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1st june



Amsterdam for the Weekend Sneaker Freaker Man as a Housekeeper

illustrations by Francisco Torres

#eddymagazine on instagram

CONTENT Interview 04 | Maria João - Eddy’s Magazine editor

Explore 10 | Amsterdam for the Weekend 18 | 10 Reasons to visit Brugge

Fashion 24 | Sneaker Freaker 30 | ‘Shorter on the sides and some wax’

Living 34 | Man as a Housekeeper 44 | Homemade Gourmet Burgers

Interview maria / eddy / editor

Maria Joao

You have had a long marriage to Eddy – going on 10 years as an editorial staff member. What has this been like, and how do you keep things ‘fresh’?

“A Good Magazine Is Its Editor”

finest written language from some of the country’s best minds has been a source of unabated pleasure for me. (I am of an age, apparently, where people have begun to ask me for my thoughts about retirement . . . and I must always tell them, with complete honesty, that I have none.)

You are likely to think me naïve and/ or arrogant here, but I honestly believe I am neither— believing, instead, that I have been fortunate to have found daily “work” that aligns with both my loves and my abilities. Despite any and all evidence to the contrary in our current cultural-technological climate, I still ascribe to microbiologist Lewis Thomas’ argument, in his essay collection The Lives of a Cell, that the single defining characteristic of humankind as a species is language. We are what we speak—and hear and read. So, to have the privilege of reading, working with, and publishing some of the

You started as Assistant Editor, moved to Associate, then Acting, and finally Editor in 2008. Is this a common trajectory for someone aiming to be Editor of a literary journal? What tasks are emphasized in each of these positions on the editorial food chain? I have to begin by objecting to your characterization of the process here, since to me “food chain” carries some 6



Interview maria / eddy / director

The Georgia Review seems to really aim to establish good (and in many cases long-term) relationships with its writers, so perhaps in a way Stories Wanting Only to Be Heard also felt like a reunion?

negative connotations about superiority, domination, and even violence. I can, of course, speak with authority only about what these job title changes have meant for me at The Georgia Review, knowing that different literary magazines have very different structures and methods of operation. Now, as editor I get all those extras plus fundraising fun and struggling to maintain the beauties of a printed journal in the face of the hard- and flat-faced electronic realm so attractive to so many.

Absolutely. Hear me well, America: Lee K. Abbott, Jack Driscoll, Mary Hood, Marjorie Sandor, and George Singleton are the starting five on the national championship short-story-writing team of our time. They cannot be beaten—and they are all in this anthology.

The University of Georgia Press just released a book, Stories Wanting Only to Be Heard: Selected Fiction from Six Decades of The Georgia Review. What was it like to put this together and select the best of your best?

Do you remember your first publication in a literary journal? Of course: it was a poem titled “Wild Strawberries” and it appeared in an anthology called On Turtle’s Back: A Bio-geographical Anthology of New York State Poetry, published by White Pine Press in the early-middle 1970s. It included a poem by Allen Ginsberg, for chrissake, and there I was, too!

A lot of extra work! But much more importantly, again, a privilege and a serious responsibility: to reread and reconsider, with the great help of my editorial staff (Douglas Carlson, David Ingle, and Mindy Wilson), so much work from writers famous, too-soon forgotten, and never-enough-remembered; to honor all those writers for those particular achievements, and to give readers the honor of discovery and rediscovery.



Explore friends / trip / amsterdam

AMSTERDAM FOR THE WEEKEND Why you should always choose to travel with friends? We noticed that our small group of friends is amazingly different. Our philosophy is something thoughtful, considerate, culturally sensitive and genuinely interested in experiencing Europe as a temporary European. ARTICLE TIAGO, PHOTO FRANCISCO



This summer, I was lucky enough to experience both traveling alone and among friends. I flew to a foreign city, one I’d never been to, and made my way around meeting new people, creating temporary friendship circles and crafting as much of a routine as possible. I met people with whom I held similar interests and felt completely myself and comfortable around. Yet these people were few and far between. There were also those whose personalities clashed with my own, whom I found hard to tolerate for multiple days on end and found myself biting my tongue in situations where I would have been

wholly honest. I have found the latter situation doesn’t occur with close friends and that there are far more reasons why you should travel with your friends then why you shouldn’t:

You already know their personalities Meeting new people is not a ten minute process in which you learn their name, where they’re from and what university they attend. It takes days, even months, to fully understand how individuals react in certain situ14

ations. When you travel with friends, days are not wasted tiptoeing around each other in attempts to avoid a ticking time bomb. You’re well aware when one friend gets quiet that she’s anxious, or when another makes a pointed look, she’s angry. You know one of you will be a natural leader equipped with a map in one hand and a tour book in the other. These, nonetheless, are things you expect to happen, they won’t break you down. That being said, no friendship is so resilient that you are no longer able to learn new things about people. You may find one of your soft-spoken, always pleasant best friends

Explore friends / trip / amsterdam

you feel strained to do things others want to do, pulled to wait for people you don’t know very well and anxious to put forth your own opinion when it recognizably contradicts with the majority. Silence isn’t uncomfortable. After walking for nearly ten hours, frequently in circles as you try to grasp at your surroundings (eventually Roman ruins start to look strikingly indistinctive and you find yourself wondering if you’re walking on a treadmill), you’re often exhausted. At this point, silence is a treasure. When you move through crowds, sit at a restaurant or listen to your iPod on a three-hour train ride, you don’t feel compelled to make conversation because you’re well aware no one will be taking it personally if you’re in a more reclusive mood. It’s comparable to having alone time with the safety net of knowing there’s someone willing to listen if you need it. all of the sudden whips out a pair of sassy pants that you didn’t know she owned nonetheless wore, but the surprise is temporary and ends up being a source of constant amusement.

You have similar interests and if not, you care about them enough to also care about their interests.

I ranted about the Pantheon in Rome for the entire duration of our stay. I spewed any facts I could assemble from my art history classes in university and was downright antsy to finally see it. While my friends shared my enthusiasm in viewing such a tourist attraction, they didn’t hold the same child-like vigor that I did. They didn’t mind, though; in fact, they encouraged it, promoting my excitement and let me comb through every section of the dome, taking pictures of every square foot when my camera unexpectedly died. I would do the same for them in a heartbeat. When you’re traveling with strangers, 15

They’re not afraid to tell you when you’re wrong. The characteristic I love most about my friends is that when I’m wrong, they’re the first to pull me down from my personal high horse. When I travel with people I don’t know and they’re handling the map with misplaced authority as we walk around downright disoriented in a foreign city, I’m skeptical to take charge, inform them that they are undoubtedly wrong and to ask for directions. In

Explore friends / trip / amsterdam

Rome, we met another girl from our hotel for dinner and ended up walking in circles as she repeatedly vowed the restaurant was on the next street, for every street we passed. Needless to say, we never found it. Occasionally, it’s better to just rip the Band-Aid off and let someone know what they’re doing is wrong rather then working around their feelings and prolonging the potential damage.

It’s like bringing a little piece of home with you. It doesn’t matter who you are or what travel experience you hold–occasionally living out of a backpack that is about as easy to access as a jammed door gets to you, and you start feeling regretful wisps of home sickness. You wonder what you would be doing if you were at home and concede you

would most likely be lying in your own, comfortable bed in a familiar place. Having your friends with you while traveling is the equivalent of carrying a small fragment of home. These are the people you spend a majority of your time with, people whom you actually choose to know, see, and hang out with. Generally speaking, you probably enjoy their company and when you’re sitting in a hotel room with a bottle of wine laughing about the days events, where you are doesn’t necessarily matter, it’s more who you’re with. No trip is without its speed bumps, just like no friendship, new or old, goes without being tested. The unfortunate part about traveling with people, regardless of how long you’ve known them, is you truly only find out your traveling compatibility once you land and the wistful discussion of travel becomes a reality. fter walking for nearly ten hours, fre-

quently in circles as you try to grasp at your surroundings (eventually Roman ruins start to look strikingly indistinctive and you find yourself wondering if you’re walking on a treadmill), you’re often exhausted. It’s my sixth week of traveling in Europe, four weeks of stable, structured French courses in a small city in France and now city-to-city backpacking with three of my closest friends. When I told people that a handful of my oldest friends were 18

sity and was downright antsy to finally see it. While my friends shared my enthusiasm in viewing such a tourist attraction, they didn’t hold the same child-like vigor that I did.

We grew up together, conquered high school together and fortified our friendships during university

meeting me in Europe for two weeks of backpacking, I was met with an assortment of responses. Many who know my friends and I encouraged the trip, wishing us nothing but best hopes and safe travels. Others, however, were surprised and came equipped with horror stories about friends closer than sisters traveling overseas only to end up holding nothing but hatred for each other. While those stories were alarming and

occasionally disheartening, I went into the situation with confidence. I have been best friends with the same group of girls for almost ten years. We grew up together, conquered high school together and both continued and fortified our friendships during university when most high school bonds tend to wither away. I ranted about the Pantheon in Rome for the entire duration of our stay. I spewed any facts I could assemble from my art history classes in univer19

They didn’t mind, though; in fact, they encouraged it, promoting my excitement and let me comb through every section of the dome, taking pictures of every square foot when my camera unexpectedly died. I would do the same for them in a heartbeat. When you’re traveling with strangers, you feel strained to do things others want to do, pulled to wait for people you don’t know very well and anxious to put forth your own opinion when it recognizably contradicts with the majority.

