MACHINE LIGHTS Handcrafted light objects by Frank Buchwald

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ON THE ESSENCE OF THE MACHINE LIGHTS "For me, the idea of the machine lights developed over many years of dealing with the na ture of modern t echnology, especially the mechanical ar t if acts of the industrial age. It is associa t ed for me with the realiza t ion tha t an independent realit y which withdraws itself f rom human access, exists behind the manif est appearances of mechanical objects and secret ly det ermines the world of the machines. ... A common mist ake of our t ime is the belief tha t machines are solely products and ar t if acts of human planning, design, and manuf acture. Working on the machine lights was for me a guarantor and a const ant ly new examina t ion of something hidden tha t int erweaves and shapes the sphere of the machine like a secret principle. ... The a t t ent ive obser ver will have not f ailed to not ice tha t the machine lights also live f rom source other than f rom the hand of man. Although I have worked for over t en years on the machine lights, I do not really regard them as my own work. They are beings with an own na ture. The individual models were not designed spont aneously in a moment of inspira t ion. It was ra ther a long groping for a hard to comprehend meaningful form. ... It took a long t ime unt il the moment was reached in which I could say tha t the designs were moving in the right direct ion. And it was a long pa th unt il f irst protot ypes were ready about which I could say: yes, now it is right. ... I have the f eeling tha t the machine lights, the way they have now been made, come very close to wha t they por tray. They have reached the right level of complet eness and perf ect ion...." Exc erp ts fr o m a c onversa t i on with the Philo s o pher Gerhard Schwarz, Berlin, February 2009


FRANK BUCHWALD Designer and manuf acturer of furniture, lights, and objects. STATIONS: Study of Design a t the Universit y of the Ar ts Berlin. Paint er and f reelance illustra tor. Self-employed since 1993 with his own workshop. Int erior design and manuf acture of furniture and lights. SINCE 2002: Work on light objects.


NO. 01

Burnished st eel Brushed brass Text ile cables Globe handcraf t ed glass blowing Volt age: 230 V / 120V Tube lamp 2 x 40W B. 30 cm / W. 12.2 inch H. 54 cm / H. 21.2 inch


NO. 02

Burnished st eel Brushed brass Flexible brass tubes Text ile cables Volt age: 230 V Tube or spot lights 2 x 40 W B. 55 cm / W. 21.6 inch H. up to 95 cm / H. up to 37.4 inch

MACHINE LIGHT Burnished st eel Brushed brass Volt age: 230 V / 110V Tube lamp 1 x 60W W. 61 cm / W. 24 inch H. 28 cm / H. 11 inch

NO. 03

MACHINE LIGHT Burnished st eel Brushed brass Volt age: 230 V / 110V Spirally f ilament bulb 3 x 40W B. 64 cm / W. 25.2 inch H. 38 cm / H. 15.0 inch

NO. 05

PENDANT LIGHT Diamet er: 4.6 f t / 1,4 x 1,4m Height: 3,3 f t, 1m plus ceiling suspension syst em 16 globe and tube bulbs Burnished st eel and brass Text ile cables and f lexible brass tubes Weight: 159 lb, 72 kg


NO. 06

Burnished st eel Brushed brass Flexible brass tubes Tubular lamp opal / clear 60W Volt age: 230V / 110V B. 50 cm / W. 19.7 inch H. 35 cm / H. 13.8 inch


NO. 09

Burnished st eel Brushed brass 4 x tube lamps, clear, 60 W Height-adjust able 3 axles up to one Flexible brass tubes Max. height: 1,10 m / 43.3 inch Length: 1,20 m / 47.2 inch Weight: 17 Kg / 37 lb


NO. 09

Burnished st eel Brushed brass 4 x tube lamps, clear, 60 W Height-adjust able 3 axles up to one Flexible brass tubes Max. height: 1,10 m / 43.3 inch Length: 1,20 m / 47.2 inch Weight: 17 Kg / 37 lb

