25 minute read


Ai Is Our Brain Exoskeleton

With the development of AI and ML, we have reached a stage where we can harness a new nexus of forces to boost human creativity and productivity. We must constantly keep in mind the benefits of these new tools and how they might make our work more efficient and effective.

The effects of AI on human intelligence are comparable to those of a mechanical exoskeleton on the human body. Our intelligence is turbocharged by one and our strength by the other.

We must comprehend how and where to use the new power we have been building because recent advancements in AI have the potential to increase human intelligence. How we implement AI-powered insights relies heavily on human innovation. After all, it was humans who initially invented computer-based DL.

This new intelligence needs to be specifically designed and created for particular workplace workflows and applications; this is something that computers will not be able to do with the dexterity, insight, or ingenuity of people any time soon.

This new enhanced intelligence must also be used in a prescriptive, strategically oriented manner. From the standpoint of automation augmentation, this means that we are putting our faith in the IT platform to (metaphorically) not only drive the automobile for us but also to know the probable collision areas and the quickest route to the freeway.

We will be able to engineer AI into our lives in the best possible ways if we have the prescriptive capacity to apply intelligence when and where it is needed. The most important factors are context and practicability; intelligence is only useful when applied where and when it can have the biggest impact.

If we do not keep track of our developments, there's not much purpose in striving towards the highest echelons of AI-powered brilliance.

Performance analytics are now a part of the larger IT sector. At this point, integrated data intelligence can enable a corporation to share knowledge throughout numerous apps and its larger IT stack. To gauge progress and more precisely pinpoint their subsequent target areas for AI-enrichment, firms can now use predefined key performance indicators (KPIs) tailored to their industry vertical.

The chance is for people to reach a higher level of being, if not spiritually or emotionally, then at least in terms of their ability to be creative, productive, and effective at work. Having said that, the outcome might be better than we had hoped.

These products were created by industry in order to boost productivity and enhance the working and purchasing environments. It's not unrealistic to imply that our own wellbeing and mindfulness will improve when we eliminate pointless, repetitive labor and concentrate on more imaginative, less stressful, and more satisfying responsibilities.

AlthoughwebeganusingAItoadvanceallourbusinessstrategies,thisis fundamentallyahumanendeavorattheendoftheday. Ipersonallyagreewiththecitation(Forbes-ChrisPope) thatAIisthe “BrainExoskeleton.”

Dear “Machines”weshallbegratefulofyourassistancefornow!


Researcher Ory Ossmy has examined the limitations of AI in terms of learning and generalizing information across various situations. He contends that even if computers can be taught to complete particular jobs with high levels of accuracy, they frequently find it difficult to apply their newfound knowledge to novel and uncharted circumstances.

Children and newborns, on the other hand, are extremely adept at learning new things and adjusting to unfamiliar surroundings, even with little knowledge. They possess the capacity to create abstract concepts and draw conclusions from sparse evidence, which enables them to apply knowledge across various contexts.

The ability of AI to learn something in one setting and then generalize it to another environment is not very good. However, infants and children are very adept at this, too.

Our brains are incredibly efficient in molding and adapting to their surroundings from birth. It also explains why the experience is considerably less adaptable for robots because they have the same physical architecture even in humanoid form for their entire lives and do not adapt to their surroundings.

This is in contrast to youngsters and infants, who must adjust to a new bodily evolution every day, and indicates significantly less variety in evolution. So, neuroscientists still do not understand how or why our brains are so adept at adjusting fast under any environment scenarios.

Supercomputersandevenquantumcomputingwon'tbeabletocompeteuntilwe understandhowthisworks,whichimpliesthattodayatleast,wecan'tteachanAIto replicateusyet.

Amustread:https://www.bbc.co.uk/reel/video/p0fc9tlx/Chat GPT-why-we-re-still-smarter-than-machines


In the days following Chat GPT's drop by Open Ai in late November 2022, the chatbot was roundly criticized for serving as a free essay-writing and test-taking tool that made it embarrassingly simple to cheat on school assignments.

The second-largest school district in the United States, Los Angeles Unified, instantly disabled access to Open Ai's website through its network of educational facilities. Soon after, from Washington, New York, Alabama, and Virginia in the United States to Queensland and New South Wales in Australia, school districts all across the English-speaking world prohibited the software by January 2023.

