August 28-30, 2015
William Chapel AME Zion Church 131st Anniversary Celebration Our History
William Chapel began in circa 1884. The first sixteen years of church history are absent, but accounts detail William Chapel being utilized as a school as well as a church. In 1905, the church, originally located on Hunt Street, was destroyed by fire. On May 10, 1907 the trustees acquired a second site on Hunt Street. The new building measured 32 feet by 78 feet. From 1948 to 1954 the building was modernized but, because of highway development, the church had to be moved from Hunt Street to its present location. The building on the site of 637 Clinton Street was dedicated on Sunday November 13, 1955. Our church history has always, and will continue to include being involved in meeting the needs of the community. Over the years, William Chapel has been blessed with outstanding preachers, teachers and leaders. In October 2013, William Chapel was blessed with the proficient, spiritual leadership of Rev. B.D. McKenzie II.
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August 28-30, 2015
William Chapel AME Zion Church 131st Anniversary Celebration Order of Service
Prelude Call to Worship Invocation Choral Selection Scripture Prayer Choral Selection Offering Introduction of the Speaker Selection of Preparation Message Invitation to Christian Discipleship Announcements Remarks Benediction
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August 28, 2015
Guest Minister
Rev. Dr. Claude A. Shuford Bio Reverend Doctor Claude A. Shuford was born in Wetumpka, Alabama to the late Robert and Reverend Cora Shuford. He graduated from Wetumpka High School, Huntingdon College and Candler School of Theology of Emory University. In 2003, Livingstone College of Salisbury, North Carolina, bestowed upon him an Honorary Doctorate Degree. He answered the call to preach at age nineteen as a freshman at Alabama State University. Nine months later, Dr. Shuford received his first appointment to the Trinity A.M.E. Zion Church of Matthews, Alabama. After one year, the late Bishop John H. Miller, Sr. appointed Reverend Shuford to a circuit which included Zion Rest, Popular Springs and Tolbert Chapel A.M.E. Zion Churches. In April of 1982, New Pleasant Valley A.M.E. Zion Church welcomed Pastor Shuford to Hope Hull, Alabama as their new, twenty-two year old pastor. This was a great challenge, a blessing and a great developmental appointment for Rev. Shuford. After five years, Reverend Shuford had led this congregation to renovate the sanctuary, increase attendance, activate the youth department and selected the first two female preacher’s stewards of the Central Alabama Conference. The first female trustees and stewards of this church were appointed by Pastor Shuford. New Pleasant Valley and Reverend enjoyed ministry together until Bishop Cecil Bishop surprised them by promoting Pastor Shuford to the historic, thriving, energetic and progressive Mount Zion A.M.E. Zion Church of Montgomery, Alabama. He answered the call to preach at age nineteen as a freshman at Alabama State University. Reverend Shuford was appointed pastor of Mount Zion in October of 1987 at twenty-seven years old. Under his leadership, a new sanctuary was built (1989-1990), the Zion Center was purchased and renovated (1995), six other properties were acquired for parking and a forty-five passenger bus was purchased. In addition, the old church edifice has become the Mount Zion A.M.E. Zion Church Memorial Annex, a national historic site and a future museum. The hallmark for Pastor Shuford’s tenure at Mount Zion is ministry. Over twenty new ministries have been started under his leadership. (see ministries). More than thirty persons have accepted their call to preach under Reverend Shuford over the pastor’s thirty-two years. It’s his theology that God has called all of us to a specific, special service. It is his aim to help every member discover it, embrace it and go forth in the anointing of it. Reverend Doctor Shuford has participated and participates in the connectional ministry of the A.M.E. Zion Church in dynamic ways. He has served on the Connectional Evangelism Board, the Christian Education Board and the Connectional Budget Board. Pastor Shuford chaired the Commission on Stewardship for the Christian Education Board. Six times his collague elected him a delegate to the General Conference, electing him for the first time when he was only twentyeight years old and elected him the first delegate the last four General Conferences (1996-2008). His ministry has been welcomed in fifteen states in the United States. Reverend Doctor Shuford is married to the Reverend Brenda Booker Shuford, the choral director for the Robert E. Lee High School, Montgomery, Alabama. Immanuel Claude (27 yrs.), Mary Rebecca (19 yrs.) and Kaye Alexandria (8yrs.) are his wonderful children.
