The Illusionists—Witness the Impossible

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ippin is over forty years old? How can that be? Pippin, who in 1972 arrived on Broadway on his youthful, idealistic and naïve quest for an extraordinary life, returned to Broadway in 2013. And like any person over forty, much has happened to him along the way. Actually, Pippin’s life began some five years prior to that, in 1967 at CarnegieMellon University in Pittsburgh. There was a club called Scotch ‘n’ Soda, which presented each spring a new student-written, directed, designed, and performed musical. I had cowritten the show my first two years and was looking for an idea for my junior year. A fellow drama student, Ron Strauss, had come across a paragraph in a history textbook about the first-born son of Charlemagne and his attempt to overthrow his father. This was at a time when we drama students were much enamored of James Goldman’s The Lion In Winter, able to reel off line after line of its witty acerbic dialogue and delight in its double- and- triple crossing plot twists. What could be more fun than to do a musical medieval court-intrigue melodrama of our own? So we came up with Pippin, Pippin (I no longer remember why we had two “Pippins” in the title), full of plots and counter-plots, bawdy tavern numbers, bucolic love in the 4

French countryside, and as much bitchy dialogue as we could muster. We and our fellow CMU students had a blast with it, and that as we thought was that. But a year or so later, as I was getting set to graduate, I got a letter from a would-be New York producer who had heard the vanity cast recording we had made of the show, (basically for ourselves and our parents.) He said he thought the show had potential, and asked if I would be interested in developing it. Ron gave me license, literally and figuratively, to do so. I will spare you the details of the show’s odyssey over the next five years, but suffice it to say that along the way it accumulated a book writer, the smart and funny Roger O. Hirson, an experienced producer, Stuart Ostrow, and a legendary director/choreographer, Bob Fosse. And by the time the now one-name-titled Pippin went into rehearsal for Broadway, not one line of dialogue, not one scrap of lyric, and not one bar of music from the original CMU show remained. The show had transmogrified into the story of a young man in search of himself, a story heavily influenced by the social upheaval happening in America at the time. It was of course the time of the Vietnam War and the so-called “generation gap,” with its slogan “Never trust anyone over 30.” Amer-

ica was as divided and polarized as … well … as it is now, although along somewhat different fault lines. There was plenty of polarization in the development process for the original Broadway show as well. It’s well-known that Bob Fosse and I often found ourselves on opposite sides of our own generation gap, with Roger frequently caught in the middle. But I’ve come to believe that the show benefited from it, since it heightened the dramatic tension of the central conflict in the show between the hopeful naiveté of its title character and the worldly-wise cynicism of the Leading Player and his cohorts. I have a feeling that if either Bob’s point of view or my own at the time had totally won out, the show wouldn’t have worked nearly as well. Subsequent to the Broadway production, Roger and I as authors made revisions that brought the show more in line with our original vision. For instance, we cut many of the Leading Player’s intrusions in the middle of scenes because we felt they diluted the story’s emotional power. But then a funny thing happened: Over the years, and particularly as I found myself on the other side of the over-30 generation gap, we put them right back in. We even added some. At one point, I found myself telling an interviewer that ironically I had become the “guardian of Bob’s vision” and that “somewhere Bob is looking up and laughing.” Of course there have been other developments over time as well: We’ve found other

cuts and improvements for lines, sharpening of lyrics, better focus for the story in spots. A decade or so ago, I wandered into a Fringe production of the show in London and found that they were trying a different ending, one that Roger and I immediately knew was better than any we had ever tried or considered. There have been several other interesting interpretations I have seen over the years. I particularly loved a brilliant production in 2009 by the Deaf West Theatre of LA in which Pippin was played by two actors, a deaf actor who signed and a speaking actor, and as Pippin’s internal conflict grew throughout the show, the two actors conflicted with each other more and more. I enjoyed a Pan Asian production in which the court of Charlemagne was a Japanese shogunate and a recent production at the Chocolate Factory in London, in which Pippin was caught inside a video game. Now comes this new Broadway production. I’m particularly excited about it because director Diane Paulus, as she demonstrated with her wonderful productions of Hair and The Gershwins’ Porgy And Bess, seems to have a unique ability with revivals, to reinvigorate rather than reinvent, to create a production that delivers what audiences loved about the original show and then goes beyond to enhance and illuminate the material. My hope is that, under Diane’s guidance, Pippin will remain forever young. Pippin is at the Fisher Theatre June 9–21. For tickets, please see our ad on page 12.

The National Tour of Pippin. Top left & bottom right: Sasha Allen as Leading Player and the cast. Above: Sabrina Harper as Fastrada. Photos: Terry Shapiro.

