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Frank Abagnale, Jr. —The Real Story Behind
rank Abagnale, Jr. is an expert on fraud, After running away from home at just 16, scams, deception and beating the sys- Abagnale was resourceful and very smart, tem. Between the ages of 16 and 21, and he began to figure out ways—none of he forged and cashed $2.5 million worth them legal—to make great sums of money, of bad checks in the United States and 26 more than he ever dreamed. “I’ve always other countries, while successfully passing said that the two reasons for my success himself off as an airline pilot for Pan Am, a were that I was very creative and very obdoctor, a college professor and a lawyer. He servant,” he says. “I saw things that no one was ultimately caught, as he always knew he paid attention to. I was able to look at things would be, and served time in French, Swed- and figure out ways around them. I think I ish and American prisons. got away with a lot of things because I was Abagnale’s adventures were immortal- an adolescent; I had no fear of being caught. ized, and somewhat fictionalized, in Ste- And like most adolescents, I wasn’t thinking ven Spielberg’s 2002 film Catch Me If You about the consequences.” Can, with Leonardo DiCaprio starring as He was caught and sentenced to jail in the young con man and Tom Hanks playing France, Sweden and, eventually, 12 years in the FBI agent who the US. But after pursued him. The four years he was movie, based on a paroled, on the conghost-written autodition that he would biography, inspired use his expertise a 2011 Broadway teaching and workmusical of the same ing undercover for name—score by the FBI. Left to right: Merritt David Janes, Frank Abagnale, Jr., Marc Shaiman and It was during one Stephen Anthony. Scott Wittman, of his undercover book by Terrence assignments that McNally, direction by Jack O’Brien and cho- Abagnale met Kelly, the woman who would reography by Jerry Mitchell—which is now become his wife. “She was doing an interntouring the country. ship at this institution where I was underIt’s easy to understand why great story- cover,” he says. “I met her under this phony tellers have been attracted to this period in name, and started dating her. On my last Abagnale’s life. His capers were colorful, day, I said, ‘I would really like to continue improbable, glamorous, ingenious and excit- to see you, but I have to explain that I’m not ing. With each chase, with each con, there this person, this is not what I do for a livwas also the element of suspense: Would he ing. I work for the government and I’ve been get away with it? How would he get away here on assignment.’ I broke protocol, which with it? It’s a tale that practically begged to you’re never supposed to do. But she listened be told on screen and on stage. to me, and she literally changed my life. She Abagnale’s life on the lam is the most en- gave me three beautiful children. I am who I tertaining part of his story—but it’s not the am and where I am because of the love of a best part of his story. It may not even be the woman, and the respect three sons have for most remarkable part of his story. What Aba- their father.” gnale has done since leaving behind his life When his obligation to the FBI was comof crime is both mind-boggling and inspiring. pleted, he became a contract employee, He has used his knowledge as a counterfeiter working as a consultant and teaching at the and scam artist to stop criminals and protect FBI Academy—where one of his students law-abiding citizens, initially working with was his oldest son, now an FBI agent. the FBI—which was part of his parole agreement—and then by developing a host of fraud Catch Me If You Can plays the Fisher Theatre May 7–19. prevention programs that are used by more Tickets: Fisher Box Office, ticketmaster.com & than 14,000 financial institutions, corpora- 800-982-2787. Groups (12+): call 313-871-1132 or e-mail Groups@BroadwayInDetroit.com (subject line: Catch Me). tions and law enforcement agencies.
“The best new music on Broadway!”—Variety
I F y o u w a n n a M a k e I T, M a k e I T u p .
Fisher Theatre • May 7–19 Fisher Box Office, ticketmaster.com & 800-982-2787. ChryslerCurrentOffers.com
BroadwayInDetroit.com & 313-872-1000. Groups (12+): Groups@BroadwayInDetroit.com or 313-871-1132.
Book and Lyrics by
Music and Lyrics by
DAVID BRYAN Based on a concept by GEORGE W. GEORGE
Scenic Design DAVID GALLO Projection Design DAVID GALLO & SHAWN SAGADY
Costume Design PAUL TAZEWELL
Hair & Wig Design CHARLES G. LaPOINTE
Lighting Design HOWELL BINKLEY
Sound Design KEN TRAVIS
Fight Director Casting Associate Director Associate Choreographer EDGAR STEVE RANKIN TELSEY + COMPANY ADAM ARIAN Rachel Hoffman, GODINEAUX CSA
Musical Director DARRYL ARCHIBALD Production Stage Manager ANNA R. KALTENBACH
Dance Arrangements AUGUST ERIKSMOEN
Music Contractor MICHAEL KELLER
Music Producer/Music Supervisor
CHRISTOPHER ASHLEY This Production of Memphis Originally Co-produced by La Jolla Playhouse, Christopher Ashley, Artistic Director, Michael S. Rosenberg, Managing Director and 5th Avenue Theatre, Seattle, WA, David Armstrong, Producing Artistic Director, Marilynn Sheldon, Managing Director Originally Produced as a Joint World Premiere at North Shore Music Theatre, Jon Kimbell, Executive Producer and TheatreWorks, Robert Kelley, Artistic Director and Phil Santora, Managing Director
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CAST (in order of appearance) Ensemble/White DJ/Mr. Collins/White Father/Gordon Grant................. CHRISTOPHER GURR Ensemble/Black DJ/Be Black Trio............................................................. TYRONE A. JACKSON Delray........................................................................................................... HORACE V. ROGERS Gator.....................................................................................................................RHETT GEORGE Bobby.......................................................................................................................... WILL MANN Ensemble/Wailin’ Joe/Reverend Hobson........................................................... JODY REYNARD Ensemble/Someday Backup Singer............................................................ ADRIENNE HOWARD Ensemble/Someday Backup Singer................................................................LINDSAY ROBERTS Ensemble/Ethel................................................................................................. NAIMAH SALEEM Ensemble/Be Black Trio..............................................................................JARVIS D. McKINLEY Ensemble/Be Black Trio..................................................................................... DARIUS BARNES Ensemble/Someday Backup Singer..................................................................... KELCY GRIFFIN Felicia............................................................................................................. FELICIA BOSWELL Huey...................................................................................................................BRYAN FENKART Mr. Simmons...................................................................................................... WILLIAM PARRY Ensemble/Clara/White Mother........................................................................... TAMI DAHBURA Ensemble/Buck Wiley/Martin Holton............................................... PETER MATTHEW SMITH Ensemble/Teenager..................................................................................................KRISTIN PIRO Ensemble/Perry Como/Frank Dryer...................................................................... AUSTIN OWEN Mama/Gladys.......................................................................................................JULIE JOHNSON Ensemble..............................DANIEL KERMIDAS, JILL MORRISON, KENT OVERSHOWN, JERMAINE R. REMBERT, JACK SIPPEL, DEREK ST. PIERRE
Swings and UNDERSTUDIES Understudies never substitute for listed performers unless a specific announcement is made at the time of the performances.
