The Gadfly Vol. XVI, Iss. V
“To persuade and reproach” - Socrates, The Apology
April 16, 2012
Just a Thought We attend a Catholic school. Many of us came to this school to be surrounded by other like-minded individuals, so that we can embrace our beliefs and views without fear of attack. As this is a formative time in our lives, it is important to be around those who share our ideas, so that we can grow in those beliefs.
ing to shock people into considering new ideas or taking the time to think about other views of their own ideas. However, it is a well-known fact at FUS that this is a very strongly disliked publication. Around campus I have heard terms such as ‗disgusting‘, ‗socialist‘, ‗trash‘, ‗the Devil‘s work‘, and many others in reference to this publication. Why is this? The articles are all written with the purpose of deeper enlightenment, to help all of us grow together.
closet, shouldn‘t we preach that God loves them anyway and so do we? Likewise, rather than being racist because one‘s background has been sheltered from those with different skin colors, shouldn‘t we try to seek out people different from us so that we can educate ourselves and treat everyone with the human dignity that they deserve? Instead of judging our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ on Is this really the best way to live, this campus when they dress differently though? Can we truly grow if we are or don‘t go to FOP‘s or daily Mass or use never challenged, never exposed to becurse words or flirt or the many other liefs or ideas outside of our comfort zone? One of the things that has always things people here find themselves On our campus is a primarily white, bothered me, and many of my more judged for, shouldn‘t we follow God‘s American, deeply Catholic population. Catholic friends, is the lack of tolerance command, ―remove the wooden beam None of these things are necessarily bad; shown for us for our beliefs by those ighowever, when group mentality sets in, norant of Catholic teaching. Catholicism from your eye first; then you will see or when a large group of people gather itself is a very loving, forgiving, and tol- clearly to remove the splinter from your brother‘s eye.‖ (Matthew 7:5)? For a camwith the same views, those views often erant faith. In light of the lack of tolerpus that professes so ardently to be truly become distorted and take new forms. ance we often receive from others, and Catholic in every sense of the word, we What I speak of, my friends, is the judg- the tolerance that our own faith teaches certainly have a lot more growing to do mental attitude that exists on this camus, don‘t you think we should strive to together before we can truly deserve the actually live a little more tolerantly? pus. Rather than being openly homophobic, so title of Christian. Take this very piece of media for much so that there are gays and lesbians example. The Gadfly finds its very pur~ La voix meutte pose in being thought-provoking, in try- on our campus afraid to come out of the
Gay at Franciscan University Coming to this school I expected to meet some great people who loved Christ, played Frisbee, and with whom I could talk philosophy. That, I did find. I also expected to be treated with charity, but what I found instead was a lot of hateful language towards people like me. People who are gay. Whoa, wait, what? Yes, that‘s right; there are gays and lesbians at your school. I know, I know, it‘s shocking. I am reaching out to you here not in any artful satire, no creative short story illustrating my point, no formal argument. Just a gay classmate of yours, begging you to be nicer. It‘s not just for myself that I‘m asking, there‘s a whole bunch of us, looking just like normal folk, going to your classes and dances and coffee houses, eating in your cafeteria and talking with you in the halls. I‘m not saying this so you can launch a witch-hunt, but so you can be aware. Because every
time you made a joke about gays or lesbians, assuming that like Protestants and Democrats they can be talked about as this distant third party that has no relevance to us here, we heard. The amount of offensive comments I have heard is disturbing and unchristian. It hurts, and frankly I am d*** sick of it.
a racial slur and hurts us just as much. Number two: please, don‘t use ―that‘s gay‖ to describe something you dislike. Being gay in this world is tough, especially for us Christians and even more so at this school. Having your use of my orientation as a generic insult is very hurtful. Many times when I‘ve asked peoThe Catechism calls for us gays to be ple to refrain from using derogatory terms or ―that‘s gay‖ I receive the re―accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity,‖ (par 2358 if you don‘t believe sponse ―Well, it‘s not like we support me) which is not by a long shot how I‘ve them, so it‘s okay.‖ been treated. Befriending Franciscan stuLet me clear that up with number dents for these past few years has made three: we as a Church do support gay me very good at being people‘s very first people. What the Church doesn‘t support gay friend, so let me go ahead and explain is homosexual actions. Important distinca few things you might not know, some tion. But no matter what, we should be lessons on how to manifest that respect showing nothing but charity to gay peoand compassion. ple (and, well, all people), whether they are Catholic or not, in communion with Number one: you can‘t use derogatory terms for gays and lesbians, towards someone or just in general. It‘s as bad as
(See “Gay,” page 7)
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St. Moses the Black, pray for us!
