Faith and Family for October 3: Marriage and Children

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READ Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 The Pharisees approached Jesus and asked, "Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?" They were testing him. He said to them in reply, "What did Moses command you?" They replied, "Moses permitted a husband to write a bill of divorce and dismiss her." CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST OF THE GOSPEL

UNDERSTAND | By Father Greg Friedman, OFM Many years ago, I had the privilege of working with a number of married couples presenting weekends for engaged couples. Our programs always included lots of personal storytelling and I got to hear the wonderful stories of how these dedicated married couples found God through their partner in the day-to-day project of making marriage work. This Sunday we center on the theme of marriage. Jesus connects a call for fidelity in marriage to our First Reading from the Book of Genesis, which describes the creation of man and woman. That connection seems to say that faithfulness in marriage—working hard to make it work—is rooted in our very humanness, in how we are created by God. Now there are lots of self-help books and plenty of jokes stressing the differences between men and women. But out of those differences, expressed in many cultures around the world, comes the stuff of which good marriages are made. The stories I heard on those engaged couples’ weekends bore witness to that creative work. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is busy proclaiming the Kingdom. He wants marriage, the relationship of man and woman, to be part of that proclamation. It is in that most human of institutions—in the nitty-gritty of daily life—that God is at work. Let’s celebrate that this weekend.


DISCUSS | By Father Dan Kroger, OFM In the second creation account (Gen 2:18-24), God recognizes that the man is lonely and so what does God do? God makes other creatures for the man. What does the man do? Are any of these wild animals and various birds suitable as a partner for the man? Then what did God do? And what does the man say when he sees the woman? According to the second reading (Heb 2:9-11), who was made “lower than the angels?” Who is the Letter to the Hebrews talking about? Who was made perfect through suffering? Why did that happen? In the Gospel (Mk 10:2-16), what were the Pharisees trying to do when they asked Jesus about divorce? How does Jesus answer their questions? Does Jesus teach that divorce is right? When people brought children to Jesus so that he might touch them what did the disciples do? What did Jesus do?

ACT If you are married, find a way to spend time alone with your spouse. Have dinner together--just the two of you--or find some time just to sit and talk with each other. Perhaps you could reflect on your marriage and what it means to both of you. Place your hands on your child's head and offer a blessing for him or her.

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