MARCH 2010
MULT I- LEVEL MARKET I NG [MLM] THIS MINISTRY HAS RECEIVED SEVERAL ENQUIRIES ABOUT MULTILEVEL MARKETING OVER THE PAST SIX YEARS. HERE ARE A FEW THAT I FOUND IN MY ARCHIVES IN RESPECT OF CONYBIO, DXN AND AMWAY: From: conrad saldanha To: Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 12:48 AM Subject: Re: PATIENCE I forgot to mention that at the retreat which I conducted we had a case of someone whom the Lord helped discern against CONYBIO! Praise the Lord!!! The Lord also seems to have shown him the evil of MLM = MultiLevel Marketing and the deception that is normally associated with it. [Fr.] Conrad, MUMBAI From: joseph To: Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 1:30 PM Subject: need an answer I am a Roman Catholic Some time back when I attended a Charismatic Convention in Mumbai, one of the speakers referred to AMWAY as a newage fad and that as Christians we should not promote them. My wife is very keen that we join AMWAY as a distributor as she is convinced that it is remunerative and will help us tide over financial difficulties we encounter often. Could you give me the correct position and justification for not joining up AMWAY? God Bless, Joseph D’Souza, MUMBAI From: Info Desk: Holy Spirit Interactive To: joseph Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 4:06 PM Subject: Re: need an answer Dear Joseph, I have forwarded your mail to Mr. Prabhu, who is very knowledgeable about the New Age Movement. He is most qualified to answer your question. He is travelling at the moment, so you might have to wait a few days for his reply. I truly appreciate your desire to do the right thing by God. May he bless you for it. God bless. Aneel Aranha, DUBAI From: prabhu To: joseph Cc: Holy Spirit Interactive Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 2:05 PM Subject: AMWAY / MULTILEVEL MARKETING Dear Joseph, Praise the Lord. Nice to meet you. About AMWAY, I generally know something. But nothing that I can latch on to that I can say is bad for Christians. However, I have a unique ministry and I feel that the Lord is speaking to me through this letter of yours forwarded by Aneel. You are not the first person to set off warning bells about multilevel marketing by writing to me [or to me thru Aneel]. A priest too has recently alerted me. But I need to get some printed information to read, and I need to talk to some people. I hope to be able to do that when I go to Bombay next week. If there is anything that you can enlighten me with, it will be welcome. Could you please tell me EXACTLY WHICH CONVENTION you talk about, the MONTH & YEAR, the LOCATION, the SPEAKER? Your disclosure is sensational! I am sure that the speaker must have done his homework right. Is he Indian? This may be the breakthrough that I am looking for. Also if you live in Mumbai, could you please give me your address and tel. no? If you would like to have any OTHER info. on the New Age, Alternative Medicine and Eastern Meditations please let me know. Please read my writeup on CONYBIO* which Aneel put up on Holy Spirit Interactive from Dubai. Love in Jesus' Name Michael [NO RESPONSE TO THIS EMAIL] PS I am forwarding this by Bcc to a priest and also to a priestinmaking who may be knowledgeable about these things and/or put me onto the right people for further enquiry. *CONYBIO: THE CONYBIO ARTICLE WAS TO BE FOUND ON HOLYSPIRITINTERACTIVE FROM JUNE 2004 New Age: A Clear and Present Danger: [] Conybio by Michael Prabhu June 06, 2004 – HolySpiritInteractive Issue #23 Conybio: What a Con! Holy Spirit Interactive: New Age [see the record in articles CONYBIO, page 5 and BIOCONNED!... page 2], links given by Austine Crasta, Moderator, KonkaniCatholics yahoo group on Sep. 19, 2007. TODAY, ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN HSI ISSUE NO. 23 OPEN EXCEPTING CONYBIO!!!!! From: henry quadros To: Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2006 8:36 PM Dear brother, We read some of your articles in Streams magazine and we wanted to find out if DXN products have any connection with cults or is it a harmful alternative system because the organisation is world renowned and functions similar to