Explore friends / trip / amsterdam



1: THE GROENEREI Bruges is a waterborne city, its many canals part of a network that links it to the North Sea. Of all the canals in the centre of town, the Groenerei, the ‘green canal’, is the most romantic. It is best seen from Peerdebrug, the Horse Bridge (on Peerdenstraat): looking towards the Meebrug, the canal is lined with trees and creepers, elegant 17th-century mansions and almshouses and topped by the cathedral tower.

2: SINT ANNA The crowds that mob the nearby Burg and city centre rarely make it to the Sint Anna district and the city’s northern corner. Attractions here include the Museum voor Volkskunde and De Karmeliet restaurant as well as some of the city’s most interesting small churches. The strangest of these is the 15th-century Jerusalem Church. Still owned by the Genoese family that paid for its construction, it was inspired by Jerusalem’s Holy Sepulchre and contains a replica of Calvary.




The city’s central square was the administrative centre of medieval Bruges and offers a feast of Gothic architecture. Nowhere better expresses the majesty and wealth of medieval Bruges. Many of the buildings were rebuilt in the 16th century or later, but the Stadhuis, Belgium’s oldest town hall, dates back to 1376. Its first-floor Gothic Hall has a fabulous, original wooden ceiling.

They take food seriously here. Much of it is simple, such as friet fresh from a chip stall, a Flemmish stew or the purity of mussels natuur, cooked in parsley and celery. If this inspires you to try your hand in the kitchen, gather some friends and head for the Kempinski’s two-hour, afternoon cookery class (€200 per person), where the chef will show you what to do with grey Zeebrugge shrimps or a turbot. You get to eat it as well, and the sommelier will advise and serve wines. Kempinski Dukes Palace Bruges (00 32 50 44 78 82; www.kempinski.com/bruges)

4: FLY KITES ON ZEEBRUGGE BEACH On a breezy day, nothing clears the mind better than a session on the beach at Zeebrugge, the city’s old seaport, a half-hour drive away. You could settle for a stroll along the dunes, but when the tide is out and the wind is up, the beach becomes a playground for kiters. You can buy a simple kite in town or along the waterfront. For something more serious, ask at Rusty House (www.rustyhouse. com), a beachbar/kite/surf-centre. You can also sign up here for a beginner’s kite-surfing lesson at the Icarus Kite Centre.

6: SPEGELAERE CHOCOLATE Belgium has become a byword for chocolate, and Bruges goes so far as to have a museum dedicated to the brown stuff. For the hand-pressed heights of Godiva, the high-profile exoticism of Chocolate Line or the supermarket staple Côte d’Or, Spegelaere is where many locals go. There is little design and no packaging frills, but this old-fashioned, family-run chocolatier, a short walk from the city centre, sells some of Bruges’ best truffles, fabulous confections and its signature product: a big bunch of chocolate-covered marzipan ‘grapes’. Spegelaere: 92 Ezelstraat, Bruges (00 32 50 336 052) 22

Explore friends / trip / amsterdam

9: ONZE LIEVE VROUW CHURCH It’s not so much its size that makes the Church of Our Lady, on Mariastraat, stand out, although at 122 metres its spire is one of the country’s tallest. The wonder here is in the Gothic simplicity of the soaring interior, which contrasts perfectly with the elaborate carvings in the 15th-century royal tombs near the altar. Begun in 1220, the church took almost 200 years to complete. It has fabulous acoustics, best heard during a service.

7: DE REPUBLIEK There are said to be more bars in Bruges than nights of the year. The wood-panelled De Vissinge (2 Blekersstraat) is the oldest and De Versteende Nacht (Langestraat 11) one of the busiest late at night, when live jazz is played. But for atmosphere at any time, try De Republiek. Attached to the city’s best cinema, the bar has plenty of space inside or out in the yard. It serves a long list of beers; cocktails are chalked on the board; there’s simple food; and DJs at the weekend. De Republiek: 36 Sint Jacobsstraat, Bruges (00 32 50 34 02 29; www.derepubliek.be).

