3 minute read
Followers of St. Francis
Dedicated to Dignity
Brother David Buer, OFM
Long associated as a symbol of respite, shelter, and nourishment, an in Nevada—the first in Las Vegas in oasis serves as a spiritual metaphor as 1997 and the second in the nearby city well as a place of spiritual rejuvenaof Henderson in 2002. tion. With that symbol in mind and The two houses in Nevada both energized with the Franciscan spirit, dedicated their services specifically Brother David Buer, OFM, has spent to homeless men in need of food and decades working to provide refuge shelter. Unfortunately, the Las Vegas and resources to those in need in the Poverello House had to close its doors American Southwest. His path to in 2014, but the Henderson location becoming a Franciscan and living a life continues on, and now has services for of service has roots in a clear underhomeless women as well. standing of what it means to be an When Brother David was reassigned outsider in our society. to Tucson, Arizona, in 2008, one of the
Brother David was born in San first things he did was start a Poverello Antonio, Texas, but raised first in House there. It’s not always easy to Granite City, Illinois, followed by keep operations going, especially since Ballwin, Missouri. His family’s immiboth are completely funded by private grant past is not as distant as it is for donations, with no reliance on governsome in our nation. ment or diocesan assistance. For more
“All my grandparents were immiabout the services these two ministries grants who came to the United States provide or to make a donation, visit in the early 20th century,” he says. their websites, PoverelloHouseNV.com “Having grown up in a loving extended and TucsonPoverello.com. family, I learned about the importance Brother David has also spent time of human dignity.” ministering to and, at times, sav
As a young man, Brother David ing the lives of immigrants along the made a journey that would prove to US-Mexico border. “Seeing how human be pivotal for him. “When I was 21, I beings were suffering, exposed to the made a pilgrimage, hitchhiking across elements, and even dying in the desert the country,” he says. “It was the beginattracted me to assist existing volunteer ning of my ‘return’ to the Catholic organizations that place water bottles Church. Around the same time, I also in remote areas for the people passing learned about St. Francis of Assisi and through,” he says. was smitten.” In 1989, he made the leap In 2010, in honor of his many to religious life and entered the novihumanitarian efforts, Brother David tiate with the Franciscan Friars of St. received the Peace Award from the Barbara Province. Secular Franciscan Order USA. “Awards
A friar for over 25 years now, come and go, and so many other peoBrother David has engaged in evple who work quietly—but with heart erything from feeding the hungry to and commitment—deserve awards,” he protesting the production of nuclear says. “Bless all those with the courage to weapons to standing up for immido their little part to make our nation grants’ rights. Upon witnessing the a compassionate one, who are ready to work of the Poverello House in San see human suffering and, through love, Francisco during the early ’90s, Brother do something about it.” David founded two similar ministries —Daniel Imwalle
The National Shrine of St. Anthony is located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Consecrated in 1889, it includes a first-class relic of St. Anthony and serves as a center for daily prayer and contemplation.
The Franciscan friars minister from the shrine. To help them in their work among the poor, you may send a monetary offering called St. Anthony Bread. Make checks or money orders payable to “Franciscans” and mail to the address below.
Every Tuesday, a Mass is offered for benefactors and petitioners at the shrine. To seek St. Anthony’s intercession, mail your petition to the address below. Petitions are taken to the shrine each week.
viSit our webSite to:
StAnthony.org s mAil poStAl communicAtionS to: St. Anthony Bread 1615 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45202-6498 s