01 Portfolio francisco ferrández eng

Page 1

  


Ur banPl anni ng

Pr oj ectDesi gn


Cont ai ner . Li br ar y and Medi at ech



Reur bani z aonoft heI TU MaçkaCampus


Cons t r ucon

 


ALES-Eur opan10



Si emReapSPAHot el


 

I TU CNS St r uct ur e



Ri ver si deBou queHot el


     


RosewoodHot el



f r anci sco. f er r al a@hot mai l . com

  

PFC             

Ur banPl anni ng

Pr oj ectDesi gn

St r uct ur e

Const r ucon

Bui l di ngSyst ems

LOCATI ON: Thear eaofaconi ssi t uat edwi t hi n t hegr oundsoft heol ds t aonofDel i ci as.Rai l wayi nf r as t r uct ur eshavet he pr obl em ofaggr essi venesswi t hwhi ch acoment ei nt heci t yandi t spl anni ng. Bar r i er scaused byt hecur r entnet wor koft r ai ns,bui l di ngs,t opogr aphy andl ackofpubl i cspacebecomet he l ocaoni nat ot al l yi sol at edar ea.

OBJ ECTI VES: Thepr oj ectwases t abl i shedasaway s t aont hatser vest heAt ochaand MéndezÁl var os t aon,noti ncompeon,butbesupporvef orbot h. Themodalt r anspor ti nt er changerat Del i ci aswi l lbet hemee ngpoi nt , l ongdi s t ancet r avel er s( AVE)i nt er ci t y bus; medi umdi s t ance: cer caní as, met r o,ur banbus,t axiandcar ;shor t di s t ances:pedes t r i ans.

ELEMENTS: Foundaon:Ret ai ni ngwal l smadeof r ei nf or cedconcr et e,di aphr agm wal l andConcr et ei sol at edf oo ng. St r uct ur e:2x1, 5m col umns.l i ght enedsl abs ys t emsyPr ecas tbeams 1, 10y2, 20m.Col umnchapi t elar e madeofr ei nf or cedconcr et e.

ELEMENTS: Cons t r uconoft hepr oj ecti sbased ont womai ns ys t ems: Rei nf or cedconcr et e:I st hemai nmat er i al .I susedt oel evat et r ai nt r acks andt oembedi nt ot hemount ai nt he spacer esponsi bl et osavet hesl ope. St eel :I ti susedf orcr eangs t r uct ur es t hatsuppor tcover sandt heencl osi ng wal l s.

CALCULATI ON: Sewer age:Pr opyl ene t ubeswi t hø var i abl ebet ween40and110mm accor di ngdr ai n.

OBJ ECTI VES: Cons t r uconofamodalt r anspor ti nt er changeratDel i ci as.I twi l lconsi s tof associ at esar eas,suchasacor ebusi nessar eas,shops,caf es,hot el sand museums. Thepr oj ectshal lpr ovi def orconnecon sol u on f ort hi senvi r onment , pr oposi ngas t r at egyt or esol vet heexi sngur banpr obl em.

PROPOSAL: El evat edt r ai nt r ackscr eat et wogr eat cover sar caded,gener anganaxi ss t r eetor gani zi ngt hedi ver seandnumer oust r affic,sol vi ngbar r i er sand i nt r oduci ngt hepar ki nt heci t y. Rai l r oadMuseum i sr ehabi l i t at ed,i nt egr angi twi t ht her ai ls t r uct ur eand compl e ngt hepr ogr am.

CALCULATI ON: Det ai l eds t udyoft hemos tchar act er i scel ementoft hepr oj ect ;t hei mpl ant aon oft he r ai l way and el evat edpl a or ms. Rai l ways t r uct ur e.Lar gespanswi t hout i nt er medi at e suppor t s. Rei nf or cedconcr et e. Col umnsofupt o3met er swi de.Col umns chapi t el wi t h appr opr i at e f or mst owi t hs t andsl abs32m span. Usi ngpl ai nsha bear i ngs.

     

f r anci sco. f er r al a@hot mai l . com

DETAI LS: Themet alcoveri ssol vedwi t hs t r i ps f or medbyzi ncsheet sandwi t hs t ai nl esss t eelt ubul arupr i ght s. Theugl assencl osur ei schosenast he mai nmat er i alf ort heencl osi ngwal l s oft hes t aonbui l di ngandt hes t r i ps f or medbyal umi ni um Li p250sheet s i nt hecomer ci albui l di ngs.