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Simon Painter, Tim Lawson, MagicSpace Entertainment present



Aaron Crow The Warrior

Kevin James The Inventor

Jeff Hobson The Trickster

Dan Sperry The Anti-Conjuror

Yu Ho-Jin The Manipulator Adam Trent The Futurist

WITH Victoria Chimenti  Robert Coglitore  Todd Hampton  Edward Purnell Hawkins Antonio Hoyos  Claudia James  Rachael Joy  Kendrick Samuel AND

Z Lighting Designer Paul Miller

Costume Designer Angela Aaron

Video Designer Darrel Maloney

Illusion Designer Don Wayne

Illusion Director Mark Kalin

Associate Director Kirsty Painter

Associate Director/Choreographer Jenn Rapp

Additional Scenic Design Todd Ivins

Composer Evan Jolly

Additional Compositions Eddie Cole & Dustin Moore

Creative Director Jim Millan

Director/Choreographer Neil Dorward

Creative Producer Simon Painter

Executive Producer Tim Lawson




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WHO’S WHO ANDREW BASSO (The Escapologist) is Italy’s star escape artist and is fast becoming one of the world’s favorite illusionists. His hero is Harry Houdini and his thrilling escapes take place under water, 150 feet in the air and everywhere in between. Explosives, water boxes, handcuffs, chains, padlocks, straightjackets, cars bursting into flames … his escapes place him within seconds of life and death and have audiences all over the world frozen in suspense and disbelief. You’ll never catch The Escapologist. He is definitively born to escape. AARON CROW (The Warrior) is the ultimate strong, silent type and has mastered some of the most dangerous acts of mentalism ever performed on stage! He will thrill and captivate you without uttering a single word! Crow fuses mentalism, illusions and dangerous stunts using swords, paintball machine-guns and highly powerful bows, keeping you on the edge of your seat with anticipation. Little wonder Belgium’s foremost international TV sensation won first place at the World Championships of Magic (FISM), and has since toured the world with his incredible brand of (silent) extreme mentalism. Get set to be targeted by The Warrior. JEFF HOBSON (The Trickster) is an actor, comedian, magician, and the only natural blond in the show. He’s been known as “The host of Las Vegas” for more than 15 years and is the epitome of glamour and showmanship. A veteran of more than 20,000 live performances around the globe, Jeff leaves audiences laughing long after the curtain goes down. Don’t be fooled by his innocent appearance—The Trickster will get you every time. YU HO-JIN (The Manipulator). Through elegant manipulation and mystery, the artistic Yu Ho-Jin has the ability to turn anyone into a loyal fan, whether children and parents or his colleagues— the world’s finest magicians. Yu was recently named Magician of the Year (2014) by the Academy of Magical Arts (AMA). Yu would go on to win numerous magic competitions with his emotional performances. At age 19, he took first prize in the manipulation category and was the Grand Prix Winner in stage magic at Federation Internationale des Societes Magiques (FISM), a competition that is considered the Olympic games for magicians. Now you see it, now you don’t—meet The Manipulator. KEVIN JAMES (The Inventor) is one of today’s most ground-breaking and innovative illusionists. Some of his ideas have made it into the shows of Penn & Teller, David Copperfield and Doug Henning. He is an inventor and collector of the strange and unusual. Performing on Broadway is a high-

light of his career, right next to his performance at the White House. Kevin believes he has a solemn responsibility to remind people of that important sense wonder they felt as a child. Whether he’s holding a rose or swinging a chain saw, anything is possible with The Inventor. DAN SPERRY (The Anti-Conjuror). With millions of hits on YouTube and hundreds of thousands of loyal online followers, Dan Sperry the Anti-Conjuror has become a social media phenomenon and one of the most sought after live performers working today. His totally unique style of shock illusion initially captured the imagination of his fans, it is his hilariously eccentric and shocking routines that have grown his popularity across the globe. From headlining sell-out tours to guest starring on popular TV shows, Dan Sperry blends a bizarre mixture of comedy magic and mayhem into an utterly original performance that is as unique as it is entertaining. ADAM TRENT (The Futurist). One of the most dynamic, extraordinary, and multi-talented artists working today—a comedian, dancer, magician, and television star (multiple appearances on NBC, “Good Morning America,” “Joan Rivers Show,” Travel Channel, “America’s Got Talent” and Disney Channel) and winner of SyFy Channel’s “Wizard Wars,” a magic competition based on originality judged by Penn & Teller. In addition to The Illusionists, he performs over 150 solo headline shows a year around the globe. US News & World Report Magazine named him “One of the 10 Most Influential Youths in America.” He is undeniably the future of magic—bring on The Futurist.; @AdamTrentMagic. VICTORIA CHIMENTI (Magic Assistant). Victoria Chimenti, originally from Yonkers, New York, is excited to be working with such an incredible cast in The Illusionists—Witness The Impossible. From performances in the Caribbean to dancing for Xbox in the streets of New York City, Vicki is using her talent to conquer her dreams. She gives a super special thanks to her family, friends and mentors for their love and support that led to her debut on Broadway in The Illusionists! ROB COGLITORE (Magic Assistant) is a native New Yorker who only recently started pursuing a professional career in dance. His passion has led him to appear on “Good Morning America,” a commercial for Wendy Williams and more, including his Broadway debut in The Illusionists. Rob looks forward to his journey and is forever grateful for his amazing friends and family. TODD HAMPTON (Magic Assistant). Todd Hampton graduated from Brent Street Studios in Sydney, Australia. Since then his credits include Wicked, Snow White and The Illusionists. Some of Hampton’s television appearances include dancing for artists Ke$ha, Cyndi Lauper, Olivia New9