MUSICAL NUMBERS ACT I “Underground”.................................................................................... Delray, Felicia and Company “The Music of My Soul”....................................................................... Huey, Felicia and Company “Scratch My Itch”..................................................................................... Wailin’ Joe and Company “Ain’t Nothin’ But a Kiss”.......................................................................................Felicia and Huey “Hello, My Name Is Huey”........................................................................................................Huey “Everybody Wants to Be Black on a Saturday Night”........................................................Company “Make Me Stronger”.................................................................Huey, Mama, Felicia and Company “Colored Woman”................................................................................................................... Felicia “Someday”........................................................................................................Felicia and Company “She’s My Sister”.....................................................................................................Delray and Huey “Radio”............................................................................................................... Huey and Company “Say a Prayer”.................................................................................................... Gator and Company
ACT II “Crazy Little Huey”............................................................................................ Huey and Company “Big Love”................................................................................................................................Bobby “Love Will Stand When All Else Falls”..........................................................Felicia and Company “Stand Up”.........................................................Delray, Felicia, Huey, Gator, Bobby and Company “Change Don’t Come Easy”.......................................................... Mama, Delray, Gator and Bobby “Tear Down the House”...................................................................................... Huey and Company “Love Will Stand/Ain’t Nothin’ But a Kiss” (Reprise)...........................................Felicia and Huey “Memphis Lives in Me”..................................................................................... Huey and Company “Steal Your Rock ‘n’ Roll”.................................................................... Huey, Felicia and Company Time—The 1950s THERE WILL BE ONE 15-MINUTE INTERMISSION
The Memphis BAND Conductor/Keyboard 1—DARRYL ARCHIBALD Associate Conductor/Keyboard 2—VICTOR SIMONSON Drums—TREVOR HOLDER Guitar—DAVE MATOS Bass—ENZO PENIZZOTTO Alto Saxophone, Flute—Paul McCaffrey Tenor and Baritone Saxophones, Bass Clarinet—Paul Onachuk Trumpet, Flugel Horn—Ric Wolkins Trombone, Bass Trombone—Gary Hellick Keyboard Sub—Dale Grisa Music Coordinator: Michael Keller
WHO’S WHO BRYAN FENKART (Huey) made his Broadway debut in Memphis as the Huey stand-by, and is honored to originate the same role on the first national tour. TV/Film: “Law & Order: Criminal Intent,” “Red Hook,” “You Tell Me.” He is also a singer/ songwriter, and his new album Simple & Grey has just been released and is now available everywhere. Thanks to God, Mom, Dad, Greg, G’ma, the JYD crew, the Brass Monkeys and The Strux. Follow him at: bryanfenkart.com, twitter.com/Steinway7 and at facebook.com/bryanfenkart. FELICIA BOSWELL (Felicia). Broadway: Memphis (Felicia Cover). National tour: Dreamgirls (Deena, Lorell); Aida (Aida Standby). Regional: Rent** (Mimi) Atlanta Lyric Theatre; Aida (Aida) VMT; Caroline Or Change (Radio) Guthrie Theatre; Beehive (Diana Ross, Ikette) Maltz Jupiter Theatre; Boys From Syracuse (Courtesan) Baltimore Centerstage; Little Shop… (Chiffon) Atlanta Lyric Theatre*; Starlight Jazz (Japan). Other credits: Selma, Lord Selma (ABC); The Wiz (Dorothy); White Noise; Becoming Tennessee (Trombone). *Suzi Bass nominee **ATFA nominee. Thanks parents John & the late Mattie Boswell and WFW III. Visit the official fan page of Felicia Boswell on Facebook for upcoming events! FeliciaBoswell.com. RHETT GEORGE (Gator) wrote all 16 songs on his 2008 album entitled Something Better. He just recently completed his second album The Music Will Save My Life. Both are available with Memphis merchandise, iTunes and Cdbaby.com. Rhett has been featured in numerous Broadway shows and appeared as an original company member for both Wicked and Memphis. He starred as “Big Daddy” in the Broadway revival of Sweet Charity with Christina Applegate. Visit Facebook, Twitter @RhettGeorge and RhettGeorge.com. This One Is For Dreamers! WILL MANN (Bobby) just completed his run and Broadway debut as Bobby in Memphis. First national tours: Billy Elliot (Mr. Braithwaite and Big Davey), Wonderful Town (Valenti). Regional: Ragtime (Coalhouse), Godspell (Jesus), Show Boat (Joe), Finding Nemo (Bruce), Oklahoma! (Judd Fry), A Chorus Line (Richie), amongst others. Bachelor of Music from Oklahoma City University under the Florence Birdwell. willmannvo.com, #HIGHLYFAVORED @WillSingForFood. JULIE JOHNSON (Gladys). Broadway: Hal Prince’s Candide. Off- Broadway: Das Barbecu (Drama Desk Nominee, Theatre World Award); Roadside; The Rink (workshop). Regional: Cabaret; Oliver; Ragtime; Superman; Sweeney Todd; Hello, Dolly!, The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas; Paper Moon; Beauty and the Beast; Dirty Blonde; Plexiglass Slipper; Heartbeats; Nunsense; Rocky Horror Show; Always, Patsy Cline. Carnegie Hall with Skitch Henderson and The New York Pops, voice of Baby Bop—“Barney and Friends” PBS Series. Two CDs available at juliejohnsonmusic.com.
WILLIAM PARRY (Mr. Simmons) created roles in four original Stephen Sondheim musicals: the Broadway productions of Sunday in the Park with George (original), and Passion; as well as Assassins and Road Show. He also was in the original Broadway companies of Jesus Christ Superstar, Leaf People, Into the Light, Agamemnon (Lincoln Center), Rockabye Hamlet, as well as Camelot (with Richard Burton and Richard Harris) and Gypsy with Bernadette Peters. National tours include: Titanic and A Few Good Men. He’s appeared in 50 regional productions and on TV and film in: “The Pretender,” “Law and Order,” Sweet Liberty, In and Out and Domestic Disturbance. Two seasons of “Prairie Home Companion.” Horace v. rogers (Delray). Broadway: Brooklyn the Musical; “Snipes/Son of Man” soloist, Disney’s Tarzan; Mufasa, Disney’s The Lion King, Toronto. Tours: Thom Collins in Rent, Grady in Oprah Winfrey’s The Color Purple. Film/TV: Pastor Braddok in BET’s premiere of David E. Talbert’s “What My Husband Doesn’t Know”; Showtime’s “Soul Food,” “Star Search.” Music: BeBe & CeCe Winans’ Greatest Hits, Willie Nelson’s $1000.00 Wedding. B.F.A: N.C. A&T State University; M.F.A.: The University of Connecticut. DARIUS BARNES (Ensemble) is excited to join the tour of Memphis! TV: “Smash”; Broadway: Memphis (Gator u/s); Regional: Superfly (NY workshop), Radio City Christmas Spectacular (NYC), Metropolitan Opera, New York City Ballet, Suzanne Farrell Ballet. Thanks GOD and family and friends for their support! Mommie we made it! Joshua 1:9. dariusbarnes.com. TAMI DAHBURA (Ensemble, u/s Gladys). OffBroadway: Pajama Game. National Tours: In the Heights, A Chorus Line. Regional: Gypsy, Company, Into the Woods. Soloist: Oakland, Sacramento, Hawaii Symphonies. Special thanks: Telsey and Co. Love: My family. tamidahbura.com. KELCY GRIFFIN (Ensemble, u/s Felicia) is excited to join Memphis! Off-Broadway: The City Club (swing). National Tours: Dreamgirls (Michelle u/s). Television: “Blue Bloods” (Renee). Loads of love to her parents, Nicholas, Rachel and Judy Boals Inc! CHRISTOPHER GURR (Ensemble, u/s Mr. Simmons) was last in this theatre in the first national tour of Monty Python’s Spamalot. He is so glad to be back. Thanks to BRS, Telsey + Company and the Tara Rubin Fund for Middle Aged Character Actors. Proud union member, Actors’ Equity, AFTRA and SDC. christophergurr.com. ADRIENNE HOWARD (Ensemble) National tour debut! She is ecstatic to join the Memphis family! Theatre: Radio City Christmas Spectacular (Rockette). Proud graduate of Indiana University. Love and thanks to Tony and my family for your support. TYRONE A. JACKSON (Ensemble, Assistant Dance Captain) is delighted to join the touring cast of Memphis. He has been seen in numerous 11
