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MARCH 2010

FIVE BISHOPS CALL THE NEW COMMUN I TY BIBLE A ‘NEW AGE ’ BOOK AND A ‘HINDU BIBLE ’ A NEW HINDU BIBLE September 2, 2008 To The Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church There are different heretical Bible interpretations (commentaries on the text) – jehovistic, atheistic (HCT)* , gnostic ones and now a hindu one too, even with an ecclesiastical approval! Until recently a Catholic was not allowed to read the Bible without Catholic commentaries; today, unfortunately, these Catholic commentaries (interpretation) are prepared by so-called Bible scholars on the basis of * HCT (historic- critical theology) . These people are practical unbelievers who do not treat the Word of God as the Word of God and deny the supernatural in the Bible . This spirit of atheism has created a vacuum and opened the door for a new spirituality, for paganism (buddhism, hinduism...). And the new “Bible” with Hindu commentaries – interpretation – will infect defenceless victims with the spirit of New Age . It is a demonic deceit and crime . Archbishop T. S. Pakiam, in his preface to this new “Bible”, says: “A unique feature of the new Bible is that it has many referencesto the spiritual messageand biblical values found in the scriptures of other great Indian religions.”

Response: This demagogy of a Catholic prelate points to his blindness and apostasy. We first have to ask what is the nature of these Indian religions. Behind them is the spirit of lie and deceit which does not lead to conversion and repentance and to the receiving of Jesus as the only Saviour and Lord. Pagan religions are packs of myths and superstitions which we can by no means harmonize with the Gospel’s truth of salvation. St. Paul calls: “What communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial?” (2 Cor 6:15) And this applies to this “Bible” too. A Christian in India in particular should be enlightened on the substance of the Gospel and on the unique salvation in Christ. He should know where and how these so-called great religions artfully imitate the truth but in essence spread lie and spiritual death. The bishops of India are obliged to pass on to their faithful the apostles’ teaching and not a syncretistic opiate. Fr. Paul Thelekat said while interpreting treasure in heaven of Mt 6:19-21: “This concept is found a classical expression in the Bhagavad Gita’s call to disinterested action.”

Response: Treasure is mentioned in these Bible verses three times. The most precious treasure is eternal life which is in Jesus,the Son of God. Therefore it holds true that: “ He who has the Son of God has eternal life ; he who doesnot have the Son of God doesnot have life.” (cf. 1Jn 5:10f) The hindu interpretation is misleading and false. The essential question is in what spirit the individual reads the Holy Scripture. If he has communion with the spirit of truth and apostolic tradition, the Holy Scripture is true spiritual food for him and gives him the strength in the battle with sin and lie. The Holy Spirit is the Author of the Scripture and He reveals to him the Divine mystery. However, if someone accepted the spectacles of lie of the HCT or syncretistic commentaries, one is then blocked

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