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Today, meat substitutes are commonplace. Several businesses think that similar processes might also apply to seafood, according to the proponents of this developing sector of the economy, who point to a variety of possible environmental and health advantages.

The recovery of fish populations in the ocean using cell-based seafood is a long and narrow road, and the interaction of several behavioral, economic, and ecological variables will ultimately decide its success.

The central concern is whether cell-based seafood, a novel technology, can help the oceans conserve their resources?

The lesson here is that there are many steps between developing this technology and increasing the number of fish in the ocean.

It is challenging to have a conservation result, in terms of more fish in the ocean, from this cell-based seafood.

Swordfish and beef are both cultured using comparable technology, yet the contexts could not be more unlikely. There are hundreds of distinct species of seafood, each with a unique life history, habitat, and nutrition.

Seafood still predominantly originates from the wild, unlike meats from other animals. Compared to cattle, fish supplies are less under human control, and fishing activities react differently to changes in consumer behavior, the economy, and the environment than does ranching. And fishermen are subject to different laws than farmers. Further, there is a mismatch between the fish species that the company in question is concentrating on and the fish that may gain the most from this technology. The most often consumed fish products and stocks are tuna and salmon, while the clean seafood technologies and the cell-based seafood enterprises are not concentrating their efforts on stocks where the need is highest.

For instance, fish used for feed and oil, such as anchovies and sardines, may be able to profit more from cell-based technology, but the price point for these species is now too low to justify the investment.

A marketable product must first be developed and introduced to the market, where it must then be priced to be competitive with other seafood. At this stage, a significant fraction of customers must switch to the new product in place of customary seafood. This crucial stage will be extremely challenging to do. Anyhow, they will never convince me to sacrifice my taste for oysters. Cell-based oysters in the year 2080 please, not before!


Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have used a natural protein they've dubbed ‘Air-gen’ to generate energy from moisture in the air. The technique is inexpensive, renewable, and non-polluting since the it is made possible through the electrical charge in air moisture.

Air-gen can produce energy without the need for sunshine or wind, and it can do so even in arid environments like the desert since it just needs a thin layer of protein nanowires that is less than 10 microns thick.

The method works by having an electrode at the bottom of the film and a smaller electrode that only covers a portion of the nanowire film at the top, enabling the film to collect water vapor from the environment.

The circumstances that cause an electrical current to flow between the electrodes are created by the interaction of surface chemistry, electrical conductivity, and the tiny holes between the nanowires.

According to researchers, the Air-gen devices' current can generate enough energy to run tiny gadgets. They want to create a patch that can power electronic devices, like smart watches, in the future, doing away with the need for conventional batteries.

The ultimate objective is to create large-scale systems that might be built into a paint for the walls to assist in powering the house, or they may create standalone air-powered generators that provide energy off the grid.

Compliments to Amherst for this research of quality!

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