPro Grill Meatballs

BBrreeaad d

Cheddar Biscuits Copycat Sweet Potato Biscuits Toasted Breadcrumbs


Baked Oatmeal

2016 Recipe Card Index Mulled Cider Poached Pears


Chile Honey-Glazed Salmon


Low Carb (Keto) Pizza & Crust Perfect Personal Pizza Pizza Crust in a Bowl Pizza Crust Yeast Dough Pull Apart Pizza Bread Quick Pizza Methods Spaghetti Squash Lasagna

M Meexxiiccaann

Chicken Quesadillas Corn Chip Taco Casserole Fajitas in 7 Minutes Fish Tacos Grilled Taquitos Homemade Crunchwraps

Homemade Tortillas Impossible Taco Pie Ranch & Chile Chicken Enchiladas Tostadas


15-Minute Lasagna Baked Ziti Quick MicroBaked Lasagna


Bacon Grilled by the Pound Grilled Country Style Pork Ribs


Balsamic Potatoes Easy Tater Tot Hot Dish Grilled Potatoes and Asparagus Hash Brown Casserole Copycat

2016 Recipe Card Index BBrreeaakkffaasstt,, ccoonntt.. Breakfast Tater Tot Casserole Egg in a Hole French Toast Sausage Roll Ups Healthy Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches Peanut Butter Jam Fr Toast Rollups

C Chhiicckkeenn,, TTuurrkkeeyy

30 Minute Chicken and Dumplings Balsamic Herb Chicken Favorite Buffalo Wings Green Goddess Tossed Cobb Salad Grilled Chicken and Vegetable Panzanella Honey Garlic Chicken Italian Turkey Burgers

Jalapeño Popper Stuffed Bacon Chicken Quick ‘N Easy Chicken Pot Pie Salsa Chicken

D Deesssseerrttss

Apple Crisp Baked Fruit-Filled Pears Blueberry Crumble Caramel Snickerdoodle Bombs Chef Mike’s Pumpkin Soufflé Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars Chocolate Croissant Bread Pudding Dessert Taquitos Gluten-Free Apple Crumble Grilled Bananas Foster Grilled Pineapple With Toasted Coconut Grilled Stuffed Apple Rings

2016 Recipe Card Index PPoottaattooeess,, ccoonntt.. Jalapeno Tater Popper Casserole Loaded Baked Potato Rounds Loaded Potato Planks Parmesan Roasted Potatoes Scalloped Potatoes Tater Tot Hotdish

SSaannd dw wiicchheess

Buffalo Chicken Grilled Cheese Cajun Chicken Pita Pockets Cheesy Apple Panini Easy BBQ Chicken Sliders Grilled Cheese French Toast with Bacon Grilled Cheese Rollups Leftover Pot Roast Patty Melt Nutella Marshmallow Grill Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich

Raspberry & Chocolate Grilled Cheese Sliders BBQ Chicken Sliders Breakfast Sliders Cheeseburger Sliders Chicken Parmesan Sloppy Joe Grilled Cheese

SSoouup pss

Chicken Tortilla Soup

V Veeg geettaarriiaann

Black Bean Burgers Smoky Chipotle Mayo Crispy Glazed Tofu

V Veeg gg giieess

Chef Mike’s Currried Pumpkin Fall Veggie Seasoning Mix No Oil Fried Eggplant Stuffed Green Pepper Rings

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Buffalo Chicken Dip 1. Mix together  1 chicken breast cooked and shredded  1/2 cup buffalo sauce  1/2 cup ranch dressing  1/2 cup shredded cheddar  8oz cream cheese softened 2. Microwave in MicroPro Grill in Casserole position 4-5 min 3. Take out, mix well. Sprinkle on top  1/2 cup shredded cheddar 4. Put back in casserole position 2 more min 5. Enjoy with tortilla chips, crackers or grilled French or rye bread

Chili / Taco Dip 1. Break up into MicroPro Grill and microwave 4 min in Casserole position  1 lb ground beef* 2. Add and cook 4 - 5 min more  2 cup tomato sauce**  1 pkg chili mix 3. Add toppings of choice  Pepper jack cheese, shredded  Cheddar cheese, shredded  Black olives  Onions, chopped  Jalapenos, chopped 4. Microwave in Casserole position 9 min * OPT: grill 1 lb boneless chicken; chop in Power Chef® ** Substitute: 15 oz enchilada sauce for tomato sauce and seasoning mix

Julia Hiser

Joan Longworth

Cinnamon Cream Cheese Rollsups

1/2 loaf sandwich bread 2/3 of 8 oz bar of cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup powdered sugar 3/4 cup sugar 1 Tbsp cinnamon 1/2 cup butter, melted 1. Cut off bread crusts and flatten each slice 2. Combine cream cheese and powdered sugar until well blended 3. In a separate bowl combine sugar and cinnamon – set aside 4. Spread 1 – 1½ Tbsp cream cheese mixture onto each slice of bread and roll up 5. Dip each rolled bread into melted butter and then into cinnamon and sugar mix 6. Place in MicroPro Grill and repeat for all slices of bread 7. Microwave with cover in Grill position 5-6 min until golden brown. Serve warm.      

Creamy Southwest Chipotle Dip         1. 2. 3. 4.

2 canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce 2 Tbsp fresh cilantro leaves 2 garlic cloves, peel 1/2 lime, juice of 1 1/2 cup sour cream 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 Tbsp Southwest Chipotle Blend Salt and pepper to taste Chop peppers, cilantro, and garlic in Quick Chef until fine. Mix in sour cream and mayonnaise. Chili in refrigerator until ready to serve. Serve with veggies, chips or as a dressing for tacos.

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Fluffy S’Mores Dip 1. Whip in Power Chef until stiff peaks form. Set aside.  1/2 cup powdered sugar  1/2 cup heavy whipping cream  1 tsp vanilla extract 2. Blend together in Power Chef  4 oz cream cheese, soft  1/2 cup powdered sugar  3 1/2 oz marshmallow fluff 3. Fold in then set aside.  OPT: 3/4 cup mini marshmallows 4. Blend until smooth in Power Chef  4 oz cream cheese, soft  1/4 cup cocoa powder 5. Add whipped cream, mix to incorporate. 6. In a bowl, add the 2 dips alternately. Swirl gently together with a spoon or butter knife. Top with  1/4 cup mini marshmallows 7. Serve immediately with  graham crackers for dipping

Hot Crab Dip         1. 2.

2 8-oz pkg cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup mayonnaise 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese 12 oz crabmeat, chopped 1 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice 2 tsp hot sauce 2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce Paprika, for garnish Mix ingredients in med bowl. Transfer to MicroPro Grill. Microwave 6-8 min until bubbly and top is beginning to brown.

Grilled Stuffed Jalapeños

1. Preheat MicroPro Grill: Microwave 1 tortilla in Grill position 2 min 2. Microwave in grill position 4 min, flip, 2 min; drain on paper towels. Crumble. Drain grease from grill and wipe with paper towel.  2 bacon slices 3. Combine bacon with  8 oz cream cheese, softened  1/4 cup extra-sharp cheddar cheese, shred  1/4 cup minced green onions  1 tsp fresh lime juice  1/4 tsp kosher salt  1 small garlic clove, minced 4. Fill pepper halves  14 jalapeño peppers, halved lengthwise, deseed 5. Microwave peppers, cheese side up, in Casserole position 4-6 min or until bottoms of peppers are charred and cheese mixture is lightly browned 6. Place peppers on a serving platter. Sprinkle with  2 Tbsp chopped fresh cilantro  2 Tbsp chopped seeded tomato

1.    2.   

Jalapeño Popper Dip

Mix together in Power Chef 1 block cream cheese, softened 1 cup sour cream 1 tsp garlic powder Add and mix together 2 cups cheddar cheese 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese 4-6 jalapeños, roasted* and chopped or 1 4-oz can diced jalapeños, drained  OPT: 1 Tbsp fresh parsley Steps 1 & 2 then grilled 3. Spread out into the MicroPro Grill 4. Mix together for topping, spread over the cream cheese mixture  1 cup bread crumbs (see separate recipe)  1/4 cup Parmesan cheese  4 Tbsp melted butter 5. Microwave 4 min with cover in Grill position. *Cut in half lengthwise then roast 4 min in grill with cover in Grill position

Jennifer Kelly Bourlon

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Newfie Salsa Dip

Onion Cilantro Nachos

 1 lb ground beef  1 jar salsa of choice  2 cup shredded cheese of choice 1. Break up meat in MicroPro Grill. Microwave 5 min with cover in Casserole position. Drain. Grill 1-2 min more. 2. Stir in salsa and 1 cup cheese. Sprinkle 1 cup cheese over all. 3. Microwave 5 min in Casserole position.

Tortilla Chips Pepper jack cheese Mozzarella cheese Onions, chopped Fresh Cilantro, chopped Cook 3-4 minutes with cover in Casserole position. Variations: Cheddar cheese, Mexican cheese blend, Feta cheese Jalapeno or other peppers, tomatoes, avocado, mushrooms, olives Ground beef, shredded chicken, diced ham, pulled pork ~~ Anything YOU like! ~~

Jennifer Kelly Bourlon

Andrea Lawson Pesto Cheese Bombs

Parmesan Crisps  about 1/2 cup grated parmesan  OPT: spices or seasoning 1. Make 3-4 bunches of cheese in unheated MicroPro Grill. 2. Sprinkle very lightly with Italian Herb, Cilantro Mojo or Southwest Chipotle Seasoning if desired. 3. Set cover in CASSEROLE position.

4. Microwave 2-3 min until crispy golden. Check at intervals for doneness. 5. Serve with your favorite salad.

Andrea Lawson

1 can refrigerated biscuits, split 6 in half 4 pieces string cheese, cut into thirds 1/2 cup pesto 1 cup marinara sauce 1. Place 1 piece cheese in center of a biscuit half. Wrap and roll this so cheese is completely covered. 2. Pour pesto into large bowl. Roll bombs in pesto but leave in bowl to marinate until all are done. 3. Place bombs in MicroPro Grill, leaving a little space between each. Microwave in Casserole position 5-6 min, turn after 4 min. 4. Serve hot with marinara sauce for dipping.    

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Sausage Balls  1 lb ground sausage  1 cup shredded cheddar cheese or Colby jack cheese  1 cup baking mix (bisquick, jiffy mix, etc) 1. Mix until fully incorporated. 2. Roll into 1” balls. Place in MicroPro Grill, up to 12 so they don’t stick together. 3. Microwave 10 min, flip halfway, with cover in Casserole position..