10: DE HALVE MAAN BREWERY Beer is taken as seriously as food in Bruges and sometimes taken as often. The choice is staggering. Of the hundreds of Belgium beers, none are more local than the ones at Half Moon, the only working brewery left in central Bruges. It is still family owned, too. If brewing processes interest you, there are daily guided tours (45 minutes, €5.50). Food is served in the old fermenting room and the courtyard; otherwise, come for the beer: Brugse Zot, a naturally fermented lager that comes at 5 per cent or 7.5 per cent abv, or the appropriately named Straffe Hendrik (Strong Henry) at 9 per cent. De Halve Maan: Walplein 26 (00 32 50 33 26 97; www.halvemaan.be)

8: HANS MEMLING The prolific 15th-century master was not born in Bruges, but this is where he produced some of his finest work and there’s a museum dedicated to him, which shows his genius for representation and use of colour. Among the masterpieces are an exquisite casket holding relics of St Ursula and an altarpiece with scenes including the mystic marriage of Saint Catherine, a decapitated Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist on Patmos. Sin Jan Hospitaalmuseum: 38 Mariastraat (00 32 50 448 711).



Fashion sneakers / addict / footwear


SNEAKER FREAKER People talk a lot about surrealism, pop art and impressionism, but we’re declaring right now the Sneaker Art period. We see so many talented artists doing some very clever stuff with sneaks and we’re loving it, so here we shine a light on some of our favourites. ARTICLE TIAGO, PHOTO FRANCISCO

Sneaker customising has come a long way since you scribbled your initials on the heel of your first pair when you were a kid. It is its own planet in the sole-a-system now, with hundreds of artists offering their hands and ideas to take your kicks and make them uniquely you, or just create something completely new. Whether it’s giving your Js a spray job in the style of your favourite comic, or switching up the materials to something exotic so you can be about that luxury life, there are squillions of ways you can pimp your shoes. We’ve seen the market for special jobs explode in recent years, with many customisers now with their own followings, so now we shine a light on a few of our favourites. Here we go, in no particular order at all, we present who we believe to be the ten

best sneaker customisers in the game right now. Ahh, Aubrey Drake Graham, Drizzy, the OVO don dada, Wheelchair Jimmy – a man of many names, but very few shoe brands. Drake loves retro Jordans, that’s almost it.

Some people travel, some people buy shoes And after some awkward outfits in the early days, the dude definitely knows how to wear them well now. Jordan Brand noticed too, and made him the first non-athlete to sign to the brand, giving him four ‘October’s Very Own’ Jordan 10 and 12 models to hand out to family, friends and lucky fans (who 27

turned cash-hungry resellers) as a toast. We haven’t seen any foot fruits from the partnership since, except our April Fool’s joke Jordan 6s that got a lot of people feeling thirsty, but we have seen Drizzy wearing a lot of hyped Js on his long run of concerts worldwide. Enjoy the gallery above of Drake wearing sneaks like his go-to white/cement Air Jordan 3s, as well as most Js up to the 12s, a questionable purple custom model, and a couple of almost-curve balls from other brands – see if you can name them. Three magic numbers. A date which made history. The release date of the first Air Max in 1987. For 10 days we prepared you with our Air Max History Countdown in the buildup to what’s probably the most important day for a Nike Air Max collector, hunter and lover. Iceberg, Mister Air

Fashion sneakers / addict / footwear

Max himself, was kind enough to allow us to exhibit his stunning Air Max collection. Not only that, he also graced us with his presence on the evening which turned into something extraordinary. After all, there aren’t many people out there who can claim to own almost all the OG Air Max models in all of their colourways. We’re impressed! A nice display surrounded by old Nike advertising clippings made the perfect setting for the OG collection. Around 200 guests found their way to our event. Music, delicious food, drinks, good shoes and a relaxed atmosphere complemented the vernissage. Our biggest thank you

goes out to ICEBERG. We take our hat off to you for owning such a unique collection! The Air Max Day exhibition can still be visited until April, 4. Monday – Saturday 11AM – 20PM.

With internet, you can find any skeakers you want We’ve seen the market for special jobs explode in recent years, with many customisers now with their own followings, so now we shine a light on a few of our favourites. Here we go, in no particular order at all, 28

we present who we believe to be the ten best sneaker customisers in the game right now. Their way to our event. Music, delicious food, drinks, good shoes and a relaxed atmosphere complemented the vernissage. Our biggest thank you goes out to ICEBERG. We take our hat off to you for owning such a unique collection! Jay Z has moved blocks and squares, apples and pears, worked pots and pans, just to cop some Airs. His devotion to fresh footwear has been a shoe game changer; he’s helped stir up even more hype for retro ball boots, has legitimised designer sneaks with the rap pack, and even pioneered a truly

Bok deal is the commercial below, featuring 50 Cent and Jay Z rapping together wearing hella baggy clothes. Check it out, they even touch each other’s chests, it’s super cute.