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WHO’S WHO ton John and Ricky Martin. Todd is thrilled to make his Broadway debut with The Illusionists— Witness The Impossible and would like to thanks his friends and family for the endless support. KENDRICK SAMUEL (Magic Assistant) was born and raised in Queens, New York. He’s always carried a love for entertainment and the arts and has developed even more of that love after becoming so immersed into this field over the years. Some of his credits include Gap, Diana Espir (The Voice—France) and now on board with The Illusionists—Witness the Impossible which he’s absolutely excited to be a part of and thankful of endless support from friends, family and peers back home. SIMON PAINTER (Creative Producer) is a visionary creative producer and entrepreneur based in California. Originally from London, Simon started his career as a classical violinist but soon transitioned into producing and creating commercial theatre. During the last 10 years, Simon has been at the forefront of the live entertainment industry, having launched and managed major performance venues and conceived, created and produced acclaimed productions such as Adrenaline and Le Noir. The first show he produced, Le Grand Cirque smashed box office records at the

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Sydney Opera House selling over 40,000 tickets in 10 days. The Illusionists franchise followed, becoming one of the biggest magic shows of all time, playing in over 50 cities in 15 countries, including performances at London’s Hammersmith Apollo which was broadcast on ITV. The show has since expanded with the stunning sequel The Illusionists 2.0 and The Illusionists 1903 is set to debut in Australia in January 2015. TIM LAWSON (Executive Producer). Australasian theatrical credits include Sweet Charity, Buddy—The Musical, Jolson, Spirit of the Dance, Oh! What a Night, Fiddler on the Roof starring Topol, It’s a Dad Thing!, Weary—The Life of Sir Edward Dunlop, Shout! The Musical, Brave Men Run In Our Family, Jekyll and Hyde, The Rocky Horror Show narrated by Richard O’Brien, A Chorus Line (and London Palladium season), and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. With partner Simon Painter, credits include the international theatre and arena tours of Le Grand Cirque, Ariel Dreams, Adrenaline, Le Noir, The Illusionists, The Illusionists 2.0 and the upcoming The Illusionists 1903—The Golden Age of Magic. Collectively their network spans over 120 cities through 23 countries. NEIL DORWARD (Director/Choreographer). A top commercial theatre and TV director/choreographer; Neil’s worked on critically acclaimed

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Fisher Theatre • June 9–21, 800-982-2787 & Fisher Box Office. Info: & 313-872-1000. Groups (12+): e-mail (subject: Pippin) or call 313-871-113. Open captioned performance 7:30PM June 14.



WHO’S WHO shows around the world: Le Noir,The Dark Side of Cirque (World Tour), Le Grand Cirque Adrenaline (Sydney Opera House), All Night Long (U.S/ European Tour), Rock Around the Clock (Monte Carlo), Spirit of Christmas (Kodak, LA), Man in the Mirror (European tour). Neil proudly directed The Illusionists franchise from its debut, to the London’s Apollo theatre to Broadway. JIM MILLAN (Creative Director). NYC Play Dead (Teller/Robbins) off Broadway. Mythbusters Live, which sold out across North America and Australia (ongoing). Jim collaborated with celebrity chef Alton Brown on his Edible Inevitable tour (ongoing). As a comedy writer/director he created SPANK! The 50 Shades Parody which has played in over 200 cities/four countries in the last three years. Director/producer of cult comedy legends The Kids in the Hall. Has directed comedy, plays, magic and musicals on five continents in 35 countries in 17 languages in his career including 150 premieres. Lives in Toronto with his wife Kyra and children. PAUL MILLER (Lighting Designer). On Broadway, Paul designed the lighting for Legally Blonde (also in London’s West End), Freshly Squeezed, Laughing Room Only. For City Center Encores! he designed Irma la Douce, Lost in the Stars, Where’s Charley?, Of Thee I Sing and Music in the Air. Off Broadway credits include Lucky Guy, Vanities: The Musical, Waiting for Godot, Addicted, Balancing Act and Nunsense. U.S. national tour credits include Elf (two current tours), Shrek, Storytime Live (Nickelodeon), The Wizard of Oz, Sweeney Todd, Hairspray, Legally Blonde, The Producers, Nunsense, Scooby Doo in Stage Fright and The Sound of Music. For television he designed “Camelot” (Live from Lincoln Center) and has been the lighting director for the internationally televised “New Year’s Eve Celebration” in Times Square for the last 14 years. ANGELA AARON (Costume Designer). International stylist Angela Aaron has suited and booted them all. She has styled the covers of magazines from Esquire to Newsweek, costumed chart topping music videos, and seen her work featured on national TV. On the live front, her costumes have graced stages and circuses from Beijing to Sydney and from Beirut to Dubai. She is proud and happy to work with The Illusionists, adding her own style of magic to a Broadway success story. DARREL MALONEY (Video Design) has designed for broadcast, concerts, film and theatre. Broadway: American Idiot, A Night with Janis Joplin, Everyday Rapture. Off Broadway: Found (Atlantic Theatre); Checkers (Vineyard Theatre, Drama Desk nomination); Kung Fu, Golden