NOTE: drain drippings if making more than one batch.

Sausage Crescent Cheese Balls 1. Mix well in large bowl  1 lb bulk spicy sausage  2 cups shredded sharp Cheddar (8 oz)  1/2 tsp dried rosemary 2. Unroll dough; coat each side with flour. Cut into 1/4” pcs.  1 can (8 oz) refrigerated crescent rolls  2 Tbsp all-purpose flour 3. Mix dough pcs into sausage mixture in small amounts until blended. 4. Use ice cream scoop to shape mixture into 42 (1 1/4”) balls. 5. Microwave in MicroPro Grill 8-9 min with cover in Grill position. Drain and flip halfway. Repeat until all are cooked.

Cathy McAtamney Roasted Tomato Bruschetta 1 pt cherry tomatoes 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1/2 tsp coarse kosher salt 1/2 tsp Italian Herb Seasoning 1/2 loaf Italian bread, in 1/2” slices 1. Preheat oven to 450* F. 2. Place bread slices on Silicone Wonder Mat, toast in oven until brown. 3. In a med bowl, combine olive oil, spices and tomatoes. Mix well. 4. Place tomato mixture in MicroPro Grill and microwave 10 min with cover in Grill position. 5. Blend tomato mixture in Chop ‘N Prep. 6. Spread on toasted bread and serve.

Tex-Mex Dip Q 1 lb pkg bulk hot breakfast sausage Q 1 onion, diced Q 2 lb processed cheese (Velveeta) cubed Q 10 oz diced tomatoes and green chiles Q 2 cans chopped green chiles Q 1 jalapeno, diced Q Tortilla chips 1. Break up sausage in MicroPro Grill, add onion. Microwave 5 min with cover in Grill position. 2. Drain drippings, let sausage cool a few minutes. Chop in Power Chef. 3. Mix all ingredients. Microwave 8-10 min in grill, stir halfway.


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Asian Orange Chicken

    

2 1/2 cup 1/4 cup

 20 prepared wonton wrappers

1. In a large bowl stir together

1 cup

2 lbs

Ginger-Coriander Pot Stickers

2 dashes

1 Tbsp Marinate 4 hrs to overnight

Grill 10-12 min. Flip half way. Repeat for rest of chicken.

Grilled Orange Chicken 1.       2. 

Combine for marinade 1/2 cup orange juice 1/4 cup olive oil 2 garlic cloves pressed 1/2 tsp thyme 1/2 tsp oregano Paprika, salt and pepper to taste Place in Junior Season Serve, pour marinade over all 3 medium chicken breasts or thighs  Marinate minimum of 2 hrs in frig, flip at least once 3. Place chicken in MicroPro Grill, microwave in Grill position 6 min, flip and grill 2 min more. 4. Place over top of chicken and grill 2 min  2 tangerines or oranges, peeled and in slices 5. Serve with grilled asparagus and red potatoes

Beth Scott

1/2 lb ground pork or chicken 1 Tbsp freshly grated ginger 1 garlic clove, crushed 2 green onions, sliced thin 1/4 tsp kosher salt 2. Place ½ Tbsp meat in middle of wontons. Moisten edges, fold in half to form triangles. Crimp edges. 3. Mix dipping sauce in a medium bowl; whisk before serving.  1/4 cup toasted sesame oil  1/4 cup beef, chicken, or vegetable broth  1 tsp honey  1 garlic clove, crushed  1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes  1/4 cup fresh cilantro, minced 4. Microwave 10 wontons 3 min in MicroPro™ Grill with cover in grill position. 5. Add ¼ cup water, replace cover in the grill position and let sit 1 min. Set aside on platter, cover, keep warm. 6. Repeat with remaining wontons. Serve with sauce and Asian-style vegetables

Thai Sweet Chili Stir Fry 1. Marinate 2-4 hours  5 chicken tenders in bite-sized pcs  1/4 cup Thai sweet chili sauce  1-2 Tbsp Sriracha  1/2 tsp garlic powder 2. Prepare for stir fry:  1 green pepper, slice or chop  1/2 onion, slice or chop  1 small can pineapple chunks, drain 3. Place all ingredients in MicroPro Grill , including marinade. Microwave 5 min with cover in Grill position. Stir/flip ingredients and cook another 2 min.

Elena DeBeau

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Bacon-Wrapped Cheeseburgers  4 quarter-pound burger patties  1 lb bacon  4 slices cheese of choice 1. Begin to weave 3-4 slices of bacon together. Lay 1 burger over them and bring ends up, over and weave as needed to hold together. 2. Microwave in MicroPro Grill 6 min in grill position. Flip and grill 5 min. 3. Flip, add 1 slice cheese on top. Cook 1 min with cover in Casserole position.

Elena DeBeau

Beef Hawaiian Meatballs

 2 1/2 lb lean ground beef  1 sweet onion, dice finely  1 Tbsp wet minced garlic (heaping)  1 14-oz can crushed pineapple, drain  1/4 tsp black pepper 1. Mix and roll into medium sized balls, approximately36. 2. Run hot tap water over the top and bottom of the MicroPro Grill to warm it; dry thoroughly. Place 12 meatballs into the grill. 3. Microwave 5 min with the cover in Casserole position. Drain excess liquid. Microwave 4 min more in Grill position. Remove meatballs, wipe with paper towel and repeat until all are cooked. 4. Delicious on their own with mashed potatoes or stir in sweet and sour sauce and serve over rice.

Sue Brimner Meatloaf in the Grill

meat tenderizer

Got a tough cut of meat?

 Rub in some baking soda directly on the meat  Place in the fridge for 3-5 hours  Rinse off the baking soda

Cooked meat will melt in your mouth!

 2 lb lean ground beef or 1 lb beef and 1 lb sausage*  2 eggs  1/2 cup catsup or BBQ sauce  1 cup cornbread stuffing mix  1 medium onion, chop  1-2 cloves garlic, chop  1/2 tsp salt  1/8 tsp pepper 1. In a medium bowl, break up meat, mix in eggs and sauce 2. Blend in remaining ingredients. Press into MicroPro Grill. 3. Microwave with cover in casserole position 12-14 minutes 4. Add additional catsup or BBQ sauce on top if desired. * Check at 9 min and drain drippings: wearing oven mitts, hold lid on grill in casserole position, lift and drain from one corner. Wipe clean any drips.

Sherry Ashberger

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MicroPro Grill Meatballs 1. Mix well, roll into balls, place in the MicroPro Grill  1 lb lean ground beef or turkey  1/2 cup Italian breadcrumbs  1 egg  1 Tbsp water  1 tsp garlic powder 2. Pour over meatballs, enough to cover  2-3 cup spaghetti sauce 3. Microwave 4 min with cover in Grill position. Flip with Tupperware tongs, grill 4 min more 4. Serve with your favorite pasta made in the Microwave Pasta Maker NOTE: these would be GREAT for Meatball Subs!

Cheddar Biscuits Copycat 1. Cut butter into Bisquick and garlic until pea-size.  2 1⁄2 cup Bisquick baking mix  1⁄4 tsp garlic powder  4 Tbsp cold butter 2. Add, mix by hand until combined, but do not over mix.  1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, grated  3⁄4 cup cold whole milk 3. Drop 9 equal portions into MicroPro Grill. 4. Microwave in Casserole position 6 min or until tops are light brown. 5. Mix and brush over tops of hot biscuits.  2 Tbsp butter, melted  1⁄2 tsp garlic powder  1⁄4 tsp dried parsley flakes  1 pinch salt

Jenny Banville Cummings Sweet Potato Biscuits

1. Combine in a mixing bowl  1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour  1 Tbsp sugar  1 1/2 tsp baking powder  1/2 tsp salt 2. Cut in butter with two forks to form pea-sized chunks.  6 Tbsp unsalted butter, cubed 3. Add and mix until fully incorporated  1/4-1/3 cup milk, as needed  1 cup mashed sweet potato 4. Knead gently on a lightly floured surface. Don’t overwork the dough, or biscuits become overly dense and chewy.) 5. Roll out the dough and cut into 2” rounds. 6. Microwave in MicroPro Grill 4-5 min with cover in Casserole position.

Toasted Breadcrumbs  2 or more slices of bread 1. Break up bread in Chop 'N Prep Chef, blend into crumbs. 2. Microwave crumbs in MicroPro Grill 2 min with cover in Grill position. Stir with Silicone Spatula then grill again 2 min.

Jennifer Kelly Bourlon

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Baked Oatmeal


1. Whisk together in a large bowl  2 cup old-fashioned rolled oats (not instant)  1 cup walnuts or pecans, divided  3/4 cup light brown sugar  1/2 cup raisins  2 tsp cinnamon  1 tsp baking powder  1/2 tsp salt 2. Whisk together in a medium bowl  2 cup milk  2 large eggs  1 tsp vanilla extract  4 Tbsp butter or coconut oil, melted but not hot 3. Pour egg mixture over dry ingredients, whisk to combine 4. Arrange evenly in the MicroPro Grill  2-3 large crisp, sweet apples (Honey Crisp or Gala): peel, core, dice  pour oatmeal mixture over the top 5. Microwave in Casserole position 10-12 min

Jane McMichael Egg in a Hole

1. Use a biscuit cutter or rim of glass or cup to cut out a hole in the middle of  1 slice of bread 2. Butter lightly on both sides 3. Microwave 3 min with cut-out piece in MicroPro Grill in Grill position 4. Flip. Break into hole  1 egg 5. Microwave 2-3 min in Grill position

Also called: o Egg in a Basket o Egg in the Middle o Egg in a Nest o Holey Eggs

Can also be made in o Squash o Bell Peppers o Waffles o Pancakes

Breakfast Tater Tot Casserole

 16 oz (1/2 bag) tater tots, frozen*  1/2-1 lb breakfast sausage  4 eggs, scrambled  1 cup cheddar cheese, grated  OPT: 1/2 onion, chop in Chop N Prep  OPT: 1 green pepper, chop 1. Brown sausage in MicroPro Grill 5-6 min in Grill position with veggies if desired. Drain, set aside and wipe out grill. 2. Microwave tots 10 min in Grill position, stir halfway. 3. Sprinkle sausage over tots. Mix eggs and cheese together then pour over sausage and tots. Microwave 1 1/2 min in Casserole position. 4. Let rest 2-3 minutes before removing cover to let eggs set fully. *Substitute hash browns or home fries if you prefer

