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Your Ultimate Resource for Buying a Franchise
Franchising is an attractive and powerful way for Canadians to make their business dreams become reality and achieve success as small business owners. It’s a popular way of doing business, because it offers business owners the advantage of a proven concept, as well as various kinds of support through the franchise system. Franchisees can be in business for themselves, but with the support and assistance of a franchisor, the advantage of the system’s past success, and access to the knowledge and experience of a network of franchisee peers. Whether it’s brand recognition from an established franchise system, a successful concept, or proprietary products or services, being a part of a franchise system brings advantages that you just don’t get when starting a business from scratch. That’s why we say that franchising is about sharing success: the success of a franchisee leads to the further success of the franchisor and the franchise system as a whole. Joining a franchise system also gives you a network of peers upon whose knowledge and experience you can draw. Even with this end goal in mind, the road to owning a business can seem overwhelming when you’re just taking your first steps. So where to start? As you embark on a career in franchising, we’ve assembled the resources you need to make an informed investment decision.
The Franchise Guide takes you through the path to making a franchise purchase, finding your franchise fit, understanding franchise finance fundamentals, and conducting proper due diligence. You’ll also find a handy checklist of questions to ask the franchisor and other franchisees to ensure you find the right opportunity for you. So read on, and learn how to take your first steps on your franchise journey!