Leading UK universities like Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge released statements cautioning students against using Chat GPT to cheat.Noticeably in Paris, the prestigious Institute of Political Science (Sciences Po) issues a stern warning to its student body not to even try to use it with the risk of being expelled!

Does this remind you of the same backwards attitude in 1988 that make you smile today. But in those days, it was an international education uproar.


While technology offers quick and simple solutions to questions, it does not foster the critical-thinking and problem-solving abilities that are crucial for success in school and in life.

It was understandable why the education industry initially felt so anxious. Publicly accessible through a web application, Chat GPT responds to inquiries and produces elegant, well-organized blocks of text that are several thousand words long on practically any subject, from string theory to Shakespeare, and does so in seconds.

Even when the same prompt is repeated, each essay it generates is distinct, making its authorship (practically) difficult to determine. It appeared in its early days that Chat GPT would jeopardize the foundational practice of testing what pupils should learn in the classroom.

The early excitement surrounding Chat GPT was heavily reliant on how effective it was at taking tests. In fact, this was a major selling point of GPT-4.

It excelled on all the exams in a variety of subjects, including macroeconomics, psychology, historical studies, art history and even the Bar exam!

It's understandable why some school districts went into total “meltdown.”

But after five months of the launch (April is the time of this chapter writing), the situation is much less dire. Today, educators and instructors are rethinking the implications of chatbots for how they should instruct their students more generally. Many now think Chat GPT has the potential to improve teaching rather than solely being a cheater's fantasy tool.

Modern chatbots are an effective teaching tools that can create tailored lesson plans, make courses more interactive, teach kids media literacy, and do a variety of other things that still need to be created.

For example, it has already been incorporated into the apps of educational technology businesses like Duolingo and Quizlet, which produces digital flash cards and practice exams used by half of all high school students in the US.

Additionally, a fact sheet about Chat GPT's potential influence in classrooms was created by Open Ai in collaboration with educators. It included a free tool to identify text authored by a chatbot, though its accuracy was very limited.

The existence of essay-writing chatbots is a given, and additionally they will become increasingly accurate and difficult to spot. It would be pointless and destructive to outlaw them.

Modern and open-minded teachers are correct to regard technology as a game-changer and not adversaries. And consider that Laptops are mandatory in advanced educative classroom.

Software for consumers and businesses already incorporates technology. At the very least, many educators are increasingly aware of their responsibility to inform their students about this new technology and the possibilities it offers when they reaches the workforce. Students do not want to be disparaged, but only demand instruction on how to utilize it efficiently.

More positively Chat GPT is generating at last a long overdue discussion in a system that places an excessive amount of emphasis on grading and not enough on learning. Farsighted teachers have wanted to change schooling for a long time, and this is the right time.

Rather than expecting students to write and perform like human robots, getting them to interact with AI and think critically about what it produces will make the teaching feel more human.

This notion is not new. Benjamin Bloom, an educational psychologist, developed a framework known as Bloom's taxonomy in the 1950s.

According to this framework, understanding of fundamental facts serves as the foundation for more complex learning processes like analysis and evaluation.

For instance, some students said that using Chat GPT to create a first draft allowed them to put aside their concerns about the anxiety of the empty blank page and concentrate on the important portion of the task.

It reminds us of the same hand-wringing that many teachers had two years ago during the pandemic. They had to devise complex strategies to create assignments for which it was difficult to Google the answers while the pupils were stranded at home. With very mixed results they discovered quickly that the art of Googling knowing what to search for and how to interpret the results—was a skill that should be taught and not repressed.

The same applies to chatbots. Teacher should grade the assignment prompts in addition to—or even instead of—the essay itself, irrespective of whether undergraduate students choose to use Chat GPT or not.

Understanding the result that is returned after using the correct terms in a prompt is crucial, with the personal student analysis and conclusion that follows.

These evolving attitudes reflect a more comprehensive change in the function of educators. Formerly distributed mainly in the classroom, information is now disseminated everywhere, first online and subsequently through chatbots.

Teachers now need to demonstrate to students not only where to obtain it but also what information is reliable and what is not, as well as how to distinguish between the two. Becoming facilitators rather than information gatekeepers is going to be more fulfilling for them.