Customized sneakers match people wishes

collaborative sneaker brand partnership. He loves Air Jordan and reps all of the classic shapes on the reg, but he’s not afraid to spread his sneaker wings (not into Jeremy Scott Wings territory though), sporting Loeey Vs, Timberlands, LeBrons, Reebok Kamikaze IIs, some Supra and even the Radii Moon Walker (check the fifth pic in the gallery above for that money shot). Hova is all about that paper, of course, so he’s laced up the shoe attempts of his own Rocawear brand in the past and inked a deal with Reebok for his own signature sneaker in 2003. There was a bit of a twist to this endorsement though,

most artist deals around this time required the talent to wear the brand’s gear pretty much exclusively. Jigger man was having none of that though, so he negotiated a ‘partnership’ with Reebok where he would put in some of his own bank and get a fatter cut of the proceeds. The shoe was an unashamed rip-off of a Gucci tennis casual model, and there was some serious pandemonium leading to its release. Heads soon realised that the sneak wasn’t really that dope though, and there aren’t many calls for a retro recall of it today – you certainly won’t catch Jay wearing them. One massive positive to come out of the 29

She’s sexy and she knows it, and she looks finest when her little feet are swimming in some big ball boots. Rihanna is the most influential spokeswoman for women’s sneaker fashion in the world, just by virtue of her being stupidly famous and loving sneakers. Beyoncé ain’t repping laces and Air-injected midsoles like this, Rihanna runs the tomboy fashion game, even if some folks reckons she’s just a style biter of her less prominent contemporaries.



‘Shorter on the sides and some wax’ In the Dries Van Noten exhibition at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris is a video that stitches together sequences from 20 years of his runway shows — a “supercut,” in online argot. On a tour of the show not long ago, Mr. Van Noten nodded along as memorable moments flashed: male models pedaling bicycles, women stalking the length of an enormous dinner table. But what stood out most were the ghostly points of light illuminating the audience’s faces in the recent shows.

hand, said Danielle Sherman, the creative director of Edun, that when she commissioned a director and a fleet of 20 borrowed iPhone 5s to create a video of her fall 2014 show, hardly an eyebrow was raised. “No one said anything or questioned it, or even noticed it,” she said.

It was, Mr. Van Noten said, their smartphones. The professional photographers on the risers facing the runways now represent only a fraction of those furiously jockeying to document each outfit, accessory and bit of set dressing. Nearly every show attendee, from the front row to the standing section, now arrives with phone in hand and Instagram account primed.

This is fashion in the age of Instagram, a heady era in which digital media is changing the way clothes are presented and even the way they are designed. As shows are calibrated to be socially shared experiences, and fashion itself is rejiggered to catch eyes on a two-dimensional screen, some skeptics wonder what

Fashion’s Latest Muse? InstagramSEPT. 13, 2013 So unremarkable is a smartphone camera in every 32

Fashion haircut / military / style

is being lost or sacrificed as fashion becomes grist for the digital mill.

orgio Armani and Ralph Lauren. “They’re all capturing these moments in this live experience to tell their own stories.” Creating a unique — and, by extension, shareable — experience for jaded showgoers has become part of a designer’s mandate. Shows are designed to wow not only those in attendance, but also all of their followers. (That could be considered a necessary return on investment because, according to Julie Mannion, the president for creative services at the public relations and production firm KCD, a major show can cost $2 million to $8 million, in some cases reaching as much as $10 million, and last fewer than 10 minutes.

Beyond question, the advent of digital media has fundamentally altered fashion, the designer Alexander Wang said: “The way that we shoot it, the way that we showcase it and the way that we make the clothes and design them changed.” Digital media has also changed the way fashion is reported, consumed and shared. Trade papers and websites that once held court as the home of collection coverage have had their turf invaded by individuals. “I see the shows on Instagram now,” said Eva Chen, the editor in chief of Lucky.