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August 30, 2015
Guest Minister
Bishop G.F. Austin Bio
Bishop G. F. Austin is the Presiding Prelate of the Pentecostal Assemblies Ninth Episcopal Diocese of Alabama and a senior member of the College of Bishops and has faithfully served on the International Executive Board of Bishops and the Presiding Bishop's Cabinet for 27 years. He is an Apostolic Father and Spiritual Covering to many sons and daughters in more than forty countries around the world where he has at various times visited and ministered. Bishop Austin is the second oldest of 13 children birthed by Deacon George Austin and Pastor Marie Dixon Austin of Mobile, Alabama. He is a graduate of Alabama State University, Aenon Bible College and the International Seminary. Bishop Austin is married to the lovely First Lady Sheila Austin, Ph.D. who is the first minority Dean of the School of Education at Auburn University of Montgomery, Alabama. The couple is the also the proud parent of a blended international family of ten children and thirty-one grandchildren and a host of spiritual sons and daughters in Christ.
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William Chapel AME Zion Church
Pastor B.D. McKenzie II Bio
His assignment is to proclaim and perpetuate the truth. “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 Reverend B. D. McKenzie II is a man, called by God, who travels throughout this nation serving as an oracle of God by ministering as the Spirit of the Lord leads him. Reverend McKenzie II is married to the truly beautiful Michelle D. McKenzie, who is powerful in her own right. When she ministers through music the presence of the Lord is ushered in. They are the proud parents of three lovely, young princesses, Michaela Danielle McKenzie, Morgan Alexandria McKenzie, and Madison Nicole McKenzie and a young prince, Bobby “Trey” Douglas McKenzie III. The favor of the Lord is truly being demonstrated in their lives. Reverend McKenzie is renowned for his radical, unconventional, often times comical, cuttingedge, tell it like it is approach to delivering the word of God. This distinct quality of his ministry is affectionately termed the “laser”, in that out of his mouth flows both, the power to “cut and cure” simultaneously.
He is bold, confident, kind and caring. But more importantly, as he
ministers men are empowered, women are loosed from the hurts of the past and the hearts of young people are understood.
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William Chapel AME Zion Church
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Specializing in Vintage Costume & Fine Estate Jewelry Claudia Manning, Owner Shop our online store
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2014 - 2015
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Mark 11:22-24 (KJV) 22
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. 24
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you,
Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Wiggins Page | 28
Jamaal Johnson, Sales The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 3521 McGehee Road Montgomery, AL 36111
Phone: 334-281-2491
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Apostle Lamar and Sheila McKnight Service Times: Wed: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Sun: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Address: 3412 Old Selma Rd. Montgomery, AL, 36108 Phone : (334) 834-7760 Page | 30
Union Chapel AME Zion Church Address: 3100 Old Wetumpka Hwy Montgomery, AL 36117 Phone : (334) 272-6681
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Shiloh AME Zion Church Rev. Ron Burroughs, Pastor Address: 54 Church Street Hope Hull, Alabama 36044 Phone : (334) 281-4500
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John 15:5 KJV I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. Stay connected!
Kesha Ross & Family Luke 22:32 KJV But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bettis
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Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ross
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God’s Richest
The William Chapel Church Family
Additional Thanks to Our Patrons: Ms. Mattie Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Russell Peck Ms. Betty Palmer Mr. Eddie Stephens Mr. Fred Peck II. Ms. Dominique Williams Ms. Karen Sanders Mrs. Breda Shuford Abundant Life
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