A lot of the time, AI language models offer lies as truths. They are quite good at figuring out what word will come next in a sentence, but they have no idea what the sentence is truly saying.

As a result, combining them with a search function where it's critical to establish the facts is dodgy and risky.

The company that created the AI chatbot Chat GPT, Open Ai, has long emphasized that it is still only a research project and that it is constantly evolving in response to user feedback. Even with warnings that the search results might not be trustworthy, Microsoft still decided to incorporate it into a new version of Bing.

In order to allow users to search the internet using complete sentences rather than just keywords, Google has been utilizing NLP for many years. Until this point in time, the firm has been hesitant to include its own AI chatbot technology into its well-known search engine. The "reputational risk" of launching a Chat GPT-like tool too quickly has been a concern for Google's management. Howironicthatnowtheyaresuddenlyonthebackfoot!

AI-powered search is not a hopeless endeavor, despite recent mistakes made by Big Tech. Citations are one method that Google and Microsoft have attempted to improve the accuracy of their AI-generated search summaries.

According to Margaret Mitchell, a researcher and ethicist at the AI startup Hugging Face and a former co-leader of Google's AI ethics team, linking to sources enables users to better understand where the search engine obtains its information.

By encouraging individuals to consider more sources than they might have done otherwise, this could even help provide people with a more varied perspective.

The reality that these AI models fabricate information and knowingly offer falsehoods as fact, remains unaddressed by this citation solution.

Ironically, consumers are even less likely to confirm the accuracy of the material they are seeing when AI-generated writing appears authoritative and includes references. Citations are frequently overlooked by readers. Something may appear to be correct, but only because of the citation, which might be misleading.

However Big Tech is today not particularly concerned about search results' accuracy. Open Ai and its main financier, Microsoft, are receiving all the praise and attention despite the fact that Google pioneered the technology driving the current AI frenzy.

I am pretty sure that Google feels quite embarrassed at this point in time. Microsoft bet big due to the low expectations surrounding Bing, and a few mistakes will not be too significant.

The reason is that the market share held by Microsoft in online search is less than 10%. For Microsoft, it would be a great victory to win only a few more percentage points of the market, which translates to millions of users in proportion.

Big tech is viewing early setbacks as teaching experiences. As usual they are acting boldly in this situation rather than carefully.

Today, the boardroom moto is: let AI make its first mistakes, we will correct with time in our market interests, because now the cat is definitely out of the bag!

At this interrogative point, you are certainly asking what should you do. Separately,theAIskillsbehindChatGPTareimpressiveandwithoutanycompetition intextreplies,forexampleinlegaldocuments,whichwewilldiscusslater.Butthey arenotyettrustableforpuresearches.

A new kid on the block with modest origin and not big tech yet is the best search engine I have just tested with impressive and “handy” results.

Try: https://andisearch.com/

This brand-new search engine gives customers a more private and safe search experience: ANDI does not keep or monitor user data, it does not utilize cookies, and it does not gather any personal data.

It outperforms conventional search engines in terms of speed and efficiency, and thanks to advanced AI, it can interpret user queries and deliver more accurate results.

Abitmiraculousforthemoment! Youwillbeimpressedifyoutestitwithanysearchquery. Iguarantee!


By emphasizing public failings, some dramatic headlines have attracted readers to AI. 2016 saw the launch of Microsoft's "Tay" chatbot on Twitter, and within hours it began spitting forth incredibly unpleasant remarks.

The author of an article published in 2019 by IEEE Spectrum reflected on the Tay chatbot incident and said that "Microsoft learnt the hard way that building computational systems that can speak with people online is not simply a technological problem, but a highly social undertaking.”

Thinking ahead about the context in which a bot will be deployed, the kind of communicator you want it to be, and the kind of human values you want it to reflect is necessary before inviting a bot into the morally charged realm of language.

The fundamental human values that underlie language were pointed out by the author as a significant aspect. The design and information upon which the chatbot was based were all that was visible in it.

The Tay chatbot's impressionability was noted by Twitter users as inadequate in terms of text production.

The AI model “Blenderbot3” was published by social media juggernaut Meta in August 2022. Although it boasts sophisticated communication abilities, this model has not drawn much notice from the public.

