IDI Park: Public space for the city and infrastructure for the future

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Final degree thesis project Master plan for railways lands of Talleres neighborhood

University School Names Director Tenured proffesor City Year

National University of Cรณrdoba School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design Franco Crudi / Gonzalo Contreras Arch. Javier Giorgis Arch. Alejandro Cohen Cรณrdoba, Argentina 2018



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THREE SCALES The project is an ambitious initiative aimed at responding to two challenges from Latin America: guarantee job opportunities in the future and public space demands caused by uncontrolled urban development. The proposal is structured in three scales. The first one —from a metropolitan perspective— aims to address the growth and development of a complex and dense city. The second one is developed in Talleres Este neighborhood, and the third one is the test of equipment in which we want to enhance the development and learning of industry 4.0. JOBS OF THE FUTURE According to the UN, jobs for 65% of children in the first level of education are not created yet. Many of existing jobs, particularly those mechanical ones in the middle level of the economy, will be replaced by artificial intelligence and robots. Also, research studies show that future jobs will be related to industry 4.0. Currently, 51% of Argentina’s enterprises do not get skilled human resources. What is industry 4.0?

Industrialized countries

Emerging countries

Emerging and industrialized countries represent 85% of Gross World Product, two thirds of world population, and 75% of international trade.

As well as the three industrial revolutions experimented in the World, this is a new way to organize production. The main difference lies in achieving digitalization and cooperation of all productive unities in the economy. CÓRDOBA CITY


Córdoba City has a continuous urban area which is constantly expanding in a fast and uncontrolled way. The cause of this phenomenon is the lack of governmental planning in the short- and longterm, and the advance of promoters without restrictions in land use against the public realm. All these factors contribute to decreasing public services efficiency, green belt size, and raising the public space demand. While the WHO (World Health Organization) recommends 10/15 sq of green areas per habitant for a healthy environment, each citizen of Córdoba has only 7,21 sq.

Emerging and industrialized countries represent 85% of Gross World Product, two thirds of world population, and 75% of international trade.








METROPOLITAN PARK The park takes place in a land which breaks the square grid in the northeast of the city. The diamond is surrounded by two neighborhoods originated by train activity: Talleres Este and Oeste. The project covers a big area rather than the 59 ha land from the national government. All the nearest blocks have a low density of 70 hab/ha, and they have the capacity to absorb real estate demand and growing population. It is proposed a change in the existing regulation to increase the density to 400/600 hab/ha (70K inhabitants). If the government takes capital gains from lands, it will be able to conduct several projects in critical areas and protect rural activities. Although current legislation allows people to build higher buildings, density was not reached across time. Why do we think we can change the present situation?


The answer is in the use of policies and urban instruments to block the land use in some part of the city and to guide real estate demand to this area with benefits for promoters. The state can not take away rights, but it can transfer them to improve the public realm with the Land Municipal Bank. We believe this public land must be preserved as a green area with a minimal building intervention, new programs, and take pedestrians with a central role. The mixture of these programs with citizen requirements will make a new administrative, civic, sport, commercial, and cultural. Also, it will decrease the current demand for the center of the city. The figure of this sector is divided by a commercial mall, several buildings for venues, a primary school, and 41000 sqm of abandoned sheds by the dissolution of one of the mayor train factory in Argentina. While this activity was important for the local economy, today is presented as a huge opportunity to improve the quality life of citizens. The project organizes through a Rambla as the entrance of the park located at one of the major access of the city: Av. Malvinas Argentinas and Blvd. Bulnes. The major intervention of the proposal takes place where four management public and private units are incorporated across the Rambla.


For new urban projects and public space for the city.

New centralities in the city for decreasing demands from the city centre.


Average density: 70 Inhabitants/ha. Influence zone: 156 ha. Buildable area: 122 ha. aprox. Estimate Density: 10.920 Inhabitants.



Average density: 400/600 hab/ha. Influence zone: 156 ha. Estimate Density: 73.920 Inhabitants.

Buildable area: 57,6 ha. x 600 Hab. = 34560 Hab.

Buildble area: 95,4 ha. x 400 Hab. = 39360 Hab.