Child (Signature Theatre); The Village Bike, The Submission (MCC); Bikeman (Tribeca Performing Arts Center); Masks Outrageous and Austere (Culture Project); Tokio Confidential (Atlantic Stage 2). Other designs include Ringling Bros. & Barnum and Bailey circus’ Legends (144th edition), Harmony (Ahmanson, CTG), The Shape She Makes (A. R. T.), Allegiance (Old Globe), Hughie (Shakespeare Theatre), Surf (Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas), Karen O’s Stop the Virgens (St. Ann’s Warehouse and Sydney Opera House), The Submission (MCC), SCKBSTD (Virginia stage), The Elephant Man (Minnesota Opera), as well as lighting and projections for Peer Gynt (La Jolla Playhouse and Kansas City Rep.). Darrell is also the founder of the design and production studio the 13th and serves on the faculty of the Yale School of Drama. EVAN JOLLY (Composer). Theatre includes: The Illusionists 2.0 (Sydney Opera House), Le Grand Cirque (Sydney Opera House); Big White Fog (Almeida, London); arrangements for The Genius of Ray Charles and Thriller: The Musical (West End, UK and US tours). Film and TV credits include Tonight Is Cancelled (Fastnet Films); Under the Skin (FilmFour); Cowboys in India (Channel 4); “Graham and Alice” (BBC). Video games (with James Hannigan) include Command & Conquer and the Harry Potter franchise. Z (Band), from Long Beach, California, debuted in 2008 on national television as legendary rapper Nas’ featured backing band. The group has since toured extensively with Nas, Kanye West,





he 2015–16 Broadway In Detroit season is already making headlines. With six exciting season shows and three special attractions already announced, Detroit theatre fans are now buying subscription packages to lock in their best seats for every performance. The new season kicks off in October when Dirty Dancing rumbas its way into Detroit at the Fisher Theatre. First performed at the Theatre Royal in Sydney, Australia in 2004, this spot-on adaptation of the hit movie broke box office records in Australia, New Zealand, and Germany, achieving the highest advance sales in European history. Featuring the music, dance and story that made the movie a success, you’ll have the “Time of Your Life.” One of Detroit’s most anticipated musicals will arrive in time for the holidays when Newsies comes to the Detroit Opera House with performances in mid-December through the Christmas holidays. Based on the 1992 live-action Disney musical film about the real-life 1899 newsboys strike in New York City, it took home two 2012 Tony Awards for best original score and best choreography. Newsies has won praise from audiences and critics alike, with the New York Times calling it “A musical worth singing about.” Subscr ibers will return to the Detroit 14

Opera House in February for the third show in the season when Rogers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella waltzes onto the stage complete with crystal slippers, magical coaches and fairytale romance. In addition to everything from the original, this contemporary production includes a few surprising new twists. Rogers & Hammerstein’s most beloved songs make this hilarious romantic Broadway experience incredible for anyone who’s ever had a wish, a dream … or a really great pair of shoes. In March, the season returns to the Fisher Theatre when the Matilda The Musical swings into Detroit featuring an incredible cast in Roald Dahl’s beloved story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her own destiny. Time magazine’s #1 Show of the Year, Matilda has won 50 international awards including four Tonys. If/Then, the season’s most contemporary musical, graces the Fisher Theatre stage from late March into April. Directly from its critically acclaimed run on Broadway, If/Then offers unforgettable songs in a deeply moving story by the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-winning creators of Next to Normal. This “fascinating, ambitious and original new musical” (New York Post) follows one woman’s two possible life paths, painting a continued on next page Top: Original company, North American Tour of Newsies. © Disney. Photo: Deen van Meer.

Left: Samuel Pergande (Johnny) & Jillian Mueller (Baby) in the North American tour of Dirty Dancing—The Classic Story On Stage. Photo: Matthew Murphy.

continued from previous page deeply moving portrait of the lives we lead, as well as the lives we might have led. The 2015–16 Broadway In Detroit season comes to a close at the Fisher Theatre with a new production of The Sound of Music. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the iconic film, and this will be the first in time the show has been in Detroit for more than 20 years. “The Sound of Music tells and extraordinary story with extraordinary songs,” says Ted Chapin, President and Executive di-

rector of the Rogers & Hammerstein Organization. “We are putting together a first-class tour that will play across the country. People will be surprised by a lot of what comes out of the show that’s always been there.” Season subscribers will also get the first chance to buy tickets to several extra attractions at the Fisher Theatre including Jersey Boys over the Thanksgiving holiday, Chicago in February, and a new production of Love Letters featuring Ali MacGraw and Ryan O’Neal in April 2016.

GET SEASON SEATS ONLINE! This season new subscribers can use an interactive seat map at to select their seats for the entire season. For the complete story on season ticket packages, preview performances and more, visit Current subscribers still have a chance to hold onto their seat locations through May 10 while new orders are being taken. For more information on the Broadway In Detroit 2015–16 season, please see our ad on pages 16–17.


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WHO’S WHO and Lauryn Hill, as well as a Michael Jackson tribute production. The band has performed soldout venues such as the Sydney Opera House, London’s 02 Arena, and Radio City Music Hall. Z combines electronic production with acoustic instruments, utilizing progressive technology and steadfast musicianship. Web: /iBelieveInZ, Eddie Cole-Vocal/Percussion, Dustin Moore-Bass/Synthesizer, Tom Terrell-Trumpet/Keyboard, Andy Meixner-Electric Guitar, Jody Giachello-Drum Set/Percussion. EDDIE COLE, DUSTIN MOORE (Additional Composition). They Took Off is the composer/ producer/DJ duo of Dustin Moore (aka Neon Phoenix) and Eddie Cole. Credits include the 2008 hip-hop Grammy-nominated Nas album Untitled, the original The Illusionists show score, and many professional artist collaborations. Both are bred musicians: Moore’s mother toured as a rock/funk band-leader in the 1970’s; Eddie is the great-nephew to Nat King Cole. Their multitude of influences result in a self-designated sub-genre of Galaxy Music, encompassing elements of glofi, underground hip-hop, experimental electropop, and vintage jazz-rock. ASIA LIVE NETWORK (Producer). Asia Live Network owns and operates the interests of pro-