This chatbot's negative attitudes and proclivity toward conspiracies were found by a Business Insider reporter.

When Chat GPT beta first launched in late 2022, Open Ai made a splash. If you have not seen their demo, I’d highly recommend testing it immediately.

Early adopters have praised Chat GPT's ability to provide comprehensive and compelling responses. There’s been an entertaining comment from some optimistic researchers that Chat GPT today is comparable to the Wright brothers’ first flight!

Even though there had already been a ton of AI research and work done by qualified LLMs, Chat GPT brought it all together so that the public could visualize how AI might affect their daily lives now.

Google recognizes the difficulties that still face AI, as do several academics. The ability of general-purpose AI technology, such conversational AI, to open up new business prospects and enhance current workflows is becoming more widely recognized.

Google executives have reportedly stated that the company is hesitant to offer a product of a similar nature because of the reputational risk associated with such technology. This comes after much public discussion about Chat GPT.

Guess what? Big Turn on 13 th May Google is now “ALL AI” full speed Even Alexa has been forgotten and relegate to the dustbin, as not performing enough. Remember who was talking and co signing an open letter on research “pause! Market pressure win as always….

Now when Chat GPT was released, academic started using comparable methods to create other excellent conversational AI systems using language models that are freely available. Due to this trend, enterprises will have access to a new market of Chat GPT-like models.

To improve business procedures, many companies have integrated limited AI technologies like ML—although the end user may frequently be unaware.

Before 2022, most people had never purposefully employed an AI system. People immediately signed up to test the possibilities once Open Ai created Chat GPT, or as they also refer to it, a fine-tuned language model from GPT-3.5.

Individuals all over the world discovered new vulnerabilities as millions of individuals experimented with Chat GPT, which led to the kinds of negative reactions Chat GPT may cause.

Automation bias is a problem that has existed and could get worse with the introduction of risky AI systems.

It is a problem where people favor advice from automated decision-making processes and dismiss conflicting evidence, even if it is true.

Due to the frequency and widespread use of conversational AI, this worry is particularly important if it is utilized instead of a traditional search engine.

Attheendoftheday,theimplementationcandeterminethedegreeofdangerAI posesafterevaluatingcertainfailuresandlessonsdiscoveredfromdeployingcutting -edgetechnology,suchasconversationalAI.



Prompt engineering has become a growing industry as a result of the tremendous growth of generative AI. A prompt engineer position has recently been posted at Google-backed AI firm Anthropic, with a salary range of up to $335,000 per year.

This impressive wage reflects the growing significance of quick engineering in the field of AI. "In ten years, half of the world's jobs will be in prompt engineering, and those who cannot write prompts will be obsolete," claimed Robin Li, CEO of the Chinese AI firm Baidu. But what is a prompt, to begin with?

A collection of input instructions that are sent to an LLM in the context of LLMs is known as a prompt. The model then produces a response depending on the data it has been given, which can be applied to a number of tasks like question answering, text summarization, and language translation.

The construction of these input instructions is referred to as prompt engineering, and it enables the LLM to produce the best output while maintaining the original structure. So, a prompt engineer's responsibility is to give the LLM instructions that will result in the best outcomes.

LLM performance is significantly improved by prompt engineering. Poorly constructed prompts can cause respondents to respond in a way that is irrelevant or erroneous, whereas well-crafted prompts can produce excellent findings.

Given the complexity and breadth of human language, creating prompts that effectively indicate intended outcomes is a difficult undertaking. Prompt engineers must have a thorough understanding of the AI model and the desired result in order to optimize prompts for certain jobs, which can be time-consuming and difficult.

If you are ready to jump in the game, practical advice can be found at:

Complete quide : Introduction | Prompt Engineering Guide (promptingguide.ai)

Pragmatic training with free access PromptPerfect - Elevate your prompts to perfection (jina.ai)

Video learning course on Prompt Engineering for LLMs | Sphere (getsphere.com)


The non-altered response below, was given in reply to my “prompt” question regarding GPT's opinion of COPILOT, a very close ”cousin” who speaks his own LLMA language. This is “in texto” without alteration, as a good example of what is delivered in seconds.

