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LETTERS CALLING FOR THE WITHDRAWAL OF THE NEW COMMUNITY BIBLE The New Community Bible [NCB] published by St. Pauls was released by the Bishops on June 28, 2008. Please see the critique on the New Age inter-faith book called a 'Bible’, as well as the follow-up report, 'THE ST. PAULS’ NEW COMMUNITY BIBLE [NCB], THE PAPAL SEMINARY, PUNE, INDIAN THEOLOGIANS, AND THE CATHOLIC ASHRAMS MOVEMENT' at this ministry’s website. We have also published 20 'LETTERS TO THE EXAMINER, MUMBAI, CALLING FOR THE WITHDRAWAL OF THE NEW COMMUNITY BIBLE, NOT PUBLISHED BY THE EDITOR, FR. TONY CHARANGHAT'. Despite the glaring distortions and anomalies in its commentaries, the editor of the Bombay Archdiocesan fortnightly, The Examiner, was one of the leading spokespersons for the NCB, and defended it in several newspaper interviews. He published THREE [3] letters in favour of the NCB. In the above-referred presentation, we have reproduced them along with TWENTY [20] responses CALLING FOR WITHDRAWAL OF THE NCB, which were sent to him by a Catholic priest and laity under copy to this ministry, none of which were published. There must certainly have been others. To the best of my knowledge, no Catholic magazine carried any material that criticized the New Community Bible. Does this reveal that the Catholic media is controlled by powerful forces that seek to destroy the Faith? We would believe so. Here are other letters received from all over the world by this ministry, reproduced as far as possible in reverse chronological order starting December 13, 2008. Many of them are written by simple laity. But there are dozens of letters from priests, some of whom are Canon Law experts, theologians, professors, editors of Catholic periodicals, and from lay Catholics who are trained in Bible study, apologetics and evangelization, and several of who are in fulltime ministry for 25 to 30 years. Many more priests and lay leaders contacted by this ministry are absolutely against the NCB and all it stands for, but declined for various reasons to express in writing their condemnation of it. When good men [and women] are silent, evil triumphs. God bless abundantly all those who had the moral courage to fight for the orthodoxy of the Faith by writing and expressing their condemnation of the NCB. When reproducing the letters, the names of some writers have been withheld on request. The email ids of a number of writers have also been withheld to prevent internet misuse of their mailboxes. From: walter roberts To: Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 10:14 PM Subject: Re: CALL FOR WITHDRAWAL OF THE NEW COMMUNITY BIBLE [NCB]. YOURRESPONSE --OR SILENCE… … I totally agree with your observations and you can count me on the side of truth, standing by your side. I have even heard from very reliable source that Mr / Bro. Cyril John has said there is nothing wrong with chanting OM, and he's the President of the ICCRS!!! As you have observed these are the END signs of the end-times er I mean the end of the period of grace. Have you observed the perceptible withdrawal of the Holy Spirit? Rev 22:11-Whoever is evil MUST go on DOING evil, and Whoever is FILTHY must go on BEING Filthy; WHOEVER is good must go on doing good, and Whoever is HOLY must go on being Holy. What I'm saying is there is hardness in the Church, very much like the Pharisees in Jesus' times. A newly ordained Priest told us, after the Benediction, the Divine Praises are no more to be said!! There is so much disinformation AND misinformation in the Church, Truth is swept under the mat, best not seen. So the clergy can push their authority on the simple folk. And when they come up against Opposition then they resort to ridicule and THEIR THEOLOGICAL LEARNING. This is not only in our Church but also in the other religions AND also in the society we live in. Well aware of the prevailing situation, I've NOT taken the back seat but try and educate those who are open to God's Word. Priests, even the parish priests steer clear of me!! In John 10 vs 11 we see that Jesus told them a parable but THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND what He meant!! In Rom 9:6-7 St. Paul gives a revelation' ALL the people of Israel ARE NOT the people of God. NOR are ALL Abraham's descendents the CHILDREN of God''. Now take THIS to it's LOGICAL conclusion!!! See what I mean. Jesus said He knew who were His own, and He Loved them to the very end. ONLY those who hear Him are His and they await His voice eagerly and do His bidding.

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