Example: words with ee, ea, e_e sleep, eat, here
Example: words like pen, next, self
Find short e words and write down at least 10 on your paper.
Example: words like man, map, ask
Example: words with ai, ay, a_e play, mail, cake
Find long e words and write down at least 10 on your paper.
Find short a words and write down at least 10 on your paper.
Find long a words and write down at least 10 on your paper.
Find short o words and write down at least 10 on your paper. Example: words like cost, clock, stop
Find short i words and write down at least 10 on your paper. Example: words like kick, quit, will
Find long o words and write down at least 10 on your paper.
Example: words with oa, o_e, ow float, joke, snow
Find long i words and write down at least 10 on your paper.
Example: words with i_e, igh, ie, y Kite, light, pie, fly
Example: words like jump, bug, drum
Find 10 number words and write them on your paper. Example: one, three
Find 10 color words and write them on your paper.
Example: blue, green
Find short u words and write down at least 10 on your paper.
Example: words u_e, ui, ue Tune, fruit, blue
Find long u words and write down at least 10 on your paper.
cat, rat float, goat
Find 10 sets of rhyming words and print them on your paper.
Rhyming words are words that sound the same.
Example: rainbow, snowman
Find 10 compound words and write them on your paper.
A compound word is a word that is made up of two smaller words.
Example: sea, see
four, for
Find 10 sets of homophones and print them on your paper.
Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently.
Example: can’t - can not it’s - it is
Find 10 contractions and then print both words the contraction represents beside the contraction.
A Contraction is formed by putting together two words with certain letters left out. An apostrophe (‘) is used in place of the missing letters.
Example: pretty, beautiful
Find 10 synonyms and print them on your paper.
Synonyms are words that have similar meanings.
Find 10 plural nouns (person, place, or thing) and print them neatly on your paper. Example: books, teachers, babies
Plural nouns are words that mean more than one.
day, night
Example: order, form, porch
Find 10 words with /or/ and print them neatly on your paper.
OR Words
Example: hot, cold
Find 10 antonyms and write them on your paper.
Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings of each other.
ER Words Find 10 words with /er/ and print them neatly on your paper. Example: farmer, teacher, computer
Find 10 words with /ur/ and print them neatly on your paper.
Example: church, hurt
Example: birch, bird, chirp
Find 10 words with /ir/ and print them neatly on your paper.
IR Words
UR Words
Example: farmer, car, bark
Find 10 words with /ar/ and print them neatly on your paper.
AR Words
Example: prettiest, strongest, biggest
Find 10 words with /est/ and print them neatly on your paper.
est Words
Example: learned, walked, carried
Example: landing, fishing, learning
Example: quietly, quickly, magically
Find 10 words with /ly/ and print them neatly on your paper.
ly Words
Find 10 words with /ed/ and print them neatly on your paper.
Find 10 words with /ing/ and print them neatly on your paper.
Word Detective Card
ed Words
ing Words
Example: change, porch, chip
Find 10 words with /ch/ and print them neatly on your paper.
ch Words
Example: fire-fighter, light, bright
Find 10 words with /ight/ and print them neatly on your paper.
ight Words
Example: whale, whole
Find 10 words with /wh/ and print them neatly on your paper.
wh Words
Example: think, third, path
Find 10 words with /th/ and print them neatly on your paper.
th Words
Example: whale, whole
Find 10 words with /wh/ and print them neatly on your paper.
wh Words
patterns. Print them on your paper.
Find as many words as you can with these
Comparing Words oi / oy
this sound and print them on your paper.
/ou/ and /ow/ can make the same sound in words. Find as many words as you can with
Comparing Words ou / ow
Example: took, balloon
Find 10 words with /oo/ and print them neatly on your paper.
oo Words