Elizabeth Harrison Gregory French Toast Sausage Rollups

1. Microwave in MicroPro Grill 6 min in Grill position. Set aside. Wipe out grill.  8 – 10 breakfast sausages 2. Trim away crust and flatten  8 – 10 slices sandwich bread 3. Whisk together  2 eggs  1/4 cup milk  1/4 tsp ground cinnamon  Splash of vanilla extract 4. Roll each sausage up in a piece of bread 5. Coat each roll completely in egg mixture and place in MicroPro Grill 6. Microwave 4-5 min in Grill position, turn frequently after 2 min until browned on all sides 7. Serve with for dunking  Maple syrup

Chicken, Turkey Healthy Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches Peanut Butter Jam French Toast Rollups Print on Card Stock. Cut along lines

6 eggs 1/4 cup milk 1 1/2 cups spinach, chopped 1 1/2 cups broccoli, finely chopped 1/2 cup feta, crumbled 1/8 tsp salt 4 slices havarti (or mozzarella) cheese 4 whole wheat English muffins 1. In a large bowl, beat eggs and milk together. Fold in spinach, broccoli, salt and feta. 2. Pour into MicroPro Grill, microwave 4-5 min with cover in Casserole position. Stir. Cook 4-5 min more. 3. When cool, cut into 4 squares; assemble sandwiches with egg and cheese. STORE sandwiches up to 4 days in fridge or 3 months in freezer. Variations:  3 cups spinach (no broccoli) or  1 1/2 cups spinach, 1 1/2 cups sliced mushrooms        

30 Minute Chicken and Dumplings

1. Season chicken. Microwave 15 min in MicroPro Grill with cover in Grill position, flip halfway. Cut into pieces.  10 frozen chicken tenderloins  1 tsp Mrs Dash  1 tsp garlic salt 2. Cut each in quarters  1 can Grands butter biscuits 3. Mix in Mix n Stor pitcher  1 can cream of chicken soup  1 can cream of broccoli soup  1 pint half & half  2 cups 2% milk 4. Combine in 3-Qt Casserole of Stack Cooker with soup mixture, chicken, and biscuits  1 bag mixed frozen vegetables 5. Cook covered 10 min at 50% power. Let rest 5 min. 6. May be thickened with mixed flour and cold water.

Jody Pieles

 Peanut butter  Jam of your choice  Bread of your choice  2-3 eggs  Cinnamon-Vanilla seasoning  OPT: powdered sugar, maple syrup, fruit 1. Use rolling pin to roll slices of bread flat. “Heel” or end pieces of bread work well. 2. Whip eggs in shallow container. 3. Spread desired amount of peanut butter & jam on each slice of bread, roll (secure with wooden toothpick if needed), dip in egg until well coated then lay in MicroPro Grill. 4. Microwave 2 min with cover in Grill position. Flip 1/2 turn then cook 2 min. Flip to any area that isn’t grilled and cook 1 min more. 5. Serve with desired toppings.

Jami Fuller Balsamic Herb Chicken

1. Combine on a plate  1/2 tsp garlic powder  1/2 tsp coarse kosher salt  1/4 tsp ground black pepper  2 Tbsp all-purpose flour 2. Dredge chicken in flour, shake off excess  12 oz chicken breast, butterflied 3. Microwave 5 min in MicroPro™ Grill with cover in grill position. 4. Stir together and set aside  1/4 cup heavy cream  1/2 tsp baking soda 5. Combine in Quick Shake® container  1/4 cup chicken stock  2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar  1 Tbsp cornstarch 6. Flip chicken, add both mixtures and stir to combine. 7. Microwave 5 min in Casserole position 8. Chop in Chop ’N Prep™ Chef  1 Tbsp fresh sage  1 Tbsp fresh thyme  1 Tbsp fresh rosemary 9. Stir in chopped herbs. Serve warm. If desired, stir in cooked pasta.

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Favorite Buffalo Wings

WINGS 1. Pat dry with paper towels  3 lb chicken wings, separate at the joints 2. Place in large bowl and shake to mix  3/4 cup flour  1 tsp cayenne pepper  1 tsp paprika  1 tsp table salt  1 tsp ground black pepper  1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes 3. Add wings, seal, toss well coated. Chill on a baking sheet, at least 1 hr SAUCE 4. Whisk until combined. Set aside until wings are done chilling.  1/2 cup hot sauce (Frank’s Louisiana Hot Sauce)  4 Tbsp unsalted butter  1 Tbsp dark brown sugar  2 Tbsp Tabasco sauce or to taste  2 tsp cider vinegar LET’S COOK! 5. Dip wings into sauce, place in preheated* MicroPro Grill in single layer 6. Microwave 6-8 min in Grill position until no longer pink in the center 7. Repeat until all wings are cooked. *Preheat 2 min with 1 slice bread

Grilled Chicken and Vegetable Panzanella  4 1" slices Italian or sourdough bread  4 Tbsp unsalted butter  1 garlic clove, peel  2 4-oz boneless, skinless chicken breasts  Salt and pepper, to taste  1 green bell pepper, seed and chop  1 red bell pepper, seed and chop  1 yellow onion, chop roughly  1 large tomato, chop  2 cups chopped Romaine or mixed greens  1 bunch Italian flat-leaf parsley, chop roughly  Shaved Parmesan cheese  1/2 cup favorite Italian dressing 1. Butter each side of bread. Microwave 2 min in MicroPro™ Grill with cover in grill position. Flip, grill 1 min. Remove and rub bread with whole garlic clove, set aside. 2. Microwave chicken 6 min in grill position. Flip, grill 3 min or until internal temp is 165° F. Remove, sprinkle with salt and pepper, set aside 2 min. Cut chicken into 1/2” cubes. 3. Microwave peppers, onion and tomato 8 min with cover in grill position. 4. Cut bread into bite-sized cubes, combine with all veggies and dressing. Garnish with Parmesan.

Green Goddess Tossed Cobb Salad

 4 slices uncooked bacon  2 4-oz skinless chicken breasts  3 cups chopped romaine  1/2 cup shredded kale  2 cups loosely packed arugula  1 avocado, diced  1 large tomato, diced  1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion  2 hard cooked eggs, diced  4 artichoke hearts, diced  2 cups cooked green beans, chopped 1. Microwave bacon 3 min in MicroPro™ Grill with cover in grill position. Flip, grill 3 min more. Drain bacon on paper towels, let cool then crumble. 2. Microwave chicken breasts 5 min in grill position. Flip, grill 5 min more. 3. Remove chicken, sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste; cut in 1/2” pcs. 4. In a large bowl toss bacon and chicken with remaining ingredients.

Honey Garlic Chicken

1. Season chicken as desired  4 chicken thighs, with or without skin  garlic powder  salt and pepper 2. Place skin side up in MicroPro Grill. Microwave 6 min with cover in Grill position; turn, grill 6 min more. 3. Chop in chopper of your choice  6 garlic cloves 4. Mix together in med bowl with garlic for sauce  1/3 cup honey  1/4 cup water or stock  2 Tbsp rice wine vinegar  2 Tbsp soy sauce 5. Add chicken to sauce, stir well and coat using silicone spatula 6. Place chicken back in grill with cover in Casserole position. Microwave 3 min; spoon liquid over chicken, cook 3 min more. 7. Set chicken aside. Pour liquid into small saucepan and boil on stove top until thickened. 8. Put chicken back in grill with cover in Casserole position, microwave another 2 min. Leave it in the grill to stay warm while sauce thickens.

Allison MacGregor Keller

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Italian Turkey Burgers  1 lb ground turkey breast  1 Tbsp Italian Herb Seasoning  1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese  1 egg, lightly beaten  1/4 cup Italian or plain breadcrumbs 1. Combine ingredients, make 4 patties. 2. Microwave 2 patties for 8 min in MicroPro Grill with cover in Grill position. Flip halfway. 3. Since grill is hot, cook other patties 6 min in Grill position. Flip halfway.

Quick ‘n Easy Chicken Pot Pie  1 pkg of 2 9” pie crusts  1 can cream of chicken soup  2 cans white meat chicken*, drained  12-16 oz frozen vegetables**  1/2 cup cheddar cheese, grated 1. Form 1 pie crust to the bottom of the MicroPro Grill, trim extra above the edges. 2. In a large bowl, mix other ingredients. Pour into pie crust. 3. Place 2nd pie crust on top, pinch to the bottom one then trim. Cut slits in top to vent steam. 4. Microwave with cover in Casserole position 9-12 min. Let rest 5 min. *or 1 1/2 lb chicken breast, cooked, cut up; **shown with peppers /onions mix

Allen Dale-Tackett

Jalapeño Popper Stuffed Bacon Chicken 1. Cut open (do not cut in half), carefully de-seed. Keep shape and stem intact.  8 jalapeños 2. Slice REALLY thin to roll easily, or pound flat  8 thin slices of chicken breast 3. Mix filling  6 oz cream cheese  1/4 cup sour cream  2 tsp ranch dressing powder  1 1/2 tsp Italian Herb Seasoning  Salt and pepper, to taste 4. Fill peppers. Wrap with chicken then 1 slice bacon around each one. Seal with a toothpick.  8 slices bacon 5. Place in MicroPro Grill and microwave 12-15 min in Grill position, turn as needed to crisp bacon all around.

Salsa Chicken

 2 chicken breasts, cut in half lengthwise  1 cup thick salsa  1 lime, juice of  3/4 cup Mozzarella cheese, grated  OPT: low-fat sour cream 1. Place chicken in single layer in MicroPro Grill. 2. Add lime juice to salsa, pour over chicken. 3. Microwave 5 min with cover in Casserole position. Flip chicken, cook 3 min in Grill position. 4. Spoon some of the salsa up over the pieces of chicken. 5. Sprinkle cheese over chicken and cook 2 min in Casserole position. 6. Serve hot, with a little low-fat sour cream if desired.

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Desserts Baked Fruit-Filled Pears q Bosc Pears d Blueberries, blackberries or raspberries

q q q q

Pecans chopped Nutmeg Cinnamon Honey 1. Cut pears in half, scoop out core. Slice back to create a flat surface. 2. Fill with fruit of choice. Sprinkle/drizzle top with remaining ingredients. 3. Microwave 5-7 min in MicroPro Grill with cover in Casserole position.

12-15 min Casserole position

Angela Lynn Pysher Blueberry Crumble 1. Stir together. Pour into MicroPro Grill. d 4 cups frozen blueberries d 1/4 cup all-purpose flour d 1/4 cup granulated sugar d 1 Tbsp lemon juice 2. Crumble Topping: Mix together, sprinkle over berries.  1 stick unsalted butter, melted  3/4 cup all-purpose flour  1/2 cup brown sugar  3/4 cup rolled oats  1 tsp vanilla extract 3. Microwave 15 min with cover in Casserole position. Let cool 5 min to thicken slightly. Serve warm.

