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Question # 1

What is Philautia?

Philautia is self-love. There are two kinds of self-love, a healthy one and an unhealthy one.

The healthy kind of self-love is the love that enhances your

capacity to love others. The idea is that if you like yourself and feel secure in yourself, you will have plenty of love to give others.

Healthy self-love is similar to self-esteem. People with high self-esteem are able to invest themselves in projects and people

because they do not fear failure or rejection.

Self-love forms the foundation

of every other type of

love in our lives. You cannot find love in someone else if you haven’t learned to love yourself.

Question # 2

What is unhealthy self love?

Unhealthy self-love is associated with narcissism, where you become self-obsessed and focused

on personal

fame and fortune.

Narcissism comes from Greek mythology. Narcissus, a young man, fell in love with his own reflection in the water and became obsessed with himself and stared at his own reflection until he died. Narcissus exemplifies unhealthy self-love. People, who experience this type of self-love, have an inflated sense of their status,

abilities and accomplishments, and they are arrogant with people. They love themselves so much and care so much about themselves that they do not think about other people. That obsession with themselves will leave them alone.

Question # 3 What can you do to strengthen healthy self love?

Stop attacking yourself.

Accept who you are. Allow yourself to be who you are.

Ask yourself: What would a person, who loves herself or himself, do?

Listen to emotions you feel.

Believe in your own worth.

Do not base the belief in your own worth on what anyone else thinks or says. In other words, do not seek approval from other people.

Remind yourself that you are a fantastic human being. Love your good qualities, bad qualities, accomplishments and mistakes.

Discover what you are here for.

Learn to laugh at yourself.

Question for you: What else can you do to strengthen healthy self love?

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