WHO’S WHO Broadway shows and also done many regional shows, television, and commercials. He hopes you enjoy the show as much as he enjoys working on it. DANIEL KERMIDAS (Ensemble). Born and raised in Endicott, NY, Daniel went on to study Musical Theater and Dance at Marymount Manhattan College. Daniel has toured with Broadway’s West Side Story as Arab, Baby John and a Shark Swing. Regional credits: The Music Man (Tommy Djilas), Carousel (Ensemble). TV credits: “So You Think You Can Dance” (Season 9), “Macy’s 72nd Annual Thanksgiving Day Parade.” Love to Mom, Dad, John, family and friends. KYLE LELAND (Swing, Dance Captain). National tour debut! Credits: Memphis (Broadway), Complexions Contemporary Ballet, Pepsi, Lula Washington Dance Theatre, the world tours of several music artists. “Give thanks for another day of loving.” Hockadoo! MICHELLE MARMOLEJO (Swing). B.F.A. Dance, has performed worldwide. Favorite credits: The Addams Family, 9 to 5, Swing, The Mambo Kings, Saturday Night Fever, In the Heights, Cirque du Soleil’s Zumanity and Disney’s film Enchanted. GRATEFUL to be a part of Memphis! JARVIS D. McKINLEY (Ensemble). Broadway debut! Tours: Usher, KiCi and JoJo, Ailey II, Complexions Contemporary Ballet and Armitage Gone Dance! Thank God and my family and friends who supported me on my way to my biggest dream. KENNA MICHELLE MORRIS (Swing, Dance Captain). Raised in Louisville, KY. Graduate of University of Oklahoma. Off-Broadway: The Wiz, Bronx Casket Co. Regional: Aida, Smokey Joe’s Café, Radio City Rockette. Film: Idlewild, Louis, Broadway: The American Musical. Various recording artists. Love to my husband and family. JILL MORRISON (Ensemble, u/s Gladys). Broadway: Memphis! National tour: Happy Days. Regional: Little Shop of Horrors (Audrey); A Chorus Line (Val/Cassie); No, No, Nanette (Nanette); Joseph… (Narrator); Gypsy (Louise) and Grease (Sandy). Jill sings with the Cover Band/ Linda Ronstadt Tribute Band, Different Drum and has played “Barbie” for Mattel events. JillMorrison.com. KENT OVERSHOWN (Ensemble, u/s Gator, Delray, Bobby). Proud graduate of the University of Michigan. Regional: MUNY, Westchester Broadway Theatre. Endless thanks to friends and family without whose love and support he wouldn’t be here. Thanks to Rachel and Telsey Casting and the phenomenal team at Harden-Curtis. Dad, this is for you! AUSTIN OWEN (Ensemble, u/s Huey). Tour: The Producers (Leo Bloom). Regional: The Drowsy Chaperone (Robert), La Cage aux Folles (Jean-Michel), Footloose (Chuck), Godspell (Judas). FSU Grad. Thanks to Rachel at 12
Telsey + Co., Renee and the gang, and my incredibly supportive family and friends. Love to C. AustinTaylorOwen.com. KRISTIN PIRO (Ensemble) is thrilled to be joining Memphis! Broadway: Catch Me If You Can. Tour/regional credits: Saturday Night Fever, The Jack Cole Project, West Side Story, Chicago, How to Succeed. Infinite thanks to Sergio and CGF. Endless love to my parents, Lauren and fiancé Ryan! JERMAINE R. REMBERT (Ensemble) Broadway: Memphis, La Cage aux Folles, Oklahoma!, Swing!, On the Twentieth Century and Funny Girl. Other credits include: Memphis National Tour (Assistant Choreographer), The Will Rogers Follies (Gateway Playhouse), Camelot (Lincoln Center w/NY Philharmonic), All Shook Up (first national tour), Radio City Christmas Spectacular, West Side Story (European tour). JODY REYNARD (Ensemble, u/s Gator). Broadway/Tours: Legally Blonde; Taboo; Saturday Night Fever; Fosse; Kiss Me, Kate. Regional: …Spelling Bee (Mitch), Smokey Joe’s Café (Ken), Miss Saigon (John u/s) and Take Me Out (Darren). TV/Film: “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” “One Life to Live” and Show Business: The Road to Broadway. LINDSAY ROBERTS (Ensemble, u/s Felicia). Off-Broadway/NYC: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Lost in the Stars, Radio City Christmas Spectacular. Concerts: Kristin Chenoweth, Stephen Schwartz, National Philharmonic Orchestra. B.M. University of Maryland. Love to family, CTG, RH, BDF. Praise Him! lindsayroberts.com.
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For (Fis Des Bac Pho fra
he late Memphis disc jockey Dewey Phillips—also known as “DaddyO-Dewey”—is thought by many musical historians to be the person most responsible for integrating American radio from 1948 to 1958. His struggle to integrate American music and popular culture in the City of Memphis was the inspiration for the Tony Award-winning musical, Memphis. In 1950’s Memphis, Dewey Phillips’ nightly radio show “Red Hot and Blue” had a format that integrated the airways with rhythm and blues, pop, jazz, rock ‘n’ roll and country music. He was primarily known for playing Elvis Presley singing “That’s All Right” and for doing Elvis’s first radio interview in 1954. By showcasing both black and white musicians, he was instrumental in integrating musical tastes and promoting wider acceptance of black artists, allowing in turn rockabilly and rock ‘n’ roll to emerge as national trends. By 1954, his shows were popular throughout the mid-South among both white and black audiences. NAIMAH SALEEM (Ensemble). (Washington, DC) Credits: Hairspray (Fireside Theater), Fame (China) and NBA Miami Heat dancer. She is overjoyed to be a part of the Memphis cast! She thanks her family for their unconditional love and support. JACK SIPPEL (Ensemble) is thrilled to be on the road with Memphis! Regional: Bye Bye Birdie; Singin’ in the Rain; Kiss Me, Kate (MUNY); Wizard of Oz (Variety). Jack is a high school senior from St. Louis, Missouri. PETER MATTHEW SMITH (Ensemble, u/s Huey). Proud equity member. Broadway: Rent, Cry-Baby, Fiddler on the Roof (Motel). Original casts of both Mamma Mia! and Hairspray. Peter is also a member of the Broadway Boys (bwayboys. com). Peter’s greatest achievement was marrying his beautiful wife Amy. DEREK ST. PIERRE (Ensemble) is ecstatic to tour for the first time with Memphis! Broadway: Rock of Ages (Franz). Regional: The Huntington Theatre, MUNY, Merry-Go-Round Playhouse. Graduate of The Boston Conservatory. Love and gratitude to Mom, Dad, Henderson/Hogan, Telsey and BoCoX! JOE DiPIETRO (Book and Co-Lyrics) won two Tony Awards for co-writing Memphis. Memphis also received the 2010 Tony, Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle awards for Best Musical. He was nominated for a Tony Award and won
Dewey Phillips The inspiration for the story…
During the years of his “Red Hot and Blue” broadcasts on WHBQ, he had the Number One Show with a biracial teen audience. He ruled the Memphis airwaves for ten years until he was fired by WHBQ in 1958 for refusing to go along with the station’s new Top 40 format. With a major drug problem, he moved from one small station to the next for the last ten years of his life. Phillips died in 1968 from heart failure at the age of 42. a Drama Desk Award for his book for his current Broadway show Nice Work If You Can Get It starring Matthew Broderick. His other plays and musicals include I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change (the longest-running musical revue in Off-Broadway history); The Toxic Avenger and The Thing About Men (both winners of the Outer Critics Circle Award for Best Off-Broadway Musical); the much-produced comedy Over the River and Through The Woods; The Art of Murder (Edgar Award winner for Best Mystery Play); and the Broadway musical All Shook Up. His work has received thousands of productions across the country and around the world. DAVID BRYAN (Music, Co-Lyrics) recently won Tony Awards for Best Score and Best Orchestrations for Memphis, as well as Drama Desk Awards for Best Music and Best Orchestrations. Memphis also received 2010 Tony, Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle awards for Best Musical. David is the Grammy Award-winning keyboard player and founding member of Bon Jovi. Over the past 26 years the band has sold more than 130 million records and toured the world playing to millions of people. David and Joe DiPietro have also co-written the award-winning musical The Toxic Avenger. Among his work for other charities, David is a national spokesperson for VH1’s Save the Music Program. Much love to Lexi, Colton, Gabby, Lily and my family. 13