ducers Simon Painter and Tim Lawson,who began collaborating in 2007 on Le Grand Cirque at the Sydney Opera House. The show broke all box office records in the history of the iconic venue and led to multiple international productions. They repeated the critical and box office success over the coming years with Aerial Dreams and Adrenaline, again launching at the Sydney Opera House followed by extensive touring through Australasia and beyond. Recognizing the absence in the market of a high-quality touring magic show, the company created a production showcasing seven of the world’s best magicians, The Illusionists—Witness the Impossible. The show sold out its Sydney Opera House season before opening, a pattern that would follow throughout arenas and theatres in more than 50 cities in 15 countries within its first two years. The London season was filmed live and aired throughout the UK and is available on DVD. Following the show’s unprecedented success, The Illusionists 2.0—The Next Generation of Magic, was created to cater to the demand for a sequel, and a brand new show, The Illusionists 1903—The Golden Age of Magic, premieres in Australia in early January. During this time, their critically acclaimed production, Le Noir—The Dark Side of Cirque, has been setting imaginations and box office records on fire. Each venue it plays around the world, ranging from 500 to 15,000, is transformed like never before, so audiences experience


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the jaw-dropping, daredevil talents of the world’s finest circus artists and acrobats in the round, up close and personal. MAGICSPACE ENTERTAINMENT (Producer).Principals Lee D. Marshall, Joe Marsh, John Ballard, Steve Boulay and Bruce Granath have been producing and presenting shows worldwide for more than 30 years. Broadway producing credits include Hello, Dolly! starring Carol Channing; Jekyll & Hyde; The Who’s Tommy; Cabaret; Donny & Marie: A Broadway Christmas; and Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles on Broadway. National tour credits include The 101 Dalmatians Musical, Ann-Margret starring in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, West Side Story, Grease, A Chorus Line, Jesus Christ Superstar and concert tours by Janet Jackson, Cher, Fleetwood Mac, Styx, Britney Spears and *NSYNC. Special tours and events produced or presented on the road include Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance, Tom Stoppard’s Every Good Boy Deserves Favour starring Patrick Stewart, Van Cliburn, the Alexandrov Red Army Chorus, Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs exhibition, Titanic: The Exhibition, Diana: A Celebration and St. Peter and the Vatican: The Legacy of the Popes exhibition. MagicSpace Entertainment manages Broadway subscriptions in seven cities and hundreds of events each year across the U.S. and Canada. MagicSpace Entertainment is currently touring The Magic of David Copperfield, Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles, The Christmas Music of Mannheim Steamroller by Chip Davis, Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman starring in Mythbusters: Behind the Myths Tour, Alton Brown Live! The Edible Inevitable Tour, Walking With Dinosaurs—The Arena Spectacular, and The Illusionists—Witness the Impossible. SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Creative Producer Simon Painter Executive Producer Tim Lawson Director/Choreographer Neil Dorward Creative Director Jim Millan Lighting Designer Paul Miller Video Designer Darrel Maloney Costume Designer Angela Aaron Composer Evan Jolly Additional Composition Eddie Cole, Dustin Moore Illusion Director Mark Kalin 20

Illusion Designer Don Wayne Additional Scenic Design Todd Ivins Associate Director/Choreographer Jenn Rapp Associate Director Kirsty Painter Magician’s Assistants Victoria Chimenti, Robert Coglitore, Todd Hampton, Edward Purnell Hawkins, Claudia James, Rachael Joy, Kendrick Samuel Band Z Tom Terrell, Andy Meixner, Jody Giachello The Inventor Lite Antonio Hoyos Resident Director Rachel Bickerton Associate Lighting Designer Timothy A. Reed Assistant Video Designer Nicholas Hussong Production Managers David Simpson, Mike Martin Lighting Programmer Christopher Boon Casey Producer Jonathan Sanford Associate Producer Hollie Sanford Casting (Magician’s Assistants) Stuart Howard-SH Entertainment Orchestral Recordings Prague Symphony Orchestra Additional Guitars Luis Almau Additional Keyboards & Brass Evan Jolly Music Mix Simon Changer, Toby Wood STAFF FOR THE ILLUSIONISTS—WITNESS THE IMPOSSIBLE GENERAL MANAGER MAGICSPACE ENTERTAINMENT Dave Stinson PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Chris Luner COMPANY MANAGER Gretchen Pfarrer PRESS REPRESENTATION TELLEM/GRODY PR John Tellem, Dan Grody MARKETING REPRESENTATION MAGICSPACE ENTERTAINMENT Kristy Maple Head Carpenter.........................................................................Graham Stuart Assistant Production Supervisor.................................................Wesley Yount Assistant Carpenter/Pyrotechnics.................................................Steve Curtis Head Electrician......................................................................... John Edwards