Letter From the Editor:
Dear Gadflies, Online Editor: Keith Michael Estrada (K.M.E.)
Business Manager: Alexander Pyles (A.S.P.)
Layout Editor: A.J. Miller (A.J.M.)
Copy Editor: Victoria Bonutti
Editor-in-Chief: Daniel Romeyn Davis (D.R.D.) ** Please note that the views held in the individual articles are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily express the views of the whole staff, nor the University administration. ** Interested in writing for The Gadfly? Email us at
I welcome you to another issue of The Gadfly! This is an exciting issue as it features a number of articles submitted by students on various aspects regarding social justice. Also included is a letter from Mr. Aaron Seng in response to Msgr. Ivan Illich‘s address on authentic Christian missionary activity, which was printed in the previous issue of The Gadfly. A note of clarification: Some people seem to have been confused by the printed address by Msgr. Illich. The complaints center on the wording used in the preface to the article, which seem to assert that Msgr. Illich himself submitted this address, given in 1968, to The Gadfly for publishing. To clarify, that is not the case. The editorial staff of The Gadfly has never approached, nor has been approached by, Msgr. Illich regarding the address that he gave in 1968. Rather, the editorial staff felt that the address was extremely pertinent to the student life here at Franciscan University, and that it followed with previous questions that had been raised about the missionary activity that Franciscan students participate in. Additionally, I heard a complaint about how The Gadfly did not publish another article presenting a view in opposition to Msgr. Illich‘s. I want to affirm that there was no editorial bias given towards either position on the question of authentic missionary activity, especially as it relates to the student body on this campus. As editor, I assumed that we would receive articles challenging the points made in Msgr. Illich‘s address, and we have. The reasons behind why a direct response to Msgr. Illich was not included in the previous issue of The Gadfly are due to spacing and responsibility issues. The address was forwarded to me for publication and I felt that it was an appropriate addition to the issue. However, I did not feel that it was my personal responsibility to locate a contra article to the address. Rather, that responsibility belongs to you, the readers of The Gadfly, to have your opinions voiced! I maintain that this position is far healthier than having the editorial staff of The Gadfly presenting one position over another. Therefore, I encourage you, the students of Franciscan University, to speak up, to write, and to submit your articles to The Gadfly. All article submissions can be emailed as attachments to Thank you for reading!
~Mission Statement~ The Gadfly is an attempt to “bite the sleeping horse” in the spirit of Socrates. It is a student publication whose purpose is to facilitate discussion concerning campus and cultural issues as they pertain to students of Franciscan University. It aims to be a forum for open, wellthought out, and honest discussion towards the end of knowing and loving truth in its most robust sense.
Interim Advisor: James Harold, PhD
Advisor Extraordinaire: John R. White, PhD Cover Art: The Death of Socrates; Jacques-Louis David
In Christ, D.R.D.
Work for The Gadfly! We are seeking to fill the positions of:
Copy Editor
Layout Editor
Online Editor
Business Manager Contact us at if you are interested. Previous experience is preferred, but not required. Preference will be given to applicants who stay both semesters.
St. Felicity, pray for us!
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The Classics?! Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world, and ten to one but she has the means of settling well, without further expense to anybody. Jane Austen, Mansfield Park
Letter to the Editor: Dear Editor, I was concerned to find on the cover of your past issue a transcription of Monsignor Ivan Illich's address ―To Hell With Good Intentions,‖ given in 1968. As a student publication of a Catholic institution, it is imperative that if you run an article which presents views contrary to the faith of the Church, your editors AT LEAST offer sufficient introductory notes, because some may have interpreted the title ―Monsignor‖ in this case as meaning ―qualified to speak authoritatively with the mind of the Church‖ and subsequently been confused about Catholic social doctrine, the theology of mission work, or even the value of FUS student missions. Seeing as you did not offer such a clarification and may have left room for damage to the faith of your readers, please allow this letter to serve as such:
and religious to attend his Center for Intercultural Documentation (CIDOC) in Mexico. Thirdly, Illich's address is filled with many tenets of what would later be broadly termed ―LIBERATION THEOLOGY‖ – a school of thought which has been the subject of frequent ecclesiastical censorship and condemnation in the forty years since this article was written (Cf. the two Notices by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith: ―On Certain Aspects of the 'Theology of Liberation'‖ [1984] and ―On Christian Freedom and Liberation‖ [1986]).