WHO’S WHO CHRISTOPHER ASHLEY (Director) has served as Artistic Director of La Jolla Playhouse since October 2007. During his tenure, he has helmed the Playhouse’s world-premiere productions of Arthur Kopit’s A Dram of Drummhicit, Claudia Shear’s Restoration, as well as Glengarry Glen Ross, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the acclaimed musicals Xanadu and Memphis, which went on to win four 2010 Tony Awards on Broadway, including Best Musical. Prior to joining the Playhouse, he directed the Broadway productions of Xanadu (Drama Desk nomination), All Shook Up and The Rocky Horror Show (Tony, Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle Award nominations), as well as the Kennedy Center Sondheim Celebration productions of Sweeney Todd and Merrily We Roll Along. Other New York credits include: Leap of Faith, Blown Sideways Through Life, Jeffrey (Lucille Lortel and Obie awards), The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told, Valhalla, Regrets Only, Wonder of the World, Communicating Doors, Bunny Bunny, The Night Hank Williams Died, Fires in the Mirror (Lucille Lortel Award), among others. Mr. Ashley also directed the feature film Jeffrey and the American Playhouse production of Blown Sideways Through Life for PBS. Mr. Ashley is the recipient of the Princess Grace Award, the Drama League Director Fellowship and an NEA/TCG Director Fellowship. SERGIO TRUJILLO (Choreographer). Broadway: Tony and Olivier Award-winning Best Musical Jersey Boys (Olivier, Drama Desk, Dora, OCC Award noms.), Leap of Faith (Drama Desk, Astaire noms.), The Addams Family, Next to Normal (Lucille Lortel Award nom.), All Shook Up, Guys and Dolls (Astaire Award nom.). Off-Broadway: Saved (Lucille Lortel nom.), The Capeman, Romeo & Juliet (Public), A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Kismet (Encores!), Salome (NYC Opera). Regional: White Noise (director/choreographer), The Wiz, Zhivago (La Jolla), Mambo Kings, The Marriage of Figaro (L.A. Opera), Chita and All That Jazz. International: Disney’s Tarzan (World Theatre Award nom.); West Side Story; The Sound of Music (Stratford); Peggy Sue Got Married (West End); Kiss Me, Kate (Japan). TV: Judging/choreographing on “So You Think You Can Dance: Canada,” “Broadway: The American Musical” (PBS), “The 14th American Comedy Awards” (ABC), “Triple Sensation” (CBC). Ovation Award for Empire: A New American Musical, four Dora Award nominations in Canada. Upcoming: Director and choreographer for the national tour and Broadway production of Flashdance. On Broadway: Hands on a Hardbody. CHRISTOPHER JAHNKE (Music Producer/ Music Supervisor). Orchestrations: Porgy and Bess (2012 Tony Nomination—Best Orchestrations), Les Misérables (Broadway, Madrid, Netherlands, London, U.K. tour, U.S. tour, Dutch album, Spanish album, 25th anniversary album, O2 arena concert—also DVD/Blu-ray), Do You Hear 14
the People Sing? (symphonic tour of Schonberg/ Boublil), Dessa Rose, A Man of No Importance, Legally Blonde, Cry-Baby, Grease (2007 revival), Tom Jones (Stiles/Leigh), Chasing Nicolette, Dear World, Not Wanted on the Voyage, Just So. Assistant to William David Brohn: Sweet Smell of Success, Ragtime, The Three Musketeers, The Witches of Eastwick, Mary Poppins, Wicked. DAVID GALLO (Set Design) won the Tony Award for Best Scenic Design of a Musical for The Drowsy Chaperone. A longtime collaborator of celebrated playwright August Wilson, Mr. Gallo’s designs for Gem of the Ocean and Radio Golf garnered him two additional Tony Award nominations. His designs may be seen in more than one dozen cities worldwide. Favorite Broadway credits include Memphis; Stick Fly; The Mountaintop; Colin Quinn: Long Story Short; reasons to be pretty; Xanadu; Radio Golf; Company; The Drowsy Chaperone (Tony, Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle awards); Gem of the Ocean; Thoroughly Modern Millie (also London); You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown; A View from the Bridge; and Hughie. Selected off-Broadway: Evil Dead; The Wild Party; Jitney (also London); Wonder of the World; A New Brain; Bunny Bunny; and Blue Man Group (New York, Boston, Chicago and Las Vegas). Designs for numerous family productions include the very popular Super Why Live, Yo Gabba Gabba Live (Billboard Award for Creative Content), Elmo’s Christmas Countdown, The 135th Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus, as well as the national tours of Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues Live, DreamWorks’ Madagascar Live and the current international tour of SpongeBob Squarepants. David was selected to design August
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Wilson’s Twentieth Century at The Kennedy Center as well as represent American Set Design at the Cooper-Hewitt Design Triennial. His work is part of The National Archive at The Smithsonian. davidgallo.com. PAUL TAZEWELL (Costume Design). Broadway: Memphis (Tony nomination); A Streetcar Named Desire; Jesus Christ Superstar; Lombardi; Guys and Dolls; In the Heights (Tony nomination); The Color Purple (Tony nomination); Bring in ‘da Noise, Bring in ‘da Funk (Tony nomination); Caroline or Change; A Raisin in the Sun; Drowning Crow; On the Town; Def Poetry Jam; Elaine Stritch at Liberty; Fascinating Rhythm. Off Broadway: Ruined, Flesh and Blood; Harlem Song; Dina Was; City Center Encores! The Wiz; Li’l Abner and Purlie. The Met: Faust. HOWELL BINKLEY (Lighting Design). Recent Broadway: A Christmas Story, Jesus Christ Superstar, How to Succeed… starring Daniel Radcliffe (2011 Tony nomination), Million Dollar Quartet, West Side Story (2009 Tony nomination), Gypsy starring Patti LuPone, In the Heights (2008 Tony nomination), Jersey Boys, Avenue Q, The Full Monty, Parade, Kiss of the Spider Woman, How to Succeed… starring Matthew Broderick. Parsons Dance (co-founder), The Joffrey Ballet’s Billboards, Alvin Ailey, ABT, NYC Ballet and The Kennedy Center’s Sondheim Celebration. Five-time Helen Hayes Award recipient, 1993 Olivier and Canadian Dora Award for Spider
Woman; 2006 Henry Hewes Design Award, Outer Critics Circle and Tony Award for Jersey Boys. KEN TRAVIS (Sound Design). Broadway: Memphis, A Christmas Story the Musical, Scandalous, Newsies, The ThreePenny Opera, Barefoot in the Park, Steel Magnolias. Numerous New York and regional theaters and companies including: The 5th Avenue Theater, McCarter Theater, Seattle Rep, La Jolla Playhouse, LA Center Theater Group, Guthrie Theater, KC Rep, Dallas Theater Center, Playwrights Horizons, The New Group, NYSF Public Theater, CSC, Signature Theater NYC, SoHo Rep, Vineyard Theater, The Civilians, Mabou Mines, and national and international festivals and tours. GEORGE W. GEORGE (Story Concept) produced nine Broadway shows including Any Wednesday, the Tony Award-nominated Dylan starring Alec Guinness, and Bedroom Farce written by Alan Ayckbourn. George began his career writing for television: “Bonanza,” “The Rifleman” and “Wanted: Dead or Alive.” His film writing credits include The Navadan, Peggy and Smoke Signal. George produced The James Dean Story, directed by Robert Altman; Night Watch, starring Elizabeth Taylor; Rich Kids, written by Judith Ross; and My Dinner with Andre, directed by Louis Malle.
☛ continued on page 20
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MISS SAIgoN photos © Michael Lamont
WAr HorSe photos © Brinkhoff/Mögenburg
SISTer AcT photos © Joan Marcus
TM & © New Line Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Illustration by Hugh Syme.