Barber shop is included in my month expenses “In some sense, every single person in the audience is their own media outlet,” said Keith Baptista, the managing partner of Prodject, the creative agency that produces runway shows for clients like Mr. Wang, Gi33


Living housekeeper / home / task

MAN AS A HOUSEKEEPER As a result of women emancipation, men felt the need of take care of his own house. Dishwashing soap, plastic gloves and vacuum cleaner have their share in many men’s daily routine. The question “Would you hire a man for housekeeper?” is now demystified. ARTICLE TIAGO, PHOTO FRANCISCO

Living housekeeper / home / task

Man is a creature that has always elicited our unqualified admiration; he is in many capacities useful,’and by a judicious arrangement of blue cloth and brass buttons can often be rendered to a certain degree ornamental. In the sphere of action for which his man y estimable characteristics have qualified him, we accept him without a murmur, but when it comes to having him foisted upon us as a housekeeper, we indignantly reject him. We have wintered and summered him in that capacity, and he is an ignominious failure. For the ornamental part of housekeeper he is peculiarly unfitted; his soul is closed and his vision dim to the truly beautiful. He scorns bric-a-brac, and is not susceptible to the ennobling and refining influence of that home angel, the tidy. If there were fifteen tidies on one chair he would manage to crumple ten under him, and get up with the rest on his back. He is a sworn enemy to all dec-

orative art, and if not watched will go to bed on the pillow-shams. He pulls the bed clothes out by the ‘roots when he up; he leaves water in the wash bowl, and hangs the towel on the iloor. He makes a hatrack of the piano, and expects to find his slippers just where he left them last week. His idea of being comfortable ia to throw open every door and window in the house, and as to becoming arrangements of light and shade, his mind is a perfect blank. He was never known to make a knot in a towel and chase tlies out of the room, and if he does not see what he wants the minute he opens the bureau drawer, he knows it is not there, and you cannot convince him to the contrary. He lacks adroitness, and always drags out the weak-legged chair for a visitor to sit in. His mind is not nimble in taking hints. We have seen a man who understood Emerson help himself to the last slice of cake, with company


present, unblushingly call for more, notwithstanding his wife was kicking him under the table’ and winking at him over it. It will readily be seen that he is by nature and education totally disqualified to act as goddess of the home. His occasional presence is necessary to have him patronize the deserving institution at least three times a day, and it looks well to see him sitting around in the evenings; but it would never do to leave him in charge of the dearest spot on earth. He would bankrupt domestic bliss in a week. Let all who are interested in the preservation and maintenance of the fireside humbly petition the managers of this new movement to exempt a few able-bodied, industrious women to continue the time-honored and laudable employment of housekeeping, or at least to postpone any


radical change until a few men have been taught to discriminate between macrame lace and dish-towels. Man is a creature that has always elicited our unqualified admiration; he is in many capacities useful,’and by a judicious arrangement of blue cloth and brass buttons can often be rendered to a certain degree ornamental. In the sphere of action for which his man y estimable characteristics have qualified him, we accept him without a murmur, but when it comes to having him foisted upon us as a housekeeper, we indignantly reject him. We have wintered and summered him in that capacity, and he is an ignominious failure.

He makes a hatrack of the piano, and expects to find his slippers just where he left them last week. His idea of being comfortable ia to throw open every door and window in the house, and as to becoming arrangements of light and shade, his mind is a perfect 40

Living housekeeper / home / task

blank. He was never known to make a knot in a towel and chase tlies out of the room, and if he does not see what he wants the minute he opens the bureau drawer, he knows it is not there, and you cannot convince him to the contrary. He lacks adroitness, and always drags out the weak-legged chair for a visitor to sit in. His mind is not nimble in taking hints. We have seen a man who understood Emerson help himself to the last slice of cake, with company present, unblushingly call for more, notwithstanding his wife was kicking him under the table’ and winking at him over it. It will readily be seen that he is by nature and education totally disqualified to act as goddess of the home. His occasional presence is necessary to have him patronize the deserving institution at least three times a day, and it looks well to see him sitting around in the evenings; but it would never do to leave him in charge of the dearest spot on earth. He would bankrupt domestic bliss in a week. Let all who are interested in the preservation and maintenance of the fireside humbly petition the managers of this new movement to exempt a few able-bodied, industrious women to continue the time-honored and laudable employment of housekeeping, or at least to postpone any radical change until a few men have been taught to discriminate between macrame lace and dish-towels. Man is a creature that has always elicited our unqualified admiration;

he is in many capacities useful,’and by a judicious arrangement of blue cloth and brass buttons can often be rendered to a certain degree ornamental. In the sphere of action for which his man y estimable characteristics have qualified him, we accept him without a murmur, but when it comes to having him foisted upon us as a housekeeper, we indignantly reject him. We have wintered and summered him in that capacity, and he is an ignominious failure. For the ornamental part of housekeeper he is peculiarly unfitted; his soul is closed and his vision dim to the truly beautiful. He scorns bric-a-brac, and is not susceptible to the ennobling and refining influence of that home angel, the tidy. If there were fifteen tidies on one chair he would manage to crumple ten under him, and get up with the rest on his back. He is a sworn enemy to all decorative art, and if not watched will go to bed on the pillow-shams. He pulls the bed clothes out by the ‘roots when he up; he leaves water in the wash bowl, and hangs the towel on the iloor.

