NEW AGE: SCI-FI & FANTASY MOVIES NEW WEBSITE: DECEMBER 2006 Let me begin with an excerpt from CONFRONTING THE NEW AGE by Douglas Groothuis, InterVarsity Press, 1988, page 185. After speaking about New Age visualization and imagination techniques, he says: A related point concerns the use of the imagination in fantasy literature, fantasy role-playing games, movies, cartoons or toys. Some Christians having detected the intrusion of the occult into these genres, have rejected them entirely. Undoubtedly, New Age ideas have poisoned many a book, game, movie and cartoon… The premier fantasy roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons (not to mention spin-offs) is incorrigibly occult… Various movies such as the Star Wars trilogy, The Karate Kid I and II, and numerous other films either subtly or blatantly sound New Age themes. And even children’s cartoons and toys, such as the immensely popular He Man and the Masters of the Universe use occult symbolism and concepts to draw children into their world of error… Far too many Christians are ignorant of the occult content of many cartoons, toys and movies. J.R.R. Tolkien, himself a noted fantasy author [Lord of the Rings], notes the dangers of fantasy: “Fantasy can, of course, be carried to excess. It can be ill done. It can be put to evil uses. It may even delude the minds out of which it came.” If in case you have read my articles on FANTASY ROLE-PLAYING GAMES: Pokémon, Power Rangers, Yu-Gi-Oh! etc. and TOYS R NOT US [He Man and the Masters of the Universe, Dungeons and Dragons, etc.]***** you have understood that the toy industry realized that big bucks were to be made in designing and marketing toys to synchronise with the release of animated cartoon films which could be watched on the television or on the silver screen and thus influence much wider audiences to buy their products. Where did it all begin? In 1977, George Lucas released the first film of his series, Star Wars. In the first 10 years, sales of Star Wars licensed products were estimated to be at least $3 billion. From the Star Wars trilogy, we got Droids- robots known as C-3PO and R2-D2, Ewoks- teddy bears that live in the forest, Yoda- an elf-like creature known as the Zen Master, Darth Vader- a semihuman villain, etc. The other movie mogul Stephen Spielberg introduced us to E.T.** [Extra-Terrestrial], and his Gremlins* was about, well, gremlins or Mogwai. Though Ghostbusters, 1984, was not about aliens, it popularised ghosts. America led the world, or should we say the universe, in opening its wallets and homes to these creatures. *see below and page 28 Toy companies capitalized on the people’s love affair with them by selling licences to all key merchandise areas: apparel, food products, household accessories, stationery, gift items, publishing, and music, so that people could wake up to the alarm from an alien-shaped time piece and drink their milk at night looking at a ghost’s ‘image’ on the glass.**E.T. page 3 Star Wars remained fresh in kids’ minds also through the weekly Saturday morning telecast of the cartoon series, “The Ewoks and Droids Adventure Hour”. These were reinforced by the release of new action figure toys and accessories. And all this was backed by the mounting of massive promotional and advertising campaigns. As with the toys that we discussed earlier, most Christian parents believe that such films about creatures from outer space, and ghosts, are science fiction and harmless fantasy. E.T. in fact is a cute and loveable character that any Christian might want to adopt. Everyone is excited about the international co-operation towards inter-galactic travel in the not too distant future and the possibility of the discovery of the existence of alien life forms. And ghosts? They don’t exist anyway. Many parents censor the sex and violence programmes that their children may tend to watch, but what about these movies billed as “good family entertainment”? This is an age when ‘family’ has been legally accepted as two cohabiting ‘partners’ of the same sex with an adopted child or a child from a previous liaison, or a ‘single parent’ living in with a partner. So, have we ever slowed down to examine the world’s interpretation of what is ‘good’ and ‘entertainment’ for the ‘family’?
YOUR CHILD AND THE NEW AGE by Berit Kjos, Victor Books, 1990, page 90 “Did you see Gremlins some years ago? Promoted as a children’s movie, it turned into a nightmare. Yet kids loved it. Typical of the New Age, the movie softened hearts with the bright, happy side of evil: a lovable and intelligent little Mugway called Gismo. But happiness turned to horror when Gismo’s evil offsprings became an army of ugly, lizardlike, demonic gremlins who destroyed everything in their path. A scene where the vicious gremlins pushed against a door- their horny claws and red, cruel eyes peeping out from the crack until Billy, the hero pushed the door shut…”