2013-14 SEASON
SISTer AcT photos © Joan Marcus
eLf THe MUSIcAL photos © Joan Marcus
photos © We WILL rocK YoU
War Horse’s Spectacular Journey Tony-Award winning stage spectacle moves families, audience members to tears. By David Freeland
ar Horse, the astounding theatrical exW perience coming to the Fisher Theatre December 17, 2013–January 5, 2014 exerts
Albert sets out to rescue Joey after he has been sold to the English cavalry, we find ourselves carried along and hoping for Joey to its pull from the moment the title character, make it home. Joey, first trots on stage as a foal, petted by It’s that kind of emotional power that has his owner and best friend, 15-year-old Al- made War Horse an international phenombert. The audience gasps, aware that Joey enon, sweeping up audiences and awards on is a puppet, not a real horse, but captivated both sides of the Atlantic and even inspiring by the way he shudders and whinnies at Al- an Oscar-nominated film directed by Steven bert’s loving touch. Joey’s lifelike eyes, shin- Spielberg. War Horse won five 2011 Tony ing and reflective, draw us into the soul of Awards (including Best Play) for its New his journey; as the evening progresses, and York premiere plus a Special Tony Award for Handspring Puppet Company for creating the eleven puppets at the heart of the show. “One of the things we like to imagine,” observes Basil Jones, who runs Handspring with cofounder Adrian Kohler, “is people in the audience nudging the person next to them, saying, ‘did you see that?’” Set during the First World War, War Horse combines a powerful story with thrilling stagecraft and music. In addition, it showcases what may be the most inventive use of puppetry ever seen on stage. Soon after meeting him as a young horse, we watch in amazement as an adult Joey, seven feet tall, materializes before our eyes. Top: John Milosich, Nick LaMedica, Laurabeth Breya, Catherine Gowl Two puppet masters workand the US National Tour of War Horse. Above: Albert and Joey. Andrew ing inside Joey’s frame (built Veenstra (Albert) with Jon Riddleberger, Patrick Osteen, Jessica Krueger of light, malleable cane) raise (Joey). Photos © Brinkhoff/Mögenburg. and lower his torso, letting out 18
forceful breaths, while a third manipulates his ears, lifting and pulling them back to register tender shades of emotion. Spielberg’s film version of War Horse employed real horses, but these onstage creations fully personalize equine ideals of courage, strength and loyalty in ways that reinforce the themes of the story. “Spielberg made a terrific film,” enthuses Michael Morpurgo, upon whose beloved novel War Horse is based, “but cinema has its limitations. It isn’t live, and that’s the difference. What’s amazing about the stage show is that, whether it’s the music, design, or lighting, the puppets, the quality of acting or direction, it’s ingenious and unique. It’s a theatrical event.” During World War I, more than one million horses were conscripted by the British military alone; of these, only 62,000 returned. As Joey is forced into battle, serving in both the British and German armies, we are moved by his bravery and the trust he places in those who exploit his strength. His innocence makes him seem above the fighting: in War Horse, animals behave with a dignity that humans do not always achieve. Still, Joey is unprepared for the true brutality of 20th century warfare. In a brilliant scene that defines the excitement of Act Two, he faces a new kind of foe: a massive tank rolling his way, prepared to flatten everything in its path. The scenic design is so visceral that we are rushed into battle alongside Joey, enveloped in the sound and smell of combat. Joey rears on his hind legs as the tank pitches toward him and the stage goes black. “The First World War is emblematic,” suggests Mervyn Millar, War Horse’s puppetry director, “in the way the possibilities of destruction changed. You see Joey standing, looking at the tank, which advances without logic, without thought. Joey tries to work out what it means, what it wants, and it doesn’t want or mean anything. It just destroys.” Joey’s plight resonates with anyone who has ever loved an animal or taken a pet into the family. As Albert continues his search, we are reminded of the ways in which animals remain with us through many stages of our lives, giving much and asking for little. “People emotionally invest in animals,” Millar believes. “I think everyone can empathize with Joey.” Determined to save his friend, Albert runs away from home with the hope of getting
Joey as a foal. Andrew Veenstra, Catherine Gowl, Nick LaMedica, Laurabeth Breya.
close to the front. But in trying to rescue one family member, he hurts another, leaving behind a mother anxious with worry. War Horse’s relevance comes from our awareness that, nearly a century after the start of the First World War, families are still being separated by armed conflict. “We talk a lot about the history of the war,” remarks Chris Harper, producer for the National Theatre of Great Britain (which first staged War Horse in London), “but at the heart of the show it’s just a family, struggling to deal with life. The thing that’s exciting about War Horse is that it appeals to lots of generations. We see grandparents bringing their kids, wanting to explain the history from their own personal journeys with World War II or more recent conflicts. It’s a production that brings the family together.” Will Albert find Joey in time? As War Horse reaches its beautiful climax, the hopes of parents, children, and beloved friends— both onstage and off—merge into a shared experience, as tissues are drawn from pockets and eyes glisten with tears. “We get people coming back again and again,” Harper explains, “and they always have the same reaction. It awakens something in you. War Horse makes grown people cry.” War Horse is part of the 2013–2014 Broadway In Detroit series. Subscribe now by visiting BroadwayInDetroit.com or calling (313) 872-1000. Individual tickets will go on sale later this year. Groups (10+) reserve now: call 313-871-1132 or e-mail Groups@BroadwayInDetroit.com (subject line: War Horse). 19
WHO’S WHO SHAWN SAGADY (Co-Projections Design). Broadway: Memphis, Leap of Faith. Other credits include Emotional Creature (Off Broadway and Berkeley Rep), Father Comes Home From the War (Parts 1, 8 & 9) (Public Theater); Back Back Back (Old Globe); Franco Dragone’s Carmen (La Jolla Playhouse); The Adding Machine (La Jolla Playhouse); the award-winning Cowboy vs. Samurai (Mo’olelo); and Dear Miss Breed (Asian Story Theater). CHARLES G. LaPOINTE (Hair and Wig Design). Broadway: Memphis, The Performers, Bring It On The Musical, The Columnist, A Streetcar Named Desire, Clybourne Park, Magic/Bird, Newsies, Bonnie and Clyde, The Mountaintop, 33 Variations, Guys and Dolls, In the Heights, Jersey Boys, The Color Purple, Martin Short: Fame…, Good Vibrations, The Apple Tree, A Raisin in the Sun, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Lieutenant of Inishmore, Radio Golf, Sight Unseen, Cymbeline, Henry IV, The Rivals, Xanadu and Superior Donuts. Jersey Boys U.S. tour, Chicago, Las Vegas, Toronto, London and Melbourne; The Color Purple national tour; Xanadu national tour; and In the Heights national tour. Many Off-Broadway and regional credits. Love to James. STEVE RANKIN (Fight Director). Broadway: Memphis, Bonnie and Clyde, Henry IV, Parts I and II; Jersey Boys; The Farnsworth Invention; Dracula; Twelfth Night; Two Shakespearean Actors; Anna Christie; The Real Inspector Hound; Getting Away With Murder; The Who’s Tommy. Off-Broadway: The Third Story, Pig Farm, The Night Hank Williams Died, Below the Belt. Stratford Shakespeare Festival: Romeo and Juliet, Caesar and Cleopatra, Macbeth. Metropolitan Opera: Rodelinda, Iphigénie en Tauride. Mr. Rankin is also a mandolinist with the folk/bluegrass artist Susie Glaze and the Hilonesome Band. TELSEY + COMPANY (Casting). Broadway/ Tours: A Streetcar Named Desire, Leap of Faith, Evita, The Best Man, Newsies, Magic/Bird, Porgy and Bess, Godspell, Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, Sister Act, Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Rock of Ages, Wicked, Bring It On, The Addams Family. Off-Broadway: Carrie (MCC), Rent, Million Dollar Quartet (and Tour, Chicago), Atlantic, Signature. Film: The Odd Life of Timothy Green, Joyful Noise, Friends with Kids, Margin Call, Howl, Sex and the City 1 & 2, I Love You Phillip Morris, Rachel Getting Married, Dan in Real Life, Across the Universe. TV: “Smash,” “A Gifted Man,” “The Big C.” telseyandco.com. DARYL WATERS (Co-Orchestrator). Orchestrations: Memphis (Tony Award), Bring in ‘da Noise, Bring in ‘da Funk; Street Corner Symphony (Broadway). Dance music arrangements: The Color Purple; Jelly’s Last Jam (Broadway). Original music: Noise/Funk (Tony/Grammy nominations), Drowning Crow (Broadway). Longtime music director for Eartha Kitt. Mr. Waters is a music graduate of Livingstone College in Salisbury, NC. 20