Photos by Sue Brimner

Caramel Snickerdoodle Bombs

 2 cans of 8 crescent rolls, cut each triangle in half  1 bag of caramel candies  1/2 cup sugar  1 Tbsp Cinnamon-Vanilla Seasoning 1. Mix together cinnamon and sugar. 2. Roll crescent dough around caramel to form ball 3. Roll ball in cinnamon and sugar mix 4. Microwave balls 4 min in MicroPro Grill with cover in Casserole position. Flip all, cook 3 min more. NOTE: To reheat and soften caramel, microwave 25 seconds on power 3 (30%)

Sandy Yamamoto

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Chef Mike's Pumpkin Soufflé

1. Mix in a bowl until well-blended  1 15oz can pumpkin purée* (NOT pie filling)  1 egg  1/2 stick unsalted butter, melted  1/2 cup sugar  1 tsp Cinnamon Vanilla Seasoning  OPT: 1/4 tsp ground cloves 2. Microwave in MicroPro Grill with cover in Casserole position on full power for 10 min

Pecan Crumble Topping

1. In Power Chef®, pull string 3-4 times to blend  1/3 cup all-purpose flour  1/2 cup brown sugar, packed (light or dark) 2. Add and pull string a few times just until crumbly - not a ball  1/2 stick COLD unsalted butter, cut into cubes 3. Transfer to a small mixing bowl, gently fold in pecans, don’t overmix  1/2 cup pecans, toasted and roughly chopped 4. Evenly sprinkle topping over cooked soufflé. Replace cover in Casserole position, cook 5-7 min until topping is golden and somewhat melted. 5. Allow to rest 10 min before serving (topping will harden/solidify) * OPT: Substitute a 15oz can sweet potato/yam purée

Chef Mike McCurdy Chocolate Croissant Bread Pudding

1. Place into Power Chef®, process until well mixed. Remove paddle.  2 Tbsp butter, room temp  1/4 cup sugar  1 egg  3/4 cup whipping cream*  1 tsp Cinnamon Vanilla Seasoning 2. Tear into bite size pieces, add to liquid  3 large or 6 small butter croissant rolls (deli style)  Mash down to absorb liquid. Let rest 10 minutes 3. Pour into MicroPro Grill, spread to edges. Sprinkle top with  1/4 cup dark chocolate chips** 4. Microwave on high in Casserole position 6-8 min. Check at 6 min then 1 min increments until it begins to look slightly dry on the edges. 5. Allow to sit covered 5-10 min before serving. * or 1 Tbsp butter and 3/4 cup milk ** or small chunks chopped from bar Note: might be able to double and still fit in pan

Allison MacGregor Keller

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars 2 cup flour 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened 1/2 cup sugar 3/4 cup packed light-brown sugar 1 large egg 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 1/2 cup chocolate chips 1. Mix together flour, baking soda and salt. 2. In a separate bowl, mix together butter and sugars then beat in egg and vanilla. Slowly add flour mixture. Fold in chips. 3. Press into Micro Pro Grill. Set cover in Casserole position. Microwave for 12 minutes. The thickness of this cookie makes it crispy on the outside, and gooey on the inside…mmmmm!!!         

Elena DeBeau Dessert Taquitos 1. Mix together in a shallow plate  1/2 cup sugar  1 tsp cinnamon 2. Prepare taquitos:  1 can (20 oz) pie filling, any flavor  8-12 medium soft flour tortillas  Lay a tortilla flat  Place 2-3 Tbsp filling in middle  Roll like an egg roll 3. Brush with butter then roll in sugar/cinnamon mixture  1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted 4. Place in MicroPro Grill. Repeat with remaining taquitos 5. Microwave in Grill position 6 min. 6. Remove from Grill and drizzle with  Caramel ice cream topping apple pie filling  Chocolate sauce with cherry pie filling

Valerie Propati Smith

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Gluten-Free Apple Crumble

1. Stir together in MicroPro Grill  5 apples, peel; slice or dice*  1/2 cup applesauce  1 Tbsp apple juice  1/2 tsp cinnamon  1/8 cup sugar 2. Microwave 4 min with cover in Casserole position. Uncover, cool 5 min 3. Mix together, pour over apples  1 1/4 cup gluten-free yellow cake mix  2 Tbsp butter, cut into small pcs  1/2 tsp cinnamon 4. Microwave 5 min with cover in Grill position. * to consistent size for even cooking

Grilled Bananas Foster  2 Tbsp brown sugar  2 Tbsp butter, melted  1/8 tsp kosher salt  1/4 tsp ground cinnamon  2 bananas, peeled 1. Mix all but bananas until combined. 2. Slice bananas in 1/4” rounds or strips. Fold into sugar mixture until coated. 3. Microwave 3 min in MicroPro Grill with cover in Grill position. Serve warm with granola, oatmeal or ice cream.

Maggie Daniels Grilled Pineapple With Toasted Coconut  4 fresh pineapple rings, 1/2” thick  1/2 cup toasted coconut 1. Roll edges of pineapple in toasted coconut. 2. Microwave slices 3 min in MicroPro Grill with cover in Grill position. 3. Flip slices grill 2 min more. 4. Garnish with remaining coconut.

Grilled Stuffed Apple Rings  1 large apple, cored  3 Tbsp quick cook oats  1 Tbsp finely chopped walnuts  3 Tbsp minced dried dates  1/4 tsp ground cinnamon  1/8 tsp kosher salt  1 Tbsp brown sugar  2 Tbsp melted butter 1. Slice apple into 4 equal rings. Place in single layer in MicroPro Grill, microwave 3 min with cover in Grill position. 2. In a small bowl, stir together remaining ingredients. Spoon into center of each apple ring and gently press filling with the back of spoon. 3. Microwave 3 min with cover in Grill position. Serve warm.

Photo by Sue Brimner

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Fish - Italian

Mulled Cider Poached Pears  2 pears, peeled and cored  1 cup apple cider  3 orange slices  2 Tbsp mulling spices 1. Cut pears in half lengthwise. 2. Place pears cut side down in MicroPro Grill. Add other ingredients. 3. Microwave 6 min with cover in Grill position. 4. Serve warm or at room temp.

Low Carb (Keto) Pizza & Crust

Crust 1. Blend well in Power Chef® with paddle  1 egg (beat by itself first)  4 oz cream cheese, room temp  1/8 cup grated parmesan cheese  1/2 tsp garlic powder  1/8 tsp ground black pepper 2. Spread in MicroPro Grill. Microwave 7 min with cover in Casserole position. Let rest 5 min. Toppings 3. Spread sauce on crust, add cheese and toppings.  1/4 cup pizza sauce  3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese  toppings as desired pepperoni, ham, sausage, mushrooms, bell pepper, onion, mushrooms, garlic powder, Italian Herb Seasoning, etc 4. Microwave 4 min in Casserole position.

Amy Elizabeth Corpas

Chile Honey-Glazed Salmon

1. Combine in Quick Shake for glaze  4 tsp Dijon mustard  1 Tbsp ancho chile powder  2 tsp Southwest Chipotle Seasoning  6 Tbsp duck sauce  1/4 cup honey 2. Season salmon  1/2 tsp coarse kosher salt  1/4 tsp pepper  2 8-oz center-cut salmon filets, with skin (optional) 3. Place salmon, skin down, in MicroPro Grill. Shake glaze, pour over salmon (reserve 1 Tbsp) covering all with glaze. 4. Microwave 5 min with cover in Grill position. 5. Serve garnished with remaining glaze.

Perfect Personal Pizza  1 mini pizza crust (6–7½”)  4–5 sun dried tomatoes  2–3 Tbsp pizza sauce  2–3 leaves fresh basil, chop roughly  6–8 mushroom slices  1 cup shredded mozzarella  TOPPINGS: pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers etc. 1. Microwave mushroom slices 4–5 min in MicroPro Grill with cover in grill position. 2. Place crust in Grill, add sauce and other ingredients. 3. Microwave 8–10 min with cover in Casserole position until cheese is melted and bottom has browned. 4. Let rest 5 min, remove from pan and cut.

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Pizza Crust in a Bowl

 1 3/4 cup flour*  3/4 tsp baking powder  3/4 tsp baking soda  2 Tbsp sugar  1/4 tsp salt  1/2 cup cheddar cheese - shredded  1/4 cup olive oil or melted butter**  2/3 cup hot water  Pepper to taste 1. Put the ingredients IN ORDER in a Thatsa® Jr bowl (12 cup or less). 2. Seal, burp, and shake til ball forms: shake side-to-side first then twist/flip. Have FUN! Divide dough in half. 3. Roll out flat or pat into MicroPro Grill with silicon spatula 4. Add desired toppings 5. Microwave 6-7 min with cover in Casserole position * or Self-Rising Flour - DO NOT use baking powder or soda ** Butter is a little sweeter than olive oil

Pizza Crust Yeast Dough 1.    2.    3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Combine and let sit 5 min 1 cup warm water 2 Tbsp sugar 1 Tbsp yeast Mix together, add to liquid 2 cup flour 1 tsp salt 2 Tbsp Italian Herb Seasoning Shape into ball, coat with oil, cover and let rise 1-2 hr until double Punch down, divide in half, cover, let rest 15 min Flatten dough, brush with oil, pierce with fork. Place in MicroPro Grill, go up sides just a little. Add toppings. Microwave in Casserole position Thin crust: 6-7 min (1/2 of recipe) Thicker crust: 10-12 min or to desired doneness

Sherry Ashberger

Retro Recipe Pull Apart Pizza Bread  1 pkg refrigerated pizza crust, cut into bites*  1 cup mozzarella cheese  1/2 cup parmesan cheese  1/2 an 8-oz pkg pepperoni minis  1/3 cup pizza sauce  1 Tbsp Italian Seasoning  1/4 tsp garlic powder 1. Mix all ingredients well in your favorite Tupperware bowl. Place loosely in MicroPro Grill. 2. Place cover in Casserole position. Microwave 9 minutes. NOTE: Check for doneness at 7-8 min then cook as needed. 3. Use a plastic spatula to remove to a serving plate and ENJOY! * or biscuits cut into quarters

Quick Pizza Methods 1. CHOOSE the crust of your choice. 2. Add your favorite toppings. 3. Microwave in the MicroPro Grill with cover in Casserole position.