Housekeeping can be hard sometimes, but it is good for relax He makes a hatrack of the piano, and expects to find his slippers just where he left them last week. His idea of being comfortable ia to throw open every door and window in the house, 41

and as to becoming arrangements of light and shade, his mind is a perfect blank. He was never known to make a knot in a towel and chase tlies out of the room, and if he does not see what he wants the minute he opens the bureau drawer, he knows it is not there, and you cannot convince him to the contrary.

You can save a lot of money, doing it yourself He lacks adroitness, and always drags out the weak-legged chair for a visitor to sit in. His mind is not nimble in taking hints. We have seen a man who understood Emerson help himself to the last slice of cake, with company present, unblushingly call for more, notwithstanding his wife was kicking him under the table’ and winking at him over it. It will readily be seen that he is by nature and education totally disqualified to act as goddess of the home. His occasional presence is necessary to have him patronize the deserving institution at least three times a day, and it looks well to see him sitting around in the evenings; but it would never do to leave him in charge of the dearest spot on earth. He would bankrupt domestic bliss in a week. Let all who are interested in the preservation and maintenance of the fireside humbly petition the managers of this new movement to exempt a few able-bodied, industrious women



Living housekeeper / home / task

to continue the time-honored and laudable employment of housekeeping, or at least to postpone any radical change until a few men have been taught to discriminate between macrame lace and dish-towels. Man is a creature that has always elicited our unqualified admiration; he is in many capacities useful,’and by a judicious arrangement of blue cloth and brass buttons can often be rendered to a certain degree ornamental. In the sphere of action for which his man y estimable characteristics have qualified him, we accept him without a murmur, but when it comes to having him foisted upon us as a housekeeper, we indignantly reject him. We have wintered and summered him in that capacity, and he is an ignominious failure. For the ornamental part of housekeeper he is peculiarly unfit-

ted; his soul is closed and his vision dim to the truly beautiful. He scorns bric-a-brac, and is not susceptible to the ennobling and refining influence of that home angel, the tidy. If there were fifteen tidies on one chair he would manage to crumple ten under him, and get up with the rest on his back.

You find lost things under the bed, wardrobe, carpet... He is a sworn enemy to all decorative art, and if not watched will go to bed on the pillow-shams. He pulls the bed clothes out by the ‘roots when he up; he leaves water in the wash bowl, and hangs the towel on the iloor. He makes a hatrack of the piano, and ex44

pects to find his slippers just where he left them last week. His idea of being comfortable ia to throw open every door and window in the house, and as to becoming arrangements of light and shade, his mind is a perfect blank. He was never known to make a knot in a towel and chase tlies out of the room, and if he does not see what he wants the minute he opens the bureau drawer, he knows it is not there, and you cannot convince him to the contrary. He lacks adroitness, and always drags out the weak-legged chair for a visitor to sit in. His mind is not nimble in taking hints. We have seen a man who understood Emerson help himself to the last slice of cake, with company present, unblushingly call for more, notwithstanding his wife was kicking him under the table’ and winking at him over it.

It will readily be seen that he is by nature and education totally disqualified to act as goddess of the home. His occasional presence is necessary to have him patronize the deserving institution at least three times a day, and it looks well to see him sitting around in the evenings; but it would never do to leave him in charge of the dearest spot on earth. He would bankrupt domestic bliss in a week.

We clean better than women Let all who are interested in the preservation and maintenance of the fireside humbly petition the managers of this new movement to exempt a few able-bodied, industrious women to continue the time-honored and

laudable employment of housekeeping, or at least to postpone any radical change until a few men have been taught to discriminate between macrame lace and dish-towels. Man is a creature that has always elicited our unqualified admiration; he is in many capacities useful,’and by a judicious arrangement of blue cloth and brass buttons can often be rendered to a certain degree ornamental. In the sphere of action for which his man y estimable characteristics have qualified him, we accept him without a murmur, but when it comes to having him foisted upon us as a housekeeper, we indignantly reject him. We have wintered and summered him in that capacity, and he is an ignominious failure.


