Minimum viable product (MVP)
A minimal viable product (MVP) is a product with only a basic set of features - released in order to test a new business idea
and get people’s feedback. It thereby puts focus on the importance of learning in innovation work.'mvp))~searchTerm~'~sort~false~sortDirection~'asc~page~1)
The reason for building the minimum amount of product necessary is that building the minimum amount means it gets built more quickly.
At the beginning, the Amazon website was very simple: A catalogue of books. If a customer ordered a book, Amazon bought it straight from the distributor and shipped it.
Zalando started with just an online storefront consisting of pictures of shoes from shoe stores. When a pair was sold, one employee ran to the shoe store to get the shoes, put them in a box, and shipped them. There was no e-commerce or warehousing at all. One man made up the logistics department.
Before a design conference, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia wanted to help conference participants have cheap accommodation during the conference. They took pictures of their apartment and
put them on a simple website. Soon they had 3 guests. This was the start of AirBnb.