This is a Catholic institution that rejoices to send student missionaries near and far in response to the call ―to communicate to all the love of God, who manifested himself fully in the only Redeemer of the world, Jesus Christ‖ (Benedict XVI). If the Gadfly is going to run an inflammatory article from a disrepuFirst, the header to Msgr. Illich's article table source that presents thoughts contrary seemed to indicate that Illich had made a request to the Gadfly to keep his full text intact to the Church's teaching merely for the sake of ―biting the sleeping horse,‖ the editors are for printing – such a feat would be difficult, considering that HE DIED IN 2002. Secondly, duty-bound to at least indicate the credibility it might be worth noting that MONSIGNOR of the source, which in this case is totally lackILLICH WAS NOT IN GOOD STANDING ing. WITH THE CHURCH during his time in Finally, for all those who were left quesactive ministry; He defied his local Bishop by tioning the value of FUS mission trips of all political activism supporting state-funded kinds, I would recommend consulting Kevin birth control, rejected the teaching of Pope Kacvinsky's Letter to the Editor from the previPaul VI in Humane Vitae, was asked to leave ous issue of the Gadfly – it is both a faithful the country by the Conference of Mexican presentation of Church teaching on mission Bishops, was called to the Vatican for queswork and a helpful starting point for undertioning just a few months after giving the ad- standing how FUS is faithful to the missionary dress you published, and resigned from the call. active priesthood and public teaching in 1969, just after the Congregation for the Doctrine of ~ Aaron Seng the Faith issued a decree forbidding priests
Your letter ^here^ submit to:
Don’t be Squished. Have your say.
Professor Quote of the Week:
There are some people who seem unable to get a joke, but are otherwise unimpaired, surprisingly ~Prof. Sanford
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St. Raphael the Archangel, pray for us!
Wanted: Consistent Catholics I am looking to hire a consistent Catholic for a newly created position here at Catholics for Catholicism. Catholics for Catholicism, or CFC, strives to present the Catholic faith as simply that, the Catholic faith. All the faith includes, all it does,; this is what CFC wants to do and teach others to do as well. Here at CFC we find that being Catholic is tough. Sometimes, the Church fails at being Catholic, don‘t we all? It should be obvious that whilst striving to be Catholic, one must see that only being Catholic is satisfactory – even if one struggles at actually being Catholic. We also find here at Catholics for Catholicism that many ‗c‘atholics really aren‘t for Catholicism – but some diluted form of it mixed with some insult to human and divine intelligence. The Catholic faith presents many beautiful things that we get to live with and live for, however these ‗c‘atholics who aren‘t really for Catholicism won‘t realize the following: the moral and social doctrines of the most admirable Church of Christ are very consistent. The consistency of the Catholic faith, we find, is the constant of Love/Truth/ Life-action. We hold that ―love,‖ ―truth,‖ and ―life‖ (to some extent) are synonymous, if not simply inseparable. This is a reason as to why CFC is not necessarily recruiting from many Catholic universities. Some Catholic schools are considered to be very conservative, very anti-abortion, pro-―traditional‖ marriage, anti-euthanasia and anti-physician assisted suicide; however, this is not the Catholicism we are looking for, for it is very inconsistent outside of the womb (for the most part) and before most ‗natural‘ and ‗elderly‘ deaths. That is to say, schools like Thomas Aquinas College, Christendom College, Ave Maria, and Franciscan University seem to lack the consistent pro-life ethic held by the Church, and are therefore, not consistent Catholics. We do not hold this against the students in themselves, but rather the
institutions and administrations that allow this blindness to take place.