For the ornamental part of housekeeper he is peculiarly unfitted; his soul is closed and his vision dim to the truly beautiful. He scorns bric-abrac, and is not susceptible to the ennobling and refining influence of that home angel, the tidy. If there were fifteen tidies on one chair he would manage to crumple ten under him, and get up with the rest on his back.

Homemade Gourmet Burgers Making your own hamburgers at home is not exactly rocket science, but a lot of people fail to appreciate the difference between buying a frozen hamburger patty and getting your own hamburger meat ground - either by grinding it yourself or asking your local butcher. Most grocery stores have the facility to grind beef and it really does make a big difference to the final taste. For a start - if you watch the butcher grind the meat - you know there is

nothing added. There are a million ways to make a gourmet burger and this is one of those ways. I love to make my own homemade burgers and t his particular gourmet hamburger uses ground sirloin for the patties, with just a dash of salt and pepper added just before cooking, then the toppings are melted brie, crispy bacon and caremelized onions. I do prefer to grind my own ham46

burger meat now, and you can buy a very inexpensive meat grinder from Amazon which does the job perfectly. I have a Norpro heavy duty meat grinder, which I paid less that $50 for, although you can buy electric ones if you are going to be doing a lot of this type of thing. They are great for making your own baby foods as well. You can also – if you so desire, buy one of the many hamburger presses available, or even a hamburger mold. I have never used one of these

Living food / gourmet / hamburger


Living food / gourmet / hamburger


because I like the loose texture that comes from hand rolling them, but you may prefer it, and if you have a large family or big group of friend to feed that may well make sense also. First caramelize the onions and set aside. This is how to caramelize onions. Next, cook the bacon and also set aside. Then, add the salt and pepper to the ground beef and form into patties. Leave them in round balls until cooking and then flatten them as they cook. Either fry them in a cast iron skillet or on a barbecue. These I cooked in a skillet. About 1

burger meat salt and pepper gouda cheese hamburger buns tomato caramelized onion mayonnaise & ketchup

minute before they are ready, add the brie and allow it to melt. Then add the onions and bacon and make the burger.

the top with homemade french fries. There is no limit to the burgers you can make in this way, but the key is to buy good quality beef and grind it as soon as possible before cooking. I like to keep it simple when I am adding complex flavor toppings and only add a small amount of salt and pepper to the meat – otherwise you end up with too many competing flavors. Bon Apetit!

These I served with lettuce, tomato and mayo on the bottom and a dash of English mustard and ketchup on 48

Cheese Stuffed Burgers

Cedar Planked Burgers



Burgers: 2 pounds ground beef 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper

Grilled Mushrooms and Onions: 4 portobello mushrooms, stems removed 4 shiitake mushrooms, stems removed 2 Walla Walla onions, cut into 1/4-inch slices Canola oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Cheese Options: 8 ounces blue cheese, cut into 1-inch cubes 8 ounces Pimiento Cheese Spread, recipe follows 8 ounces mozzarella, cut into 1-inch cubes 4 hamburger buns

Burgers: 2 untreated cedar planks, each about 5 by 12 inches, soaked in water to cover for at least 2 hours (available at hardware stores) 1 1/2 pounds ground chuck (80-percent lean) Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 cup Red Wine Barbeque Sauce 8 slices good-quality aged white Cheddar 4 hamburger buns, split and toasted on the grill

Serving Options: Lettuce Sliced tomatoes Grilled sweet onions Sliced pickles

Red Wine Barbecue Sauce: 1 1/4 cups ketchup 2 tablespoons ancho chile powder 2 tablespoons molasses 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar 1 heaping tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon paprika 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

Pimiento Cheese Spread: Two 7-ounce jars canned, sliced pimientos, drained Three 10-ounce bricks sharp Cheddar, finely grated 1 cup mayonnaise White sandwich bread


PUZZLE Across 2 - very slow moving animals 5 - birds with a colorful beak 6 - croak throught the right 7 - apes 8 - dine on ants Down 1 - before is a butterfly 3 - snakes 4 - brightly colored birds Last editon solution

COLOPHON EDDY MAGAZINE | BOSS: Jax Teller | ART DIRECTOR: Robert Munson | EDITOR: Maria João Dias DESIGN: Francisco Torres | PARTICIPATION IN THIS ISSUE: Cristiano Campos, Tiago Torres, Maria João Dias, Pedro Serrano, Francisco Gomes, Mariana Pala, Bárbara Barbosa, Rafael Gomes | EMAIL: magazine@eddy.com




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