Any fresh dough or bread rolls Add toppings 6-7 min each Leighana Wing Laura Orozco

6-7 1/2”mini pizza crust 1/2 can crescent dough Sprinkle Italian Seasoning Add toppings Cook crust 4 min. Rest 2 8- 10 minutes Flip. Add toppings Paula Price Cook 3 min more Jenny Brown Welker Joyce Seitz

NOTE: Quick FROZEN pizzas: try 6-8 min.

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Spaghetti Squash Lasagna

 1 medium spaghetti squash, cut in half,

remove seeds  2 pc Texas Garlic Toast, frozen  1/3 pkg Broccoli slaw or spinach  2-3 links Italian sausage  1 - 1 1/2 cup Ragu pasta sauce  1 8-oz pkg mozzarella pearls  Italian Herb Seasoning to taste 1. Microwave squash halves 8 min face down in UltraPro 2-Qt Square Pan. 2. Let cool slightly, use a fork to pull strands out of both halves. Squeeze liquid out with paper towels. 3. Microwave toast 3 min in MicroPro Grill with cover in Grill position. 4. Open up sausage into Grill, add slaw, cook 4 min in Grill position, stir, then grill 3 min more. 5. In Thatsa Bowl, mix squash, 1/2 of cheese, pasta sauce and seasoning. Add to grill. 6. Cook 4 min. Add remaining cheese, replace cover, let rest for cheese to melt.

Joyce Seitz Corn Chip Taco Casserole

 1 lb ground beef  1/2 yellow onion, chop in Chop ‘N Prep  Salt and pepper, to taste  2 Tbsp taco seasoning  1 cup salsa or enchilada sauce  1 4-oz can mild diced green chiles  1 cup refried beans  1 cup cooked rice  1 cup Mexican blend cheese  2 cup corn chips, divided

1. Break up ground beef in MicroPro Grill, sprinkle in chopped onion. Microwave 5-6 min with cover in Grill position. Drain drippings. 2. Stir in salt, pepper and taco seasoning. Stir in salsa and chiles. 3. Microwave in Casserole position 2 min. 4. Stir in rice and beans. Microwave in Casserole position 3 min. 5. Stir. Top with 1 cup chips and cheese. Microwave in Casserole position 2 min. 6. Serve hot with remaining chips


Chicken Quesadillas

 1 chorizo sausage, slice or break up  1 chicken breast, slice in strips lengthwise  1 sweet bell pepper  1/2 tsp coarse kosher salt  1/4 tsp black pepper  1 cup shredded cheese  4-6 6” tortillas 1. Season chicken with salt and pepper, center in MicroPro™ Grill, add chorizo and pepper. 2. Microwave with cover in Grill position at 70% power 7 min* or until chicken is no longer pink in center. Using oven mitts, drain excess liquid (place cover in casserole position, hold tightly, pour from side). Remove all and slice chicken into bite-sized pieces. 3. Fill a tortilla with meats, peppers and cheese. Fold in half and grill 2 at a time or place another tortilla on top for 1 whole flat one. With cover in casserole position, microwave on high power 4 min or until cheese is melted and tortilla is browned on top. *Tested in a 900W microwave. Adjust as needed.

Pam Callahan Fajitas in 7 Minutes 1. Cut into strips  2 chicken breasts  1 green pepper  1 red pepper  1 onion 2. Add to Season Serve then marinate 4 hr with  fajita seasoning  taco seasoning 3. Spread evenly in Micro Pro Grill. Microwave 5 min in grill position, stir, grill 2 min more

Melissa Helgeson

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Fish Tacos  2 8-oz Mahi fillets  2 tsp Southwest chipotle seasoning  1-2 tsp extra virgin olive oil  Tortillas Suggested toppings  1/2 cup cilantro, chop  1/4 red onion, chop  1 avocado, dice  4-5 radishes, chop finely  2 limes, cut into wedges 1. Rub seasoning onto Mahi fillets and drizzle with oil. 2. Microwave in MicroPro Grill with cover in grill position 3-4 min until opaque all the way through 3. Break into bite size pieces for tacos. Top as desired.

Grilled Taquitos 1. Blend in Power Chef® until thoroughly combined  4 oz cream cheese, room temperature  1 Tbsp Southwest Chipotle Seasoning  1 cup pepper jack cheese, shred  2 green onions, slice thinly  1/4 cup cilantro, chop in Chop ’N Prep™ 2. Place 2–3 Tbsp into each tortilla with 1 Tbsp beans and roll tightly to form taquito.  1 can black beans, rinse  12 small flour tortillas 3. Place taquitos in MicroPro Grill in grill position and cook 5 min. No butter is needed, but can be added for flavor. 4. Serve warm with salsa.

Homemade Crunchwraps

 6 burrito size flour tortillas  6 tostada shells*  1 cup sour cream  2 cup shredded lettuce  1 tomato, chop in Power Chef®  1 cup shredded cheese  Nacho cheese  OPT: hot sauce 1. In MicroPro Grill in Grill position, cook 6 min. Remove meat, wipe out grill. *Substitute Cheetos®  1 lb ground meat, broken up for tostada shells for a  1 Tbsp Southwest Chipotle Seasoning Cheetos® Crunchwrap!  1 onion, chop in Power Chef® 2. Add in this order to each large tortilla: 1/2 cup meat, nacho cheese, 1 tostada, sour cream, tomato, shredded lettuce, grated cheese, hot sauce. 3. Fold tortilla up around all. Grill 3 min or until golden brown. Makes 6.

Rachael Figueroa

Homemade Tortillas 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 tsp salt 3/4 cup water 3 Tbsp olive oil 1. In a large bowl, combine flour and salt. Stir in water and oil. Turn onto a floured surface; knead 10-12 times, adding a little flour or water to achieve a smooth dough. Let rest for 10 min. 2. Divide dough into eight portions. On a lightly floured surface, roll each into a 7” circle. 3. Microwave in MicroPro Grill for 3 min with cover in Casserole position. Flip, cook in grill position 1 min more. Additional tortillas are 1 min in Casserole position, flip, 1 min in Grill position. 4. Keep warm. Yield: 8 tortillas.    

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Impossible Taco Pie

 1 lb ground beef, break up  1/2 large onion, chop  1 small can green chiles, drain  2 Tbsp taco seasoning  2 eggs  1 cup milk  1/2 cup Bisquick  1 cup shredded cheese  Salsa  Sour cream 1. Brown meat with onion in MicroPro Grill 6 min with cover in Grill position. Drain liquid. Stir in seasoning and chiles. Sprinkle 1/2 cup cheese over all. 2. Mix eggs, milk and Bisquick in Quick Shake. Pour over all. 3. Microwave 12 min with cover in Casserole position. 4. Sprinkle 1/2 cup cheese over all. Microwave 3 min. Let rest 5 min before serving with salsa, sour cream any other favorite toppings.

Pasta Ranch & Chile Chicken Enchiladas

4 10” flour tortillas warmed 2 cups shredded chicken 1 1/2 cups shredded Mexican cheese 1/2 cup ranch dressing 1/4 cup sour cream 2 Tbsp diced green chiles 19 oz enchilada sauce 1. Combine chicken, 3/4 cup cheese, dressing, sour cream and green chiles. Divide mixture and roll in tortillas. 2. Place tortillas seam side down in MicroPro Grill. Spoon enchilada sauce over top and sprinkle on remaining cheese. 3. Microwave 5-6 min with cover in Casserole position.       

Elena DeBeau Tostadas  4 6” tortillas  4 tsp extra virgin olive oil  1 cup refried beans  1 cup shredded cheese  OPT: meat of choice  salsa, avocado, lettuce 1. Brush each tortilla with olive oil on both sides. Microwave 1st tortilla 2 min with cover in Grill position. Flip, grill another min or until crispy. 2. Repeat but since grill is warm, grill 1 min on each side or until crispy. 3. Top each with beans, cheese and meat if desired. 4. Microwave each tostada 1 min in Casserole position to melt cheese. 5. Add toppings as desired.

15-Minute Lasagna

1. Cook in Pasta Maker  6 oven-ready lasagna noodles 2. Brown in Stack Cooker 6 min  1 lb ground beef 3. Grate with Grate Master Shredder  2 cup mozzarella cheese 4. Add to grated cheese  1 1/2 cup ricotta cheese 5. Make TWO layers in the MicroPro Grill, starting with sauce  2 cup spaghetti sauce 4 -- 1/4-1/3 of cheese mixture 3 -- half of ground beef 2 -- 2 noodles 1 -- 1/2-2/3 cup spaghetti sauce 6. Top with 2 noodles then rest of sauce and cheese on top 7. Microwave 15 min with cover in Casserole position 8. Let rest 5 min before serving

Alex Lee Barr

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Baked Ziti 1. In Pasta Maker, microwave 10 min until al dente. Strain, set aside.  2 cup penne noodles  6 cup water  1 tsp coarse kosher salt 2. Remove casings and break apart into MicroPro Grill  2 Italian sausage links 3. Microwave 5 min with cover in Grill position. Break up with spatula. 4. In a medium bowl, mix sausage and cooked noodles with  2 cup marinara sauce  1 cup shredded mozzarella 5. Place in MicroPro Grill and top with  2 cup shredded mozzarella 6. Microwave 6-8 min with cover in Casserole position until heated through and cheese is bubbly.

Bacon Grilled by the Pound  1 lb bacon 1. Roll each slice of bacon and place in the MicroPro Grill, 3 columns and 5 rows, up to 15 slices. 2. Place cover in Casserole position: a. Microwave 6 min. Drain drippings. b. Flip, cook 3 min for “floppy” slices that can be unrolled*. c. Flip again, cook 3 min more for crispy.

Pork 1.   

Quick MicroBaked Lasagna

Combine in large bowl 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1/2 lb ground beef 1/2 cup each, minced carrot, eggplant, onion, green bell pepper  3 garlic cloves, crushed  1 1/2 tsp cornstarch  1/2 tsp coarse kosher salt 2. Microwave mixture 6 min in MicroPro™ Grill with cover in the grill position. 3. Transfer back to bowl and stir in 4. Combine in separate bowl  1 cup ricotta cheese  1 egg, lightly beaten  1/4 tsp coarse kosher salt 7. Repeat layers then top with 1/2 cup 5. Spread in grill: tomato sauce. Microwave 5 min with  1/4 cup tomato sauce cover in casserole position.  3 no-boil lasagna noodles, 8. Top with cheese, cover and let sit 10 overlap as needed min before slicing 6. Add in layers:  1/2 cup shredded mozzarella  1/2 of cheese mixture  1/2 of meat mixture  3/4 cup shredded mozzarella  3 no-boil lasagna noodles

Grilled Country Style Pork Ribs h 2 lb country style ribs h BBQ sauce of your choice 1. Add ribs in single layer to MicroPro Grill. 2. Microwave 15 min in Grill position. 3. Turn, microwave 15 min in Grill position. 4. Drain liquid, cover in BBQ sauce, then microwave in Casserole position 10 min.