that we want the ‗opposite‘ of a Franciscan student to apply either. At the same time we typically reject applicants from Seeing as this ad will appear in the student version of the Gadfly, I suppose by ―liberal‖ universities, such as the University of San Francisco, Notre Dame, Unioutlining why we aren‘t looking for Franversity of San Diego and Marquette. ciscan students, I can explain what it is These universities, although very paswe are looking for. sionate about ‗life‘ issues concerning soOf course, seeing as this doesn‘t ap- cial justice, fail to see the consistency ply to all Franciscan students, please, required. This is especially true concerndon‘t be offended by my saying ing contraception, abortion, same-sex ―Franciscan students.‖ Franciscan stumarriage, euthanasia and physician asdents usually pride themselves in their sisted suicide. conservatism, well not only do they, but As you can see, it is obvious that their priests, administrators and faculty either of the two sides mentioned are not too! This conservatism usually fails to do consistently Catholic. Some of you who one thing, that is, be consistent. When we say we are looking for consistent Catho- error towards one side or the other might say, ―But, my issues count more!‖ Of lics, we typically have to reject the concourse, your issues matter, each one does. servative ones, like those from FrancisConsistent Catholicism requires much can, Ave, TAC, etc., because the conservative ―Pro-life‖ cause is not consistently more than fighting for only one or a select few. pro-life. The Christian faith is For additional details I refer you to an integral unity, and thus it is the USCCB‘s page on Human Life and incoherent to isolate some parDignity ( element to the detriaction/human-life-and-dignity/). As you ment of the whole of Catholic can see, when the Church says ―Life‖ it doctrine. A political commitmeans EVERY life in all situations, have ment to a single isolated aspect dignity and that dignity should be upof the Church‘s social doctrine held. As conservatives, Franciscan studoes not exhaust one‘s respondents and many others tend to reject the sibility towards the common pro-Life ethic of the church concerning good. —Congregation for the the following: abstinence and chastity, Doctrine of the asylum, citizenship issues, the death penFaith, Doctrinal Note on Some alty, economic justice, environmental Questions Regarding the Parjustice, health care for all, housing for all, ticipation of Catholics in Politieducation for all, diminishing poverty, cal Life, no. 4 treating those with same-sex attraction with compassion and love, ending torture, evading war, and militarization, to name a few.
If you know of anyone who lives, preaches and teaches consistent Catholicism, please, refer them to us.
Thank you very much for your time, This is why we are staying away from many students at conservative col- and we appreciate your consideration of leges like yours. Moreover, if any readers Catholics for Catholicism. find that they are with the church on those aforementioned topics, please, consider applying. ~CFC We don‘t want to leave you thinking
T h e G a d f l y i s hir i ng ! W e w a nt Y O U to jo in US. Se e pa ge 2 fo r det a ils
St. Anthony, pray for us!
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The Hunger Games: Entrails and Entertainment There has been much buzz around campus regarding the thrilling Hunger Games trilogy (please, more than just a trilogy) written by Suzanne Collins. If you haven‘t read the books, shame. If you don‘t at least know the gist of the story, more shame. (To my own shame, I am only halfway through the second installment.) These novels revolve around young Katniss Everdeen and her struggles to survive against the odds (which are never in her favor) and become the victor of the Hunger Games.
consists of getting them to think of their own survival and nothing else. They are taught wilderness survival, basic first aid, defensive techniques and how to become ruthless killing machines. The Prize? You get to live in luxury the rest of your life, and you family is no longer hungry.
really all that human. The entire time, Katniss tries to hide in the woods, trying to avoid the other tributes and the professions of love from her fellow District 12 tribute.
