Castalia. Visual Though from afar it resembles a temple, the Stoa reveals no crepidoma – it is on ground level with your feet. The first steps lead you into a forest of pillars which seem to vibrate and move as if swaying in the wind. You feel as though you’re entering the Pholóē oak forest itself, the genius loci is ancient and wise and as you meander through the pillars into Artemis’ realm you expect fauna, dryads or maybe even Phólos himself. During your saunter in the enchanted forest, you are unsure where to lay your eyes, for after you pass the initial columns, more expose themselves and some hide. Adjusting your sight, you are among seemingly endless verticals and lines. You walk from one to another, where you are presented a new world of visual art. Posters, screens, sculptures and paints all reveal themselves to your eyes, one at a time, on your own chosen path. Your intuition and naked eye make the narrative and understanding of the presented arts, yet you have to find way out the optic forest to continue journey uphill.
Untitled, Rome, Cy Twombly 1960
Aural Continuing across, the first element you notice about the pavilion is not it’s tavern-like exterior, nor colours, nor any aesthetic quality for that matter – but the sound coming from the entrance. The muffled murmurs and silent whispers, songs and sounds and occasional laughter. Entering the room, you see it has been divided in two, not by any partition but through sound. On your left steps perpetually rise to eventually build an elevated stage. Instantly in your mind, you picture Euterpe playing her aulos, Erato her lyre or maybe even Terpsichore inviting you to dance. In contrast, the steps on your right descend into multiple smaller hearths, where around the flame, invited by the spirit of Hestia you gather to listen to tales, stories, poems and myths. Here you picture the cornucopia passed around, maybe ambrosia for you feel a sense of drunkenness as Dionysus gently whispers into your ear: in vino veritas. So, filled with the spirits, the sacred harmony of the music, the geometry of the temple, the lavish tales and tenderly spoken word, you close your eyes to rest – here lies the auditory perception.