MACHINE LIGHT Burnished st eel Brushed brass Volt age: 230 V / 110V Text ile cables f lexible brass tubes Tubular bulb, 1 x 60W H. 40 cm / H. 15.7 inch L. 42 cm / W. 16.1 inch Weight: 7 Kg / 16.5 lb

NO. 11


NO. 12

Burnished st eel Brushed brass Adjust able ref lector shades Text ile cables 3 x f ilament globe bulbs, 40W B: 44 cm / W: 17.5 inch H: 42 cm / H: 17 inch



Burnished st eel Brushed brass Volt age: 230 V / 110V Text ile cables Globe bulb, 1 x 60W Height adjust able up to 85 cm / 33,5 inch Length: 100 cm / 39,4 inch Brass shade: diamet er 25 cm / 9,8 inch


NO. 10

Desk light, two light ing arms Height and lengths adjust able 3 axles and 1 t elescope per Light ing arm (rot a t able) Burnished st eel Brushed brass 2 x tube lamps, 100 W Flexible brass tubes Length: 1,2 m / 47 inch Weight: 22 Kg / 49 lb

MACHINE LIGHT NO. Burnished st eel Brushed brass Volt age: 230 V / 110V Text ile cables Mult iple f ilament bulb 2 x 60W B. 40cm / W. 15.8 inch H. 27cm / H. 10.6 inch


MACHINE LIGHT Burnished st eel Brushed brass Volt age: 230 V / 110V Spirally f ilament bulb 2 x 40W Text ile cables B. 44 cm / W. 17.3 inch H. 70 cm / H. 27.5 inch

NO. 07

TABLE LIGHT TYPE A Burnished st eel Brushed brass Volt age: 230 V / 110V Text ile cables Base: American walnut Cot ton shade (custom-print) B. 30 cm / W. 11.8 inch H. 63 cm / H. 24.8 inch

TABLE LIGHT TYPE B Burnished st eel Brushed brass and burnished brass Volt age: 230 V / 110V Text ile cables Cot ton shade (custom-print) B. 30 cm / W. 11.8 inch H. 63 cm / H. 24.8 inch

MANUFACTURING The Machine Lights series comprises 12 dif f erent models produced in low volume product ion. Each object is manually produced f rom up to 200 individual par ts (Including hand-made globe, t ype 01). Each light is therefore unique. St eel and brass par ts produced f rom raw st eel and brass, and burnished by hand, crea t ing a black surf ace structure. The brass par ts are given a f ine f inish and the st eel par ts are trea t ed with the silky ma t t f inish. The volt age is 230V (110V with volt age conver t er). The lights are wired with black and yellow t ext ile cables, par t ially encased in f lexible brass tubes. Industrial bulbs and light tubes with visible f ilaments or yellow surf ace evapora t ion allow the Machine Lights an ef f ect ive glow. The low volume product ion t akes place in Berlin, Germany and requires a delivery t ime of 3 months and more depending on the model. Custom models are designed and produced on request.

THE WORKSHOP The workshop is loca t ed in a t ypical Berlin industrial cour t yard f rom the t ime af t er 1871. It houses ar t ists and a group of craf tsmen in woodwork, woodcar ving, and glass f abrica t ion. So we have a wideranging network of qualif ied people to work with. We produce using modern t echnologies like laser cut t ing, as well as tradit ional met alwork, crea t ively combining tradit ional methods. We are specialized in the design and manuf acture of furniture and lights, exclusively hand-made in our own workshop. In 2002 Frank Buchwald changed the emphasis of his work to a more purely ar t ist ic focus on light objects.

STUDIO BOPPSTR.5 10967 BERLIN 3nd backyard/3rd f loor

OFFICE SCHLOSSSTR.61 14059 BERLIN GERMANY PHONE: +49 (0) 30 - 34 70 48 02 FAX: +49 (0) 30 - 34 70 48 01 MOBILE: +49 (0) 178 627 31 95 info@f w w w.f

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