Faith and Family for April 18: Third Sunday of Easter

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READ Lk 24:35-48 The two disciples recounted what had taken place on the way, and how Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread. CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST OF THE GOSPEL.

UNDERSTAND | By Father Greg Friedman, OFM When new employees join a company, it’s common to have an orientation to bring new people “on board.” A new employee needs to understand both the past and the future history of the company. How can they connect with what’s gone before? How can they be part of the company’s mission for the future? In today’s Gospel, Jesus conducts a kind of “Christian orientation” for his startled and frightened disciples—most of whom are encountering him for the first time as the risen Lord. He first reassures them that he—Jesus—is the one they knew before the crucifixion. But there have been a few changes! He’s not a ghost, he is truly alive. And he shares a meal with his friends to prove it. But they have their doubts anyway—perhaps some of the same doubts shared by Luke’s communities years later: How could Jesus be the promised Messiah, and have suffered the terrible death by crucifixion? And so Jesus patiently interprets the Hebrew Scriptures to explain his mission as God’s “Suffering Servant.” But the past is only preparation for the future! The message of Good News must be preached to the ends of the earth. The disciples are now his witnesses, commissioned to carry his message to the world. And so are we who gather at our Easter Eucharist with the Risen Lord today!


DISCUSS | By Father Dan Kroger, OFM What does Peter say about Jesus in this week's first reading (Acts 2:14, 22-33)? After Jesus was killed, Peter reminds the leaders of the Jews that Jesus’ death was not the end of his story. What did God do? According to this week's Gospel, the two disciples recalled how the risen Christ was revealed to them on the road to Emmaus and as they sat with him eating supper. Then what happened? Jesus invites the disciples to look at his hands and feet and to touch him. Why? What does Jesus hope that will do? When Jesus asks if they have anything to eat, what did they give him? Then he invites them to see how everything that happened to him was in fulfilment of the scriptures. What must the disciples do?

ACT In the Gospel, we hear about Jesus sharing a meal with his disciples. Research the types of foods that they might have eaten at that time and place. See if you can make a dinner similar to the one they might have shared.

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