July 2015
William Chapel AMEZ Faithnews Monthly Newsletter
Mark Your Calendar
Repairing Lives God’s Way… Come Let God Do It For You!
7.04 July 4th 1776 is celebrated as the birth of American Independence.
From the Pastor’s Desk Words of Encouragement
What’s wrong with a lot of people is that they haven’t gotten out of kindergarten when it comes to the things of God. When you are behind, as far as God’s word is concerned, you are behind in God’s blessings.
Quadrennial Celebration honoring: Mrs. D. Diane Proctor 7:00 PM Lomax Hanna Junior College Greenville, AL Attire: After 5
Hebrew 6:1 CEV says: We must try to become mature and start thinking about more than just the basic things we were taught about Christ. We shouldn’t need to keep talking about why we ought to turn from deeds that bring death and why we ought to have faith in God.
Shiloh AME Zion Church Revival Speaker: Rev. B.D. McKenzie 7:00PM 66 Church St Hope Hull, AL 36043
The Word of God can increase, It’s up to us!
Supernatural Debt Cancellation Make Your Pledge Today!
JOIN US FOR Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 am & Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 pm
But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God; for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth… Please See Sis. Karen Sanders for more information.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Bobby McKenzie
July Birthday Greetings Thinking of you on your special day, wishing you much happiness and may many blessings come your way. Happy Birthday!
Prayer and Scripture for the Sick and Shut-In
Welcome New Members & Visitors We are so happy that God called you to our church. Our goal is to make a lasting, positive impression on you and to assist you in becoming planted in the mainstream of our church body. The William Chapel AME Zion ministry is founded on biblical principles. Led by Pastor B.D. McKenzie, our mission is to serve God in the spirit of excellence, and to help meet the needs of humankind through community service initiatives.
Please restore your servant to full health, dear Father. Remove all fear and doubt from his heart by the power of your Holy Spirit, and may you, Lord, be glorified through his life. As you heal and renew your servant, Lord, may he bless and praise you. All of this I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Psalm 41:3 NIV The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.
Thank you for joining us, we’re glad you’re here!
Reminder: We’re On the Internet! Visit Our Website at www.WilliamChapelAMEZ.org Follow Us on Twitter @William_Chapel @B_D_McKenzie Like Us on Facebook
Ministry of the Month Online Ministry The William Chapel Online Ministry continues to be a success. Last month alone www.williamchapelamez.org had over 900 visitors. Since its start last year, Our YouTube channel has had over 2,800 views and our SoundCloud channel has had over 4,500 plays. We are committed to sharing the Word of God. Mark 16:15 NKJV “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.’”
637 Clinton Street | Montgomery, Alabama 36108 | 334-263-1401 | info@williamchapelamez.org
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The Best is Yet To Come!
Church Anniversary Announcement God is great and is doing great things at William Chapel AME Zion Church. In honor of Him, His greatness and His marvelous works we are hosting our 131st year in ministry, Anniversary Celebration. To commemorate this event, a Souvenir Journal booklet will be published.
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All members of William Chapel AMEZ are asked to sow $131 into the ministry. Please make all donations payable to William Chapel AMEZ Church. If purchasing an ad please be sure to enclose your business/organization contact information.
The souvenir journal is the perfect opportunity to sow into our ministry by featuring your organization or business. Sponsors will also be featured on our church website: www.williamchapelamez.org and also on our social media pages www.facebook.com/williamchapelamez and www.twitter.com/William_Chapel
Our Theme Haggai 2:9
The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the LORD Almighty. 'And in this place I will grant peace,' declares the LORD Almighty."
Our Church Anniversary will be held Friday Aug. 28, 2015 @ 7:00pm and Sunday Aug. 30, 2015 @ 3:00pm Guest Speakers include: Rev. Dr. Claude A. Shuford of Mount Zion AMEZ and Bishop G.F. Austin of Faith Ministries.
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“The Best is Yet to Come”! PRICE