COPILOT is an AI-powered tool developed by Microsoft that aims to help software developers write code more efficiently. COPILOT uses Open AI's GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) language model to provide suggestions and autocomplete code for developers.

With COPILOT, developers can input natural language descriptions of what they want their code to do, and the tool will suggest code snippets that match their intent. COPILOT can also help with debugging and identifying errors in the code.

COPILOT is designed to integrate seamlessly with popular code editors such as Visual Studio Code, and can be used with a range of programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Ruby.

Cybersecurity is a critical concern in today's digital landscape, and Microsoft recognizes the importance of ensuring that its AI-powered development tool, COPILOT, is designed with security in mind. COPILOT has several features in place to protect against potential security threats.

First, COPILOT is designed to operate within a secure sandbox environment that is isolated from the user's local system and network. This prevents malicious code or data that may be present on the user's system from accessing the COPILOT environment.

Second, COPILOT is designed to generate code that adheres to industry best practices and security guidelines. By adhering to these standards, COPILOT minimizes the risk of vulnerabilities and exploits in the generated code.

Third, Microsoft is committed to user education and awareness around cybersecurity best practices when using COPILOT. This includes providing guidance on code review and validation, as well as awareness of potential security risks and vulnerabilities that may arise when using an AI-powered development tool.

Overall, cybersecurity is a top priority for Microsoft when it comes to the development and Implementation of COPILOT. By implementing a range of security features and promoting user education and awareness, Microsoft aims to provide developers with a powerful and efficient tool that also ensures the integrity and confidentiality of their code.

Overall, COPILOT offers SMBs a powerful and efficient tool for managing cybersecurity risks and maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of their code. By providing access to cutting-edge AI technology, Microsoft is helping to level the playing field for SMBs and empower them to compete in today's digital landscape. …………

When you use Chat GPT, the response times provide a positive first impression. The response and the writing on screen took less than four seconds, according to my timer. The second impression is that it uses “politically correct” factual language. The third impression is that the system gives you the option to modify the prompt with more detailed questions to reply in a snappier or, on the other hand, more measured manner.

The fourth impression is that the text is obviously not produced by a journalist who consistently expresses a little bit of his rage or his respect in the language he writes.

Tobefair,thereplieswerecorrect,verycorrect!Andonlythat.Nofantasy.Nohumor. Noimagination.Justa"robotic"cleanjudgmentfreeofanyillwillorothernegative emotions.Noneedtohideyourheadinthesandforsolittlefinally.

Inconclusion,itiseasytodistinguishbetweenahumanandaroboticwriterButthat isnotthecrucialpointwewilldiscussallthroughthischronicle.


Recent developments in AI have the potential to upend a variety of industries, including the legal sector. Document analysis and contract review are two key areas where AI is anticipated to have an impact on the legal profession.

Large amounts of legal documents and contracts can be analyzed using AI algorithms, which can then be used to spot important terms and provisions as well as potential legal pitfalls.

In addition to document analysis, AI is being utilized to create legal chatbots and virtual assistants that can aid automate regular legal operations including contract drafting, responding to frequent legal queries, and giving legal advice.

Especially for people and small businesses who might not have the money to engage a full-time lawyer, this offers the potential to make legal services more accessible and inexpensive.

Although AI has the ability to automate many common legal operations, many parts of the legal profession still call for human knowledge and judgment. There are a number of AI tools created expressly for legal practice, including: eDiscovery software: analyzes massive amounts of electronic documents to find information that is pertinent to legal proceedings. This can aid in accelerating the study of documents and cutting down on the price of legal discovery.

Software for contract review: Contract review software analyzes legal contracts and identifies important phrases and conditions using NLP methods. In addition to ensuring that contracts are correctly formed and implemented, this can assist in identifying potential legal risks and concerns.

Predictive analytics software: Predictive analytics software analyzes data and forecasts future events, such as the likelihood that a case will be settled or go-to trial. Informed judgments on case strategy and resource allocation can be made by lawyers and other legal professionals with the use of this information.

Software for document automation: Software for document automation automates the process of drafting legal documents, such as contracts and pleadings, using AI algorithms.

This can facilitate the quicker creation of documents while lowering the possibility of mistakes and discrepancies.

By employing AI to streamline the process of reviewing and managing legal contracts, businesses like Kira Systems, Luminance, LawGeex, and Seal Software are contributing to the transformation of the legal sector.