* OPT: Unroll several at a time and cook 3 min for flat crispy slices

Judith Frace

Kathy Herrera Briggs

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Balsamic Potatoes  2 medium potatoes  2-3 Tbsp Balsamic salad dressing 1. Slice potatoes to 1/4” thick. 2. Place potato slices in Thatsa Bowl. Add salad dressing. Seal and burp bowl then shake well to cover potatoes thoroughly. 3. Place potatoes in single layer in MicroPro Grill. Microwave 6 min with cover in Grill position. Flip potatoes, grill 3 min more.

Sue Brimner Grilled Potatoes and Asparagus 1. Mix together in Thatsa Medium Bowl I 1 bag 28-oz petit red potatoes I 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil I 1/2 tsp Italian Seasoning Blend 2. Place potatoes in MicroPro Grill . With cover in Grill position, microwave 12 min. 3. Add to same bowl, toss to season with remaining oil and seasoning. I 1 bunch asparagus 4. Add asparagus on top of potatoes in the grill. 5. Microwave 3 min more with cover in Casserole position.


Easy Tater Tot Hot Dish

 16 oz ground turkey or beef  1/2 onion, chop in Chop N Prep  1 pkg Lipton onion soup mix  1 can cream of onion soup  1 cup cheese  1/2 can French cut green beans  1 bag tater tots 1. Break up meat in MicroPro Grill and microwave 5 min with cover in Casserole position. Drain drippings. 2. Mix onion with meat in grill. 3. Layer ingredients: Sprinkle onion soup mix on meat then pour on drained green beans. Spread cream of onion soup, add cheese and cover with tater tots. 4. Press entire mixture down a bit. Place cover in Casserole position and microwave 14 minutes. 5. Let stand 4 minutes before serving.

Sarah Rose & Rich Brynteson Hash Brown Casserole Copycat

1. Mix well in a medium-large bowl  1/2 cup chopped onions  2 cup sour cream  1 can cream of chicken soup*  1/2 cup butter, room temp  Salt and pepper 2. Fold into mixture  1 pkg (32oz) frozen hashbrowns (thaw) 3. Spread HALF in MicroPro Grill 4. Microwave in Casserole position 15 min. (Check progress at 10 min; adjust time as necessary ) 5. Top with  1 cup sharp cheddar cheese 6. Microwave in Casserole position 2 min more. 7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for other half of mixture. * For super cheesy with a kick, use Nacho Cheese Soup!

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1.  2. 3.       4. 5.   6. 7.

JalapeñoTater Popper Casserole

Layer in MicroPro Grill, only over susceptor plate (not in drain area) Frozen tater tots Microwave 10 min in Grill position, flip halfway. Mix together 1 lb cream cheese 1 cup sour cream 1 lb bacon, cooked, chopped (less 1/2 cup) 4-6 jalapenos, chopped 2 cup Mexican blend cheese 6 green onions, sliced Spread 1/2 of mixture loosely over tater tots. Microwave 3-4 min. Top with 1/2 cup cheese 1/4 cup bacon Microwave 2-3 min in Casserole position to melt cheese. Repeat for a second batch.

Loaded Potato Planks

 2 slices bacon  1 large russet potato, scrubbed  1/4 tsp kosher salt  1/4 cup sour cream  1/2 cup shredded Cheddar  2 Tbsp thinly sliced green onion 1. Cut potato in half lengthwise. 2. Set Mandoline round knob to #2, triangular knob to “lock” and select the straight v-shaped blade insert. Slice 4 1/4" potato planks. Set aside. 3. Microwave bacon 3 min in MicroPro™ Grill with cover in grill position. Set bacon aside, crumble when cool. 4. Sprinkle potatoes with salt. Microwave 3 min in MicroPro™ Grill with cover in casserole position. Flip then microwave 3 min or to desired doneness in Grill position. 5. Garnish potatoes as desired. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Loaded Baked Potato Rounds

 8 strips bacon  5-6 baby red potatoes  2 cup shredded cheddar cheese  3 Tbsp chopped chives  Kosher salt 1. Microwave bacon in MicroPro Grill with cover in Grill position for 4 min. Flip and cook 2-3 min until crispy. Crumble and set aside. Reserve drippings. 2. Slice potatoes into 1/4” thick rounds, dip in bacon drippings and place in grill in a single layer. 3. Microwave potato slices in Grill position for 5min. Flip, cook 4 min. 4. Top with cheese, bacon and chives. Cook 2 min in Casserole position until cheese is melted. Serve warm, finger-food style.

Parmesan Roasted Potatoes

1. Place in MicroPro Grill, spread with paper towel  1 Tbsp olive oil 2. Whisk together in a small bowl  1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grate  3/4 tsp salt  3/4 tsp freshly ground pepper  1/2 tsp garlic powder  1/2 tsp onion powder  1/2 tsp dried oregano  1/4 tsp paprika  1/8 tsp chili powder  Sprinkle evenly over oil in Grill 3. Press down gently in single layer into cheese mixture  1 1/2 lb baby potatoes, halved 4. Microwave 8-10 min until potatoes are fork tender and cheese is golden and crispy. Let cool 5-10 min 5. DIP: whisk together in Power Chef®. Refrigerate until ready to use.  1/2 cup sour cream  1-2 Tbsp lemon juice  Fresh chives, finely chopped 6. Serve hot, drizzled with dip and more chives.

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Scalloped Potatoes


 5-6 med potatoes, peeled or not  1 med onion  Onion Powder  Salt & pepper  2 cups marbled cheese, shredded  1 1/2 cup milk  3 Tbsp flour  2 Tbsp butter, melted 1. Set mandoline to #3 and slice potatoes and onion. 2. Make 3-4 layers in MicroPro Grill: potatoes, onions, spices, cheese. 3. In Quick Shake Container measure and shake up milk, flour, butter. Pour over layers in grill. 4. Microwave 7 min with cover in Casserole position. Stir. Microwave another 8-10 min. Check for doneness, microwave more if needed.

Gabriela Mehrer Buffalo Chicken Grilled Cheese

1/2 cup cooked, shredded chicken 1 Tbsp sour cream 1 1/2 Tbsp buffalo wings sauce 1/4 tsp garlic powder 1/4 tsp dried basil 2 slices bread 1 Tbsp unsalted butter 2 slices pepper jack cheese, or your preferred cheese 1. In a bowl, stir together chicken, sour cream, wing sauce, garlic powder, and basil until all ingredients are combined. 2. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 3. Place one slice of bread, butter side down in MicroPro Grill. Layer one slice of cheese, the buffalo chicken mixture, the other slice of cheese, and other slice of bread with butter up. 4. Place cover in Casserole position and microwave 3 min. Flip sandwich, microwave in GRILL position 1-2 min, to desired doneness.        

Tater-Tot Hotdish

1. Brown for 6 min with cover in CASSEROLE position. Drain liquid.  1 lb hamburger, broken up  1 Tbsp dehydrated onion  1 Tbsp Mrs Dash  1 Tbsp garlic salt  1 tsp curry powder 2. Layer over meat  1/2 can green beans, drained  1/2 can corn, drained  1 can cream of mushroom soup  1/2 bag tater tots 3. Cook with cover in CASSEROLE position for an additional 15 min. ** This is the perfect quick meal on a busy night! **

Jody Pieles Cajun Chicken Pita Pockets  1/2 chicken breast, cut into thin slices  1/2 avocado  2 Tbsp Greek yogurt  1 whole wheat pita bread  1/4 cup shredded cheese  Mixed green leaves 1. Microwave pita 2 min in MicroPro Grill with cover in Grill position. 2. Season chicken breast with Cajun seasoning 3. Microwave 2-4 min in MicroPro Grill with cover in Grill position. 4. In a small bowl mix avocado and yogurt 5. Cut pita in half, open like a pouch, spread avocado mix inside. Add a little cheese, cooked chicken and a little mixed greens. 6. Microwave filled pita 1-2 min in Grill position.

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Cheesy Apple Panini  2 slices hearty sandwich bread  1 Tbsp unsalted butter  3 slices provolone cheese  1/2 granny smith apple, sliced 1. Butter one side of each piece bread 2. Place 1 slice, butter down, in MicroPro Grill. 3. Lay cheese slices on bread. 4. Lay apple slices over cheese. 5. Top with other slice bread, butter up. 6. Microwave 3 min with cover in Grill position. Flip, microwave 1 min more with cover in Grill position.

Easy BBQ Chicken Sliders 1. Microwave 6 min in MicroPro Grill with cover in Grill position.  2 chicken breasts or 4-6 tenders  Seasonings as desired but not salt 2. After cooling 5 min, chop and blend well in Power Chef®  Cooked chicken, cut up  1 small can crushed pineapple  1/2 bottle BBQ sauce 3. Serve hot over  1 pkg Kings Hawaiian rolls

Beth Scott Grilled Cheese Rollups

Grilled Cheese French Toast With Bacon aka Monte Cristo

 2 large eggs  1/3 cup buttermilk or low-fat milk  6 slices white bread  3 slices American cheese  OPT: 3 slices crispy bacon, slice in half  OPT: syrup or raspberry jam, garnish 1. Mix eggs with buttermilk. 2. Dip 2 slices bread in egg mixture. Microwave 3 min* in MicroPro Grill with cover in Casserole position. 3. Flip bread, place bacon if desired and 1 slice cheese over one then stack other on top. 4. Microwave in grill position 1-2 min to desired doneness. Repeat for remaining bread. 5. Garnish with Syrup or raspberry jam if desired. * only 1 to 1 1/2 min after first time

   1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Slices of sandwich bread Slices of cheese 1/2-1 stick butter, melted Trim crusts off bread Roll each FLAT (1/8”) Add a slice of cheese Roll up! Roll in melted butter. Place in MicroPro Grill Microwave in Grill setting 2 min, turn each min until done, 4-5 min Dip in tomato soup, ranch, marinara or whatever you like!

