ECAShowr oom
Poi petSEZ
USE: Commer ci al .Cons t r uconmat er i al showr oom
USE: Commer ci al .Mulshopsbui l di ng. Resi denceandOffice.
USE: Hospi t al i t y.Resor tSPAHot el
USE: Hospi t al i t y.J apanesecoffee,l i br ar y andar tshowr oom.
USE: Hospi t al i t y.Bou queHot el
USE: Hospi t al i t y.Br andcoffee
SI ZE: Fi r s tfloor-200sqm
SI ZE: 1. 800sqm
SI ZE: 40r ooms.4. 000sqm
SI ZE: Gr oundfloor-150sqm
SI ZE: 60r ooms.5. 000sqm
SI ZE: Basement1-100sqm
LOCATI ON: Moni vongBoul evar d.Sur r oundi ng PhnomPenhTower ,PhnomPenh
LOCATI ON: Speci alEconomi cZone,SaezRoad Poi pet .Cambodi a
LOCATI ON: Sur r oundi ngsSt .63,Si emReap Cambodi a
LOCATI ON: Si hanoukBoul evar d, sur r oundi ngs RoyalPal ace,PhnomPenh
LOCATI ON: LOCATI ON: No.199Eo,Pr eahSi sowat hQuay ,Khan Va anacCapi t alTower , DounPenh,PhnomPenh,Cambodi a PhnomPenh
Si em ReapHot el
Mat chAr tCaf e
Ri ver si de Bou queHot el
OBJ ECTI VES: OBJ ECTI VES: OBJ ECTI VES: OBJ ECTI VES: OBJ ECTI VES: gnpr oposali sf ocusont he t outofanol dbui l di ngneart her oyal Thedesi easofexpansi oni nCambo- Respondi ngt ot hehi ghdemandi nt he Fi Fi t outofanol dbui l di ng,l ocat edi n Thenewar eaonofaver yspeci al ,uni queand acei nt hecent erofPhnom Penh. cr af ocused i n 10new speci aleco- hot eli ndus t r yi nt heci t yofSi em Reap pal t hemos ti mpor t ants t r eeti nPhnom di usi vebr and.Thes t yl echoseni s scoffeepl acehavet wofloor st hat excl cz ones.Oneoft hesear easl o- duet ot heexpansi onoft our i sm i n Thi Penh.Moni vi ngST.Thenewspacecr e- nomi he Eur opean Cl assi cSt yl e,keepi ng l lbeusedasar es t aur ant ,books t or et edi nPoi pet ,neart hebor derwi t h Cambodi a.Thehot eli shasamoder n wi at ed f ort he showr oom,wi l lshow cat t he Tr adionalKhmerHer i t age and tgal l er yexhi bion. l and,speci al i zi ngi nt het exl ei n- s t yl ewi t h40r oomsandal ar gespa andar si nks,f aucet sandbat hr oom f ur ni t ur e. Thai addi ngt heModer nSt yl e.Thedesi gn t r y.I sr equi r edt hecons t r uconof ser vi cet hatmeet st heexpect aons Repr esen ngt heTur ki shbr andSEREL dus mus tbemadet of eelt hecos t umer sas unconalbui l di ngcont ai ni nga anddemandsoft henewi nt er naonal basedi nI s t anbulandexpandi ngsbusi - amulf t heyi nt oaver yuni quei nsi de-out si de commer ci alar ea,hot el ,office and t our i sm. nessi nCambodi a. at mospher e. r esi dences.
f r anci sco. f er r al a@hot mai l . com
CoffeeBean &TeaLeaf
OBJ ECTI VES: TheMal aysanbr andCoffeeBean&Tea l eaf ,wantt oexpandhi sbusi nessi n oneoft hemos texcl usi vel ocaonsi n t hecapi t alofCambodi a,t heVa anaccapi t alt ower .