Pl umbi ng:Thesamemat er i ali sused wi t hø20x2. 8mm.ACSexpendi t ur e i smi ni mi z ed. Fi r epr ot econ:Bui l di ngsar edi vi ded i nt osect or sandr out esar ecal cul at ed accor di ngt ot heCTEDBSI .

El ect r i ci t y:Thel i gh ngi scal cul at ed, obt ai ni ngt heVal ueofEner gyEffici ency.

Ven l a on:Thr oughgr i l l est oexpel usedai randt akei nai rf r omt heext er i or . Ai rcondioni ng:Heatpumpswi t h separ at ei ndoorandout doorsecons connect edbyr ef r i ger antpi pi ng.  

I TU        

At r i l ogyf orur banr egener aoni nWestKar aköy.ReUSE, ReCONNECT,ReCI RCULATE

Cont ai ner .Li br ar yandMedi at ech

Ur banhousi ngi nDol apder e

Reur bani za on oft he I TU MaçkaCampus

LOCATI ON: Wes tKar aköy.I s t anbul .Wat er f r ontar eai ncl ose cont actwi t ht heGol denHor n.

LOCATI ON: Anywher e.

LOCATI ON: Pr oj ectar eai sl ocat edi nDol apder e,ani ns t er seconpoi ntoft wover ydi ffer entpar t soft heci t y , whi ch ar el i mi t ed bysever algeogr aphi caland soci albor der s.

LOCATI ON: Thepr oj ectar eahaveaver ypot enci all ocaon, near l yt oTaksi m Squar e,sur r oundi ngabi gval l ey andwi t hi ncr edi bl evi ewst ot heBosphor us.

OBJ ECTI VES: Reur bani z at eandr egener at et hewas t edar ea.Car , bus,t r amandpedes t r i anr out esar eal li nt er j oi ned ,cr eangachao candnoi s yenvi r onment .

OBJ ECTI VES: Cont ai nerwi t hmeasur esr equi r edt obet r anspor t edi nat r uck.Pot en ali nf or maondi scl osur e.

PROPOSAL: Focuswasgi vent omai npedes t r i anaxest hatpr ovi del i nkst ot heur bangr i d.New bui l di ngwer e pr oposedf ort hewes t er nedgeoft hedi s t r i ctwhi l e t heol d/hi s t or i cbui l di ngsont heeas twer epr ot ect edandr enewed.Thepur posednewbui l di ngs wi l lactasbar r i er st opol l u onandnoi secomi ng f r omt hemai nr oad,butwi l lnotf or mabar r i erf or ci r cul aon.

PROPOSAL: Refleconont hedi ffer ent sf or msofi nf or maon. Cont ai neri sdi vi dedi nt hr eespaces:r ecep on, cent r alpoi ntandfir s ti nbeopen;l i br ar y ,masi ve, wi t hs t or ageneedsandver i fiedi nf or maon;and medi at ech,flui d,act ual ,di nami candwi t hl essr el i abl ei nf or maon.Keepi ng pr oduct si sposi bl e i nsi de,ver ycomf or t abl et omovei t .

   

OBJ ECTI VES: Di ffer entki ndofs t r eet s,hi ghs,f açades,publ i c spaces. . .waysofl i ve.Themai ns t arngf ort hi s pr oj ecti st odel et ebor der sandt os t apl et heci t y.

PROPOSAL: Fl oorpl anbecomesver yi mpor t antbecausei t ’ s act ualuse;s t r eeti sunder s t oodaspar toft he homeandsoci ali nt er changespace.Thet ypol ogy i sver yflexi bl e;ser verspace,havet hefixedwal l s cr eangt hespacesf orhumi di t yar easandpl umbi ngs.Spaceser vedaddapst opeopl eneedscr eat i ngaf r eespace.

f r anci sco. f er r al a@hot mai l . com

OBJ ECTI VES: Themos ti mpor t antai m oft hepr oj ecti st osol ve t heconneconsbet weent het hr eecampus,and t heaccessf r omt heci t y.