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Leftover Pot Roast Patty Melt

1. In MicroPro Grill, microwave 3 min with cover in Grill position, stir.  1 1/2 Tbsp butter  1 medium onion, slice thinly  4 oz button mushrooms, slice 2. Add in, cook 2 more min, set aside.  1 garlic clove, mince  Salt and pepper 3. Butter 1 side of each slice  4 slices of sturdy bread 4. Place 2 slices, butter side down, in the Grill. 5. Layer onto each: 1 slice cheese, 1/2 cup pot roast, 1/2 of veggie mixture, 1slice cheese, then another slice of bread with butter side up.  4 slices Colby Cheese  1 cup leftover pot roast 6. Microwave 3 min in Grill position, flip sandwiches, grill 1 min more. 7. Mix together for sauce for patty melts  1/2 cup mayonnaise  3 Tbsp steak sauce  1 dash Worcestershire sauce

Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches

 1 lb shaved deli roast beef*  1 green bell pepper  1/2 white onion  provolone cheese slices  4 sub rolls 1. Slice peppers and onions 2. Preheat grill with a slice of bread for 2 min 3. Microwave half of meat & veggies in grill position for 6 min, drained liquid, grill 2 min more 4. Put cheese in buns then meat & veggies on top 5. For more cheese, place slices on top, put back in for 1 min (will melt and slightly brown the cheese)

* or use ribeye steak, sliced very thin (against the grain). Cook longer as needed.

Karen Vining Vines

Nutella Marshmallow Grill    

2 slices bread 2 Tbsp butter 3-4 Tbsp Nutella 1/2 cup mini marshmallows or 2-3 Tbsp marshmallow fluff 1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Spread Nutella on plain side of one slice, put butter side down into MicroPro Grill 3. Place marshmallows in rows on top of Nutella (or spread with fluff). 4. Spread Nutella on other slice of bread and place over marshmallows or fluff. 5. Microwave with cover in Grill position for 3 min. Flip, 1 min more. NOTE: if grill is already warm, it may take just 1 min per side. Always adjust times according to your own microwave.

Sarah Joyner Burrell Raspberry & Chocolate Grilled Cheese  2 slices sourdough bread  1 Tbsp butter, softened  3 slices Brie cheese  2 chocolate squares  4–5 raspberries, sliced 1. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 2. Place bread buttered side down in MicroPro™ Grill. Microwave 3 min with cover in grill position. 3. Place cheese and chocolate on one slice bread in. Top with raspberries and place remaining slice on top, butter side up. 4. Microwave in grill position 1 additional minute

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BBQ Chicken Sliders 1. Slice in half without breaking apart  9 dinner rolls 2. Layer in MicroPro Grill:  Bottom half of rolls  2 1/4 cup cooked chicken, shredded  1/4 cup BBQ sauce  1/3 red onion loosely chopped  4 slices pepper jack cheese  3 Tbsp parsley, sprinkle over all  Top half of rolls 3. Brush tops with  2 Tbsp butter, melted 4. Microwave in Casserole position 3-4 min*. Cut apart. * unheated grill

Cheeseburger Sliders

1. Mix together, flatten in bottom of Grill.  2 lb lean ground beef  1 tsp salt  1/4 tsp pepper  2 tsp garlic powder 2. Microwave in Grill position 5 min. Drain drippings, flip carefully, grill 2-3 min longer to desired doneness. 3. Remove, wipe out Grill with paper towels. 4. Slice in half without breaking apart  9 dinner rolls 5. Layer in Grill:  Bottom half of rolls  1/2 onion, chopped  4 slices cheddar cheese  Top half of rolls 6. Brush tops with butter and sprinkle on sesame seeds  2 Tbsp butter, melted  1/2 tsp sesame seeds 7. Microwave in Casserole position 2 min. Cut apart.

Breakfast Sliders 1. Break in a medium bowl and whisk  9 eggs  1/4 cup milk  salt and pepper to taste 2. Pour into MicroPro Grill, microwave 4 min in Casserole position, stir, then 3 min more. Remove from grill and set aside. 3. Slice in half without breaking apart  9 dinner rolls 4. Layer in MicroPro Grill:  Bottom half of rolls  Scrambled eggs  Slices of ham to cover  4 slices white cheddar cheese  3 oz spinach  Top half of rolls 5. Brush tops with  2 Tbsp butter, melted  Sprinkle on black pepper 6. Microwave in Casserole position 2 min. Cut apart.

Chicken Parmesan Sliders 1. Slice in half without breaking apart  9 dinner rolls 2. Layer in MicroPro Grill:  Bottom half of rolls  2 1/4 cup cooked chicken, broken up  1/3 cup marinara  4 mozzarella slices  1/4 cup fresh basil, roughly chopped  Top half of rolls 3. Combine and brush tops with  1/2 cup butter, melted  3 garlic cloves, minced  2 Tbsp basil, finely chopped  2 Tbsp grated parmesan cheese 4. Microwave in Casserole position 3-4 min*. Cut apart. * unheated grill

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Soups, Vegetarian

Sloppy Joe Grilled Cheese

1. Break up meat in MicroPro Grill, add onion and garlic.  1 lb ground beef  1 small white onion, chopped  2 cloves garlic, minced 2. Microwave 5-6 min with cover in Grill position. Stir, break up, drain. 3. Stir in, cook 5 min in Casserole position. Set aside, wipe out Grill.  1/2 cup ketchup  1/3 cup brown sugar  2 Tbsp mustard  1 Tbsp chili powder  salt and pepper 4. Layer in Grill: bread, cheese, meat mixture, bread  8 slices sandwich bread (such as sourdough)  2 cup cheddar shredded 5. Microwave 3 min in Casserole position. Flip, cook 1-2 min in Grill position. 6. Repeat with remaining ingredients.

Chicken Tortilla Soup 1. Microwave 8 min in MicroPro Grill with cover in Grill position. Flip halfway.  4 med chicken breasts  Seasoning to taste 2. Microwave 6-7 min in Stack Cooker 3-Qt Casserole, until comes to a boil.  2 cans chicken broth  1 can diced tomatoes & green chilies  1 can whole kernel corn, drained  1 Tbsp Cumin  1/4-1/2 tsp Pepper 3. Cut chicken into pieces and tortillas into strips. Add to Stack Cooker, microwave 5 min.  2-3 corn tortillas 4. Garnish as desired  Avocado slices  Shredded cheese  Cilantro chopped  Green onion chopped

Patricia Austin Black Bean Burgers

 1 15-oz can black beans  1red bell pepper  OPT: 1/2 red onion  2 Tbsp cilantro  3/4 cup breadcrumbs*  1/2 tsp garlic powder  1tsp cumin  4 tsp Lime juice  Salt and pepper to taste 1. Coarsely process beans in Power Chef® fitted with blades. Add 2- 3 tsp water if necessary for pulling. Set aside in small bowl. 2. In Power Chef, finely chop veggies. Add to bean mixture. 3. Stir in remaining ingredients. Divide into four equal patties. 4. In MicroPro Grill, place cover on top of patties in grill position 5. Microwave on high power 8 min, flip, microwave an additional 2 min 6. Now that Grill is hot, microwave remaining patties 6 min, flip, 2 min Serve with Smoky Chipotle Mayo. * for Gluten-Free, use any gluten-free flour: such as oat, brown rice, almond, coconut, etc.

Smoky Chipotle Mayo 1 cup mayo 2 tsp lime juice 1/2 - 3/4 tsp Southwest Chipotle 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/4 tsp smoked paprika 1/4 tsp pepper 1/8-1/4 tsp salt 1. Use a Quick Chef or Power Chef® fitted with paddle to combine and mix thoroughly. Store in fridge for up to one week. An excellent complement to Black Bean Burgers       

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Crispy Glazed Tofu

1. Press between paper towels 15 min  7 oz extra-firm tofu 2. Cut tofu into 3/4” cubes 3. Whisk together  2 Tbsp plum sauce  1 1/2 Tbsp ketchup  1 Tbsp soy sauce  1 1/2 tsp rice wine 4. Microwave in grill position 3 min. Transfer to plate. Wipe pan dry.  1/2 tsp canola oil  2 green onions, cut into 1” pcs  1 tsp garlic minced  1 tsp fresh ginger minced 5. Grill 2 to 3 min. Stir, repeat until brown on all sides.  Pressed tofu in single layer  1 tsp coconut oil 6. Add sauce, stir gently to coat all. Grill 1 to 2 min. 7. Sprinkle with  1/2 tsp toasted sesame seeds

Veggies 1.      2.  

Chef Mike's Curried Pumpkin with Blue Cheese and Pecans

Blend well in a small bowl. Set aside* 1 tsp Garam Masala 1 tsp curry powder (hot or mild) 3/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper OPT: 1/4 tsp hot chili powder Rub some oil in palms, rub pumpkin pcs to coat with oil. 2-3 Tbsp coconut or salad oil (NOT olive oil) 1 small sugar pumpkin or butternut squash (~1 1/2 lb)  peel, halve, deseed, slice into 1” half rings 3. Sprinkle spices evenly over both sides of pumpkin. 4. Place slices in single layer in MicroPro Grill, sprinkle evenly with  2-3 garlic cloves, peel and slice thinly 5. Microwave in Casserole position 8 min. Turn slices over, stir garlic; cook in GRILL position an additional 5-6 min. 6. Transfer to serving dish , sprinkle evenly over top  1/3 cup crumbled blue cheese (Gorgonzola for me!)  1/4-1/3 cup toasted pecan halves * Put in any Tupper Shaker for easy sprinkling

Chef Mike McCurdy Fall Veggie Seasoning Mix 1. Chop veggies to same size for even cooking. Suggested:  butternut squash  onions  Brussels sprouts  apple 2. Spread out evenly in MicroPro Grill*. 3. Whisk together in a small bowl then drizzle over veggies  2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil  1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar  1 Tbsp brown sugar  1/2 tsp cinnamon  1/2 tsp curry powder 4. Microwave with cover in Casserole position 6 min. Stir/flip, cook in Grill position 6 min or to desired doneness.

No Oil Fried Eggplant  1 baby eggplant, 1.5 to 2.5” diameter  2 eggs, scrambled  1 cup bread or cracker crumbs* 1. Slice eggplant into 1/4” rounds^. Pat dry. 2. Dip/coat in egg. 3. Dip in crumbs. Lay in MicroPro Grill. 4. Microwave with cover in Grill position 3 1/2 min. Flip and grill 3 min. 5. Serve with Southwest Chipotle Dip * Chop with Power Chef. ^ Slice with Mandoline. Gluten-free crumbs work very well.

