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A growing area of interest in healthcare is precision medicine, which strives to offer treatment that is specifically customized to each patient's individual features. Personalized medicine is currently being developed more quickly thanks to developments in AI and stem cell research.

Using stem cells to develop disease models that are unique to a patient and can be used to anticipate how a patient will react to various medications is one potential strategy. In order to do this, a small sample of the patient's cells, such as skin cells, must be reprogrammed to become induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which can differentiate any type of cell in the body.

To assess the effectiveness of various medications, these iPSCs can subsequently be employed to develop illness models in the lab.

AI methods, such as ML, can be used to assess the outcomes of these tests and choose the best treatment choices for each patient.

Large datasets of patient data and findings from stem cell tests can be used to train ML algorithms and help them spot patterns and correlations that can be used to forecast the best course of treatment for a certain patient.

This method may increase the effectiveness of drug development by enabling researchers to test drug candidates in a more focused manner. It may also result in more effective therapies with fewer adverse effects.

There are still issues that need to be resolved, such as the requirement for larger and more varied datasets for the training of ML models and the necessity for strong regulatory frameworks to guarantee the security and effectiveness of these individualized treatments.

All things considered, the fusion of stem cell technology and AI is a promising strategy for creating tailored medicine that can enhance patient outcomes and change the way we approach healthcare.

This is exactly the field of Israeli company Genetika+, a leader in this highly specialized industry.

The company, which was founded in 2018, claims that its algorithm can best match antidepressants to patients, avoiding unpleasant side effects and ensuring that the recommended medication functions as effectively as possible.

Genetika+ achieves this by integrating cutting-edge AI software with stem cell technology, which involves the growth of particular human cells.

Its technicians are capable of producing brain cells from a patient's blood sample. These are then exposed to various antidepressants while "biomarkers" of cellular changes are being monitored.

An AI system processes this data along with a patient's genetic information and medical history to choose the most appropriate medication and dose for a doctor to prescribe.

In a nutshell:

AIwillassistinresolvingthe"mystery"ofwhichpharmaceuticalsaremosteffective foreachuniqueperson.

Quiteafateforaworldwithan8billionpopulation,butthiswon’ timpressuntilAIis giventheadequatecomputerpower.

Ihearyousayingholdon!\ Don’ tgivetoomuchawayyet!


Home medical diagnosis is a developing sector of healthcare that makes use of technology to let individuals control their health from the convenience of their homes. This encompasses a range of tools and strategies, including telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, and specialized AI all of which revolutionize the way healthcare is provided by making it more individualized, effective, and accessible.

Better access to care is one of the main advantages of home medical diagnostics. It can be challenging or expensive for many people, especially those who live in remote or rural locations, to receive regular on demand healthcare services.

By allowing patients to communicate with medical professionals remotely via technology like video conferencing, internet portals, or chatbots, medical diagnosis at home can help close this gap.

Increased patient involvement and empowerment are two other significant advantages of home medical diagnosis.Medical diagnosis at home helps to improve patient outcomes and lower the risk of complications by empowering people to take a more active part in their own health.

For instance, remote patient monitoring technology can inform healthcare professionals of any changes in a patient's status and give patients real-time feedback on their health. This can make it easier to spot possible health problems before they worsen and allow for more proactive and successful interventions.

Another interesting field for at home medical diagnosis is chatbots driven by AI. These chatbots utilize ML and NLP algorithms to comprehend patient inquiries and offer pertinent medical guidance.

Chatbots can serve to ease the pressure on healthcare practitioners, increase access to care, and empower patients to take a more active part in their own health by enabling them to self-diagnose their symptoms.

Implementing medical diagnostics at home is not without its difficulties. Making sure that patients obtain correct diagnoses and suitable treatment programs presents a significant challenge, particularly when a physical examination or in-person consultation is required.

This necessitates careful consideration of algorithm creation and validation, as well as ongoing training and oversight of healthcare professionals that employ medical diagnostic at home technology.

Making sure that tools for medical diagnostics at home are accessible, equitable, and do not worsen already-existing health disparities is another concern. For instance, patients may not have access to telemedicine or remote patient monitoring technology if they do not have dependable internet or mobile connectivity.

To ensure that medical diagnosis at home is an efficient and equitable method of healthcare delivery, it is essential to make sure that these technologies are available to all patients, regardless of their socioeconomic level or geographic location.

To note that the remote patient monitoring sector is constantly in fast evolution with top companies Like Medtronic, GE Healthcare and Honeywell Life Care for the USA and in Europe with Vlomedo (Germany), Andon Health (Spain), and Dignio (Norway).They are all are offering a range of remote patient monitoring solutions for patients with chronic conditions including wearable sensors mobile apps and AI-powered software platforms that allow patients to monitor their health and share data with healthcare professionals.

Theonlysadthingisthatwewillallmissthemomentwhenwereadafreemagazine aboutroyalgossiporgardeninginadoctor'swaitingroomthatweneverwouldhave purchased!


One of the few underwater archaeological parks in the world, Baiae is open to anyone who want to tour the ruins of the old Roman city on its 435 acres.

The site has to be monitored for damage from environmental elements since it is a protected maritime region. Barbara Davidde, Italy's national supervisor for underwater cultural treasures, notes that "communication underwater is difficult”.

Chiara Petrioli, a professor at Sapienza University and the founder and CEO of Sapienza's spinoff WSense, has created a network of underwater wireless sensors and acoustic modems that can collect environmental data and transfer it to land in real time.

The network protocol is continuously changed by their system using AI algorithms. The algorithms adjust the information flow between nodes in response to changes in the sea state, enabling the signal to reach up to two kilometers.

The technology can transmit data at a kilobit per second between transmitters located one kilometer apart and can reach speeds of tens of megabits per second across shorter distances.

His bandwidth is sufficient to send photos and data on water quality, pressure, and temperature as well as data on metal, chemical, and biological elements as well as noise, currents, waves, and tides that are acquired by sensors attached to the seafloor.

Underwater internet enables remote, ongoing monitoring of environmental factors like pH and carbon dioxide concentrations, which might affect the development of microbes that could damage artifacts.

Additionally, it enables communication between divers and with workers above the surface, wh utilize the technology to pinpoint where the divers are with great accuracy.

W Sense devices are also widely utilized outside of Italy; in Norway, for example, they are used to monitor the health of the fish in salmon farms.


Ican’ tfindatthispointabetterwordthatdescribes theAIinvasion inourlives,everysectorandeveryfield. Andcheckwhat’snext…

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