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Francisco Martinez
Rous Tech Risk Management Services for FOREX brokers and banks connecting MT4 to liquidity http://www.RousTech.com francisco.martinez@roustech.com skypeme: rous.fm http://www.sifachildren.org Help Ugandan Children Francisco Martinez aka Frank Francisco’s career in forex started when he started to learn to trade as a retail trader in 2003. After trading his own account thru many different brokers he discovered that there are many types of brokers some you can trust and some that don’t deserve your trust, it does not matter how big they are. He and some partners started their own forex broker in Zurich Switzerland and after almost 2 years in business they were acquired by a bank in Germany. Francisco served at the bank as head of Spanish speaking sales and support for 2 years. He has mentored and developed many a good trader about the forex broker business. Francisco is a partner of a technology company offering risk management and solutions for banks or brokers desiring to operate a No Deal Desk