This axis has a commercial profile, and it links other programs already proposed by the Municipality such as the City Council and a Parque Educativo for the new Ciudadano District. The proposal adds a new sporting area and a cinema block to increase the night activity in the mall zone. IDI park has four management phases to be built in approximately 20 years. It is proposed granting lands of the four units to private enterprises for 100 years to get resources. It is expected initial investment of 100M dollars from international financial institutions like Inter-American Development Bank. To finish the total construction of the project, the government will have to invest a total of 483.452.765 dollars. It will produce approximately a 1.2% bimonthly capital gain. We believe public competitions will enhance this project, open to professional participation, and generate a diversity of ideas. For that reason, the four management units, as well as every building of this park, will be contested.

59ha. EXISTING Surface.


DIRECTLY Benefited Inhabitants aprox.

69,3 ha. Surface promoted as a

NEW PUBLIC SPACE CAPITAL GAINS ACQUISITION Increase in land values by direct and indirect impact of projects.

CAPITAL GAINS ACQUISITION A percentage of capital gains are used for financing new projects.

CITIZEN BENEFITS Citizens benefit from increase in land values and new projects.

PROJECT INVESTMENT Funds are used to improve and build new public spaces and infrastructure for community development.




Next phases financement will come from taxes and capital gains, as well as from private rents. From the second phase, this project will be self-financed. Excedents generated will be allocated in new projects for the city when the project finish all construction phases.

RECONSTRUCTION Abandoned structure reconstruction from the loss of an important industrial activity of Cรณrdoba history is necessary to enhance citizen identity and heritage.


patrMONial buildings

Educational and sport center. City Council of Cรณrdoba. Secondary school. Shopping walkway. Industry 4.0 Train station.

programatic prop.


road system

management units

public space


pedestrian system




INDUSTRY 4.0 INFRASTRUCTURE Four management units structure the park proposal in the second scale to maximize the public space area, and at the same time, recover and reuse the patrimonial buildings. The sum of square meters of these buildings is 41K. Thanks to the implementation of the management units, the value rises to 128K sqm. Also, it will be added between 17K and 19K new jobs positions for this industry. We choose to make a trial in the second unit to answer the societal change of jobs opportunities. It is called IDI, which means Investigation-development-Innovation. This unit creates a good physical environment for activities of future jobs. The other three units are waiting for the result of citizen participation to define which are the best programs to respond to their needs. The project proposes programs with the goal to enhance this city in industry 4.0 matters. We suggest that a university focused on education and training of new activities should be created in one of them to meet industry demands. Also, we think that the university should focus on doctoral and research programmes to make a direct relationship between the theory and practice of private enterprises. Another unit can harbor a new Convention Center with accommodation offer to participants and visitors of venues and enterprises. In the last unit, we propose the enhancement of the profile of Forja. New buildings will supply and offer supporting services for leisure activities in the existing center.




industrial sheds

industrial plants

recycled infraestructure






low towers


= 162k sqm 17.755 places working


% 5% 15% 30% 40%

Productive S. 50 sq/job 20 sq/job 10 sq/job 4 sq/job

128 961 3.846 12.820

employees employees employees employees

100% 17.755 employees


restricted car flow pedestrian flow rambla connection

potencial PROGRAMS

management units


public space






existing buildings

The Management Unit IDI is the last scale. It is divided into three big programs: Production and Design, GIG Market and Co-working, and Library and Auditorium. DESIGN AND PRODUCTION The first program is located in the biggest shed and has eight units of 4500 to 6000 cubic meters connected by a courtyard system. This space is reserved for enterprises which are developing and innovating in the industry 4.0 There are four types of offices oriented to different branches:

main entrance - park

A Office: Programming Oriented to Objects (POO), Subtractive or Additive 3D Printing (Concrete/Steel/Fabric/Polymer/Sand), and CNC Cutting. B Office: Sensor development related to the Internet of Things. C Office: Cyber-physical Systems. D Office: Collaborative Robot. Blocks are flexible enough to add mezzanine floors or to join two blocks to give additional space for a big enterprise.

Córdoba Ta 2003-2017 JAN 1 1:00 -

Operative Te

movement system


The second program is oriented to provide space for startups enterprises, independent professionals, and freelancers who only need an internet connection to offer their services to clients from all over the world. They will develop technologies such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Software Development, Programming, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence. This sector has more than 1600 sqm of co-working spaces. It is open 24/7, and there are amenities like kitchenette, a café, lockers, phone booths, printing services, internet, and meeting and brainstorming offices. Furthermore, there is a leisure area in the hall to achieve a collaborative environment. Three kinds of spaces can be rented for users on undefined time.