Assistant Electrician........................................................................Will Brown Head Sound.......................................................................................Chris Lutz Assistant Sound............................................................................... John Kelly Head Prop Person..........................................................................Sam Weaver Camera Operator........................................................................ Lance Strader Camera Operator..........................................................................Josh Stewart Video Engineer.............................................................................Chris Schultz Wardrobe Supervisor.................................................................... Sarah Wade Insurance.................................................................................Crane Insurance Merchandise.................................................................................Kyle Baldwin TOUR DIRECTION THE ROAD COMPANY, Stephen Lindsay & Brett Sirota WILLIAM MORRIS ENDEAVOR, Clint Mitchell ASIA LIVE NETWORK Chairman & CEO............................................................................ Tim Lawson Financial Controller.....................................................................Liam Gretgrix Production Manager.................................................................David Simpson Producer...............................................................................Jonathan Sanford Associate Producer.....................................................................Hollie Sanford Payroll Services........................................................................................ CAPS Marketing...................................................................................................AKA Graphic Design & Video....................................Nice Studios/Gil Nevo, Ian Noe Merchandise............................................... Sam Klingner, Christopher Wayne MAGICSPACE ENTERTAINMENT Chief Executive Officer/Producer Lee D. Marshall Chairman.......................................................................................... Joe Marsh President................................................................................. John W. Ballard Chief Operating Officer................................................................Steve Boulay Vice President, Marketing......................................................... Bruce Granath Vice President Touring.................................................................Dave Stinson Tour Marketing............................................................................. Kristy Maple Tour Marketing......................................................................... Grace Torreano Graphic Designer...........................................................................Katie Perhai Accounting.................................................David Rooker, Mary Deon-Roberts CREDITS Makeup provided by M-A-C. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sydney Opera House, Gil Nevo & Ian Noe from Nice Studios, Clint Mitchell, Lee Marshall, Stephen Lindsay WARNING The photographing or sound recording of any performance or the possession of any device for such photographing or sound recording inside this theatre, without the written permission of the management, is prohibited by law. Violators may be punished by ejection and violations may render the offender liable for money damages. Backstage employees are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (or I.A.T.S.E.).

Become a fan of The Illusionists on Twitter @Illusionists7, Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube!

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RESERVE SPACE NOW for your ad in PIPPIN. Contact: Alyssa Cohen, (248) 608-1884,; or Scott Myers, (313) 872-1177,


Mother’s Day at Broadway In Detroit Season Subscriber Moms share their love for theatre across the generations


roadway In Detroit has been bringing the best of Broadway to the Fisher Theatre since 1961. For generations, Detroiters have been enjoying and sharing their experiences with friends and family, including many mothers who are passing on their love for theatre to their children and grandchildren. With subscriptions on sale now for the 2015–16 season, Broadway In Detroit asked current subscribers to share their memories from Fisher Theatre performances. Along JANET ZARBAUGH, Brownstown, MI

with their recollections of shows, performers, and events, many subscribers shared that they cherish their subscription packages because it gives them a chance to bond with friends, neighbors, and family. A couple of them told us about how their mothers influenced their love for theatre and how they are passing that love along to their children. Since Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 10, during the run of The Illusionists, Broadway In Detroit is happy to share two of these stories with you. KATHIE BROWN, Farmington Hills, MI

“My mother was a subscriber Broadway In Detroit moms like for many years,” shares Janet Kathie Brown of Farmington Zarbaugh of Brownstown. “We Hills are also bringing their both loved the theater and I acsons to the show. “I never make companied her to many of the it to New York and am happy plays during the season. It was that Broadway comes to my our mother-daughter time tofamily through this great subgether and I treasured all the scription series. My two sons time we spent enjoying the and I take time from our busy plays we loved.” Thanks to lives to get together for dinner her mom, she has been seeing and a bit of culture. My parents Broadway shows at the Fisher took me to the theatre when I Theatre for more than 30 years. was their age, and now I’m takJanet Zarbaugh (center), “Some memorable moments ing my grandchildren too. We her daughter Amy (left), were seeing Carol Channing thoroughly enjoy each show and and (right) her mother in Hello Dolly, Kathy Rigby in can hardly wait to see what the Janice Myers Peter Pan and Richard Chamnext season offers.” berlain in Spamalot, just to name a few. Some of Kathie’s favorite memories Mom passed away in 1999, and I took over were seeing Broadway greats like Robert her subscription. I take my daughter, Amy, to Goulet and Yul Brynner play at the Fisher. the theater and it is now our mother-daughter Her favorite time together. I hope she enjoys spending shows from time together as much as I did with my Mom. this season inMaybe someday Amy will carry on the tradi- clude Motown tion and take her daughters as well. I know The Musical, Mom would be happy as a clam to know she Mamma Mia!, has passed on her love for the theater to fu- Once and ture generations.” Flashdance. Janet’s favorite show this season was MoKathie Brown (center) with sons town The Musical and her favorite show of Jason (left) and Ross (right) all time remains The Phantom of the Opera. If you have a story you’d like to share with Broadway In Detroit and our program readers, please email it to our marketing director, Scott Myers, at 22

FAMILY NIGHTS AT THE FISHER THEATRE • Performances dedicated to young audiences. • Children’s activities before the show. Info: How many times will you say, “OH MY GOSH,


Thanks to our corporate partners this season for Family Nights at: ★ Annie ★ Blue Man Group ★ The Illusionists

100% of our proceeds go to charity Brought to you by • 96.3 FM • •


PRELUDES & ENCORES • Special places to go before & after



e proudly present Preludes & Encores, our recommendations for a great meal before the show, or a place to close the night’s curtain with a delicious dessert. Please consider these wonderful restaurants—and mention that you heard about them in the Broadway In Detroit program. Thanks! GUIDE: $ = <$10, $$ = $10-$25, $$$ = $25-$50, $$$$ = >$50, F=Free Parking, = Groups, P=Prix Fixe packages available, R = Reservations, S = Shuttle Service, V=Valet Parking

