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3.5 Conclusion

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2.5 Key takeaways

2.5 Key takeaways




Chapter 8 Future Recommendation

Chapter 8 introduces the reflection both on the design and research phase . The recommendation for future research is elaborated sequentially .

8.1 Recommendation


Increase the willingness of male participants to join the research. Overall, the male participants joining all phases in this project are relatively more minor. Even though we learned from the research that women occupy the majority of the victims, the sexual violence problem needs everyone’s support to achieve. Moreover, the researcher noticed that no matter the expression of one’s emotion or being a victim, men are suppressed under the patriarchal-structure society - which is toxic masculinity. Men are considered to be strong, aggressive, and dominant. Therefore, joining a project which is primarily female-dominated is somehow pushing them away in the beginning. Several male participants unveiled their thoughts to the researcher, who said that while hearing sexual harassment, they automatically feel like a perpetrator. Discovering new ways to recruit male participants and align with the topic can be a challenge.


The questionnaire should contain comprehensive aspects for a question. In case that the researcher can not analyze the reason and improve it appropriately. From the evaluation process, the researcher realized that some questions lack further questions after the participants revealed their answers. Due to the anonymity of the questionnaire, all the improvements in this project should be appropriately collected. While designing this questionnaire, the researcher considers the time investment that they already put in. The shorter questionnaire would help them feel less pressured and avoid their fatigue during answering. Nevertheless, the volunteer discussion after the design session disclosed that the participants are highly willing to share their thoughts. Therefore, refined the questionnaire in more detail is acceptable and necessary.

There are many numeric rating questions in the questionnaire. Therefore, it is noteworthy to consider how culture impacts the perception of the actual meaning of the rating number. During the analysis, the researcher noticed that most questions in the questionnaire belong to numeric rating questions. However, the perception of numbers could be influenced by cultural backgrounds. Even though the overall reactions to design outcomes are positive, this issue still can be considered more in future projects.

8.2 Next steps & reflection

Contact the TU Delft to promote this project and facilitate the implementation in the future. From the analysis in the evaluation process, the researcher believes that the direction of this project is worth continuing. At the end of this project, the researcher contacted an organization called Alteristic in the USA. They aim to improve the sexual violence issue via the perspective of bystander training. Through a video call with them, they were impressed by how we worked on these projects. Meanwhile, the sexual violence center is indeed lacking in the majority of universities in the Netherlands. If we integrate the resource well at TU Delft, the researcher believes it will take less effort to achieve what we imagined. Thus, the researcher aims to promote the idea and plan to TUD as the first further feasible step.

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