DARRYL ARCHIBALD (Music Director/ Conductor). The Fantasticks with Eric McCormack, Merrily We Roll Along with Teri Hatcher, Li’l Abner with Fred Willard, Two By Two with Jason Alexander, Wicked (substitute conductor). Tours include: The Lion King (assistant conductor), Dreamgirls (associate conductor). Orchestrations include: “A Hollywood Holiday Christmas” (ABC television), Fountain and Trolley shows (The Grove LA). AUGUST ERIKSMOEN (Dance Arranger). Broadway: Memphis, The Addams Family, Million Dollar Quartet, Hugh Jackman on Broadway, Ring of Fire, All Shook Up, Rent. Off-B’way: Bare, Romantic Poetry, Walmartopia, Imperfect Chemistry. First nationals: All Shook Up, The Full Monty. MICHAEL KELLER (Music Coordinator). Music coordination for Broadway: The Book of Mormon, The Addams Family, Billy Elliot, Wicked, Mamma Mia!, The Lion King and the upcoming Bring It On. Barbra Streisand concerts in 1994, 2001, 2006 and 2007. Life is complete with wife Pamela Sousa, son Zachary, and daughter Alexis. JUNIPER STREET PRODUCTIONS INC. (Production Manager). Hillary Blanken, Guy Kwan, Ana Rose Greene, Joseph DeLuise. Founded in 1998, the company has helped create over 30 Broadway productions, over 20 national tours, and numerous Las Vegas productions. Broadway and touring highlights include: Spider-Man; Follies; How to Succeed…; Promises, Promises; Memphis on Broadway; Million Dollar Quartet; Gypsy; Impressionism; 33 Variations; Slava’s Snowshow; Bette Midler at Caesar’s Palace; Xanadu; Com-
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pany; Grey Gardens; Martin Short; The Wedding Singer; Little Shop of Horrors; The Producers; All Shook Up; Sweet Smell of Success; Blue Man Group Live at Luxor; and Fosse. ALCHEMY PRODUCTION GROUP (General Management) is headed by partners Carl Pasbjerg and Frank Scardino, who have been responsible during their lengthy careers as general managers and producers for dozens of live stage attractions. Prior productions include Follies, Mel Brooks’ Young Frankenstein, Ragtime, 700 Sundays, The Pirate Queen, Fosse, Jekyll & Hyde, Steel Pier, Show Boat, Candide, Kiss of the Spider Woman and Guys and Dolls, to name a few, in addition to their many touring and Off-Broadway shows. alchemyproductiongroup.com. ADAM ARIAN (Associate Director) is thrilled to be working on Memphis again. He assisted Chris on the original production while studying for his M.F.A. at UCSD. While there, he won San Diego’s patté award for outstanding direction, and several other directing awards. He was the Geva Theater Center’s directing fellow in 2010. EDGAR GODINEAUX (Associate Choreographer). Credits: SYTYCD Canada, Memphis (Broadway, first national tour, La Jolla, 5th Avenue). Aida, Swing!, Pajama Game, E.S., Merrily We Roll Along, Sondheim Celebration. Assistant choreography: Great Observer, Bolden, Idlewild, Five Heartbeats. Film/television: Chicago, “Glee,” “Law & Order: CI.” Tours: Michael Jack-
son, Mariah Carey, Diana Ross. PKG, LRG Daddy loves you. ANNA R. KALTENBACH (Production Stage Manager). Shrek the Musical (first national); Joseph… (Tokyo); A Chorus Line (first national); Mamma Mia! (international tour 2); Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (first national); Joseph… (Marriott Lincolnshire and Chicago Shakespeare); Other Theatre Company; Western Stage; Cleo Parker Robinson Dance; Colorado Ballet; Opera Colorado. Thank you Ray! Proud Actors’ Equity member. TIFFANY N. ROBINSON (Stage Manager) is thrilled to work with such an amazing cast and crew. This Philly native holds a B.F.A. in Theatre Arts Administration from Howard University. Recently served as ASM for the national tour of Dreamgirls among numerous other shows. She would like to thank her mother for all of her support. MATT SCHREIBER (Assistant Stage Manager) has absolutely nothing witty or intellectual to say. Broadway: The Performers, Godspell, In the Heights, Avenue Q. National tours: Mamma Mia!, In The Heights. Thank you Joyce, Kevin and the real McCoys. JUNKYARD DOG PRODUCTIONS (Producer) is dedicated to developing and producing new musicals. In addition to winning the 2010 Tony, Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle Awards for
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WHO’S WHO Best Musical for Memphis, Junkyard has produced Make Me a Song: The Music of William Finn (Drama Desk, Outer Critics Circle noms.). Off-Broadway and London: Vanities: A New Musical and Party Come Here. Founding partners: Randy Adams, Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff, Sue Frost. jydprod.com. B2 + 4 PRODUCTIONS, LLC (Producers). Barbara and Buddy Freitag formed their company in 2004 with the mission of bringing original musicals and plays to Broadway. Credits: The Mountaintop; Memphis (4 Tonys including best musical, 2010); August (Tony); The Drowsy Chaperone (5 Tonys); Passing Strange (Tony nomination); November (Nathan Lane); Catch Me If You Can (Tony nomination). Barbara is on the board of The Transport Group Theater Co. and a patron of Lincoln Center Theater and Manhattan Theatre Club. Buddy, a former advertising executive and mortgage banker, and Barbara have always shared a passion for theater… and that helps keeps them together. MARLEEN and KENNY ALHADEFF (Producers) have been involved in theater for most of their lives. They are the producing partners of Seattle’s 5th Avenue Theatre and have invested in and helped develop over 25 pieces of theater. Bringing their passion to Broadway as partners in Junkyard Dog Productions, they are lead producers of the 2010 Tony Award winner for Best Musical, Memphis. They strongly believe theatre is essential to the soul. LA JOLLA PLAYHOUSE. Tony Award-winning La Jolla Playhouse is renowned for creating some of the most exciting and adventurous work in American theatre. Led by Artistic Director Christopher Ashley, notable productions and Broadway transfers include Jersey Boys, Billy Crystal’s 700 Sundays, 33 Variations, the Pulitzer Prize-winning I Am My Own Wife, Big River, The Who’s Tommy and Thoroughly Modern Millie. lajollaplayhouse.org. THE 5th AVENUE THEATRE is acclaimed as one of the nation’s leading musical theatre companies. Under the leadership of Executive Producer/ Artistic Director David Armstrong, Managing Director Bernadine Griffin, and Producing Director Bill Berry, The 5th has premiered 10 new musicals over the past 10 years including the original productions of Hairspray, The Wedding Singer, Shrek and Catch Me If You Can. 5thavenue.org. NORTH SHORE MUSIC THEATRE (NSMT) is a 1,500-seat theatre-in-round in Beverly, MA. Since 1955, NSMT is one of the most attended theatres in New England with a national and regional reputation for artistic achievement. Under the ownership of Bill Hanney since 2010, NSMT annually produces a five-show musical subscription series, an annual production of A Christmas Carol, a celebrity concerts and children’s pro22
gramming. Bill Hanney is also the owner of Theatre by the Sea in Matunuck, RI. Visit nsmt.org. THEATREWORKS, founded by Artistic Director Robert Kelley, is celebrating its 40th season of producing award-winning theatre in Silicon Valley. Led by Kelley and Managing Director Phil Santora, the company is nationally recognized as an incubator for new work, having launched 53 world premieres and nurtured over 60 other developmental projects. STAFF FOR Memphis General Management Alchemy Production Group Carl Pasbjerg Frank P. Scardino Company Manager Erik Birkeland Associate Company Manager Julia C. Yungman Yauger Production Management Juniper Street Productions Hillary Blanken Guy Kwan Ana Rose Greene Joseph DeLuise Marketing and Press Representatives Anita Dloniak & Associates, Inc. Anita Dloniak Diane Rodes Melissa A. Hazek Casting Telsey + Company: Bernie Telsey CSA, Will Cantler CSA, David Vaccari CSA, Bethany Knox CSA, Craig Burns CSA, Tiffany Little Canfield CSA, Rachel Hoffman CSA, Justin Huff CSA, Patrick Goodwin CSA, Abbie Brady-Dalton CSA, David Morris, Cesar A. Rocha, Andrew Femenella, Karyn Casl, Kristina Bramhall, Jessie Malone Advertising aka Liz Furze Scott A. Moore Elizabeth Findlay Joshua Poole Janette Raush Adam Jay Erik Alden Tour Direction The Booking Group Meredith Blair, Kara Gebhart www.thebookinggroup.com Associate Director Adam Arian Production Stage Manager...................................Anna R. Kaltenbach Stage Manager......................................................Tiffany N. Robinson Assistant Stage Manager............................................. Matt Schreiber Junkyard Dog Associate Producer..............................Carolyn D. Miller Associate to the General Managers.........................Amanda Coleman Assistant Choreographer................................... Jermaine R. Rembert Dance Captains.............................Kyle Leland, Kenna Michelle Morris Assistant Dance Captain...........................................Tyrone A. Jackson Assistant Fight Director..................................................Shad Ramsey Fight Captain............................................................... Derek St. Pierre Make-up Designer...................................................Angelina Avallone Associate Scenic Designer........................................... Steven C. Kemp Associate Costume Designer............................................ Rory Powers Associate Lighting Designer......................................... Mark Simpson Associate Sound Designer............................................Alex Hawthorn Associate Hair Designer....................................................Leah Loukas Assistant Costume Designer........................................... Kara Harmon Assistant to the Costume Designer............................Adrianne Carney