Therein falls the one sweet little thing that the Gamemakers did not see coming. Peeta Mellark, a boy from DisYou also have to train the next batch trict 12, has been in love with Katniss for of tributes and more often than not, a long time. He does anything he can to help her in the arena, including taking a watch them die. There are no friendships in the arena, sword to the thigh (oops, spoiler). only alliances that last until your worth Even when faced with utterly dehuAt this point, you might wonder runs out or your partner dies. manizing circumstances, Peeta and Katwhat the Hunger Games are, and what There is no compassion in the arena, niss manage to find some semblance of their implications are. love for each other, and thus reminding only calculated risks. the audience (forgot to mention, viewing The Hunger Games are a series of There is no peace in the arena, only is mandatory for all citizens of Panem) games that revolve around a government the booming cannon that signals the that the tributes on the screen are actuexerting its authority over a subjugated death of a fellow tribute. ally people, not just dogs that have been people. The story goes that roughly 75 years before this story (which takes place Katniss sums up the Hunger Games thrown into a sunken pit by some nameless quarterback. in what is left of North America, now in one brief exchange with her friend united as Panem {Latin for bread, I Gale. Gale was asking her how different There is one particularly touching know} in the not-too-distant future), the Games would be from hunting in the scene in the book (and even more touchthere was a revolution. As a reminder to woods, and her reply was that if she for- ing in the movie) where Katniss stops to the people of what a horrible ordeal this got that they were human, there was no mourn the death of a fellow tribute who was, the government divided Panem into difference. was the same age as her young sister, and 13 districts (District 13 tried a second everyone sees this. Her life is later spared Throughout the books is the basal round of revolt. Now there‘s 12 districts) by the other tribute from that district, theme of humanity and life. The Capitol and each year, the districts send a male simply because she was kind and humane. district is filled with luxury, but little and female tribute (victim) to the Hunger humanity, and Collins makes a point to Lesson: No matter what the govGames. describe (and the movie does an excellent ernment tells you or does to you, you The Games are really just one game: job portraying) the garish animal cosare still human, endowed with dignity. survival. The tributes must survive tumes that the Capitol-dwellers wear. through killing the other tributes. The Perhaps she is saying that they are not ~A.J.M. whole process of training the tributes
Advertise in The Gadfly!!! We are looking for advertisements to supplement our budget from Student Government so that we can (maybe) bring back payment for articles. And maybe print in color. Advertise a business, cheap used cars, services (tutoring, computer repair, etc…) or whatever you want. Contact us at for our rate-card as well as for help from our layout staff in creating an ad that will get you noticed. You noticed this ad, didn‘t you?
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St. Ansgar, pray for us!
Wine, Wit and Waggery The Last Night of Summer: Part II The following is the second of a series by Alexander S. Pyles. The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or events, is coincidental. This disclaimer is necessary for this publication‘s desire not to be sued. Any resemblance to real publications, living or dead, or disclaimers is coincidental. Look for the final installment of Mr. Pyles‘ story in the next issue of The Gadfly. Enjoy!
Ellie woke with a groan. Sunlight had crept along the pillow to her eyelids, peeling them back. She blinked a few more times as she rolled onto her back. Then the headache hit her, clamping down on her skull, tighter than even the smallest pair of jeans. She sat up hoping that the blood flow would slow if she were upright. When the initial wave of pain ended, she opened her eyes wide. She was lying on a tousled bed, where the sheets were torn out and draped on the floor. She realized that she was alone, and somehow that felt wrong. Remembering last night, though, came to her consciousness hazily. Her night with Van lingered for a moment with the residue of sweet bliss. A smile came to her lips, but then faded as the reality that Van had left at some point hit her. A part of her felt violated and hurt by that, she had been a virgin up until last night, the least he could have done was leave her a note. Slowly, dressing herself, Ellie walked down the stairs to find Jenny. She found her best friend passed out on a couch on top of a boy. Ellie rocked Jenny‘s shoulders whispering, ―Hey, hey Jenny. We need to get home.‖
returned to Ellie, with a comfortable normalcy. The two best friends stayed away from parties for a few weeks, since the Persons had left a bad taste in their mouths. Van was still very much on Ellie‘s mind. She had no way to contact him unless she went through one of his lacrosse mates, but she didn‘t want to look desperate. When Ellie noticed toward the beginning of August she had missed her period, it made her freeze. The realization came to her one night. She shivered and immediately her mind leapt to irrational conclusions, avoiding one possibility that only reality could say. She ran to her bed, cocooning herself into the blankets. Her heart was frantic. As tears started to form in her eyes, Ellie tried to escape from her mind. Her hand went to her phone, flipping it open to call Jenny. ―What‘s up?‖ were the first words spoken. Without prefacing her concern Ellie blurted, ―Jenny, I missed my period.‖ There was a pause, and every heart beat was another shovel of dirt hollowing the pit that was opening for her.