Space A: It is a place in a common space without a desk, in available tables and couches. 236 workstations available. Space B: Desks oriented to common spaces, locker access for personal objects. 124 workstations available. Space C: Private offices with a personal key. 24 workstations available. The third program, public by nature,

cross ventilation

Córdoba 2003-2017 DEC 21 1:0 Speed win Calm wind

public space


library + auditorium

Library for kids from 4 to 12 years. 486 sq. Service and mov.: 608 sq. Classrooms. 225 sq. Auditorium. 640 sq. Service + Mov.: 945 sq.


A Space: 236 w.places. 312 sq. B Space: 124 w.places. 940 sq. C Space: 24 w.places. 400 sq. Service and mov.: 608 sq.

desing and production

A Office: POO/ 3D printing B Office: Sensor development C Office: Cyberfisic System D Office: Robotic collaborative Service and Mov.: 408 sq 21090 cubic meters


Bar - CafĂŠ - Restaurant Service and Mov.: 390 sq. 1190 sq.



movement system

public SPACE




has three goals:

sunlight HOUR analysis

-Creating an interest in future generations to connect private sector demands with education to move back and forth between education and learning. For that reason, an area of the library is aimed at children up to 12 years old. They will have access to industry 40 information, courses of programming through physical and virtual games, use web platforms, and coding in English.

-Showing to the community constant development in the three mentioned units through conferences and exhibitions in the auditorium and hall of the IDI unit is the third goal.


Those three big programs, as well as cores movement, are organized through the main hall. Users can access from a pavilion which frames the entrance from the park. This is the only element we add to close the unit and generate an opening from its square to the Rambla. This unit has a gastronomic program with a restaurant, bar, and café for people who work in near buildings. Finally, because it is the main goal to educate the community about the 4th industrial revolution, this pavilion was developed by an algorithm in the visual programming software, and it will be built in-situ by robots. Another feature to highlight in the project is the use of passive strategies. According to the analysis we did about Córdoba’s weather, people feel comfortable only 11,87% of the year. If we take advantage of wall thermal mass, fans, cross ventilation, and thermal gain by solar radiation, this percentage will increase to 60,35%. The analysis was conducted with an algorithm which is able to estimate comfort through a psychrometric chart and data of the last 14 years of the weather station from the Airport of Córdoba.

pSYCROMETRIC CHART - passive strategies Humidity Ratio [kg water/kg air]

-Educating adolescents and adults who have finished the secondary level of education with tools to access job positions of private enterprises is the second goal. The first floor of the library has three workrooms for offering different courses related to the national program “Plan 111 mil”. It has the objective of training at 100K programmers, 10K qualified professionals, and 1K entrepreneurs.

Córdoba Taravella. Intl.AP_CB_ARG 2003-2017 JAN 1 1:00 - DEC 31 24:00

Hours 72.00 64.80 57.50 50.40 43.20 36.00 28.80 21.60 14.40 7.20 0.00

Operative Temperature [°C]


0.00 Months



39.00< 35.90 32.80 29.70

m/s 1.00< 26.20 23.58 20.96





20.40 17.30







5.24 >0.00

Córdoba Taravella. Intl.AP_CB_ARG 2003-2017 DEC 21 1:00 - MAR 21 24:00 Speed wind (m/s) Calm wind 19,83% of the time = 433 hours









co-working / desks to common space

co-working / private offices


library / classrooms

co-working / common space


design and production / open space



design and production / 2 floors





VISION This work represents our perspective as future architects and urban planners, but we understand the complexity of this intervention. A project of this scale needs a multidisciplinary point of view to cover all the relevant factors of the master plan. Furthermore, it is mandatory to incorporate critique and perspective of citizens, organizations, and the private sector because they will be the final users of the project. We know participatory processes are long and sometimes exceed “Political” cycles, but it is necessary to achieve the community ownership. At the moment of this thesis, the Municipality of Córdoba is not using the public contest as a tool. Every public competition is an opportunity for the city because participants can brainstorm alternative strategies such as this idea or many others. Citizens will have the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process and choose the best way to use their public resources. Finally, we understand that many citizens cannot imagine solutions for everyday issues. As students and future professionals, we have a moral obligation to research and show new possible solutions because we have the possibility to outline projects around the city. It is important to communicate those projects because they can open people’s minds to show they can live in a better way.

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