Complimentary shuttle service to & from the theatre Live Entertainment Fri. & Sat. evenings 313-832-1616 • 4222 Second Avenue north of Mack • Detroit


See our Facebook page for cast parties & other upcoming events

Show your ticket for

15% off

the day of the performance

Andiamo Riverfront • Joe Muer Seafood • • page 25 Detroit Riverfront, Renaissance Center. Type of Cuisine: Italian, Seafood, Price: $$$, Amenities: R,G,V. We are proud to welcome Broadway In Detroit guests before the show, after the show and anytime at all! Enjoy a great atmosphere and professional service with incredible views along the Detroit River. La Musique • • page 26 New Center, 3071 W Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202. (313) 873-3000. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$, Amenities: GPRV. Eat. Play. Stay. Park and dine at La Musique in the historic St. Regis Hotel and walk to the Fisher Theatre. Contemporary American Cuisine. Proof: 2; 8/13/12; 12:02PM Maccabees at Midtown • • page 28 Union Street Midtown, 5057 Woodward Ave., Detroit MI 48202. Publication: Broadway Detroitbistro, program (313) 831-9311. Type of cuisine:inAmerican Price:for $$, 2012–2013 season Amenities: GRSV. In Midtown across Woodward from the DIA. Save 20% with your Broadway In Detroit ticket stub.

Run dates: 9/4/12 thru 5/19/13

Lunch • Dinner • Sunday Brunch

Group tourS welcome! 4145 woodward Avenue Midtown Detroit 313.831.3965

Mario’s • • page 24 Size: 1/4 pg. vert. (2-1/4” x 3-1/4”) Midtown, 4222 Second St., Detroit, MI 48201. (313) 832-1616. Type of cuisine: For: Nederlander DetroitItalian, Price: $$$, Amenities: GPRSV. Complimentary (Fisher Theatre & others) shuttle to & from the theatre. Show your tickets and receive 10% off food on your Agency:date. SMZAfterglow advertising performance specials too! Party with the people who perform.

Design: Frank Bach,

Mercury Bar • • page 27 Bach &Burger Associates; Phone 313-822-4303; Corktown, 2163 Michigan Ave. Detroit MI. 48216, (313) 964-5000. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $. Classic American burger bar, gourmet burgers, hot dogs, grilled bologna, tater tots, Guernsey dairy milk shakes, Michigan craft beers, full bar.

☛ listings continue on page 26

Sign up for E-LERTS at for exclusive offers, pre-sales & theatre news! 24

CritiCs’ ChoiCe!


WDIV Click on Detroit

For reservations call 313.567.6700 or visit

Two of Detroit’s Award Wining Restaurants – Perfect for Dining Before or After a Show. Just minutes away from the Fisher Theatre at the fabulous GM Renaissance Center.

“ 2012 RESTAURANT OF THE YEAR” HOUR Detroit Magazine

For reservations call 313.567.6837 or visit 25

PRELUDES & ENCORES • Special places to go before & after Ottava Via • • page 27 Corktown, 1400 Michigan Ave. Detroit MI. 48216, (313) 962-5500. Type of cuisine: Casual/Rustic Italian, Price: $$, Amenities: FR. Stone fired pizza, small plates, pasta, Italian entrees, gelato, outdoor seating, bocci ball in season, full bar. The Rattlesnake Club • • page 26 300 River Place Drive, Detroit, MI 48207. (313) 567-4400. Type of cuisine: American, Price $$$ GRV. The Rattlesnake Club celebrates over 25 years in Detroit! Chef Chris Franz’s innovative cuisine, our attentive service and award-winning wine list await on Detroit’s Riverfront! Star Lanes Restaurant at Emagine Royal Oak • page 21, 200 N. Main St., Royal Oak, MI 48067.

(248) 414-1000. Price: $$, Amenities: GV. Fabulous food including savory appetizers, wonderful salads, burgers, sandwiches, hand-crafted pizza and delicious desserts! We also offer a full bar with premium beers, wines & liquors! Minimum of 2 entrees must be ordered. Must be used within one week of performance date. 300 River Place Dr | Detroit | 313-567-4400 |

Located in the beautiful Hotel St. Regis, La Musique is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Directly connected to the Fisher Theatre, it’s the perfect place for dinner before the show. Present tickets for tonight’s performance and receive 15% off your entire bill. Make a complete evening out of your trip to the show and spend the night in the magnificent Hotel St. Regis. Present tonight’s show tickets and receive an additional 15% off our current room rates for the room of your choice. 3071 W. Grand Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48202 313-873-3000


Traffic Jam & Snug • • page 28 511 W. Canfield St., Detroit MI, 48201. (313) 831-9470. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$, Amenities: FGR. Featuring an eclectic menu of vegetarian items, burgers, fresh fish, pastas & salads. Decadent house-made desserts. Free, guarded parking. Minutes from the Fisher Theatre. Union Street • • page 24 Midtown, 4145 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48201. (313) 831-3965. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$, Amenities: GR. 15% off when you bring in your ticket to this show! Serving lunch, dinner, desserts and Sunday brunch. Kitchen open late. Large group tours welcomed. The Whitney • • page 10 Midtown, 4421 Woodward Ave., Detroit MI 48201. (313) 832-5700. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$$, Amenities: GPRV. Detroit’s most romantic restaurant. Experience our Prix Fixe Theatre Menu before your next show or join us anytime for dinner or an elegant dessert seven nights a week. Call for reservations during intermission or after tonight’s performance! ☛ listings continue on page 28