―Well, are you sure?‖ said Jenny, with Jenny woke with a slight start, rolling an uncharacteristically timid tone in her off the still comatose boy. She rubbed her voice. ―Have you ever missed before? I eyes, while cradling her head at the same have had an irregular cycle in the past.‖ time. ―What time is it,‖ she moaned. ―I‘m not irregular,‖ said Ellie defen―I have no idea, but we should go,‖ said sively. ―I‘m sure.‖ Ellie. ―Ellie, you could be pregnant then,‖ Jenny righted her clothes as best as she said Jenny, sympathy sliding through the could, but her mussed hair showed other- audio waves. Then it was all clear to wise. As soon as the two emerged from Ellie, a stark reality that shattered all of the trashed house, Jenny puked in the her dreams and future plans. She immeflower bed. The girls mentally limped diately hung up, flinging her phone away; home. Once she was in bed, Ellie fell the reality of Van‘s absence, college plans, asleep with only Van on her mind. and family all came upon her, crushing Work came and the pattern of summer her thoughts, squeezing tears out from her eyes.
The next day Jenny came over with a couple of store-bought pregnancy tests. ―Here, let‘s try these. I got them late last night.‖ Ellie didn‘t want to. Somehow she felt that if she didn‘t use the tests then the pregnancy would go away. She was terrified of a positive result. ―You have to, Ellie. We‘ll walk together with this,‖ said Jenny. Ellie shook her head. ―You have to,‖ implored Jenny, putting her arm around Ellie‘s shoulders, squeezing. With the physical support of her best friend, Ellie finally conceded. ―ok,‖ she whispered. She took the box and went to the bathroom. After she finished she came back to Jenny sitting on her bed. Seeing Ellie, Jenny stood up, ―Well, what are the results?‖ ―I didn‘t look,‖ said Ellie lifting the plastic instrument. The two girls looked down at the reading, seeing the word Positive- bolded. Ellie‘s heart fell. Jenny wasn‘t deterred quite yet. ―Here, try another one. Sometimes they have flaws.‖ She opened another, handing it to Ellie who went again to the bathroom. Coming back, both girls saw -Positiveagain. Ellie started to cry. The result was it. She was pregnant. Her life was over. Jenny hugged her. Her silence ratified the reality for Ellie. Her best friend had nothing left to tell her, there was nothing left to say. She felt as if she had fallen down into a pit and it swallowed her in anguish. The next day she looked for a health (See “Night,” page 7)
St. Clare of Assisi, pray for us!
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Pop Culture Quote: Katniss Everdeen, the girl who was on fire, you have provided a spark, that left unattended, may grow into an inferno that destroys Panem. ~ President Snow, Catching Fire (“Night” from page 6)
clinic that would be low key enough to see her, so she could find out what to do. Finding a number, she made an appointment for that weekend. She didn‘t tell Jenny what she had planned and nursed her anxiety and fear alone. The appointment was mid-morning. She entered the sterile, generic waiting room, nervously clutching her hands in her lap.
―Well, I am pretty sure I am pregnant,‖ and ask for the number, whenever you‘re said Ellie. ready.‖ ―Have you used the home kits?‖ inquired the doctor.
―Ok, well then I‘ll go now, thanks,‖ said Ellie and she went home.
