READ LK 14:25-33 Great crowds were traveling with Jesus, and he turned and addressed them, “If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion? Otherwise, after laying the foundation and finding himself unable to finish the work the onlookers should laugh at him and say, ‘This one began to build but did not have the resources to finish.’ Or what king marching into battle would not first sit down and decide whether with ten thousand troops he can successfully oppose another king advancing upon him with twenty thousand troops? But if not, while he is still far away, he will send a delegation to ask for peace terms. In the same way, anyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.”
UNDERSTAND by Father Greg Friedman, OFM
Years ago, I lived in Milwaukee for a while, and as I traveled back then through downtown and near Lake Michigan, I would pass a highway bridge, sitting all alone. There was no way to drive up on the bridge; no ramps had been built leading onto or away from it. There seemed to be no construction going on anywhere near the bridge. I often wondered about this strange sight. Had the bridge been completed before there was enough funding to build the connecting highways? That story reminds me of today’s Gospel: Jesus cautions his audience about the cost of discipleship. Jesus will embrace his cross completely, giving his all. We, his followers, must do the same. Jesus urges us to give our all, carrying our own cross and following after him. How does he drive home his point? Jesus uses a couple of down-to-earth examples: A builder must calculate the construction costs before beginning to build. A king must know if he can win a battle with the troops at his disposal. Jesus’ stark conclusion: we cannot be his disciples without a total commitment. I’m sure that bridge in downtown Milwaukee has since been completed. But how are you and I doing as we work on our lifelong project of Christian discipleship?
DISCUSS by Father Dan Kroger, OFM •
After listening to the first reading (Wis 9:13-18B), ask yourself if it is easy for people to understand things concerning God? Why or why not? Who gives the wisdom we need to understand the ways of God?
In the second reading (Phmn 9-10, 12-17), Paul wants his friend Philemon to do something for him. What does he want him to do? Who is Onesimus? Why is he there with Paul? Why is Paul sending Onesimus back to Philemon?
In the Gospel, Jesus is travelling. At one point, he turns to his followers and says: “If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” What is the warning or challenge Jesus gives? Jesus tells them: “Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.” What is he telling us?
by Susan Hines-Brigger •
The first reading makes reference to the mind being weighed down by many concerns. Make a list of all the things that are weighing on your mind or troubling you. Say a prayer asking God for help in dealing with them and then either burn the paper or crumple it up and throw it away.
The Gospel talks about renouncing all of our possessions. In that spirit, gather up some things around your house that you no longer use—such as clothes, toys, or household appliances—and donate them to a local charity that accepts such things.
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