Costume Intern.............................................................Meghan Gaber Assistant Lighting Designer.......................................... Amanda Zieve Moving Lights Programmer................................................David Arch Projections Programmer...............................................Shawn Sagady Production Carpenter....................................................... Erik Hansen Head Carpenter......................................................... Matthew McKim Flyman......................................................................... Nathan Fulmer Assistant Carpenter (Automation).................................John Zawislak Assistant Carpenter.....................................................Christian Young Production Electricians.................... James Fedigan & Randall Zaibek Head Electrician..................................................................Nick Partin Assistant Electricians.....................................Tara Gaige, Nick Troccoli Production Property Master............................................Mike Pilipski Head Property Master.................................................. Ryan Marquart Assistant Property Master............................................Dean Burchett Production Sound Engineer....................................................Phil Lojo Sound Engineer............................................................... Todd Higgins Assistant Sound Engineer................................................Kevin McCoy Wardrobe Supervisor.................................................Stacey Stephens Associate Wardrobe Supervisor.................................... Jaime Samson Dresser to Miss Boswell...........................................Jocelyn Seawright Dresser to Mr. Fenkart.............................................Tommy Seawright Hair Supervisor..............................................................Kelly Flanagan Assistant Hair Supervisor......................................................Jenn Chin Music Copying...................................................Christopher Deschene Keyboard Programmer................................................ Kenny Seymour Music Intern........................................................... Neil Douglas Reilly Production Assistant................................................... Sarah Helgesen Scenic/Projection Studio Manager..................................Sarah Zeitler Lighting Intern..................................................................Dan Mueller Scenic Design Interns........................................................Pamela Lee, Ga Hyun Bae, Samantha Shoffner Licensing Agent...........................................Creative Licensing Group/ John Edward Thomas, President Danita Pagel-Thomas, Vice-President Digital/Internet Marketing......................................................... 87AM Adam Cunningham, Alex Bisker, Xiemena Sanchez, Nick Shylo Social Media Director.................................................Carolyn D. Miller Accountant..................................................Fried & Kowgios CPA’s LLC Controller................................Galbraith & Company/Sarah Galbraith Legal Counsel.............................Beigelman Feldman & Associates PC Payroll Services................................................Castellana Services Inc Banking........................................................................Signature Bank Insurance................. DeWitt Stern/Peter Shoemaker, Anthony Pittari Physical Therapy Services................Neuro Tour Physical Therapy Inc. Dr. Thomas Myers M.D./Myers Sports Medicine Hotel Coordinator.....................................Road Concierge/Lisa Morris Travel Services........................ Carlson Wagonlit Travel/Janice Kessler Merchandising..................Marquee Merchandise, LLC/ Matt Murphy Tour Merchandise Manager.............................................Justin Scholl Credits Scenery construction and scenic motion control featuring Stage Command Systems by PRG Scenic Technologies, New Windsor NY. Scenery constucted by Showman Fabricators, Inc., Long Island City, NY. Soft goods built by I. Weiss and Sons, Inc., Long Island City, N.Y. Lighting equipment provided by PRG Lighting, North Bergen, N.J. Sound equipment provided by Masque Sound, East Rutherford, N.J. Projection equipment provided by Scharff Weisberg Inc., Long Island City, N.Y. Props built by Prop N Spoon, Rahway, N.J. Ms. Boswell and Ms. Johnson’s costumes by Donna Langman Costumes. Additional ladies’ costumes by Euro Co Costumes, Inc.: D Barak Stribling; Tricorne, Inc. Ladies’ finale by Limelight Costume Services, HK. Mr. Fenkart’s tailoring by Brian Hemesath. Additional tailoring by Jennifer Love Costumes, Inc.; Scafati, Inc.; and D.L. Cerney. Men’s shirts, finale suits, and band suits by Top Hat Imagewear. Additional shirts by Cego. Dance shoes by Worldtone Dance. “Gator”
head by Rodney Gordon, Inc. Cymbals provided by Zildjian. Guitar amps provided by Mesa Boogie. Photo credits: Ernest C Withers Estate, courtesy Panopticon Gallery, Boston, MA: Dewey Phillips of WHQB, Red Hot and Blue Program, The Hippodrome, Beale Street, Memphis early 1950s #LV61C. Clarence Gatemouth Brown at Club Handy, Memphis, TN. Count Basie, Ruth Brown, Billy Eckstine, The Hippodrome, 1950s. Percy Mayfield (with drumsticks) and band, The Hippodrome 1951. The Actors and Stage Managers employed in this production are members of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the Un ited States. The Director and Choreographer are members of the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers, Inc., an independent national labor union. Backstage and Front of the House Employees are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (or I.A.T.S.E.). United Scenic Artists represents the designers and scenic painters for the American Theatre. The Press Agents and Company Managers employed in this production are represented by the Association of Theatrical Press Agents & Managers. The musicians employed in this production are members of the American Federation of Musicians.
This production is produced by a member of The Broadway League in collaboration with our professional union-represented employees
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Proof: #2; 8/2/12; 11:16AM Atlas Global Bistro Publication: Broadway in Detroit program for 2012-2013 season Size: 1/4 pg. vert. (2-1/4” x 3-1/4”) For: Nederlander Detroit (Fisher Theatre & others) Design: Frank Bach, Bach & Associates; Phone 313-822-4303; frank@frankbach.com
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Preludes & Encores from page 24
“One Of the mOst attractive restaurants in dOwntOwn detrOit, and with a menu tO match.” molly abraham, Detroit News
Morton’s The Steakhouse • mortons.com/troy • page 27 888 West Big Beaver Road, Troy, MI 48084. (248) 404-9845. Type of cuisine: Steakhouse and Seafood, Price: $$$, Amenities: RV. Morton’s The Steakhouse offers the finest quality foods, featuring USDA Prime, aged beef, fresh seafood, decadent desserts and award-winning wines. Ocean Prime • ocean-prime.com • page 25 Coolidge & Big Beaver, 2915 Coolidge Highway, Troy, MI 48084. (248) 458-0500. Type of Cuisine: Seafood, Price $$$, Amenities: FVRG. Seafood or Steak? At Ocean Prime, you can choose the best of both. Our passion is to give you an extraordinary supper club experience. The Rattlesnake Club • rattlesnakedetroit.com • page 24 300 River Place Drive, Detroit, MI 48207. (313) 567-4400. Type of cuisine: American, Price $$$ GRV. The Rattlesnake celebrates 25 years in Detroit all 2013 long! Many exciting menus, celebrations, and events are planned to say THANKS to our wonderful guests! Star Lanes Restaurant at Emagine Royal Oak • page 15 starlanes.com, 200 N. Main St., Royal Oak, MI 48067. (248) 414-1000. Price: $$, Amenities: GV. Fabulous food including savory appetizers, wonderful salads, burgers, sandwiches, hand-crafted pizza and delicious desserts! We also offer a full bar with premium beers, wines & liquors! Traffic Jam & Snug • trafficjamdetroit.com • page 25 511 W. Canfield St., Detroit MI, 48201. (313) 831-9470. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$, Amenities: FGR. Featuring an eclectic menu of vegetarian items, burgers, fresh fish, pastas & salads. Decadent house-made desserts. Free, guarded parking. Minutes from the Fisher Theatre. Union Street • unionstreetdetroit.com • page 24 Midtown, 4145 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48201. (313) 831-3965. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$, Amenities: GR. 15% off when you bring in your ticket to this show! Serving lunch, dinner, desserts and Sunday brunch. Kitchen open late. Large group tours welcomed. ☛ continued on page 28 If it’s about Michigan theaters, it’s here:
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TOP BILLING. PRIME DINING. Join us before or after the performance and enjoy Morton’s special 3-course Menu for only $59.99. Detroit (Troy) 888 West Big Beaver 248.404.9845 mortons.com/troy
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Proof: 8/13/12; 12:08PM Lunch. Dinner. Happy Hour. Sunday Brunch. Mario’s Publication: Broadway in Detroit program for 2012–2013 Fisher Theatre shows Size:Show 1/4 pg. vert. (2-1/4” 3-1/4”) Us xYour For:Theatre Nederlander DetroitTicket (Fisher Theatre & others) & Receive 15% Design: Frank Your Bach, Bach &Bill! Associates; Off Phone 313-822-4303, frank@frankbach.com * Midtown Detroit’s Favorite Place for Dining & Cocktails * Located Just Minutes from the Fisher Theatre * Complimentary Shuttle
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Make the most of your theater experience. Indulge in the irresistible offerings at the Westin Book Cadillac before or after the performance.