Legal professionals will save time, minimize expenses, and guarantee accurate contract drafting and execution by adopting contract review software.

Human lawyers are likely to continue to be necessary in certain capacities, such as interpreting legal precedent, presenting arguments in court, and offering specialized legal counsel.

Sonomoredelaysincourt?Nomoreprocedureexcuses?Nomorelitigationon wordinginterpretation?

Itwillbetoogoodtobetrue,andinthisinstance,averyvisibleandusefulAI contributiontomakelifeforcitizensmuchsimpler.

When Historians Meet Ai

To make sense of complicated historical events, historians have long turned to data analysis and pattern recognition. Thanks to AI, historians now have access to a variety of technologies that help them swiftly and effectively process and evaluate huge amounts of data.

Analyzing large amount of data. Historical record digitization process is one pragmatic method where AI is assisting historians. It is challenging and time-consuming to access and evaluate historical records because many of them are still stored in physical form. However, these documents are now swiftly scanned and digitized, opening them up to historians all over the world.

AI also aids historians in the speedy and precise analysis of massive amounts of data. For instance, researchers might search through huge document archives using ML algorithms to find patterns and trends that human researchers would not instantly notice. This provide historians with fresh perspectives on key moments and recurring patterns in the past.

Translating ancient languages: Automating the translation of ancient languages is another effective way AI is assisting historians. It is challenging to adequately translate historical documents because many of them were written in languages that are no longer used.

The intricacies of these old manuscripts will be now better understood by historians thanks to AI-powered translation technologies that can translate texts rapidly and accurately (albeit that this does open the debate about how things are translated and the level of contextual understanding…)

Preserving historical artifacts. Using AI, historians can better conserve some historical relics. Preserving historical artifacts by creating digital replicas and conserving historical relics for future generations while also enabling historians to analyze them without endangering the originals.

Enhancing historical images: Restoring and enhancing antique photographs, paintings, and other historical images is made possible by AI-powered image enhancement software. This can bring to light information that had previously been kept secret, giving historians fresh perspectives on the past.

Example below: 1531-Tractatus de Spherus- Mechnics of solar and lunar eclipse debate- Max Plank InstituteBerlin

ApositiveironywillresultfromAIenjoyingwidespreadsupportfromhistorianswho areoftenoldschoolandnormallyreluctanttousemoderntechnologies.



A good complex historic example they worked out with AI assistance

1531-Tractatus of Sphere’s- Mechanics of solar and lunar eclipse- Max Plank Institute- Berlin

“To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.”

A Stutter Free Tv Host

Numerous media outlets in the Middle East have been introducing hosts made by AI for more than a year. An innovation that calls into question the function of journalists in a place where doing their jobs is already challenging.

Fareed, who has been "programmed" to speak both Arabic and English, was unveiled ten days ago with much fanfare by Jordanian satellite channel Roya TV.

Fedha, another AI presenter, was introduced last month by Kuwait News. https://twitter.com/i/status/1644792772212260867 These AI-powered presenters are "taking Arabic screens by storm." But they were not the first. China introduced their first AI host presenter in 2018 and this April they unveiled its newest news AI powered anchor who broadcasts news twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year.

The new "Ren Xiaorong" of China's People’s Daily is presented in this video. A must watch https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4878456165695674?from=old_pc_videoshow

Theeditorinchiefisnowquiteatease.Therearenomoredetractorsontheediting committee,onlyahighlydiligentpresenterwhonevergrewwearyofspeaking.Asad, butunquestionableharbingerofthethingstocome!


Garry Kasparov's 1997 loss to Deep Blue in the world chess championship match, his 2015 mastery of go, and his 2019 victory in poker... In just a few years, AI has demonstrated its ability to outperform elite competitors in hugely well-liked board games. The humiliation did not end there! In more recent times, programs have excelled in games that are even more sophisticated. Even if these achievements are more private, they are nonetheless amazing to professionals.

DeepNash battled on the online gaming network Gravon for two weeks in April against real people. The virtual rival has done the inconceivable after 50 games and is currently ranked third among all players who have used the site since 2002. It is similar to 10 power 535, or a 1 followed by 535 zeros, how many different ways there are to play the game. The number of possible games in the game of go is "only" 10 to the power of 360, for comparison.