PROPOSAL: Theuni ver si t yent r ancei sl ocat ednear l yTaksi m,i t gi vesaccesst ot het hr eecampusandt ot hedot aci onalcent er .Newcommonf aci l ies,l i kear esi dence,anadmi ni s t r avebui l di ng,aspor t sar eaor aconf er encehal l ,ar ebui l di ngt or evi t al i z et hehi st or i calgr eenar eaandt ocr eat emee ngpoi nt sf or s t udent s.

 

CNS      

Educa onalCent eri nMadr i d

Eur opan10.Al és

LOCATI ON: Pl otof100( m² )i nt hesout har eaofMadr i d.

LOCATI ON: Al és.Fr ance.Ur banempt yspace,i nt heNor t hi tbor der sChan l l iandi nt heSout hLeTemper es.

OBJ ECTI VES: Thr eebui l di ngsofeducaonaluse.Aspor t scent er ,pl andi mensi ons40x60( m) ,andi nt er i orhei ght20( m)att he l owes tpoi nt .An cl asccover ,bui l tbyr i gi del ement s.Acl assr oombui l di ng,ar ea40x10( m) .Ther ear ewat ert abl e pr obl ems.Andahemi spher e,wi t hamet als t r uct ur e,f orcent r alser vi ces.

OBJ ECTI VES: Toconnectt hedi ffer entur banf abr i cst hatcomet oget heri nt hear eaofoper aon.Tot henor t h,spar segr owt h,t he Sout h,devel opmentanddensi ficaonandt heWes t ,ur banr es t r uct ur i ngandmaj ori nf r as t r uct ur e.Toext endThe AvenueChar l esdeGaul l et hatconnect st hehi s t or i ccent erwi t ht hear eaofoper aon.

PROPOSAL: Thef oundaonchosenf ort heAbui l di ngi saper i met erdi aphr agm wal lmadebybat aches,havi ngt wobasement s andwat ert abl eel evaon5( m) .Thes t r uct ur ei smadef r om r ei nf or cedconcr et eonsi t ewi t ht empor ar yf or mwor k s ys t emwi t hr eusabl ecoffer s.I nt heBBui l di ngdependi ngont hequal i t yandconsi s t encyoft heear t handt hebui l di ngs t r ess,t hechosens t r uct ur et opl acei safloorsl abi nor dert oavoi ddi ffer en alse l ement .Themet als t r uct ur e i smadeupofsquar ehol l owsecons100. 4andmechani calfixi ngs.Fi nal l y ,t hef oundaonchosenf ort heCbui l di ng i ssol vedusi ngpr ef abr i cat edpi l i ngsofdi ffer entcr ossseconsandpr ecas twoodenandconcr et es t r uct ur e.

PROPOSAL: I ns t eadofmaki ngaconneconoft heur banf abr i cser vi ngt hemi ndi vi dual l ywi t hpi ecest oor i gi d,l osi ngt hei deaof setandl osi ngf or cef ul l yi nt hepr oj ect ,i ti spr oposedt ouni t eal lssuest oasi ngl ecent ert hatwi l lactasachannel flow,di s t r i bu onpi eceandl ungoft heci t y.Movi ngsomecor ef unconsoft heci t yt ot hepr oposedar eaandal ar ge gr eenar eai sgener at edbyr ai si ngt hebui l di ngsandcr eangagr eenci t y.Thet r am i si nt r oducedasanewf or m of t r anspor t aonbyr educi ngcaruse.

     

f r anci sco. f er r al a@hot mai l . com


       

ECAShowr oom

Poi petSEZ

USE: Commer ci al .Cons t r uconmat er i al showr oom

USE: Commer ci al .Mulshopsbui l di ng. Resi denceandOffice.

USE: Hospi t al i t y.Resor tSPAHot el

USE: Hospi t al i t y.J apanesecoffee,l i br ar y andar tshowr oom.

