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2.4 How are others do?




Chapter 4 Design opportunity

Summing up from the above research chapters, let us define the design goal and interaction vision for the next design phase . In this chapter, the design goal, interaction vision and design direction are elaborated .

4.1 Design goal

To enhance overseas student’s awareness of bodily autonomy and provide a strategy in coping with sexual harassment through a knowledgeable and amusing interactive workshop at the beginning of their study in the Netherlands.

From the insights concluded from previous chapters, newcomers arriving in the Netherlands are relatively vulnerable to sexual harassment. However, on the other hand, a perpetrator can wrongly connect personal dignity with a success rate of pursuing - resulting in the low acceptance of rejection from victims. To diminish the problem of sexual harassment on campus, it is necessary to raise both sides’ awareness of their bodily autonomy and respect individuals’ interpersonal space - considering cultural influences. Therefore, the design goal was formulated: “To enhance overseas student’s awareness of bodily autonomy and provide a strategy in coping with sexual harassment through a knowledgeable and amusing interactive workshop at the beginning of their study in the Netherlands.” The overseas students, who study in the Netherlands since university, are generally more vulnerable and risker in sexual harassment situations. It is because of two main reasons. Lacking bodily autonomy courses in their early education and high contextual communication style in their cultural background, they do not know how to respond appropriately.

4.2 Interaction Vision

Based on the design goal, the researcher came up with the interaction vision and envisioned effect. The interaction vision aims to inspire designing the workshop where the characteristics are extracted. The envisioned effect points out the critical information which needs to be appropriately delivered in the workshop. Interaction vision

Play an educational board game together. (Figure 4.1)

Table 4.1 shows three expected characteristics to achieve. Each characteristic evolves its affordance as described.

Figure 4.1 Interaction vision

Table 4.1 the expected characteristics & affordances

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