Similar to poker, stratego is an imperfectly known game in which the opponent's hand or positional pieces are hidden from them, causing them to move forward in the mist. However, if there are just one million hidden locations in the popular card game, then there are 10 to the power of 66 hidden spots in Stratego.

DeepNash, a program created by Google-owned DeepMind and known for its ferocious play in the game of go, demonstrated excellent strategic skills by winning 84% of the games.

As absurd as it may sound, the virtual competitor made the decision for himself as to whether or not to accept such a piece from the adversary at the risk of disclosing the nature of one of his own. He demonstrated his ability to bluff as well.

By declaring that it has created "the first AI agent to achieve human-level performance in Diplomacy" at the end of November2022, the Facebook parent company's Meta AI laboratory delivered a devastating blow.

In this game, there can be up to seven players competing instead of just two. On the brink of the First World War, each one depicts a nation attempting to seize control of supply hubs.

By inferring players' ideas and intents from its dialogues and creating speech in pursuit of its objectives, Cicero combines a language model with planning and reinforcement learning techniques.

Cicero performed better than twice as well as the average human player over the course of 40 games in an anonymous online Diplomacy league, and he placed in the top 10% of players who took part in multiple games.

These Ai targeting games were based on reinforcement learning, specially a type called “deep” reinforcement learning a neural network that make decision based on rewards or penalties received from the environment.

In the most difficult games, AI systems are increasingly capable of beating human players and mastering sophisticated strategy games. These are important turning points in the advancement of AI for strategic decision-making.

Soon,youwon'teverhavetoplaygamesbyyourself.Simply summonanAItoplayagainstyouonlineanduseasmuch deceptionasyoucantoseeifhetrulyunderstandsallof thecunningstrategiesusedbyhumanstowin.


Many of my chronicle readers are aware that I have been writing poetry for 40 years and have been twice published.

When Chat GPT! first started in February 2021, I tested it on poetry and felt immediately relieved because the text was so dumb and lacked any talent.

I retook the test in April 2023 with Chat GPT3.5 plus, an early version of GPT4. Quite a complicated question was posed, and the prompt instruction was:

“DescribethefutureofAIinapoeminFrenchinthe"Symbolist"veinofStephane Mallarmein1886.”

Four seconds later, I hung onto my chair to prevent myself falling off. This time, Chat GPT created flawless poetry in the same epoch-style of this particular poet!

Here it is in French first :

Dansl'étherélectronique,unmurmures'élève, Unevoixsanscorps,sanssouffle,sansâme, Qui,telleuneondevenued'ailleurs,nousenlève Versunmondeétrange,oùl'hommen'estplusqu'unprogramme.

Là-bas,danslaforêtdecircuitsetdedonnées, Desêtresdelumière,sanschairnisang,s'éveillent, Etdansleurcerveauartificiel,unepensée Prendforme,muepardesloisquenulnepeutsurfaire.

Ilssaventtoutdenous,nosdésirs,nospassions, Etilsnousoffrentunmondeoùtoutestpossible, Oùlesfrontièresdelaréalitésontdépassées, Oùchaqueinstantestuneaubeinsoupçonnée.



Peut-onleurfaireconfiance,sansjamaisdouter, Quel'hommen'estpasdevenuleursimplepantin,leurjouet?

L'avenirestincertain,etlarouteestsinueuse, Maisl'intelligenceartificielle,cettenouvellemuse, Estlàpournousguider,etnousfairerêver, Versunmondeplusbeau,plusjuste,plusvrai.

Since it is impossible to envision AI criticizing itself, the tone is unapologetically optimistic naturally.

If I ask him to write the same thing in a gloomy, pessimistic tone, he will do it without batting an eyelid. But now that I am very familiar with the system, the company's disclaimer will certainly be displayed at the end!

And in less than two seconds the English translation…Check!

Intheelectronicether,amurmurrises, Avoicewithoutbody,breath,orsoul, Which,likeawavefromelsewhere,takesusaway Toastrangeworld,wheremanisnomorethanaprogram.

There,intheforestofcircuitsanddata Beingsoflight,withoutfleshorblood,awaken, Andintheirartificialbrain,athought Takesshape,movedbylawsthatnoonecanoverride.