USE: Hospi t al i t y.Bou queHot el

USE: Hospi t al i t y.Br andcoffee

SI ZE: Fi r s tfloor-200sqm

SI ZE: 1. 800sqm

SI ZE: 40r ooms.4. 000sqm

SI ZE: Gr oundfloor-150sqm

SI ZE: 60r ooms.5. 000sqm

SI ZE: Basement1-100sqm

LOCATI ON: Moni vongBoul evar d.Sur r oundi ng PhnomPenhTower ,PhnomPenh

LOCATI ON: Speci alEconomi cZone,SaezRoad Poi pet .Cambodi a

LOCATI ON: Sur r oundi ngsSt .63,Si emReap Cambodi a

LOCATI ON: Si hanoukBoul evar d, sur r oundi ngs RoyalPal ace,PhnomPenh

LOCATI ON: LOCATI ON: No.199Eo,Pr eahSi sowat hQuay ,Khan Va anacCapi t alTower , DounPenh,PhnomPenh,Cambodi a PhnomPenh

Si em ReapHot el

Mat chAr tCaf e

Ri ver si de Bou queHot el

OBJ ECTI VES: OBJ ECTI VES: OBJ ECTI VES: OBJ ECTI VES: OBJ ECTI VES: gnpr oposali sf ocusont he t outofanol dbui l di ngneart her oyal Thedesi easofexpansi oni nCambo- Respondi ngt ot hehi ghdemandi nt he Fi Fi t outofanol dbui l di ng,l ocat edi n Thenewar eaonofaver yspeci al ,uni queand acei nt hecent erofPhnom Penh. cr af ocused i n 10new speci aleco- hot eli ndus t r yi nt heci t yofSi em Reap pal t hemos ti mpor t ants t r eeti nPhnom di usi vebr and.Thes t yl echoseni s scoffeepl acehavet wofloor st hat excl cz ones.Oneoft hesear easl o- duet ot heexpansi onoft our i sm i n Thi Penh.Moni vi ngST.Thenewspacecr e- nomi he Eur opean Cl assi cSt yl e,keepi ng l lbeusedasar es t aur ant ,books t or et edi nPoi pet ,neart hebor derwi t h Cambodi a.Thehot eli shasamoder n wi at ed f ort he showr oom,wi l lshow cat t he Tr adionalKhmerHer i t age and tgal l er yexhi bion. l and,speci al i zi ngi nt het exl ei n- s t yl ewi t h40r oomsandal ar gespa andar si nks,f aucet sandbat hr oom f ur ni t ur e. Thai addi ngt heModer nSt yl e.Thedesi gn t r y.I sr equi r edt hecons t r uconof ser vi cet hatmeet st heexpect aons Repr esen ngt heTur ki shbr andSEREL dus mus tbemadet of eelt hecos t umer sas unconalbui l di ngcont ai ni nga anddemandsoft henewi nt er naonal basedi nI s t anbulandexpandi ngsbusi - amulf t heyi nt oaver yuni quei nsi de-out si de commer ci alar ea,hot el ,office and t our i sm. nessi nCambodi a. at mospher e. r esi dences.

     

f r anci sco. f er r al a@hot mai l . com

CoffeeBean &TeaLeaf

OBJ ECTI VES: TheMal aysanbr andCoffeeBean&Tea l eaf ,wantt oexpandhi sbusi nessi n oneoft hemos texcl usi vel ocaonsi n t hecapi t alofCambodi a,t heVa anaccapi t alt ower .


   

 

   


 

     

 

   






VPL       

USE: Hospi t al i t y.RosewoodHot el .Ul t r al uxur yexper i ence. SI ZE: 39s t or eyt ower .25t ht o39t hRosewoodHot el .

LOCATI ON: KaunDaunPenhar ea,PhnomPenhCambodi a.Hi ghes tt oweri nt hehear toft hecent r albusi nessdi s t r i ct . Mai nent r anceMoni vongBoul evar d

OBJ ECTI VES: RosewoodPhnomPenhf eat ur e148r oomsandsui t es,wi char eal mongt hel ar ges tgues t r oomi nPhnomPenh. Anaddional27r esi dencesi savai l abl ef orl ongs t ayvi si t or s.Di ni ngop onsi ncl udeabi s t r o,l obbyl ounge,t wo speci al l yr es t aur ant sandskybaronadr amaccant el i ver edt er r ace.Recr eaonalf aci l iesf eat ur espa,anda20 met erswi mmi ngpoolandafit nesscent r e.Mee ngf aci l iesi ncl udet hepavi l i onr esi den al s t yl emee ngand f unconspacemulf unconalmee ngr ooms.

     

f r anci sco. f er r al a@hot mai l . com


      

f r anci sco. f er r al a@hot mai l . com

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