MORE THAN 350,000

upscale theatre-goers see a Broadway In Detroit show each season! Reserve space now for your ad; contact: Alyssa Cohen, (248) 608-1884,; or Scott Myers, (313) 872-1177,

PRELUDES & ENCORES • Special places to go before & after

Canfield at Second • Detroit 313-831-9470 Restaurant Brewery Dairy Bakery Handcrafted & Homemade Since 1965

Mention this ad & get 10% off your entrée

Three restaurants in The Westin Book Cadillac Downtown Detroit, 1128 Washington Blvd. at Michigan Ave., Detroit MI 48226 • page 31: ● Roast •, (313) 961-2500. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$$, Amenities: RV. The Detroit Free Press recently named Iron Chef Michael Symon’s Roast Restaurant of the Year. ● 24 Grille •, (313) 964-3821. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$$, Amenities: RV. Features Executive Chef Christian Borden’s interpretation of classic American dishes. Take 10% off your entire bill with your theatre ticket. ● Motor Bar •, (313) 442-1600. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$, Amenities: V. On the second floor, a comfortable location for a classic late night cocktail, dessert or appetizer after the show. The Zenith • • page 28 Midtown, 3011 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit MI 48202. (313) 972-1135. Type of cuisine: American bistro, Price: $$, Amenities: G, F (with theatre ticket). Located in the Fisher Building, The Zenith serves burritos, quesadillas and tacos made to order, with amazing sides, drinks and more!

title Publication: Broadway in Detroit program for “xxxxxxxxxxx” Run dates: xxxxxxxxxxxx Size: 1/4 pg. vert. (2-1/4” x 3-1/4”) Proof: xxxxxx

20% Off Your meal

With your Broadway In Detroit ticket stub!

For: Nederlander Detroit (Fisher Theatre & others) Agency: SMZ advertising Design: Frank Bach, Bach & Associates; Dinner before the show Phone 313-822-4303, Cocktails af ter In the Fisher Building

(Excludes alcohol)

If it’s about Michigan theaters, it’s here: • show listings • theater news • reviews • interviews • podcasts • audition info • more!


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Spotlight Room AT T H E F I S H E R T H E AT R E An elegant, private environment with many amenities including private bar service, coat closet, rest room, & catering services. Reservations available now for Group dining and events with Pippin, June 9–21. Individual VIP dining packages also available for other select performances. Visit or call (313) 872-1177 for dates & details.

TicketExchange Buy and sell theater tickets online. Buyers: print guaranteed tickets directly from subscribers. Subscribers: enjoy automatic payment and ticket delivery. Get a My Broadway In Detroit account at or by calling Subscriber Services at 313-872-1180.


AGE LIMIT As a courtesy to our patrons, it is the policy of Broadway In Detroit not to admit children under the age of 5. This policy may be altered from time to time based on Shows and Show content. You will be made aware of particular age restrictions during your purchase. Some shows make further age appropriate recommendations and Broadway In Detroit will provide those on its website; however, judgment of the content for each show should be made on an individual basis prior to purchase. When available, Broadway In Detroit provides links to show websites for further information. All patrons, regardless of age, must have a ticket. 30

BROADWAY IN DETROIT The Program for the Fisher Theatre Volume 53, Number 12 April 28–May 10, 2015 Fisher Theatre • Fisher Building 3011 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202 Under the Management of Nederlander Detroit, LLC Executive Director............................................. Alan N. Lichtenstein Assistant to Mr. Lichtenstein.......................................... Nancy King Director, Corporate Sales/Marketing..............................Scott Myers Senior Director, Marketing........................................... Alyssa Cohen Advertising Director.....................................Debbie Michelson, SMZ Press Agent................... Brendy Barr, Brendy Barr Communications Program Design................................Frank Bach, Bach & Associates THE FISHER THEATRE Business Office Staff Accounting................................................................. Barbara Jones House Staff Theatre Manager.....................................................James Manduzzi House Manager............................................................Reuben Perez Box Office Treasurer...................................................... Marc Roland Group Sales Manager........................................................Amy Yokin Subscription Manager..................................................Gwen Harden Lost and Found........................................................... Robin Teachey Production Staff Head Stage Technician...................................................... Sam Aluia Head Lighting Technician..................................... Suzanne Johnston Head Propman................................................................. Joe Achatz Head Sound Technician..............................................J. B. Ralbovsky Head Scenery Technician................................................Ronald Ivey Wardrobe Supervisor........................................ Kristyn Pinky Mahle Musical Director........................................................ Paul McCaffrey The photographing or sound recording of any performance or the possession of any device for such photographing or sound recording inside the theater without the written permission of the management is prohibited by law. Violations may be punishable by ejection and may render the offender liable for money damages. Backstage employees are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (I.A.T.S.E). Articles found in the theater will be held for 30 days only. Lost article inquiries should be made by phone to (313) 872-l000 between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Fisher Theatre Offices................................................ (313) 872-1000 Broadway In Detroit Season Ticket Office & Subscription Information...........................................(313) 872-1180 Group Sales Information............................................(313) 871-1132 If you expect emergency phone calls please leave your seat location with the ticket taker. For emergencies only during performances.............. (313) 872-1111 New handicap (wheelchair) facilities now located in the main floor lobby near elevators.

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