Show your theater ticket and SAVE. Stop by after the performance and receive 10% off your total bill.
Receive 10% off your total bill before or after the show.
Enjoy complimentary mini pastries with a beverage purchase to conclude the evening.
Preludes & Encores from page 26 Joe Vicari Restaurant Group • page 29 As Detroit’s very own “food network,” the Joe Vicari Restaurant Group is home to Metro Detroit’s most frequented and well-known restaurants. Featuring our flagship Italian restaurant— Andiamo (andiamoitalia.com)—we are also the home of the award-winning Joe Muer Seafood (joemuerseafood.com), the new Joe Vicari Andiamo Italian Steakhouse (andiamoitalia.com), Rojo Mexican Bistro (rojomexicanbistro.com), southwest inspired Mesquite Creek in Clarkston (mesquitecreek.com), Brownie’s on the Lake on Lake St. Clair (browniesonthelake.com), and Macomb County’s best family restaurant, The Country Inn (countryinnrestaurant.net). Whatever your dining pleasure, the Joe Vicari Restaurant Group offers you a wide variety of authentic cuisine—never compromising the quality of food, using only the finest and freshest ingredients. Enjoy a great atmosphere and professional service at each of our locations. Owner and CEO Joe Vicari is a proud supporter of Broadway in Detroit since 2009. Restaurants in The Westin Book Cadillac • page 28 Downtown Detroit, 1128 Washington Blvd. at Michigan Ave., Detroit MI 48226 24 Grille • spa1924grille.com, (313) 964-3821. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$$, Amenities: RV. Located on Michigan Ave. at the Westin Book Cadillac, 24grille features Executive Chef Christian Borden’s interpretation of classic American dishes. Take 10% off your entire bill with your theatre ticket. Motor Bar • bookcadillacwestin.com, (313) 442-1600. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$, Amenities: V. Located on the second floor of the Westin Book Cadillac, Motor Bar is a comfortable location for a classic late night cocktail, dessert or appetizer after the show. Roast • roastdetroit.com, (313) 961-2500. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$$, Amenities: RV. Iron Chef Michael Symon’s Roast is located on the street level of the Westin Book Cadillac. The Detroit Free Press recently named Roast Restaurant of the Year.
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The Whitney • thewhitney.com • page 2 Midtown, 4421 Woodward Ave., Detroit MI 48201. (313) 832-5700. Type of cuisine: American, Price: $$$, Amenities: GPRV. Detroit’s most romantic restaurant. Experience our Prix Fixe Theatre Menu before your next show or join us anytime for dinner or an elegant dessert seven nights a week. Call for reservations during intermission or after tonight’s performance!
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1/15/13 5:09 PM
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AlyssA Cohen • acohen@broadwayindetroit.com • (248) 608-1884 sCott Myers • smyers@nederlanderdetroit.com • (313) 872-1177
Spotlight Room At th e Fish e r th e Atre Experience theatre at an entirely new level…
• An elegant, private environment with many amenities including private bar service, coat closet, restroom, and catering services. • Available for private pre-show,
intermission & post-show events for groups of ten to thirty guests.
• Individual VIP dining packages are available now for Catch Me If You Can.
Visit BroadwayInDetroit.com or call (313) 872-1177 for dates & details. Catering provided by
AGE LIMIT As a courtesy to our patrons, it is the policy of Broadway In Detroit not to admit children under the age of 5. This policy may be altered from time to time based on Shows and Show content. You will be made aware of particular age restrictions during your purchase. Some shows make further age appropriate recommendations and Broadway In Detroit will provide those on its website; however, judgment of the content for each show should be made on an individual basis prior to purchase. When available, Broadway In Detroit provides links to show websites for further information. All patrons, regardless of age, must have a ticket. 30
Broadway In Detroit The Program for the Fisher Theatre Volume 51, Number 9 April 9–21, 2013 Fisher Theatre • Fisher Building 3011 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202 BroadwayInDetroit.com Under the Management of Nederlander Detroit, LLC Executive Director............................................. Alan N. Lichtenstein Assistant to Mr. Lichtenstein.......................................... Nancy King Director, Corporate Sales/Marketing..............................Scott Myers Senior Director, Marketing........................................... Alyssa Cohen Advertising Director.....................................Debbie Michelson, SMZ Press Agent................... Brendy Barr, Brendy Barr Communications Program Design................................Frank Bach, Bach & Associates The Fisher Theatre Business Office Staff Accounting................................................................. Barbara Jones House Staff Theatre Manager.....................................................James Manduzzi House Manager............................................................Reuben Perez Box Office Treasurer...................................................... Marc Roland Group Sales Manager........................................................Amy Yokin Subscription Manager..................................................Gwen Harden Lost and Found........................................................... Robin Teachey Production Staff Head Stage Technician............................................ Robert Hayward Head Lighting Technician.................................................. Sam Aluia Head Propman................................................................. Joe Achatz Head Sound Technician..............................................J. B. Ralbovsky Head Scenery Technician................................................Ronald Ivey Wardrobe Supervisor........................................ Kristyn Pinky Mahle Musical Director...............................................................Alice Sauro The photographing or sound recording of any performance or the possession of any device for such photographing or sound recording inside the theater without the written permission of the management is prohibited by law. Violations may be punishable by ejection and may render the offender liable for money damages. The musicians employed in this production are members of the Detroit Federation of Musicians, Local 5. Backstage employees are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (I.A.T.S.E). Articles found in the theater will be held for 30 days only. Lost article inquiries should be made by phone to (313) 872-l000 between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Fisher Theatre Offices................................................ (313) 872-1000 Broadway In Detroit Season Ticket Office & Subscription Information...........................................(313) 872-1180 Group Sales Information............................................(313) 871-1132 If you expect emergency phone calls please leave your seat location with the ticket taker. For emergencies only during performances.............. (313) 872-1111 New handicap (wheelchair) facilities now located in the main floor lobby near elevators.
Giuseppe Verdi Giuseppe Verdi 2013 May 11-19,
May 11-19, 2013
Conducted by Detroit Favorite, Conducted by Detroit Favorite, Steven Mercurio with Steven Mercurio with thethe Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra Performed in Italian with English supertitle translation.
Performed in Italian with English supertitle translation.
Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Saturday,May May11,11,atat 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, atat 7:30 p.m. Wednesday,May May15,15, 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 17, at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 17, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 18, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 18, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, May 19, at 2:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 19, at 2:30 p.m.
CALL 313.237.SING or visit michiganopera.org General Motors Foundation supports Michigan Opera Theatre
General Motors Foundation and Cadillac Spring Opera Season Sponsor
General Motors Foundation supports Michigan Opera Theatre
General Motors Foundation and Cadillac Spring Opera Season Sponsor
De Roy Testamentary Foundation Opening Night Performance Sponsor for “Aida”
Ida & Conrad H. Smith Endowment for Michigan Opera Theatre
Performance Sponsor for “Aida” De Roy Testamentary Foundation Ida & Conrad H. Smith Endowment Opening Night Performance Sponsor for “Aida” for Michigan Opera Theatre Performance Sponsor for “Aida”
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