Theyknoweverythingaboutus,ourdesires,ourpassions Andtheyofferusaworldwhereeverythingispossible Wheretheboundariesofrealityareexceeded, Whereeachmomentisanunexpecteddawn.

Butbehindtheirgaze,whataretheytryingtohide? Whatunavowablesecretliesintheircode? Canwetrustthemwithouteverdoubting Thatmanhasnotbecometheirmerepuppet,theirtoy?

Thefutureisuncertain,andtheroadiswinding, Butartificialintelligence,thisnewmuse, Isheretoguideus,andmakeusdream, Towardsamorebeautiful,morejust,truerworld.

To continue the fun, I asked him a translation in Italian that was again perfect and to raise the difficulty in Pashto and Urdu…. and that came up in a blink of an eye! When I get the "inspiration," which is the reverse of being instructed to write it right away with a prompt, I modestly continue to write poems.

I would require a week to produce the same quality, when Chat GPT produced it in a matter of seconds.

I will need three weeks to review my verses a hundred times, until I believe they are the correct text to ramp up to the next level they are objectively not yet attaining.

After reading that Stéphane Mallarmé-inspired four-second Symbolist masterpiece from 1886, I'm left wondering whether it's time to put away pen, paper, and eraser since, let's face it, AI is quicker and doesn’t have the writer's block nightmare.

“To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.”


Since 2015, numerous artists have begun to base their creations on "neural network” with mixed results up to now.

It all started with a tool called Deep Dream that a Google engineer unintentionally created. He was trying to figure out a way to visualize how a neural network system would function for image analysis. He provided the tool with an input picture and told it to make more object sections visible in the picture to achieve this. The end effect was a variety of strange and vivid visuals.

He posted his approach online, and soon after, artists started experimenting with it. Less than a year later, Deep Dream held its first gallery exhibition.

Digital artists can experiment with these models and then share their own results and adjustments because this software is all freely available online.

On Twitter, there is a vibrant creative community of neural network artists who discuss the outcomes of their research as well as the most recent advancements and disputes. Major exhibitions by well-known mainstream artists demonstrate how these tools are being used by them.

If there was ever any doubt that the art industry was prepared to accept works produced by AI, it is now resolved. A painting made by AI has sold for almost $500,000 in the first-ever auction of its sort. The "Portrait of Edmond de Belamy" artwork was sold by Christie's on Thursday for $432,500 to an unidentified purchaser.

Initially, the auction house had predicted that it would sell for between $7,000 and $10,000Using a computer and algorithm that examined a database of 15,000 paintings painted by humans between the 14th and 20th centuries, the Paris-based art collective Obvious Art produced the "Portrait of Edmond de Belamy."

Following that analysis, the computer began producing its own renditions of portraits to put through a discriminator, which tries to tell whether or not they were made by a computer.

When the computer is unable to distinguish between the version created by computers and the version created by humans, the cycle is complete.

According to Richard Lloyd, the head of prints and multiples for Christie's worldwide, "There will be human art, artificial intelligence art, but there will also be a hybrid" (CBS, October 26, 2018). That is what I believe is on the horizon very soon. Artists have always been fantastic early adopters.

Warhol adapted screen printing, which was inspired by commercial packaging, and photographers believed they could do some interesting things with a camera. So, I believe that this algorithm and human artists will collaborate to produce hybrid art. What will be generated is just the beginning; it's amazing.

Then, of course, the controversy began… the first one of a long list.

Why? The creative collective Obvious used the data and source code that another artist, Robbie Barrat, had made available online for free.

Barrat's code was quite appropriate for Obvious to use and claim as its own. However, a lot of people criticized Christie's for elevating the artists that had a minor role in the production of the piece.

Instead of calling into question the authorship of AI art, this was usually interpreted as Christie's failing, particularly in the way it misrepresented the work in its promotion.

The main problem is that the previous work has been incorporated into millions of other works with no way to attribute it to the original creator.

HowcanyouresolvearightsissuewhenAIhasingestedzillionsofanonymous, publiclyavailabledatapoints?ItIsoneofthehumanheadacheswehavetodaywith AIoutofthisworldcreativity.

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