* Do not overfill. Be sure the cover can still sit firmly on the sides of the grill.

Ellen Annis

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Stuffed Green Pepper Rings

P 4 green peppers U 2 lb lean ground beef U 1 sweet onion, chop finely U 1 Tbsp wet minced garlic U 3/4 cup white rice, cooked U 1/3 cup tomato or pasta sauce U 1 tsp Italian Herb Seasoning U 1/2 tsp black pepper

1. Slice tops/bottoms off peppers, remove seeds. Slice into 3/4-1” rings. 2. Mix remaining ingredients and set aside. 3. Run hot tap water over the top and bottom of the MicroPro Grill to warm it; dry thoroughly. Lightly brush with olive oil. Set 4 rings in the MicroPro Grill and stuff with meat mixture. 4. Microwave 5 min with cover in Casserole position. Drain drippings. Cook 5 min in grill position. Peppers are cooked but slightly firm. 5. Spoon sauce on each. Remove and repeat.

 Grill Position: to grill paninis, grilled cheese, burgers, chicken, fish Place the cover DOWN, INSIDE the grill, directly ON TOP of food.

 Casserole Position: for casseroles, cobblers, enchiladas and more Place the cover UP on the SIDES of the grill, AWAY from food.

Sue Brimner Recipe:

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    

1 1/4 cups granulated sugar 1/4 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup ground cinnamon 1 tsp coarse kosher salt 1 vanilla bean, cut in half lengthwise or 3 Tbsp vanilla powder

1. Combine ingredients in Counterscaping Dry Container, shake to combine then seal. 2. Store up to 6 months. Makes approximately 2 cups

          

Zest of 6 limes Zest of 2 lemons 4 Tbsp dried cilantro leaves 3 Tbsp garlic powder 3 Tbsp onion powder 3 Tbsp dried oregano 2 Tbsp ground thyme 2 Tbsp coarse kosher salt 1 Tbsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground black pepper 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 1. In Power Chef® fitted with blade, blend zest and salt. Let stand 10 min. 2. Add remaining ingredients and pull cord 10-12 times to combine. 3. Store in Counterscaping Dry Container up to 3 months.

     

9 Tbsp ground cumin 5 Tbsp onion powder 4 Tbsp coarse kosher salt 2 1/2 Tbsp smoked paprika 1 1/2 Tbsp garlic powder 2 1/2 Tbsp chipotle powder or chili powder  2 1/2 Tbsp dried cilantro  2 1/2 Tbsp granulated sugar 1. Combine ingredients in Counterscaping Dry Container, shake to combine then seal. 2. Store up to 6 months. Makes approximately 2 cups

      

10 Tbsp dried oregano 5 Tbsp dried basil 5 Tbsp dried parsley 7 1/2 Tbsp onion powder 4 Tbsp garlic powder 5 tsp coarse kosher salt 5 tsp crushed red pepper

1. Combine ingredients in Counterscaping Dry Container, shake to combine then seal. 2. Store up to 6 months Makes approximately 2 cups

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 1/2 cups cocoa  1 1/2 cups sugar

1. Combine ingredients in Counterscaping Dry Container, shake to combine then seal. 2. Store up to 6 months. Makes approximately 2 cups

       

1 Tbsp dried cilantro 1 Tbsp ground cumin 1 Tbsp ground turmeric 1 Tbsp garlic powder 1 Tbsp kosher salt 2 tsp Mexican oregano 1 tsp ground black pepper OPT: 1/2 Tbsp lime zest

1. Combine ingredients in Counterscaping Dry Container, shake to combine then seal. 2. Store up to 6 months. Makes approximately 3/4 cup

     

3/4 cup dried minced onion 1/2 cup black pepper 1/4 cup coarse kosher salt 6 Tbsp garlic powder 3 Tbsp caraway seeds 1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes

1. Combine ingredients in Counterscaping Dry Container, shake to combine and seal. 2. Store up to 6 months. Makes approximately 2 cups

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MicroPro Grill Cooking Guide Food

Qty, Instructions

Asparagus 1 pkg or bundle Bacon Single layer 4-5 strips Bacon, Center Cut Single layer Bacon, Turkey Single layer Bacon-Wrapped Cheeseburger 1 burger Beef, ground with onions 1 lb Bell Peppers 2, sliced Biscuits from frozen 4-6 Biscuits from mix 7-8 Biscuits, refrigerated 5-8 Brats Single layer Brats from Frozen Single layer Bread, Frozen Garlic Cheese Single layer Broccoli, fresh Florets in single layer Brussel Sprouts, raw Cut in half, single layer Brussel Sprouts, whole raw Single layer, oil, seasonings Cake, box mix 1/2 mix, made per directions Cauliflower, raw Single layer Cherry Tomatoes 1 pint Chicken Breast Full size Chicken Breast, breaded Cut in half, egg & crumbs Chicken Breast, butterfly Hand-breaded, single layer Chicken Nuggets, frozen Single layer


MicroPro Grill Cooking Guide Position

5-6 min 5-6 min, flip halfway 8 min, flip halfway 6 min, flip halfway 5 min, flip, 4 min 8-9 min, stir halfway 4-6 min 5-7 1/2 min 6 min 6 min, flip at 4 min 6 min, flip halfway 11 min, flip every 3-4 min 3 min 10 min flip halfway 5 min 12 min, flip every 3-4 min 7-8 min 5 min 3-5 min 10 min, flip halfway 8-9 min, flip halfway 8 min, flip halfway 5 min, flip, 4-5 min

grill grill grill casserole grill grill grill casserole casserole casserole grill grill grill grill grill grill casserole grill grill grill grill grill grill


Qty, Instructions

NOTE: Grill is NOT preheated unless otherwise noted


Qty, Instructions Single layer 2 6-oz filets Single layer, drain at halfway 1 1/2 - 2 lbs Single layer Box mix Small amount coconut oil Baste lightly with BBQ sauce Single layer 1 medium, sliced 1 sandwich Crescent dough crust 2 Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer (thawed) Single layer(thawed) 1 pound


Position grill grill grill casserole casserole casserole grill grill grill grill grill grill grill casserole grill grill grill grill grill grill casserole grill

NOTE: Grill is NOT preheated unless otherwise noted

MicroPro Grill Cooking Guide Kale Chips Mahi, fresh Meatballs, freshly made Meatloaf, freshly made Mozzarella Sticks, frozen Muffin Mix, Apple Cinnamon Mushrooms, grilled sliced Mushroom, Portobello Burger Mushrooms, Stuffed Onions, grilled Panini Pizza, calzone, homemade Pizza, English muffin crust Pizza, frozen Pizza, leftover Pizza, Naan (flatbread) crust Pizza, premade crust Pizza, tortilla crust Pizza, with Fresh Dough Pizza Rolls/Bites, frozen Pork Chops, thin or butterfly Pork Chops, thick bone-in Pork Tenderloin


Chicken Tenders, frozen 10 pcs single layer 15 min, flip halfway Chicken Tenderloins, raw Single layer 5 min, flip, 2-3 min Chicken Thighs, raw bone-in Single layer 17 min, flip halfway Cinnamon Rolls, refrigerated* Single layer 5-6 min * some people did 5-6 min casserole position then 1 min grill position Cookies, fresh or refrigerated 4 4-5 min Crescent Rolls Single layer 6-7 min, flip halfway Crispy Crowns, frozen Single layer 6 min, flip halfway Eggplant 4 slices 4 min, flip, 1 min Egg Rolls, frozen 2 5 min, flip halfway Fajitas With peppers and onions 8 min, stir halfway Fish Sticks, frozen Single layer, preheated 6 min, flip halfway French Bread 1 1/2-2” thick slices 4 min, flip, 1 min French Fries, frozen Single layer 14 min, flip occasionally French Fries, loaded, frozen Add cheese, bacon bits, onion 6 min French Toast Sticks, frozen Single layer 8 min, flip halfway Garlic Toast, Texas, frozen Single layer 5 min, flip after 3 min Hamburger Patties, fresh Single layer 4 min, flip, drain,4 min Hamburger Patties, frozen Single layer, preheated 6-7 min, flip after 4 min Hashbrowns, frozen Drain when flipped halfway 8 min, flip halfway Hot Dogs 4, pierced 3 min Hot Dogs, Pigs in a Blanket Flattened biscuit dough 6 min, flip after 4min Jalapeño Poppers, homemade Bacon-wrapped, single layer 15 min, flip occasionally

MicroPro Grill Cooking Guide Position

8 min, flip halfway 3-5 min 8-10 min, flip halfway 10-12 min 4 1/2 min 8 min 6-7 min, stir halfway 7 min, flip/baste at 4 min 9 min 5-8 min 3-4 min, flip halfway 7 min 6 min 6 min 4-6 min 4-6 min 6-8 min 6-8 min 6-8 min 6-7 min 7 min, flip midway 10-12 min, flip once or twice 15 min, flip halfway

casserole grill grill casserole casserole casserole grill grill casserole grill grill casserole casserole casserole casserole casserole casserole casserole casserole grill grill grill grill

NOTE: Grill is NOT preheated unless otherwise noted


Qty, Instructions



Potatoes, red Potatoes, sliced Pot Stickers, frozen Pumpkin Seeds, fresh

3-4, halved 12-16 min grill With other veggies 8-10 min, flip occasionally grill Single layer 4 min, flip halfway grill Single layer, oil, seasonings 20 min, stir every 5 min cass/grill Casserole 10-15 min, grill last Ravioli, frozen Single layer 7 min grill Salmon 2 8-oz filets 5 min grill SausageBreakfastLinks,frozen Single layer 10 min, flip halfway grill SausageBreakfastPatties,frozen Single layer 8 min, flip halfway grill Sausage Links 4, pierced 15 min, flip halfway grill Sausage, Smoked like kielbasa Split, lay out halved 8 min, flip halfway grill Shrimp, thawed Remove moisture, single layer 3-5 min grill S’Mores Single layer 3-4 min casserole Squash, Butternut Cubes, single layer 12 min, stir halfway grill Steak, thin, no bone Single layer 2-4 min each side grill Sweet Potatoes, bite-size cubes Single layer 12 min, stir halfway grill Tater Tots, frozen Single layer 15-20 min, flip halfway grill Tuna, fresh Single layer 4 min grill Vegetables, various, grilled Cut same size, single layer Strips, 6 min. Bites, 13 min grill Wings, frozen Single layer 10 min grill Zucchini 4-5 strips, 1/2-3/4” thick 4 min, flip, 1 min grill NOTE: Grill is NOT preheated unless otherwise noted

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