READ MT 21:33-43 Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders of the people: "Hear another parable. There was a landowner who planted a vineyard, put a hedge around it, dug a wine press in it, and built a tower. Then he leased it to tenants and went on a journey.
UNDERSTAND by Father Greg Friedman, OFM Isaiah’s vineyard song and Jesus’ parable of the vineyard are connected. Isaiah’s song is a reminder to the house of Israel about all that God has done for his vineyard--and yet it produces only wild grapes. Matthew’s parable recounts how the tenants on God’s vineyard are ungrateful. The parable’s message smote the heart of the religious leaders. They wanted to kill Jesus but could not do it because Jesus was so popular. Are there lessons to be learned from Isaiah and Matthew? You bet there are. As tenants of God’s vineyard, we are called to change today, for the Lord will come looking for his harvest
of the vineyard’s fruit. Isaiah reminds us to bring forth good fruit—a harvest of justice, not wild, sour grapes that demand God’s wrath. If we look at our parish, or our family, or our lives, how are we doing? Are we bringing forth a harvest of justice?
DISCUSS by Father Dan Kroger, OFM • In the first reading (Isaiah 5:1-7), whose vineyard is it that Isaiah sings about in this poem? What was the problem with the vineyard? What kind of grapes did it produce? • What is the attitude of Paul to the Philippians, in the second reading (Phil 4:6-9)? Do you think that he really loves these people? This passage has long been used to express how we Christians should “think about things.”
Does this passage lead you to think about what is true, just, lovely and excellent?
Note: Catholic schools are based upon such positive attitudes to our world. • Jesus tells a parable in the Gospel (Mt 22:1-14), about a vineyard and its wicked tenants. To whom did Jesus address this parable?
Who is the owner of the vineyard? What was Jesus telling the priests and elders of the people?
ACT by Susan Hines-Brigger • We've heard Jesus tell quite a few parables--stories that teach a moral or spiritual lesson--in the last few weeks. Write your own parable about something familiar to you and then share it with your family and friends. See if they can guess the lesson. • The Gospel story focuses on a vineyard, which grows grapes. There are many other places where fruit is also grown, such as an apple orchard. Try to find a local farm or market that has fresh fruit that you can either pick yourself or buy. Afterward, ask an adult to help you find a recipe to make using the fruit.