The rest of the day, Ellie tossed around the idea of an abortion in her mind. The pros and cons went back and forth in a The doctor‘s brow wrinkled as he tumultuous tug of war. She would be thought for a moment. He looked at his clipboard then turned to Ellie, ―Well, any able to continue with her life as normal if further examination by me would be only she got an abortion. It would be like hav―Ellie Cooper,‖ called the nurse. Her ing a short operation—everything would a further confirmation. Your choices at heart beating faster, Ellie followed the be normal again. She‘d be able to go to short woman to a small examining room. this point Ellie are either to keep the fecollege and her family would never ―The doctor will be right with you,‖ said tus to term or to have an abortion. I have know. No one would ever know. She the nurse, after she finished with her own a number for an abortion clinic that does even decided to not tell Jenny if she did decent work and they are good people.‖ questions. Ellie didn‘t respond and she decide to have it. was left in the room by herself, with Ellie sat frozen for a moment. She had It was a few days later that Ellie came prickles forming on her arm from the never thought of getting an abortion. to her decision. She was standing in the crisp air-conditioning. That option had not crossed her mind. doorway to her bedroom looking at her It was a few minutes before the doctor ―Ellie?‖ asked the doctor. bed and other things about. She said it came in leaving Ellie to her scattered aloud, barely above a whisper, ―I‘m going She broke from her trance and looked thoughts. Nothing could solidify before to have an abortion.‖ up at the doctor, ―I haven‘t thought of the clean-cut man entered. ―What do we getting an abortion. I‘ll need more time have here, Ms. Cooper?‖ asked the docto think.‖ tor. ~ A.S.P. ―That‘s fine. You can always call here (Gay, from page 1)
the church or not, have a partner or are living chastely. No matter what people deserve your respect and charity. Number four: You might think that you‘ve never been friends with, or even met a gay person before, but odds are that‘s incorrect, you probably have and just didn‘t know it. That‘s because we don‘t all fit the stereotypes one sees on TV or in movies, we are the same as straight people in everything except sexual orientation. You will never know someone‘s sexual orientation unless they tell you, there is no other way to tell if someone is gay or straight (or lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered). So for goodness sake stop assuming! You might ―look gay‖ and not be, and if I ―look
―I have twice, both were positive,‖ replied Ellie.
straight,‖ I still might not be. You must be aware that we are here, and we are listening, and are being hurt by your words. There is a difference between stating your opinion and religious belief, and hate speech.
who used to be my friends now won‘t talk to me. People here are afraid to be honest about our sexual orientations because people have shown us hate. (Not to mention because it isn‘t even covered in our non-discrimination policy, we‘re afraid we will be thrown out. It‘s in our handBasically, what I‘m trying to say, is book, page 3 if you don‘t believe me.) that as a campus we need to be more aware of, and more loving to the gays and That‘s not the message we should be giving out. It‘s fine to hold strong to your lesbians on campus, whether you know who they are or not. Please, you must be beliefs, but part of our faith calls for unaware that you may be the face of Christ compromising love. to someone who is dealing with being I‘m not speaking here as a gay rights gay and Catholic, which is hard enough activist trying to change anything big without you, our family, making it here, I‘m just a gay kid at your school harder. So show first your love. This is a who‘s had his feelings hurt by a lot of d*** scary place to go to school for peo- uncharitable words, asking for some ple like me. I‘m not welcome in the thoughtfulness and love. homes of half my friends and some people ~ L.B. Terrbilis
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St. Catherine of Alexandria, pray for us!
Poetry Corner The Fertile Wound Cole Viscichini The more people I meet The more I feel alone Not because we are so different But because they always go The more of the world I see The less I feel at home Drowning in its knowledge But forbidding Love to grow The less I try to take The more I have to hold The lightness of the innocent Is the burden of the old The more I fall in love The more it hurts to let it go Forgiveness opens wide my wounds And faults of others doesn‘t show The more God fills me up The more it takes to pour me out Not satisfied with peace of mind My flaming soul keeps spreading out The more I suffer as a lover The more myself I have to doubt Because I find God in every drop I am tortured by your drought
The Cursor Flashes on the Blank, White Page Megan Dougherty The cursor flashes on the blank, white page daring me to type, to write, to speak what‘s on my mind, what‘s in my heart. Like a second Eliot, another Prufrock, I ask myself: ―Do I dare?‖ ―Do I dare disturb the universe?‖ If I capture what I want to say in black text upon this white page, If I set my thoughts adrift into this vast expansive sea of information, full of more important thoughts, more eloquent words, will it matter? Or, I could so easily delete these words. No one would know the difference anyway. Will their impact be missed? Do I dare suppose I have anything important to say, anything worth reading to write? Can this small voice help answer the ―overwhelming question?‖ Heaven sits before my eyes Atop a cloud I cannot reach Studying her every movement I keep stumbling underneath
Signs of the times healing the blind But they cost a million tombs Tragedies awake passion from dying Emptiness is a ready womb
A house divided cannot stand So I long to face the fall Crucified to my division Sifting sin inside my soul
We all are women to the Lord Because we failed at being men The sword inside our hearts Is fear of letting others in
Faith is all I have to Love Its veil blows on secret winds Hope is a distant promise Rays of light scattered and thin
I trust your love to be from God Because there is nothing else that IS So have your way with me today And then accuse me of your sin
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